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active Template  PL - Person location

Id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.44
Ingangsdatum 2013‑02‑10
Status active Actief Versielabel
Naam PL_datatype Weergavenaam PL - Person location

Dit datatype wordt gebruikt voor het doorgeven van een patiëntlocatie binnen een zorginstelling. Welke componenten een waarde krijgen hangt af van de lokale vereisten. Een patiënt die thuis wordt behandeld bijvoorbeeld, heeft alleen een waarde in "person location type". Het datatype wordt meestal gebruikt voor identificatie van patiëntlocaties, maar kan ook verwijzen naar andere personen in een zorgsituatie.

NB: Dit datatype bevat diverse locatie-aanduidingen die moet worden beschouwd in volgorde van meer generiek naar meer specifiek: afdeling, gebouw, verdieping, point of care, kamer, bed.

Extra informatie over een locatie die wordt gedefinieerd met deze componenten kan worden toegevoegd in de volgende componenten: person location type, location description en location status.

Voorbeeld: Verpleegafdeling

Verpleegafdeling in een openbaar ziekenhuis: 4 Oost, kamer 136, bed B


Voorbeeld: Kliniek

Een kliniek in een universitair ziekenhuis: Afdeling Interne Geneeskunde in het Briones gebouw, 3de verdieping.


Voorbeeld: Thuis

De patiënt werd thuis behandeld.


Classificatie HL7v2/v3 datatype level template
Open/gesloten Open (ook andere dan gedefinieerde elementen zijn toegestaan)
Gebruikt door / Gebruikt
Gebruikt door 2 transacties en 10 templates, Gebruikt 4 templates
Gebruikt door als Naam Versie
lu-transaction-10 Transactie draft Notificatie resultaten 2014‑12‑02 14:45:58
lu-transaction-8 Transactie draft Verzenden resultaat uitbesteding 2014‑11‑28 10:07:55
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment draft Lab PV1 segment (algemeen) 2017‑05‑13 19:39:35
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab Aanvraagbericht (OML^O21) 2015‑07‑21 11:35:02
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab Resultaatbericht (OUL^R22) 2016‑05‑31
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2PublicHealth Resultaatbericht (OUL^R22) 2016‑05‑31
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment draft Lab ORC segment (algemeen) 2015‑07‑21 17:20:57
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab Aanvraagbevestigingbericht (ORL^O22) 2018‑12‑03 09:17:01
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.109 Containment active PV1 - Patient Visit 2013‑02‑10
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.110 Containment active PV2 - Patient Visit - Additional Information 2013‑02‑10
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.30 Containment active CTD - Contact Data 2013‑02‑10
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.48 Containment active FT1 - Financial Transaction 2013‑02‑10
Gebruikt als Naam Versie
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 Containment active IS - Coded value for user-defined tables DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.28 Containment active HD - Hierarchic designator DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.89 Containment active ST - String DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.21 Containment active EI - Entity identifier DYNAMISCH
Item DT Card Conf Omschrijving Label
IS 0 … 1 en-US This component specifies the code for the point where patient care is administered. It is conditional on PL.6 Person Location Type (e.g., nursing unit or department or clinic). After floor, it is the most general patient location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0302 - Point of care for suggested values.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70302
0 … 1 F Point of Care
IS 0 … 1 en-US This component specifies the code for the patient's room. After point of care, it is the most general person location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0303 - Room for suggested values.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70303
0 … 1 F Room
IS 0 … 1 en-US This component specifies the code for the patient's bed. After room, it is the most general person location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0304 - Bed for suggested values.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70304
0 … 1 F Bed
HD 0 … 1 en-US

This component is subject to site interpretation but generally describes the highest level physical designation of an institution, medical center or enterprise. It is the most general person location designation.

(See Section 2.A.33, "HD - hierarchic designator") for discussion of data type.

Note: When the HD data type is used in a given segment as a component of a field of another data type, User-defined Table 0300 - Namespace ID (referenced by the first sub-component of the HD component) may be redefined (given a different user-defined table number and name) by the technical committee responsible for that segment.

Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.28 HD - Hierarchic designator (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F HD
0 … 1 F Facility
IS 0 … 1 en-US This component specifies the code for the status or availability of the location. For example, it may convey bed status. Refer to User-defined Table 0306 - Location status for suggested values.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70306
0 … 1 F Location Status
IS 0 … 1 C en-US Person location type is the categorization of the person’s location defined by facility, building, floor, point of care, room or bed. Although not a required field, when used, it may be the only populated field. It usually includes values such as nursing unit, department, clinic, SNF, physician’s office. Refer to User-defined Table 0305 - Person location type for suggested values.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70305
0 … 1 F Person Location Type
  Constraint en-US Required if known
IS 0 … 1 en-US This component specifies the code for the building where the person is located. After facility, it is the most general person location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0307 - Building for suggested values.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70307
0 … 1 F Building
IS 0 … 1 en-US This component specifies the code for the floor where the person is located. After building, it is the most general person location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0308 - Floor for suggested values.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70308
0 … 1 F Floor
ST 0 … 1 en-US This component describes the location in free text.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.89 ST - String (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F ST
0 … 1 F Location Description
EI 0 … 1 en-US The unique identifier that represents the physical location as a whole without regard for the individual components. This accommodates sites that may have a different method of defining physical units or who may code at a less granular level. For example, point of care, room, and bed may be 1 indivisible code.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.21 EI - Entity identifier (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F EI
0 … 1 F Comprehensive Location Identifier
HD 0 … 1 en-US

The entity that creates the data for the individual physical location components. If populated, it should be the authority for all components populated. Refer to User-defined Table 0363 – Assigning authority for suggested values for the first sub-component of the HD component, <namespace ID>.

This component makes it possible for codes to be differentiated when the field in which this data type is used repeats.

Note: When the HD data type is used in a given segment as a component of a field of another data type, User-defined Table 0300 - Namespace ID (referenced by the first sub-component of the HD component) may be re-defined (given a different user-defined table number and name) by the technical committee responsible for that segment.

By site agreement, implementors may continue to use User-defined Table 0300 – Namespace ID for the first sub-component.

Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.28 HD - Hierarchic designator (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F HD
0 … 1 F Assigning Authority for Location