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draft Transaction Measurement message op BSN 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.

Data Set Decor 1 Demo dataset 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.

Name Id
draft Measurement message op BSN 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.
Version / effective date Expiration date
2012‑09‑05 16:59:35
Measurement message
Name Details [‑]
folder draft Measurement 0 … *
Id demo1-dataelement-1 (2012‑05‑30 11:32:36)
Cardinality 0 … *
notice There is an open issue with this item:
Description Measurement of body weight on a specific date
target Used by 0 transactions, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Weight 1 … 1 Mandatory
Id demo1-dataelement-3 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 1 … 1 Mandatory
Description Weight measurement
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "27113001" (Body weight) from code system 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 SNOMED CT
Value Domain Quantity
min include unit
25 240 kg
Example 25kg
target Used by 0 transactions, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Weight gain 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-13 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
Description Is there a weight gain?
Value Domain Boolean
Example true
target Used by 0 transactions, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Length 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-15 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
notice There is an open issue with this item:
Description Body length
Value Domain Quantity
min include unit fraction digits
0 3 m >= 2
0 300 cm 0
target Used by 0 transactions, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Datetime 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-2 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
Description Date of the measurement
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "DM" (Datum meting) from code system 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937. cs-measured-by
Value Domain Date/time
target Used by 0 transactions, 2 templates, inherited 0 times
draft Measured by 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-5 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
Description Person who performed the measurement
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "MD" (Meting door) from code system 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937. cs-measured-by
Value Domain Code
Choice list
Concept List
Level/ Type Concept Synonyms Description Assigned references
0-L Patient
code "P" (Patiënt) from code system "cs-measured-by"
0-A Care Provider
code "ZA" (Zorgaanbieder) from code system "cs-measured-by"
1-L Home care provider
code "T" (Thuiszorg) from code system "cs-measured-by"
0-A Physician
code "ZV" (Zorgverlener) from code system "cs-measured-by"
1-L General Practitioner
Family Doctor
code "H" (Huisarts) from code system "cs-measured-by"
0-S Personal network This could be anyone e.g.
  • a family member
  • a neighbour
  • a friend
  • religious affiliation
code "M" (Mantelzorg) from code system "cs-measured-by"
1-D Other
code "OTH" (Anders) from code system "NullFlavor"

Value Set vs-measured-by (version DYNAMIC)
Example GP
target Used by 0 transactions, one template, inherited 0 times
folder draft Person 1 … 1 Mandatory
Id demo1-dataelement-6 (2012‑05‑30 14:18:23)
Cardinality 1 … 1 Mandatory
notice There is an open issue with this item:
Description Person
target Used by 0 transactions, 2 templates, inherited 0 times
draft BSN 1 … 1 Mandatory
Id demo1-dataelement-7 (2012‑05‑30 14:18:23)
Cardinality 1 … 1 Mandatory
Description Dutch Social Security Number
Value Domain Identifier
Example 123456782
target Used by 0 transactions, one template, inherited 0 times