Template 2.999.999.77.11.61111 (ReferenceRange.


Id 2.999.999.77.11.61111
Version valid from 2011-12-28 status final
Element hl7:referenceRange
<referenceRange typeCode="REFV">
  <observationRange classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN.CRT">
    <!-- ... -->
CONF @typeCode shall be "REFV"
CONF optional @contextConductionInd shall be "true"
Element hl7:observationRange
<observationRange classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN.CRT">
  <value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
    <low value="3.5" unit="mmol/L"/>
    <high value="7.8" unit="mmol/L"/>
  <interpretationCode code="N" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.83" displayName="Normal"/>
CONF optional @classCode shall be "OBS"
CONF optional @moodCode shall be "EVN.CRT"
Element hl7:text
Cardinality (original) 0 .. 1
CONF shall be of data type "ED"

Element hl7:interpretationCode
Cardinality (original) 1 .. 1 mandatory
CONF shall be of data type "CE"
@code shall be drawn from value set ObservationInterpretation

Element hl7:value
Cardinality (original) 1 .. 1
Description Waarde(n) waarmee het bereik wordt gedefinieerd. Het attribuut value moet expliciet een datatype worden toegekend, via het XML-attribuut @xsi:type. Het datatype is bij referentiebereiken altijd “IVL_PQ” (Interval of Physical Quantity) Zie voor de beschrijving van datatypen ook de [HL7v3 IH Basis].
CONF shall be of data type "IVL_PQ"
Schematron cast assert
role: red error
Test hl7:low or hl7:high
Message hl7:low or hl7:high elements (or both) mandatory
Element hl7:low
Cardinality (original) .. 1

Element hl7:high
Cardinality (original) .. 1

Element hl7:center
Cardinality (original) NP (not present)

Element hl7:width
Cardinality (original) NP (not present)