Info(s) 100 - Error(s) 0 - Warning(s) 0
Warning: on line 1230 of DECOR-basics.xsl:
The attribute axis starting at a document node will never select anything
Warning: on line 1230 of DECOR-basics.xsl:
The attribute axis starting at a document node will never select anything
Warning: on line 1231 of DECOR-basics.xsl:
The attribute axis starting at a document node will never select anything
Warning: on line 1231 of DECOR-basics.xsl:
The attribute axis starting at a document node will never select anything
INFO : *** Started 2022-08-19T17:00:59.149+02:00
INFO : *** Reading DECOR Parameter File
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematron: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWrapperIncludes: false
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWarningsOnOpen: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronClosed: false
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithExplicitIncludes: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocHTML: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocSVG: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocDocbook: false
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocPDF:
INFO : Parameter useLocalAssets: true
INFO : Parameter useLocalLogos: true
INFO : Parameter inDevelopment: false
INFO : Parameter defaultLanguage: nl-NL
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDatatypeChecks: true
INFO : Parameter useCustomLogo: true
INFO : Parameter useCustomLogoSRC:
INFO : Parameter useCustomLogoHREF:
INFO : Parameter createDefaultInstancesForRepresentingTemplates: true
INFO : Parameter artdecordeeplinkprefix:
INFO : Parameter bindingBehavior: valueSets freeze
INFO : Parameter logLevel: INFO
INFO : Parameter switchCreateTreeTableHtml: true
INFO : *** Creating Schematrons Based On Scenario Transaction Representing Templates
INFO : *** Overall Benchmarking Indicator: 5078
INFO : *** Creating Terminology Files
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen JGZ-dossieroverdrachtverzoek v03 (400)': 3472
INFO : Included templates: 588
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging JGZ-dossieroverdrachtverzoek v03 (400)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Opvragen Vaccinatiestatus (400)': 52
INFO : Included templates: 1
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Opleveren Vaccinatiestatus (400)': 39
INFO : Included templates: 7
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen geldige partijnummers (400)': 30
INFO : Included templates: 1
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging geldige partijunmmers (400)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen vaccinatie (400)': 62
INFO : Included templates: 8
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging vaccinaties (400)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen vaccinatie geanonimiseerd (400)': 62
INFO : Included templates: 8
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging geanonimiseerde vaccinaties (400)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen vaccinatiesoproeplijst (400)': 35
INFO : Included templates: 3
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging vaccinatiesoproeplijst (400)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen hielprikverzoek (400)': 59
INFO : Included templates: 3
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging hielprikverzoek (400)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen JGZ-dossieroverdrachtverzoek v02 (327)': 6774
INFO : Included templates: 579
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging JGZ-dossieroverdrachtverzoek v02 (327)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Opvragen Vaccinatiestatus (327)': 52
INFO : Included templates: 1
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Opleveren Vaccinatiestatus (327)': 39
INFO : Included templates: 7
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen geldige partijnummers (327)': 30
INFO : Included templates: 1
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging geldige partijunmmers (327)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen vaccinatie (327)': 62
INFO : Included templates: 8
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging vaccinaties (327)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen vaccinatie geanonimiseerd (327)': 62
INFO : Included templates: 8
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging geanonimiseerde vaccinaties (327)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen vaccinatiesoproeplijst (327)': 35
INFO : Included templates: 3
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging vaccinatiesoproeplijst (327)': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Versturen hielprikverzoek': 59
INFO : Included templates: 3
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ontvangstbevestiging hielprikverzoek': 15
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Creating Schematron mapping file
INFO : *** Creating Documentation html + svg
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Front Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Project Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Data Sets Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Scenarios Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Identifiers Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Terminology Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Rules/Templates Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Issues Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Compilation Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Legal Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For V2 Implementation Guides (0 scenarios) + svg
INFO : *** Creating V2 Conformance Profiles and Tables for 0 scenarios
INFO : *** Creating default instances for representing templates
INFO : *** Finished
INFO : *** Total Processing Time 6.271687E6ms - 1h 44m 31s