Waardenlijst 2.16.840.1.113883. (ActCode) Act Code 2011‑12‑12
A code specifying the particular kind of Act that the Act-instance represents within its class.

A code specifying the particular kind of Act that the Act-instance represents within its class.
Waardenlijst-naam Waardenlijst-id Versie / ingangsdatum Status
ActCode 2.16.840.1.113883. 2011‑12‑12 Definitief
bron codesysteem:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.5.4 ActCode
Niveau/ Type Code Weergavenaam Codesysteem Omschrijving
0-L CACC certified anatomic pathology and clinical pathology care ActCode
0-L CAIC certified allergy and immunology care ActCode
0-L CAMC certified aerospace medicine care ActCode
0-L CANC certified anesthesiology care ActCode
0-L CAPC certified anatomic pathology care ActCode
0-L CBGC certified clinical biochemical genetics care ActCode
0-L CCCC certified clinical cytogenetics care ActCode
0-L CCGC certified clinical genetics (M.D.) care ActCode
0-L CCPC certified clinical pathology care ActCode
0-L CCSC certified colon and rectal surgery care ActCode
0-L CDEC certified dermatology care ActCode
0-L CDRC certified diagnostic radiology care ActCode
0-L CEMC certified emergency medicine care ActCode
0-L CFPC certified family practice care ActCode
0-L CIMC certified internal medicine care ActCode
0-L CMGC certified clinical molecular genetics care ActCode
0-L CNEC certified neurology care ActCode
0-L CNMC certified nuclear medicine care ActCode
0-L CNQC certified neurology with special qualifications in child neurology care ActCode
0-L CNSC certified neurological surgery care ActCode
0-L COGC certified obstetrics and gynecology care ActCode
0-L COMC certified occupational medicine care ActCode
0-L COPC certified ophthalmology care ActCode
0-L COSC certified orthopaedic surgery care ActCode
0-L COTC certified otolaryngology care ActCode
0-L CPEC certified pediatrics care ActCode
0-L CPGC certified Ph.D. medical genetics care ActCode
0-L CPHC certified public health and general preventive medicine care ActCode
0-L CPRC certified physical medicine and rehabilitation care ActCode
0-L CPSC certified plastic surgery care ActCode
0-L CPYC certified psychiatry care ActCode
0-L CROC certified radiation oncology care ActCode
0-L CRPC certified radiological physics care ActCode
0-L CSUC certified surgery care ActCode
0-L CTSC certified thoracic surgery care ActCode
0-L CURC certified urology care ActCode
0-L CVSC certified vascular surgery care ActCode
0-L LGPC licensed general physician care ActCode
0-L AALC accredited assisted living care ActCode
0-L AAMC accredited ambulatory care ActCode
0-L ABHC accredited behavioral health care ActCode
0-L ACAC accredited critical access hospital care ActCode
0-L ACHC accredited hospital care ActCode
0-L AHOC accredited home care ActCode
0-L ALTC accredited long term care ActCode
0-L AOSC accredited office-based surgery care ActCode
0-L CACS certified acute coronary syndrome care ActCode
0-L CAMI certified acute myocardial infarction care ActCode
0-L CAST certified asthma care ActCode
0-L CBAR certified bariatric surgery care ActCode
0-L CCAD certified coronary artery disease care ActCode
0-L CCAR certified cardiac care ActCode
0-L CDEP certified depression care ActCode
0-L CDGD certified digestive/gastrointestinal disorders care ActCode
0-L CDIA certified diabetes care ActCode
0-L CEPI certified epilepsy care ActCode
0-L CFEL certified frail elderly care ActCode
0-L CHFC certified heart failure care ActCode
0-L CHRO certified high risk obstetrics care ActCode
0-L CHYP certified hyperlipidemia care ActCode
0-L CMIH certified migraine headache care ActCode
0-L CMSC certified multiple sclerosis care ActCode
0-L COJR certified orthopedic joint replacement care ActCode
0-L CONC certified oncology care ActCode
0-L COPD certified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease care ActCode
0-L CORT certified organ transplant care ActCode
0-L CPAD certified parkinsons disease care ActCode
0-L CPND certified pneumonia disease care ActCode
0-L CPST certified primary stroke center care ActCode
0-L CSDM certified stroke disease management care ActCode
0-L CSIC certified sickle cell care ActCode
0-L CSLD certified sleep disorders care ActCode
0-L CSPT certified spine treatment care ActCode
0-L CTBU certified trauma/burn center care ActCode
0-L CVDC certified vascular diseases care ActCode
0-L CWMA certified wound management care ActCode
0-L CWOH certified women's health care ActCode
0-L ALC Alternative Level of Care ActCode
0-L CARD Cardiology ActCode
0-L CHR Chronic ActCode
0-L DNTL Dental ActCode
0-L DRGRHB Drug Rehab ActCode
0-L GENRL General ActCode
0-L MED Medical ActCode
0-L OBS Obstetrics ActCode
0-L ONC Oncology ActCode
0-L PALL Palliative ActCode
0-L PED Pediatrics ActCode
0-L PHAR Pharmaceutical ActCode
0-L PHYRHB Physical Rehab ActCode
0-L PSYCH Psychiatric ActCode
0-L SURG Surgical ActCode
0-L AMB ambulatory ActCode
0-L EMER emergency ActCode
0-L FLD field ActCode
0-L HH home health ActCode
0-L ACUTE inpatient acute ActCode
0-L NONAC inpatient non-acute ActCode
0-L SS short stay ActCode
0-L VR virtual ActCode
0-L _ActCognitiveProfessionalServiceCode ActCognitiveProfessionalServiceCode ActCode
0-L ICOL information collection ActCode
0-L IDSCL information disclosure ActCode
0-L INFAO access only ActCode
0-L INFASO access and save only ActCode
0-L IRDSCL information redisclosure ActCode
0-L RSDID de-identified information access ActCode
0-L RSREID re-identifiable information access ActCode
0-L _ActIdentityDocumentCode ActIdentityDocumentCode ActCode
0-L ACADR adverse drug reaction access ActCode
0-L ACALL all access ActCode
0-L ACALLG allergy access ActCode
0-L ACCONS informational consent access ActCode
0-L ACDEMO demographics access ActCode
0-L ACDI diagnostic imaging access ActCode
0-L ACIMMUN immunization access ActCode
0-L ACLAB lab test result access ActCode
0-L ACMED medication access ActCode
0-L ACMEDC medical condition access ActCode
0-L ACMEN mental health access ActCode
0-L ACOBS common observations access ActCode
0-L ACPOLPRG policy or program information access ActCode
0-L ACPROV provider information access ActCode
0-L ACPSERV professional service access ActCode
0-L ACSUBSTAB substance abuse access ActCode
0-L ALLCAT all categories ActCode
0-L ALLGCAT allergy category ActCode
0-L ARCAT adverse drug reaction category ActCode
0-L COBSCAT common observation category ActCode
0-L DEMOCAT demographics category ActCode
0-L DICAT diagnostic image category ActCode
0-L IMMUCAT immunization category ActCode
0-L LABCAT lab test category ActCode
0-L MEDCCAT medical condition category ActCode
0-L MENCAT mental health category ActCode
0-L PSVCCAT professional service category ActCode
0-L RXCAT medication category ActCode
0-L IND01 imaging study requiring contrast ActCode
0-L IND02 colonoscopy prep ActCode
0-L IND03 prophylaxis ActCode
0-L IND04 surgical prophylaxis ActCode
0-L IND05 pregnancy prophylaxis ActCode
0-L SREC specimen received ActCode
0-L SSTOR specimen in storage ActCode
0-L STRAN specimen in transit ActCode
0-L LABOE laboratory test order entry task ActCode
0-L MEDOE medication order entry task ActCode
0-L DIAGLISTE diagnosis list entry task ActCode
0-L DISCHSUME discharge summary entry task ActCode
0-L PATREPE pathology report entry task ActCode
0-L PROBLISTE problem list entry task ActCode
0-L RADREPE radiology report entry task ActCode
0-L DISCHSUMREV discharge summary review task ActCode
0-L DIAGLISTREV diagnosis list review task ActCode
0-L LABRREV laboratory results review task ActCode
0-L MICROORGRREV microbiology organisms results review task ActCode
0-L MICROSENSRREV microbiology sensitivity test results review task ActCode
0-L MARWLREV medication administration record work list review task ActCode
0-L OREV orders review task ActCode
0-L PATREPREV pathology report review task ActCode
0-L PROBLISTREV problem list review task ActCode
0-L RADREPREV radiology report review task ActCode
0-L FALLRISK falls risk assessment instrument task ActCode
0-L AFOOT pedestrian transport ActCode
0-L AMBAIR fixed-wing ambulance transport ActCode
0-L AMBGRND ground ambulance transport ActCode
0-L AMBHELO helicopter ambulance transport ActCode
0-L LAWENF law enforcement transport ActCode
0-L PRVTRN private transport ActCode
0-L PUBTRN public transport ActCode
0-L _CPT4 CPT4 ActCode
0-L _ExternallyDefinedActCodes ExternallyDefinedActCodes ActCode
0-L AE American Express ActCode
0-L DN Diner's Club ActCode
0-L DV Discover Card ActCode
0-L MC Master Card ActCode
0-L V Visa ActCode
0-L ACCTRECEIVABLE account receivable ActCode
0-L CASH Cash ActCode
0-L PBILLACCT patient billing account ActCode
0-L ANF adjudicated with adjustments and no financial impact ActCode
0-L AR adjudicated as refused ActCode
0-L AS adjudicated as submitted ActCode
0-L CONT contract ActCode
0-L DAY day ActCode
0-L LOC location ActCode
0-L MONTH month ActCode
0-L PERIOD period ActCode
0-L PROV provider ActCode
0-L WEEK week ActCode
0-L YEAR year ActCode
0-L _ActAdjudicationInformationCode ActAdjudicationInformationCode ActCode
0-L DISPLAY Display ActCode
0-L FORM Print on Form ActCode
0-L CPTM CPT modifier codes ActCode
0-L HCPCSA HCPCS Level II and Carrier-assigned ActCode
0-L _ActBillableTreatmentPlanCode ActBillableTreatmentPlanCode ActCode
0-L BLK block funding ActCode
0-L CAP capitation funding ActCode
0-L CONTF contract funding ActCode
0-L FFCS first fill complete, partial strength ActCode
0-L FFPS first fill, part fill, partial strength ActCode
0-L TFS first fill partial strength ActCode
0-L FINBILL financial ActCode
0-L ROST roster funding ActCode
0-L SESS sessional funding ActCode
0-L ROIFS fully specified ROI ActCode
0-L ROIPS partially specified ROI ActCode
0-L ID Identified ActCode
0-L IP In Position ActCode
0-L L Left Equipment ActCode
0-L M Missing ActCode
0-L O In Process ActCode
0-L R Process Completed ActCode
0-L X Container Unavailable ActCode
0-L _ECGControlVariable ECGControlVariable ActCode
0-L AUTO auto-repeat permission ActCode
0-L ENDC endogenous content ActCode
0-L REFLEX reflex permission ActCode
0-L AUTH Authorized ActCode
0-L NAUTH Not Authorized ActCode
0-L _ActCoverageEligibilityConfirmationCode ActCoverageEligibilityConfirmationCode ActCode
0-L COVPRD coverage period ActCode
0-L LFEMX life time maximum ActCode
0-L NETAMT Net Amount ActCode
0-L PRDMX period maximum ActCode
0-L UNITPRICE Unit Price ActCode
0-L UNITQTY Unit Quantity ActCode
0-L _ActCoveragePartyLimitGroupCode ActCoveragePartyLimitGroupCode ActCode
0-L COL collision coverage policy ActCode
0-L UNINSMOT uninsured motorist policy ActCode
0-L EHCPOL extended healthcare ActCode
0-L HSAPOL health spending account ActCode
0-L DENTPRG dental program ActCode
0-L CANPRG disease program ActCode
0-L ENDRENAL end renal program ActCode
0-L HIVAIDS HIV-AIDS program ActCode
0-L MANDPOL mandatory health program ActCode
0-L MENTPRG mental health program ActCode
0-L SAFNET safety net clinic program ActCode
0-L SUBPRG substance use program ActCode
0-L SUBSIDMC subsidized managed care program ActCode
0-L SUBSUPP subsidized supplemental health program ActCode
0-L WCBPOL worker's compensation ActCode
0-L DENTAL dental care policy ActCode
0-L DISEASE disease specific policy ActCode
0-L DRUGPOL drug policy ActCode
0-L HIP health insurance plan policy ActCode
0-L LTC long term care policy ActCode
0-L HMO health maintenance organization policy ActCode
0-L POS point of service policy ActCode
0-L PPO preferred provider organization policy ActCode
0-L MENTPOL mental health policy ActCode
0-L SUBPOL substance use policy ActCode
0-L VISPOL vision care policy ActCode
0-L DIS disability insurance policy ActCode
0-L EWB employee welfare benefit plan policy ActCode
0-L FLEXP flexible benefit plan policy ActCode
0-L ANNU annuity policy ActCode
0-L TLIFE term life insurance policy ActCode
0-L ULIFE universal life insurance policy ActCode
0-L PNC property and casualty insurance policy ActCode
0-L REI reinsurance policy ActCode
0-L SURPL surplus line insurance policy ActCode
0-L UMBRL umbrella liability insurance policy ActCode
0-L CHAR charity program ActCode
0-L CRIME crime victim program ActCode
0-L EAP employee assistance program ActCode
0-L GOVEMP government employee health program ActCode
0-L HIRISK high risk pool program ActCode
0-L IND indigenous peoples health program ActCode
0-L MILITARY military health program ActCode
0-L RETIRE retiree health program ActCode
0-L SOCIAL social service program ActCode
0-L VET veteran health program ActCode
0-L 21 authorization confirmed ActCode
0-L _ActFinancialDetectedIssueManagementCode ActFinancialDetectedIssueManagementCode ActCode
0-L 19 Consulted Supplier ActCode
0-L 2 Assessed Patient ActCode
0-L 22 appropriate indication or diagnosis ActCode
0-L 23 prior therapy documented ActCode
0-L 3 Patient Explanation ActCode
0-L 4 Consulted Other Source ActCode
0-L 6 Prescriber Declined Change ActCode
0-L 7 Interacting Therapy No Longer Active/Planned ActCode
0-L 15 Replacement ActCode
0-L 16 Vacation Supply ActCode
0-L 17 Weekend Supply ActCode
0-L 18 Leave of Absence ActCode
0-L 20 additional quantity on separate dispense ActCode
0-L 10 Provided Patient Education ActCode
0-L 11 Added Concurrent Therapy ActCode
0-L 12 Temporarily Suspended Concurrent Therapy ActCode
0-L 13 Stopped Concurrent Therapy ActCode
0-L 9 Instituted Ongoing Monitoring Program ActCode
0-L _HCPCSAccommodationCode HCPCSAccommodationCode ActCode
0-L I Isolation ActCode
0-L P Private ActCode
0-L S Suite ActCode
0-L SP Semi-private ActCode
0-L W Ward ActCode
0-L CHLDCARE Day care - Child care Interaction ActCode
0-L CONVEYNC Common Conveyance Interaction ActCode
0-L HLTHCARE Health Care Interaction - Not Patient Care ActCode
0-L HOMECARE Care Giver Interaction ActCode
0-L HOSPPTNT Hospital Patient Interaction ActCode
0-L HOSPVSTR Hospital Visitor Interaction ActCode
0-L HOUSEHLD Household Interaction ActCode
0-L INMATE Inmate Interaction ActCode
0-L INTIMATE Intimate Interaction ActCode
0-L LTRMCARE Long Term Care Facility Interaction ActCode
0-L PLACE Common Space Interaction ActCode
0-L PTNTCARE Health Care Interaction - Patient Care ActCode
0-L SCHOOL2 School Interaction ActCode
0-L SOCIAL2 Social/Extended Family Interaction ActCode
0-L SUBSTNCE Common Substance Interaction ActCode
0-L TRAVINT Common Travel Interaction ActCode
0-L WORK2 Work Interaction ActCode
0-L CHRG Standard Charge ActCode
0-L REV Standard Charge Reversal ActCode
0-L _ActPatientSafetyIncidentCode ActPatientSafetyIncidentCode ActCode
0-L MVA Motor vehicle accident ActCode
0-L SCHOOL School Accident ActCode
0-L SPT Sporting Accident ActCode
0-L WPA Workplace accident ActCode
0-L INFAUT authorized information transfer ActCode
0-L INFCON after explicit consent ActCode
0-L INFCRT only on court order ActCode
0-L INFDNG only if danger to others ActCode
0-L INFEMER only in an emergency ActCode
0-L INFPWR only if public welfare risk ActCode
0-L INFREG regulatory information transfer ActCode
0-L BONUS alternate electronic ActCode
0-L CFWD carry forward adjusment ActCode
0-L EDU education fees ActCode
0-L EPYMT early payment fee ActCode
0-L GARN garnishee ActCode
0-L INVOICE submitted invoice ActCode
0-L PINV paper invoice ActCode
0-L PPRD prior period adjustment ActCode
0-L PROA professional association deduction ActCode
0-L RECOV recovery ActCode
0-L RETRO retro adjustment ActCode
0-L TRAN transaction fee ActCode
0-L INVTYPE invoice type ActCode
0-L PAYEE payee ActCode
0-L PAYOR payor ActCode
0-L SENDAPP sending application ActCode
0-L UNSPSC United Nations Standard Products and Services Classification ActCode
0-L _CPT5 CPT5 ActCode
0-L _ICD10PCS ICD10PCS ActCode
0-L GTIN Global Trade Item Number ActCode
0-L UPC Universal Product Code ActCode
0-L COIN coinsurance ActCode
0-L COPAYMENT patient co-pay ActCode
0-L DEDUCTIBLE deductible ActCode
0-L PAY payment ActCode
0-L SPEND spend down ActCode
0-L AFTHRS non-normal hours ActCode
0-L ISOL isolation allowance ActCode
0-L OOO out of office ActCode
0-L CANCAPT cancelled appointment ActCode
0-L DSC discount ActCode
0-L ESA extraordinary service assessment ActCode
0-L FFSTOP fee for service top off ActCode
0-L FNLFEE final fee ActCode
0-L FRSTFEE first fee ActCode
0-L MARKUP markup or up-charge ActCode
0-L MISSAPT missed appointment ActCode
0-L PERFEE periodic fee ActCode
0-L PERMBNS performance bonus ActCode
0-L RESTOCK restocking fee ActCode
0-L TRAVEL travel ActCode
0-L URGENT urgent ActCode
0-L FST federal sales tax ActCode
0-L HST harmonized sales Tax ActCode
0-L PST provincial/state sales tax ActCode
0-L CPNDDRGING compound drug invoice group ActCode
0-L CPNDINDING compound ingredient invoice group ActCode
0-L CPNDSUPING compound supply invoice group ActCode
0-L DRUGING drug invoice group ActCode
0-L FRAMEING frame invoice group ActCode
0-L LENSING lens invoice group ActCode
0-L PRDING product invoice group ActCode
0-L CPINV clinical product invoice ActCode
0-L CSINV clinical service invoice ActCode
0-L CSPINV clinical service and product ActCode
0-L FININV financial invoice ActCode
0-L OHSINV oral health service ActCode
0-L PAINV preferred accommodation invoice ActCode
0-L RXCINV Rx compound invoice ActCode
0-L RXDINV Rx dispense invoice ActCode
0-L SBFINV sessional or block fee invoice ActCode
0-L VRXINV vision dispense invoice ActCode
0-L ADNFPPELAT adjud. nullified prior-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADNFPPELCT adjud. nullified prior-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADNFPPMNAT adjud. nullified prior-period manual amount ActCode
0-L ADNFPPMNCT adjud. nullified prior-period manual count ActCode
0-L ADNFSPELAT adjud. nullified same-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADNFSPELCT adjud. nullified same-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADNFSPMNAT adjud. nullified same-period manual amount ActCode
0-L ADNFSPMNCT adjud. nullified same-period manual count ActCode
0-L ADNPPPELAT adjud. non-payee payable prior-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADNPPPELCT adjud. non-payee payable prior-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADNPPPMNAT adjud. non-payee payable prior-period manual amount ActCode
0-L ADNPPPMNCT adjud. non-payee payable prior-period manual count ActCode
0-L ADNPSPELAT adjud. non-payee payable same-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADNPSPELCT adjud. non-payee payable same-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADNPSPMNAT adjud. non-payee payable same-period manual amount ActCode
0-L ADNPSPMNCT adjud. non-payee payable same-period manual count ActCode
0-L ADPPPPELAT adjud. payee payable prior-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADPPPPELCT adjud. payee payable prior-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADPPPPMNAT adjud. payee payable prior-period manual amout ActCode
0-L ADPPPPMNCT adjud. payee payable prior-period manual count ActCode
0-L ADPPSPELAT adjud. payee payable same-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADPPSPELCT adjud. payee payable same-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADPPSPMNAT adjud. payee payable same-period manual amount ActCode
0-L ADPPSPMNCT adjud. payee payable same-period manual count ActCode
0-L ADRFPPELAT adjud. refused prior-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADRFPPELCT adjud. refused prior-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADRFPPMNAT adjud. refused prior-period manual amount ActCode
0-L ADRFPPMNCT adjud. refused prior-period manual count ActCode
0-L ADRFSPELAT adjud. refused same-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L ADRFSPELCT adjud. refused same-period electronic count ActCode
0-L ADRFSPMNAT adjud. refused same-period manual amount ActCode
0-L ADRFSPMNCT adjud. refused same-period manual count ActCode
0-L PDNFPPELAT paid nullified prior-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L PDNFPPELCT paid nullified prior-period electronic count ActCode
0-L PDNFPPMNAT paid nullified prior-period manual amount ActCode
0-L PDNFPPMNCT paid nullified prior-period manual count ActCode
0-L PDNFSPELAT paid nullified same-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L PDNFSPELCT paid nullified same-period electronic count ActCode
0-L PDNFSPMNAT paid nullified same-period manual amount ActCode
0-L PDNFSPMNCT paid nullified same-period manual count ActCode
0-L PDNPPPELAT paid non-payee payable prior-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L PDNPPPELCT paid non-payee payable prior-period electronic count ActCode
0-L PDNPPPMNAT paid non-payee payable prior-period manual amount ActCode
0-L PDNPPPMNCT paid non-payee payable prior-period manual count ActCode
0-L PDNPSPELAT paid non-payee payable same-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L PDNPSPELCT paid non-payee payable same-period electronic count ActCode
0-L PDNPSPMNAT paid non-payee payable same-period manual amount ActCode
0-L PDNPSPMNCT paid non-payee payable same-period manual count ActCode
0-L PDPPPPELAT paid payee payable prior-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L PDPPPPELCT paid payee payable prior-period electronic count ActCode
0-L PDPPPPMNAT paid payee payable prior-period manual amount ActCode
0-L PDPPPPMNCT paid payee payable prior-period manual count ActCode
0-L PDPPSPELAT paid payee payable same-period electronic amount ActCode
0-L PDPPSPELCT paid payee payable same-period electronic count ActCode
0-L PDPPSPMNAT paid payee payable same-period manual amount ActCode
0-L PDPPSPMNCT paid payee payable same-period manual count ActCode
0-L SBBLELAT submitted billed electronic amount ActCode
0-L SBBLELCT submitted billed electronic count ActCode
0-L SBNFELAT submitted nullified electronic amount ActCode
0-L SBNFELCT submitted cancelled electronic count ActCode
0-L SBPDELAT submitted pending electronic amount ActCode
0-L SBPDELCT submitted pending electronic count ActCode
0-L COVGE coverage problem ActCode
0-L EFORM electronic form to follow ActCode
0-L FAX fax to follow ActCode
0-L GFTH good faith indicator ActCode
0-L LATE late invoice ActCode
0-L MANUAL manual review ActCode
0-L OOJ out of jurisdiction ActCode
0-L ORTHO orthodontic service ActCode
0-L PAPER paper documentation to follow ActCode
0-L PIE public insurance exhausted ActCode
0-L PYRDELAY delayed by a previous payor ActCode
0-L REFNR referral not required ActCode
0-L REPSERV repeated service ActCode
0-L UNRELAT unrelated service ActCode
0-L VERBAUTH verbal authorization ActCode
0-L CARELIST care plan ActCode
0-L INTOLIST intolerance list ActCode
0-L PROBLIST problem list ActCode
0-L RISKLIST risk factors ActCode
0-L GOALLIST goal list ActCode
0-L _ActProcedureCategoryList ActProcedureCategoryList ActCode
0-L ACU short term/acute ActCode
0-L CHRON continuous/chronic ActCode
0-L ONET one time ActCode
0-L PRN as needed ActCode
0-L CURMEDLIST current medication list ActCode
0-L DISCMEDLIST discharge medication list ActCode
0-L HISTMEDLIST medication history ActCode
0-L _DEADrugSchedule DEADrugSchedule ActCode
0-L INV investigational ActCode
0-L LU limited use ActCode
0-L SA special authorization ActCode
0-L SAC special access ActCode
0-L VRFPAPER verify paper ActCode
0-L _ActOrderCode ActOrderCode ActCode
0-L ACH Automated Clearing House ActCode
0-L CHK Cheque ActCode
0-L DDP Direct Deposit ActCode
0-L NON Non-Payment Data ActCode
0-L DF Daily Fill ActCode
0-L SO Script Owing ActCode
0-L FFP First Fill - Part Fill ActCode
0-L TF Trial Fill ActCode
0-L FS Floor stock ActCode
0-L MS Manufacturer Sample ActCode
0-L RFCS refill complete partial strength ActCode
0-L RFFS refill partial strength (first fill this facility) ActCode
0-L RFPS refill part fill partial strength ActCode
0-L RFS refill partial strength ActCode
0-L TBS trial balance partial strength ActCode
0-L UD Unit Dose ActCode
0-L COVPOL benefit policy ActCode
0-L _ActPrivilegeCategorization ActPrivilegeCategorization ActCode
0-L _ActMedicalBillableServiceCode ActMedicalBillableServiceCode ActCode
0-L _ActNonMedicalBillableServiceCode ActNonMedicalBillableServiceCode ActCode
0-L _ActOralHealthProcedureCode ActOralHealthProcedureCode ActCode
0-L RENT Rent ActCode
0-L SALE Sale ActCode
0-L _ActRegistryCode ActRegistryCode ActCode
0-L _ActSecurityObjectCode ActSecurityObjectCode ActCode
0-L ACID Acidification ActCode
0-L ALK Alkalization ActCode
0-L DEFB Defibrination ActCode
0-L FILT Filtration ActCode
0-L LDLP LDL Precipitation ActCode
0-L NEUT Neutralization ActCode
0-L RECA Recalcification ActCode
0-L UFIL Ultrafiltration ActCode
0-L ARTBLD ActSpecObsArtBldCode ActCode
0-L AUTO-HIGH Auto-High Dilution ActCode
0-L AUTO-LOW Auto-Low Dilution ActCode
0-L PRE Pre-Dilution ActCode
0-L RERUN Rerun Dilution ActCode
0-L EVNFCTS ActSpecObsEvntfctsCode ActCode
0-L FIBRIN Fibrin ActCode
0-L HEMOLYSIS Hemolysis ActCode
0-L ICTERUS Icterus ActCode
0-L LIPEMIA Lipemia ActCode
0-L AVAILABLE Available Volume ActCode
0-L CONSUMPTION Consumption Volume ActCode
0-L CURRENT Current Volume ActCode
0-L INITIAL Initial Volume ActCode
0-L DRUG Drug therapy ActCode
0-L BOOSTER Booster Immunization ActCode
0-L INITIMMUNIZ Initial Immunization ActCode
0-L _AdvanceBeneficiaryNoticeType AdvanceBeneficiaryNoticeType ActCode
0-L CIRCLE circle ActCode
0-L ELLIPSE ellipse ActCode
0-L POINT point ActCode
0-L POLY polyline ActCode
0-L BR breikost (GE) ActCode
0-L DM diabetes mellitus diet ActCode
0-L FAST fasting ActCode
0-L GF gluten free ActCode
0-L LF low fat ActCode
0-L LP low protein ActCode
0-L LQ liquid ActCode
0-L LS low sodium ActCode
0-L N normal diet ActCode
0-L NF no fat ActCode
0-L PAF phenylalanine free ActCode
0-L PAR parenteral ActCode
0-L RD reduction diet ActCode
0-L SCH schonkost (GE) ActCode
0-L T tea only ActCode
0-L VLI low valin, leucin, isoleucin ActCode
0-L NAT Insufficient authorization ActCode
0-L BUS business constraint violation ActCode
0-L CODE_DEPREC code has been deprecated ActCode
0-L ABUSE commonly abused/misused alert ActCode
0-L DUPTHPCLS duplicate therapeutic alass alert ActCode
0-L DUPTHPGEN duplicate generic alert ActCode
0-L FRAUD potential fraud ActCode
0-L PLYDOC Poly-orderer Alert ActCode
0-L PLYPHRM Poly-supplier AlertPoly-pharmacy Alert ActCode
0-L DOSECOND dosage-condition alert ActCode
0-L DOSEDURHIND Dose-Duration High for Indication Alert ActCode
0-L DOSEDURLIND Dose-Duration Low for Indication Alert ActCode
0-L DOSEHIND High Dose for Indication Alert ActCode
0-L DOSEHINDA High Dose for Age Alert ActCode
0-L DOSEHINDSA High Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert ActCode
0-L DOSEHINDW High Dose for Weight Alert ActCode
0-L DOSEIVLIND Dose-Interval for Indication Alert ActCode
0-L DOSELIND Low Dose for Indication Alert ActCode
0-L DOSELINDA Low Dose for Age Alert ActCode
0-L DOSELINDSA Low Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert ActCode
0-L DOSELINDW Low Dose for Weight Alert ActCode
0-L MDOSE maximum dosage reached ActCode
0-L FORMAT invalid format ActCode
0-L ILLEGAL illegal ActCode
0-L KEY204 Unknown key identifier ActCode
0-L KEY205 Duplicate key identifier ActCode
0-L LEN_LONG length is too long ActCode
0-L LEN_SHORT length is too short ActCode
0-L MISSCOND conditional element missing ActCode
0-L MISSMAND mandatory element missing ActCode
0-L NODUPS duplicate values are not permitted ActCode
0-L LACT Lactation Alert ActCode
0-L PREG Pregnancy Alert ActCode
0-L CREACT common reaction alert ActCode
0-L GEN Genetic Alert ActCode
0-L GEND Gender Alert ActCode
0-L LAB Lab Alert ActCode
0-L ALGY Allergy Alert ActCode
0-L INT Intolerance Alert ActCode
0-L RALG Related Allergy Alert ActCode
0-L RAR Related Prior Reaction Alert ActCode
0-L RINT Related Intolerance Alert ActCode
0-L MAXOCCURS repetitions above maximum ActCode
0-L MINOCCURS repetitions below minimum ActCode
0-L _ActFinancialDetectedIssueCode ActFinancialDetectedIssueCode ActCode
0-L FOOD Food Interaction Alert ActCode
0-L DRG Drug Interaction Alert ActCode
0-L NHP Natural Health Product Alert ActCode
0-L NONRX Non-Prescription Interaction Alert ActCode
0-L DACT drug action detected issue ActCode
0-L ALRTENDLATE end too late alert ActCode
0-L ALRTSTRTLATE start too late alert ActCode
0-L ALLDONE already performed ActCode
0-L NOTACTN no longer actionable ActCode
0-L NOTEQUIVGEN not generically equivalent alert ActCode
0-L NOTEQUIVTHER therapeutically equivalent alert ActCode
0-L INTERVAL outside requested time ActCode
0-L MINFREQ too soon within frequency based on the usage ActCode
0-L HELD held/suspended alert ActCode
0-L TOOLATE Refill Too Late Alert ActCode
0-L TOOSOON Refill Too Soon Alert ActCode
0-L PATPREFALT violates stated preferences, alternate available ActCode
0-L _ClinicalActionDetectedIssueCode ClinicalActionDetectedIssueCode ActCode
0-L _IndividualCaseSafetyReportCriteria IndividualCaseSafetyReportCriteria ActCode
0-L _IndividualCaseSafetyReportProductCharacteristic IndividualCaseSafetyReportProductCharacteristic ActCode
0-L 21611-9 age patient qn est ActCode
0-L 21612-7 age patient qn reported ActCode
0-L 29553-5 age patient qn calc ActCode
0-L 30525-0 age patient qn definition ActCode
0-L 30972-4 age at onset of adverse event ActCode
0-L REP_HALF_LIFE representative half-life ActCode
0-L SPLCOATING coating ActCode
0-L SPLCOLOR color ActCode
0-L SPLIMAGE image ActCode
0-L SPLIMPRINT imprint ActCode
0-L SPLSCORING scoring ActCode
0-L SPLSHAPE shape ActCode
0-L SPLSIZE size ActCode
0-L SPLSYMBOL symbol ActCode
0-L _ObservationActAgeGroupType ObservationActAgeGroupType ActCode
0-L _ActPrivilegeCategorizationType ActPrivilegeCategorizationType ActCode
0-L _AdverseSubstanceAdministrationEventActionTakenType AdverseSubstanceAdministrationEventActionTakenType ActCode
0-L ANNDI diagnostic image note` ActCode
0-L ANNGEN general note ActCode
0-L ANNLAB laboratory note ActCode
0-L ANNMED medication note ActCode
0-L _ECGAnnotationType ECGAnnotationType ActCode
0-L _CommonClinicalObservationType CommonClinicalObservationType ActCode
0-L _FDALabelData FDALabelData ActCode
0-L GENE gene ActCode
0-L _IndividualCaseSafetyReportType Individual Case Safety Report Type ActCode
0-L _ObservationAllergyTestCode observation allergy test ActCode
0-L _ObservationAllergyTestType ObservationAllergyTestType ActCode
0-L _ObservationCausalityAssessmentType observation causality assessment ActCode
0-L _ObservationDosageDefinitionPreconditionType observation dosage definition precondition type ActCode
0-L _ObservationGenomicFamilyHistoryType ObservationGenomicFamilyHistoryType ActCode
0-L _ObservationIndicationType ObservationIndicationType ActCode
0-L AIRTRNS airborne transmission ActCode
0-L ANANTRNS animal to animal transmission ActCode
0-L ANHUMTRNS animal to human transmission ActCode
0-L BDYFLDTRNS body fluid contact transmission ActCode
0-L BLDTRNS blood borne transmission ActCode
0-L DERMTRNS transdermal transmission ActCode
0-L ENVTRNS environmental exposure transmission ActCode
0-L FECTRNS fecal-oral transmission ActCode
0-L FOMTRNS fomite transmission ActCode
0-L FOODTRNS food-borne transmission ActCode
0-L HUMHUMTRNS human to human transmission ActCode
0-L INDTRNS indeterminate disease transmission mode ActCode
0-L LACTTRNS lactation transmission ActCode
0-L NOSTRNS nosocomial transmission ActCode
0-L PARTRNS parenteral transmission ActCode
0-L PLACTRNS transplacental transmission ActCode
0-L SEXTRNS sexual transmission ActCode
0-L TRNSFTRNS transfusion transmission ActCode
0-L VECTRNS vector-borne transmission ActCode
0-L WATTRNS water-borne transmission ActCode
0-L _ObservationIssueTriggerMeasuredObservationType ObservationIssueTriggerMeasuredObservationType ActCode
0-L _ObservationQueryMatchType ObservationQueryMatchType ActCode
0-L _ECGObservationSequenceType ECGObservationSequenceType ActCode
0-L TIME_ABSOLUTE absolute time sequence ActCode
0-L TIME_RELATIVE relative time sequence ActCode
0-L REPRESENTATIVE_BEAT ECG representative beat waveforms ActCode
0-L RHYTHM ECG rhythm waveforms ActCode
0-L _ObservationVisionPrescriptionType ObservationVisionPrescriptionType ActCode
0-L _PatientCharacteristicObservationType PatientCharacteristicObservationType ActCode
0-L _SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationType SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationType ActCode
0-L ADVERSE_REACTION Adverse Reaction ActCode
0-L ASSERTION Assertion ActCode
0-L CASESER case seriousness criteria ActCode
0-L ADMDX admitting diagnosis ActCode
0-L DISDX discharge diagnosis ActCode
0-L INTDX intermediate diagnosis ActCode
0-L NOI nature of injury ActCode
0-L GISTIER GIS tier ActCode
0-L DALG Drug Allergy ActCode
0-L EALG Environmental Allergy ActCode
0-L FALG Food Allergy ActCode
0-L DNAINT Drug Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
0-L ENAINT Environmental Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
0-L FNAINT Food Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
0-L SEV Severity Observation ActCode
0-L C corrected ActCode
0-L DRUGPRG drug program ActCode
0-L F final ActCode
0-L PRLMN preliminary ActCode
0-L STORE Storage ActCode
0-L SUBSIDFFS subsidized fee for service program ActCode
0-L UDE unit dose equivalent ActCode
0-L WRKCOMP (workers compensation program ActCode
0-L EM Emergency Supply ActCode
0-L FF First Fill ActCode
0-L FFC First Fill - Complete ActCode
0-L RF Refill ActCode
0-L RFC Refill - Complete ActCode
0-L RFF Refill - First fill this facility ActCode
0-L RFP Refill - Part Fill ActCode
0-L TB Trial Balance ActCode
0-L INSPAR Insufficient detail in parameters to respond to query ActCode
0-L PARAOB Parameter out of bounds ActCode
0-L QABRTTI Server side has nullified query session due to query continuation timeout ActCode
0-L QTITI Query time interval timeout ActCode
0-L COND Condition Alert ActCode
0-L DUPTHPY Duplicate Therapy Alert ActCode
0-L DX ObservationDiagnosisTypes ActCode
0-L OINT Intolerance ActCode
0-L ALG Allergy ActCode
0-L DINT Drug Intolerance ActCode
0-L EINT Environmental Intolerance ActCode
0-L FINT Food Intolerance ActCode
0-L NAINT Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
0-L INTLRNC Intolerance ActCode
0-L CI Contra-indicatie ActCode
0-L DERCI Afgeleide contra-indicatie ActCode
0-L IMP Inpatient Encounter ActCode
0-L MEDLIST Medication List ActCode
0-L RXNASSESS Assessment Type ActCode
0-L BEZW Bezwaar ActCode
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors komen in het attribuut @nullFlavor in plaats van in @code.
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