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final Waardelijst CareModel Care Model 2014‑06‑19

Waardelijst-naam Waardelijst-id Versie / ingangsdatum Status
CareModel 2.16.840.1.113883. 2014‑06‑19 Definitief
Bron codesysteem:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 SNOMED-CT
Niveau/ Type Code Weergavenaam Codesysteem Omschrijving
0-L 370985002 care by local physician (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170941001 full care by GP (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170935008 full care by hospice (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268528005 full care by specialist (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170939002 full care: nurse practitioner (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268529002 shared care - consultant and GP (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170936009 shared care - hospice and GP (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170937000 shared care: district nurse and GP (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170940000 shared care: practice nurse and GP (finding) SNOMED-CT
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors komen in het attribuut @nullFlavor in plaats van in @code.
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Andere versies van deze waardelijst
  • CareModelCCDA 2014‑06‑27 16:46:42