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draft Transaction Measurement message op BSN 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.

Data Set Decor 1 Demo dataset 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.

Name Id
draft Measurement message op BSN 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.
Version / effective date Expiration date
2012‑09‑05 16:59:35
Measurement message
Name Details [‑]
folder draft Measurement 0 … *
Id demo1-dataelement-1 (2012‑05‑30 11:32:36)
Cardinality 0 … *
notice There is an open issue with this item:
Description Measurement of body weight on a specific date
target Used by one transaction, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Weight gain 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-13 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
Description Is there a weight gain?
Value Domain Boolean
Example true
target Used by one transaction, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Weight 1 … 1 Mandatory
Id demo1-dataelement-3 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 1 … 1 Mandatory

Weight measurement


Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "27113001" (Body weight) from code system 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 Snomed-CT
Value Domain Quantity
min include unit
25 240 kg
Example 25kg
target Used by one transaction, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Length 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-15 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
notice There is an open issue with this item:
Description Body length
Value Domain Quantity
min include unit fraction digits
0 3 m >= 2
0 300 cm 0
target Used by one transaction, one template, inherited 0 times
draft Datetime 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-2 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
Description Date of the measurement
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "DM" (Datum meting) from code system 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937. cs-measured-by
Value Domain Date/time
target Used by one transaction, 2 templates, inherited 0 times
draft Measured by 0 … 1
Id demo1-dataelement-5 (2011‑01‑28)
Cardinality 0 … 1
Description Person who performed the measurement


key1 value1
key2 2023-08-24
Rationale Rationale
Source Source
Comment Comment
Operationalization Operationalization
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "MD" (Meting door) from code system 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937. cs-measured-by
Value Domain Code
Choice list
Concept List
Level/ Type Concept Synonyms Description Assigned references
0-L Patient
code "P" (Patiënt) from code system "cs-measured-by"
0-A Care Provider
code "ZA" (Zorgaanbieder) from code system "cs-measured-by"
1-L Home care provider
code "T" (Thuiszorg) from code system "cs-measured-by"
0-A Physician
code "ZV" (Zorgverlener) from code system "cs-measured-by"
1-L General Practitioner
Family Doctor
code "H" (Huisarts) from code system "cs-measured-by"
0-S Personal network This could be anyone e.g.
  • a family member
  • a neighbour
  • a friend
  • religious affiliation
code "M" (Mantelzorg) from code system "cs-measured-by"
1-D Other
code "OTH" (Anders) from code system "NullFlavor (HL7)"

Value Set vs-measured-by (version DYNAMIC)
Example GP
target Used by one transaction, one template, inherited 0 times
folder draft Person 1 … 1 Mandatory
Id demo1-dataelement-6 (2012‑05‑30 14:18:23)
Cardinality 1 … 1 Mandatory
notice There is an open issue with this item:
Description Person
target Used by one transaction, 2 templates, inherited 0 times
draft BSN 1 … 1 Mandatory
Id demo1-dataelement-7 (2012‑05‑30 14:18:23)
Cardinality 1 … 1 Mandatory
Description Dutch Social Security Number
Value Domain Identifier
Example 123456782
target Used by one transaction, one template, inherited 0 times