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active Template  Laboratory Performer

Ingangsdatum 2008‑08‑08
Status active Actief Versielabel 2017
Naam LaboratoryPerformer Weergavenaam Laboratory Performer
en-US Laboratory Performers SHALL be recorded as performers in the CDA Header as well as in the structured body as demonstrated in the figure below. Documentation of laboratory performers MAY be done in multiple levels of the document to reflect performance scope. In the case where there is a single Laboratory Performer, this entity SHALL be documented in CDA header as shown. In the case where multiple Laboratory Performers participated in the lab testing process, they SHALL be documented in the structuredBody at the observation level.

These performers SHALL conform to the General Constraints found in HL7 CRS: 2.1.1 with respect to the requirements for name, address, telephone numbers and other contact information.

This module is out of the XDS-Lab Specification and documented there in a <performer> element. This module does not change requirements stated in that specification but is structured as a module to ensure consistent content representation and re-usability.

The figure below shows how the information for this element is coded, and further constraints are provided in the following sections.

Context Sibling nodes van template element met id
Classificatie CDA header level template
CDA entry level template
Open/gesloten Open (ook andere dan gedefinieerde elementen zijn toegestaan)
Gebruikt door / Gebruikt
Gebruikt door 0 transacties en 10 templates, Gebruikt 0 templates
Gebruikt door als Naam Versie Containment active Laboratory Battery Organizer (2017) 2008‑08‑08
2.16.840.1.113883. link pending Laboratory Isolate Organizer (Specimen) 2021‑08‑30 14:45:51
2.16.840.1.113883. link pending Laboratory Report Data Processing Entry (2017) 2021‑10‑27
2.16.840.1.113883. link active Laboratory Specialty Section 2021‑10‑27
2.16.840.1.113883. link active BgZ2017 StructuredBody SDTC 2021‑11‑29
2.16.840.1.113883. link active CDA Basisgegevensset Zorg 2017 (BgZ) 2021‑11‑29
2.16.840.1.113883. link retired Laboratory Report Data Processing Entry (2017) 2018‑06‑05 14:42:09
2.16.840.1.113883. link cancelled Laboratory Report Item Section (2017) 2018‑06‑05 14:44:20 Containment active Laboratory Observation (2017) 2008‑08‑08
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment pending Laboratory Battery Organizer (Specimen) 2021‑08‑30 14:46:35
Relatie Specialisatie: template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.320 CDA Subject (Body) (2005‑09‑07)
Laboratory Performer at Service Event Level (Header)
  <!-- .. -->
  <performer typeCode="PRF">
    <templateId root=""/>    <assignedEntity>
      <id extension="kd83736" root=""/>      <addr>
        <streetAddressLine>7000 Hosptial Drive</streetAddressLine>        <city>Chicago</city>        <state>IL</state>        <postalCode>60622</postalCode>        <country>USA</country>      </addr>
      <telecom value="tel:312-555-5555"/>      <assignedPerson>
          <family>Dawson</family>          <given>Kim</given>          <prefix>Dr.</prefix>        </name>
        <id extension="9875" root=""/>        <name>PRF Hospital Laboratory</name>        <telecom value="tel:312-555-5555"/>        <addr>
          <streetAddressLine>7000 Hosptial Drive</streetAddressLine>          <city>Chicago</city>          <state>IL</state>          <postalCode>60622</postalCode>          <country>USA</country>        </addr>
Laboratory Performer at Observation Level (Body)
  <!-- .. -->
  <performer typeCode="PRF">
    <templateId root=""/>    <assignedEntity>
      <id extension="rm83747" root=""/>      <addr>
        <streetAddressLine>7000 Hosptial Drive</streetAddressLine>        <city>Chicago</city>        <state>IL</state>        <postalCode>60622</postalCode>        <country>USA</country>      </addr>
      <telecom value="tel:312-555-5555"/>      <assignedPerson>
          <family>Trenton</family>          <given>Douglas</given>          <prefix>Dr.</prefix>        </name>
        <id extension="rm83747" root=""/>        <name>PRF Hospital Laboratory</name>        <telecom value="tel:312-555-5555"/>        <addr>
          <streetAddressLine>7000 Hosptial Drive</streetAddressLine>          <city>Chicago</city>          <state>IL</state>          <postalCode>60622</postalCode>          <country>USA</country>        </addr>
Item DT Card Conf Omschrijving Label
cs 0 … 1 F PRF
II 1 … 1 M (Labdotsmer)
uid 1 … 1 F
IVL_TS 1 … 1 R en-US The element SHALL be present and SHALL represent the point in time of laboratory performance. (Labdotsmer)
1 … 1 (Labdotsmer)
cs 0 … 1 F ASSIGNED
II 1 … * R en-US Unique identifier of this person/organization (lab performer) in the affinity domain SHALL be present. (Labdotsmer)
CE 0 … 1 R (Labdotsmer)
AD 1 … * R en-US The address of this person/organization (lab performer) SHALL be present. (Labdotsmer)
TEL 1 … * R en-US The telecom of this person/organization (lab performer) SHALL be present. (Labdotsmer)
0 … 1 R (Labdotsmer)
0 … 1 R (Labdotsmer)
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name  
  Melding Either an <assignedPerson> or a <representedOrganization> SHALL be present. In either case, the <name> sub-element SHALL be present.