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final Waardelijst Problem 2013‑01‑31

Waardelijst-naam Waardelijst-id Versie / ingangsdatum Status
Problem 2.16.840.1.113883. ref (van repository: ccda-) 2013‑01‑31 Definitief
Bron codesysteem:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 SNOMED-CT
Niveau/ Type Code Weergavenaam Codesysteem Omschrijving
0-L 46635009 diabetes mellitus type 1 SNOMED-CT
0-L 234422006 acute intermittent porphyria SNOMED-CT
0-L 31712002 primary biliary cirrhosis SNOMED-CT
0-L 302002000 difficulty moving SNOMED-CT
0-L 15188001 hearing loss SNOMED-CT
0-L 129851009 alteration in bowel elimination SNOMED-CT
0-L 247472004 hives SNOMED-CT
0-L 39579001 anaphylaxis SNOMED-CT
0-L 274945004 AA amyloidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129851009 alteration in comfort: pain SNOMED-CT
0-L 43894001 Abdominal actinomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233985008 Abdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253679008 Abdominal aortic coarctation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116289008 Abdominal bloating (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9991008 Abdominal colic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271860004 Abdominal mass (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75879005 Abdominal migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21522001 Abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82661006 Abdominal pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72300008 Abdominal rigidity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438774001 Abdominal rigidity of epigastrium (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439593009 Abdominal rigidity of left lower quadrant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439582007 Abdominal rigidity of left upper quadrant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438512007 Abdominal rigidity of periumbilical region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438509009 Abdominal rigidity of right lower quadrant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43478001 Abdominal tenderness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439774009 Abdominal tenderness of left lower quadrant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162042000 Abdominal wall pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45979003 Abdominal wind pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33781009 Abdominopelvic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398760006 Abducens nerve palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31283000 Abductor spastic dysphonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205365003 Aberrant muscle of the lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190787008 Abetalipoproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274688009 Abnorm cytolog finding specimens from female genital organs (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42170009 Abnormal amniotic fluid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60331006 Abnormal auditory perception (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309195009 Abnormal biochemistry findings (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60612008 Abnormal bowel sounds (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386813002 Abnormal breathing (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111970001 Abnormal cardiovascular function (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439888000 Abnormal cervical Papanicolaou smear (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309081009 Abnormal cervical smear (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129679001 Abnormal CT scan (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50455002 Abnormal dark adaptation curve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83145004 Abnormal dermatoglyphic pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102594003 Abnormal ECG (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271840007 Abnormal feces (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 655007 Abnormal fetal heart beat noted before labor in liveborn infant (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 312668007 Abnormal fetal heart rate (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274527008 Abnormal findings diagnostic imaging of liver+biliary tract (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199732004 Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274530001 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274533004 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of lung (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274535006 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39763004 Abnormal glucose tolerance in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274858002 Abnormal glucose tolerance test (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372054004 Abnormal glucose tolerance test during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31825002 Abnormal granulation tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309194008 Abnormal hematology findings (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309198006 Abnormal histology findings (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302644007 Abnormal immature chorion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70673006 Abnormal innervation syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430237002 Abnormal intentional weight loss (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 260912008 Abnormal involuntary movement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309158009 Abnormal laboratory findings (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75183008 Abnormal liver function (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5413009 Abnormal male sexual function (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123667006 Abnormal mature chorion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237620003 Abnormal metabolic state in diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24480009 Abnormal nerve conduction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205557000 Abnormal palmar creases (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301783004 Abnormal perimenopausal bleeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12772003 Abnormal peripheral vision (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56313000 Abnormal placenta affecting management of mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39804004 Abnormal products of conception (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72124005 Abnormal pupillary function (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129678009 Abnormal radiographic examination (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46670006 Abnormal reflex (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39539005 Abnormal renal function (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79195003 Abnormal retinal correspondence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56925008 Abnormal sexual function (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274708000 Abnormal sputum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106102002 Abnormal urinary product (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84800009 Abnormal urinary stream (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102866000 Abnormal urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301822002 Abnormal vaginal bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7973008 Abnormal vision (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161833006 Abnormal weight gain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267024001 Abnormal weight loss (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274887001 Abnormality of alpha-fetoprotein (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38074009 Abnormality of cortisol-binding globulin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1639007 Abnormality of organs AND/OR soft tissues of pelvis affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47344007 Abnormality of secretion of gastrin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11178005 Abnormality of secretion of glucagon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417713005 Abnormality of surgical wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 341009 ABO incompatibility reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3885002 ABO isoimmunization affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70317007 Abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373908001 Abortion complicated by damage to pelvic organs AND/OR tissues (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111426003 Abortion complicated by delayed AND/OR excessive hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18119004 Abortion complicated by embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373891000 Abortion complicated by genital-pelvic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111429005 Abortion complicated by metabolic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10123006 Abortion complicated by renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50554000 Abortion complicated by shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43285004 Abortion in third trimester (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371332008 Abortion with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5434002 Abortion 1 month (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25047000 Abortion 4 months (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399963005 Abrasion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400181003 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78360004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of ankle with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41772008 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of ankle without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65523004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of axilla without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75767000 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of cheek without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61383005 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of ear with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6733004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of ear without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111712008 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of elbow with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68058009 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of elbow without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111703006 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of face with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66176005 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of face without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70098006 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of finger without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269202001 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of foot AND/OR toe infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24328004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of foot without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26156003 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of forearm without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49524007 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of groin with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30148002 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of groin without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60203004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of gum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2825006 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of gum without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40762003 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of hand without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211306000 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of hand infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8748000 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of hip with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88016001 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of hip without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39835005 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of leg with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53625001 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of leg without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10920005 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of lip with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63811003 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of lip without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429562001 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428135008 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of multiple sites infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84278006 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of neck with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54345007 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of neck without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72512006 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of nose with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30742008 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of nose without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50293005 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of penis with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18823009 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of penis without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26652002 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of scalp with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62603000 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of scalp without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10995009 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of scapular region with infection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 84204007 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of scrotum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57971009 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of scrotum without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64831005 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of shoulder with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90819008 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of shoulder without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76531002 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of testis with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9090007 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of testis without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61341000 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of thigh with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56809002 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of thigh without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 714002 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of toe with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34283004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of toe without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78794000 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of trunk without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66371007 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of upper arm with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56842001 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of upper arm without infection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 52895001 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of vagina with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51623004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of vagina without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44690000 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of vulva with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36821007 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of vulva without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63848007 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of wrist with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23072002 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn of wrist without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82117004 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66097008 Abrasion AND/OR friction burn without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283050005 Abrasion of eye region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231815005 Abrasion of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211402004 Abrasion of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211258009 Abrasion of forearm infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110164000 Abrasion of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283059006 Abrasion of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283049005 Abrasion of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283062009 Abrasion of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283055000 Abrasion of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110162001 Abrasion of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283060001 Abrasion of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430939007 Abrasion of sacral region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439598000 Abrasion of skin of lower back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431044006 Abrasion of sternal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110163006 Abrasion of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110161008 Abrasion of tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211320007 Abrasion or friction burn of finger infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211256008 Abrasion or friction burn of lower arm infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211336009 Abrasion or friction burn of lower limb infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211196004 Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder and upper arm infected (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 211053006 Abrasion or friction burn of trunk infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211042000 Abrasion back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211039006 Abrasion chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211193007 Abrasion clavicular area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211251003 Abrasion elbow area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211317004 Abrasion finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211252005 Abrasion forearm area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211332006 Abrasion knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211190005 Abrasion scapular area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211189001 Abrasion shoulder area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211403009 Abrasion toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128477000 Abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427787004 Abscess in epidural space of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429437003 Abscess in epidural space of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427916006 Abscess in epidural space of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80437003 Abscess of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58196009 Abscess of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62224002 Abscess of appendix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13802001 Abscess of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67624004 Abscess of Bartholin's gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128220004 Abscess of bone of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76782002 Abscess of bone except accessory sinus jaw AND/OR mastoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28432003 Abscess of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55704005 Abscess of breast associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 122862008 Abscess of bursa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64576003 Abscess of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40458008 Abscess of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53502009 Abscess of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55399009 Abscess of digit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85833008 Abscess of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72899006 Abscess of external cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60350006 Abscess of external nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76126009 Abscess of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200751004 Abscess of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398319002 Abscess of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43522000 Abscess of female pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21092002 Abscess of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12115003 Abscess of foot except toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58964002 Abscess of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33134003 Abscess of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79216009 Abscess of groin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3633001 Abscess of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426957007 Abscess of hard palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7329003 Abscess of head except face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425548001 Abscess of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91541006 Abscess of heel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 736004 Abscess of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24557004 Abscess of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16119006 Abscess of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26883000 Abscess of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33924006 Abscess of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28691000 Abscess of leg except foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200755008 Abscess of limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82770004 Abscess of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27916005 Abscess of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73452002 Abscess of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10321002 Abscess of mastoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42522007 Abscess of mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45629003 Abscess of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6284004 Abscess of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8414002 Abscess of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54138003 Abscess of omentum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81546003 Abscess of oral tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39828002 Abscess of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109791007 Abscess of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69643006 Abscess of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76035004 Abscess of pectoral region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36029005 Abscess of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35708002 Abscess of perineum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109242000 Abscess of periorbital region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73962000 Abscess of peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59707005 Abscess of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62206004 Abscess of pituitary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8725005 Abscess of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80483009 Abscess of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31399009 Abscess of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27717006 Abscess of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17354003 Abscess of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31928004 Abscess of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78620007 Abscess of skin with lymphangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111184007 Abscess of temple region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 122864009 Abscess of tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95593001 Abscess of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3507004 Abscess of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102452004 Abscess of thyroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111183001 Abscess of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44283002 Abscess of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49298003 Abscess of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63870005 Abscess of umbilicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67878002 Abscess of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51152000 Abscess of vocal cords (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69430001 Abscess of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36281004 Abscess of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239951004 Abscess contracture or calcification of bursa or tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249737005 Absence of arm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248802009 Absence of breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249435003 Absence of larynx (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275507003 Absence of lung (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275349007 Absence of skull bone (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79631006 Absence seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249760002 Absent fingertips (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248820000 Absent nipple (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37280007 Absent reflex (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 112066009 Absent renal function (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191928000 Abuse of antidepressant drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280982009 Abuse of laxatives (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231459008 Abuse of nonpsychotropic analgesic drugs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231458000 Abuse of steroids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192123006 Academic underachievement disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2496007 Acalculia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231896005 Acanthamoeba keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402599005 Acanthosis nigricans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84648007 Acardiac monster (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187214007 Acariasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233844002 Accelerated coronary artery disease in transplanted heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18166000 Accessory breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20136007 Accessory carpal bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85697009 Accessory eye muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204216001 Accessory eye muscles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30275001 Accessory kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52579008 Accessory lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109423001 Accessory navicular bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50956007 Accessory nipple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204245004 Accessory tragus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59369008 Accidental drug overdose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 290220008 Accidental narcotic poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 242258004 Accidental overdose of phenytoin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287165005 Accidental poisoning - analgesics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72431002 Accidental poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269765000 Accidental poisoning by alcohol (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216633005 Accidental poisoning by alcoholic beverages (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216603003 Accidental poisoning by antiadrenergics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216609004 Accidental poisoning by antibiotics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216593002 Accidental poisoning by anticholinergics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216545008 Accidental poisoning by antidepressants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216610009 Accidental poisoning by anti-infectives (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216483006 Accidental poisoning by antirheumatics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433086005 Accidental poisoning by aromatic analgesic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216497003 Accidental poisoning by barbiturates (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216530001 Accidental poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216508002 Accidental poisoning by bromine compounds (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420057003 Accidental poisoning by carbon monoxide (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288295008 Accidental poisoning by central nervous system drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216562003 Accidental poisoning by central nervous system stimulants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216614000 Accidental poisoning by drugs affecting blood constituents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216618002 Accidental poisoning by drugs primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216615004 Accidental poisoning by drugs primarily affecting cardiovascular system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216616003 Accidental poisoning by drugs primarily affecting gastrointestinal system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216619005 Accidental poisoning by drugs primarily affecting skin mucous membrane ophthalmological otorhinolaryngological and dental drugs (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 269688005 Accidental poisoning by drugs medicines and biologicals (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216858002 Accidental poisoning by freon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216818004 Accidental poisoning by gas distributed by pipeline (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216550002 Accidental poisoning by hallucinogens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216463005 Accidental poisoning by heroin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216612001 Accidental poisoning by hormones and synthetic substitutes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216654003 Accidental poisoning by household agents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216662006 Accidental poisoning by lead paints (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216825006 Accidental poisoning by liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216582004 Accidental poisoning by local anesthetic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216682005 Accidental poisoning by lubricating oils (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428108004 Accidental poisoning by metal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216464004 Accidental poisoning by methadone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432353006 Accidental poisoning by opiate agonist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216822009 Accidental poisoning by piped natural gas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216613006 Accidental poisoning by primarily systemic agents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216558009 Accidental poisoning by psychostimulants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216471009 Accidental poisoning by salicylates (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216518007 Accidental poisoning by tranquilizers (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216761008 Accidental poisoning from foodstuffs and poisonous plants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 216770006 Accidental poisoning from mushrooms and other fungi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287166006 Accidental poisoning with ethyl alcohol (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83535005 Accidental puncture AND/OR laceration during a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3629008 Accidental puncture AND/OR laceration during a procedure on a blood vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63957000 Accidental puncture AND/OR laceration during a procedure on an organ (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 419494007 Accommodative esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232140004 Accommodative insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105413002 Acculturation difficulty (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 295124009 Acetaminophen overdose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36815008 Acetonuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45564002 Achalasia of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 221695002 Achilles bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11654001 Achilles tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275318002 Aching leg syndrome (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47481007 Achlorhydria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86268005 Achondroplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56852002 Achromatopsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61884008 Achromobacter pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63542002 Acid chemical burn of cornea AND/OR conjunctival sac (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51387008 Acidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11381005 Acne (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238742005 Acne keloidalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45072005 Acne necrotica miliaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247459000 Acne scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23894009 Acne varioliformis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88616000 Acne vulgaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238995004 Acneiform drug eruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126949007 Acoustic neuroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109673006 Acquired absence of multiple teeth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37320007 Acquired absence of teeth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72129000 Acquired acanthosis nigricans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231793006 Acquired anophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27529000 Acquired atrophy of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198299001 Acquired atrophy of the ovary and fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84327002 Acquired atrophy of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32394002 Acquired benign adrenal androgenic overactivity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21480008 Acquired blepharophimosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232149003 Acquired blindness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82757008 Acquired bronchopleural fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236756001 Acquired buried penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241955009 Acquired C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423919000 Acquired caliectasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65362007 Acquired cavovarus deformity of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86900005 Acquired cavus deformity of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203676006 Acquired chest and rib deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367393006 Acquired claw hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86380000 Acquired claw toes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58660009 Acquired clubhand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25904003 Acquired coagulation factor deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71676008 Acquired color vision deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34102000 Acquired contracture of bladder neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16979000 Acquired coxa valga (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12067001 Acquired coxa vara (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54583007 Acquired cubitus valgus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29087002 Acquired cubitus varus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12903001 Acquired curvature of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88562000 Acquired deformity of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111259002 Acquired deformity of calcaneus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26517000 Acquired deformity of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360388005 Acquired deformity of finger joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66327008 Acquired deformity of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111270009 Acquired deformity of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67321002 Acquired deformity of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5321004 Acquired deformity of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17230005 Acquired deformity of limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72082009 Acquired deformity of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18283000 Acquired deformity of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79599002 Acquired deformity of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2204004 Acquired deformity of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77567004 Acquired deformity of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42251007 Acquired deformity of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95428004 Acquired deformity of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74808006 Acquired deviated nasal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35563005 Acquired diverticulum of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278922004 Acquired dysphasias (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87465003 Acquired equinovarus deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37718006 Acquired equinus deformity of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12153008 Acquired factor IX deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33820001 Acquired factor X deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15132005 Acquired factor XII deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6364000 Acquired factor XIII deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288245007 Acquired forearm deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46101007 Acquired genu recurvatum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52012001 Acquired genu valgum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64925008 Acquired genu varum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45636002 Acquired hallux malleus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6654000 Acquired hallux rigidus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65358001 Acquired hallux valgus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16123003 Acquired hallux varus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88641007 Acquired hammer toe other than great toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4854004 Acquired hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203671001 Acquired hunchback (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4088009 Acquired hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236593005 Acquired hydronephrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13483000 Acquired hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111566002 Acquired hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8691004 Acquired ichthyosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62479008 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236406007 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91923005 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus infection associated with pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396227001 Acquired keratoderma palmaris et plantaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405771009 Acquired kyphoscoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413428007 Acquired kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425434004 Acquired labial adhesion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229652004 Acquired language disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40668007 Acquired musculoskeletal deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109905002 Acquired myelocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428032009 Acquired nasal septal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193995004 Acquired nasolacrimal duct stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53808001 Acquired night blindness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314935002 Acquired nystagmus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416605008 Acquired obstruction of pylorus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82346000 Acquired obstructive hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5876000 Acquired pancytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 391986001 Acquired pectus excavatum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399901005 Acquired plantar keratoderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71064009 Acquired polycystic kidney disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5946006 Acquired portal-systemic shunt (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58407003 Acquired postural kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15444000 Acquired postural lordosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203588004 Acquired pronated forefoot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427411009 Acquired pseudomeningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271429007 Acquired ptosis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105999006 Acquired renal cystic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431804003 Acquired scleral show due to eyelid deformity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111266001 Acquired scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240226003 Acquired skeletal deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203681002 Acquired spondylolisthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 245867000 Acquired spondylolysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40026008 Acquired stenosis of bladder neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55989009 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428259005 Acquired tethered cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74576004 Acquired thrombocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1539003 Acquired trigger finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68701004 Acquired unequal leg length (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 355736000 Acquired vaginal enterocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45673004 Acquired valgus deformity of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40531004 Acquired varus deformity of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427106002 Acquired velopharyngeal insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25003006 Acrocyanosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4340003 Acrodermatitis atrophicans chronica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200976008 Acrodermatitis continua (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400018004 Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Darier disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74107003 Acromegaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202479004 Acromioclavicular joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79256006 Acroparesthesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46795000 Actinic cheilitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79144000 Actinic granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201101007 Actinic keratosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52636001 Actinic reticuloid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11817007 Actinomycotic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187089001 Actinomycotic mycetoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425392003 Active advance directive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191689008 Active infantile autism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190640006 Active rickets (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427099000 Active tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116290004 Acute abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30239003 Acute abscess of sphenoidal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3163006 Acute adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191802004 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191806001 Acute alcoholic intoxication in remission in alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9953008 Acute alcoholic liver disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59275002 Acute allergic serous otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111912001 Acute amebic dysentery without abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396335001 Acute and chronic cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266237004 Acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30041005 Acute angle-closure glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4927003 Acute anterior uveitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62695002 Acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88071000 Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85189001 Acute appendicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28845006 Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51036000 Acute appendicitis with peritoneal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72048003 Acute appendicitis without peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67678004 Acute atopic conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194809007 Acute atrial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402398001 Acute autoimmune urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31860008 Acute bacterial peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57965003 Acute benign hemorrhagic glomerulonephritic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5505005 Acute bronchiolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10509002 Acute bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29322000 Acute cerebrovascular insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19272000 Acute cervicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79150005 Acute chemical otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372146004 Acute chest syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65275009 Acute cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34346002 Acute cholecystitis without calculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 130987000 Acute confusion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10633002 Acute congestive heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53726008 Acute conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49584005 Acute cor pulmonale (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 394659003 Acute coronary syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68226007 Acute cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2589008 Acute dacryoadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26435006 Acute dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2704003 Acute disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83942000 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231466009 Acute drug intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32093003 Acute drug-induced tubulointerstitial nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196652006 Acute duodenal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12847006 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86895006 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51847008 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66767006 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 41986000 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61347001 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62936002 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22511002 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 54272002 Acute eczematoid otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27278006 Acute empyema of sphenoidal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91357005 Acute endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1493002 Acute endophthalmitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29608009 Acute epiglottitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 222008 Acute epiglottitis with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49908003 Acute epiglottitis without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409656006 Acute esophagitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67832005 Acute ethmoidal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425748003 Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191548004 Acute exacerbation of chronic catatonic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191564007 Acute exacerbation of chronic latent schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195951007 Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191572009 Acute exacerbation of chronic schizoaffective schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191531007 Acute exacerbation of chronic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191563001 Acute exacerbation of subchronic latent schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191571002 Acute exacerbation of subchronic schizoaffective schizophrenia (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 191530008 Acute exacerbation of subchronic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197583006 Acute exudative nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75053002 Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84625002 Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41308008 Acute follicular conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91038008 Acute frontal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192038005 Acute fugue state due to acute stress reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50846009 Acute gangrenous appendicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64252005 Acute gangrenous appendicitis with perforation AND peritonitis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 72533002 Acute gangrenous cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95529005 Acute gastric ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89748001 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48974009 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17067009 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53337006 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196632005 Acute gastric ulcer with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19850005 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43694004 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90628007 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 25458004 Acute gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69776003 Acute gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196707000 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63954007 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81387001 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66673003 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58711008 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66636001 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72219001 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72395008 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 52890006 Acute generalized peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426165006 Acute genitourinary chlamydia infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31642005 Acute gingivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19351000 Acute glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20943002 Acute gonococcal cervicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24868007 Acute gonococcal cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45377007 Acute gonococcal salpingitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54825009 Acute gonorrhea of lower genitourinary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50970007 Acute gonorrhea of upper genitourinary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402355000 Acute graft-versus-host disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398264003 Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2367005 Acute hemorrhagic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72986009 Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197270009 Acute hepatic failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37871000 Acute hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186624004 Acute hepatitis B with delta agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 186626002 Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) without hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424099008 Acute hepatitis B with hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235864009 Acute hepatitis B with hepatitis D (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235866006 Acute hepatitis C (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235867002 Acute hepatitis E (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423628002 Acute Herpes Zoster neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111880001 Acute HIV infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111523009 Acute hydrops keratoconus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266235007 Acute idiopathic pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28505005 Acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288723005 Acute ill-defined cerebrovascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82741008 Acute immunologic urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10273003 Acute infarction of papillary muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56663002 Acute infection of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63171007 Acute infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26071001 Acute infective arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307426000 Acute infective cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23950002 Acute infective polyarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129131007 Acute infective polyneuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20551005 Acute inflammation of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438582003 Acute injury of anterior cruciate ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234422006 Acute intermittent porphyria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28637003 Acute interstitial nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236302005 Acute interstitial pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232343007 Acute irritant rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413439005 Acute ischemic heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84399007 Acute lacrimal canaliculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426107000 Acute lacunar infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6655004 Acute laryngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408669002 Acute laryngitis with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55355000 Acute laryngopharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37948003 Acute laryngotracheitis without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236516001 Acute lead nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195114002 Acute left ventricular failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91854005 Acute leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91855006 Acute leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86487001 Acute lichenoid pityriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278862001 Acute low back pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195742007 Acute lower respiratory tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431737008 Acute lower urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 315345002 Acute lung injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426637005 Acute lyme disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41174002 Acute lymphadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8838005 Acute lymphangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31302006 Acute lymphangitis of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7272006 Acute lymphangitis of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5075002 Acute lymphangitis of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91856007 Acute lymphoid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91857003 Acute lymphoid leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386034005 Acute mastoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111538005 Acute mastoiditis with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68272006 Acute maxillary sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277602003 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82430007 Acute megaloblastic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208921000 Acute meniscal tear lateral (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269113006 Acute meniscal tear medial (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91858008 Acute monocytic leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413441006 Acute monocytic leukemia FAB M5b (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413442004 Acute monocytic/monoblastic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52353000 Acute mucoid otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89188001 Acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91860005 Acute myeloid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359648001 Acute myeloid leukemia with maturation FAB M2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426124006 Acute myeloid leukemia with maturation FAB M2 in remission (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 359640008 Acute myeloid leukemia without maturation FAB M1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91861009 Acute myeloid leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359631009 Acute myeloid leukemia minimal differentiation FAB M0 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285839005 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia - eosinophilic variant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110005000 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia FAB M4 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427658007 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia FAB M4 in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57054005 Acute myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54329005 Acute myocardial infarction of anterior wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70211005 Acute myocardial infarction of anterolateral wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73795002 Acute myocardial infarction of inferior wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65547006 Acute myocardial infarction of inferolateral wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76593002 Acute myocardial infarction of inferoposterior wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58612006 Acute myocardial infarction of lateral wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70998009 Acute myocardial infarction of posterobasal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15990001 Acute myocardial infarction of posterolateral wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79009004 Acute myocardial infarction of septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30277009 Acute myocardial infarction with rupture of ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413444003 Acute myocardial ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46701001 Acute myocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76151005 Acute myometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297009 Acute myringitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197269008 Acute necrosis of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399050001 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61503006 Acute nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197580009 Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotizing glomerulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58574008 Acute nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14535005 Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429297003 Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis due to human poliovirus 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401314000 Acute non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194240006 Acute non-suppurative otitis media - serous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359609001 Acute non-suppurative otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409780002 Acute osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95424002 Acute osteomyelitis of cranium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109309004 Acute osteomyelitis of facial bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19956000 Acute osteomyelitis of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109310009 Acute osteomyelitis of frontal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10188004 Acute osteomyelitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32392003 Acute osteomyelitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109696006 Acute osteomyelitis of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109693003 Acute osteomyelitis of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59867002 Acute osteomyelitis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109314000 Acute osteomyelitis of nasal-orbit complex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80507005 Acute osteomyelitis of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7587000 Acute osteomyelitis of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109312001 Acute osteomyelitis of sphenoid bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109313006 Acute osteomyelitis of temporal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268017000 Acute osteomyelitis of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203153007 Acute osteomyelitis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82712004 Acute osteomyelitis of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109311008 Acute osteomyelitis of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30250000 Acute otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3110003 Acute otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270490007 Acute otitis media with effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274663001 Acute pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197456007 Acute pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5028002 Acute pansinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240460008 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198156004 Acute parametritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268624000 Acute paranoid reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237040006 Acute pelvic abscess - female (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237037006 Acute pelvic inflammatory disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314716005 Acute pelvic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196682000 Acute peptic ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12274003 Acute peptic ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43406003 Acute peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47064007 Acute peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28945005 Acute peptic ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79118000 Acute peptic ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35681000 Acute peptic ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58085004 Acute peptic ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3023008 Acute peptic ulcer without hemorrhage without perforation AND without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15555002 Acute pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194903007 Acute pericarditis associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45855004 Acute perichondritis of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50930000 Acute peridacryocystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48153009 Acute perimetritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21638000 Acute periodontitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49308005 Acute periostitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67602004 Acute peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363746003 Acute pharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12477008 Acute phototoxic dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50902000 Acute pneumopericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398102009 Acute poliomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75822003 Acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233838001 Acute posterior myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267530009 Acute posthemorrhagic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438783006 Acute postoperative renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68544003 Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197579006 Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110004001 Acute promyelocytic leukemia FAB M3 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425869007 Acute promyelocytic leukemia FAB M3 in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79411002 Acute prostatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187027001 Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40541001 Acute pulmonary edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67189007 Acute pulmonary heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36689008 Acute pyelonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90806009 Acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236574008 Acute rejection of renal transplant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429224003 Acute renal failure due to acute cortical necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422593004 Acute renal failure due to angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 269257004 Acute renal failure due to crush syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423533009 Acute renal failure due to ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429489008 Acute renal failure due to obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13010001 Acute renal failure following labor AND/OR delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14669001 Acute renal failure syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298015003 Acute renal papillary necrosis with renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60118008 Acute respiratory alkalosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373895009 Acute respiratory distress (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65710008 Acute respiratory failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231986000 Acute retinal necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51604006 Acute retrobulbar neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18192007 Acute rheumatic endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312591002 Acute rheumatic heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194709000 Acute rheumatic myocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15676002 Acute rheumatic pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8912009 Acute salpingitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266581008 Acute salpingo-oophoritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77478005 Acute sanguinous otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268617001 Acute schizophrenic episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15805002 Acute sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192041001 Acute situational disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77919000 Acute sphenoidal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401303003 Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67195008 Acute stress disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70422006 Acute subendocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11134001 Acute suppuration of sphenoidal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372938004 Acute suppurative arthritis due to bacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89628003 Acute suppurative cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86279000 Acute suppurative otitis media with spontaneous rupture of ear drum (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 14948001 Acute suppurative otitis media without spontaneous rupture of ear drum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8733006 Acute suppurative peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194201001 Acute swimmer's ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279035001 Acute thoracic back pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190293001 Acute thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17741008 Acute tonsillitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26650005 Acute tracheitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47000000 Acute transverse myelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35455006 Acute tubular necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25102003 Acute type A viral hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76795007 Acute type B viral hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128600008 Acute ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54398005 Acute upper respiratory infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431308006 Acute upper urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431309003 Acute urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402408009 Acute urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91489000 Acute vascular insufficiency of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236433006 Acute-on-chronic renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67905004 Acute-on-chronic respiratory failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363732003 Addison's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423595004 Adenocarcinoma carcinomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254890008 Adenocarcinoma in situ of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423607006 Adenocarcinoma of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413445002 Adenocarcinoma of appendix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255110003 Adenocarcinoma of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413446001 Adenocarcinoma of cecum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254887002 Adenocarcinoma of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123845008 Adenocarcinoma of endometrium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276803003 Adenocarcinoma of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254988008 Adenocarcinoma of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408645001 Adenocarcinoma of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254626006 Adenocarcinoma of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424078005 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage I (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424632001 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage II (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424454009 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage III (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424993006 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage IV (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423106003 Adenocarcinoma of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423746001 Adenocarcinoma of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399490008 Adenocarcinoma of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425178004 Adenocarcinoma of rectosigmoid junction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254582000 Adenocarcinoma of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424440001 Adenocarcinoma of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408647009 Adenocarcinoma of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254987003 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423318000 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423615009 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of parotid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422833009 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423189008 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of submandibular gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70020005 Adenoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422470007 Adenolymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399432003 Adenoma of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424263008 Adenoma of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254642004 Adenoma of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399730005 Adenoma of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60968001 Adenomatous goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60535003 Adenomatous polyp of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403902008 Adenosquamous cell carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4409006 Adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin synthesis defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58890000 Adenoviral bronchopneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70880006 Adenoviral enteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314559002 Adenoviral keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70385007 Adenoviral pharyngoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251869004 Adequacy of hemodialysis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30337003 Adherent leukoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35602005 Adherent prepuce (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427683007 Adhesion of tendon of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78778007 Adhesions of iris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399114005 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7699004 Adhesive middle ear disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20916007 Adhesive middle ear disease with adhesions of drum head to stapes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 37715009 Adhesive pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17226007 Adjustment disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15977008 Adjustment disorder with academic inhibition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47372000 Adjustment disorder with anxious mood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57194009 Adjustment disorder with depressed mood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84984002 Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66381006 Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions AND conduct (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 55668003 Adjustment disorder with mixed emotional features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425914008 Adjustment reaction to medical therapy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307824009 Administrative statuses (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73507002 Adolescent postural kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237772002 Adrenal atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12286000 Adrenal calcification (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255035007 Adrenal carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49111001 Adrenal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111563005 Adrenal hypofunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85096001 Adrenal infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55003009 Adrenal medullary insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237692001 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267395000 Adrenogenital disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65389002 Adrenoleukodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129588001 Adult failure to thrive syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62009002 Adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239920006 Adult onset Still's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67782005 Adult respiratory distress syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85505000 Adult spinal muscular atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110007008 Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406137001 Adult victim of abuse (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310302007 Advance directive discussed with patient (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310301000 Advance healthcare directive status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406644009 Adverse drug event resulting from treatment of disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95869003 Adverse effect of prosthetic device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20558004 Adverse effect of radiation therapy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45376003 Adverse effect due to correct medicinal substance properly administered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281647001 Adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269721008 Adverse reaction to analgesics antipyretics and antirheumatics (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 408673004 Adverse reaction to anterior pituitary hormone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219036002 Adverse reaction to antiasthmatics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430400006 Adverse reaction to antidiabetic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218326006 Adverse reaction to antineoplastic antibiotics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430136001 Adverse reaction to antiparkinsonism drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269723006 Adverse reaction to antirheumatic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438806007 Adverse reaction to aromatic analgesic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219075006 Adverse reaction to bacterial vaccines (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430398007 Adverse reaction to barbiturate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419887003 Adverse reaction to blood or blood product (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218696007 Adverse reaction to central nervous system muscle-tone depressants (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 218950001 Adverse reaction to digestant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219085007 Adverse reaction to diphtheria vaccine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62014003 Adverse reaction to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219031007 Adverse reaction to expectorant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218568007 Adverse reaction to fibrinolytic drugs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370540009 Adverse reaction to food (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218638005 Adverse reaction to hydantoin derivative (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218933003 Adverse reaction to irritant cathartic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218586005 Adverse reaction to macromolecular blood substitutes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219096004 Adverse reaction to measles vaccine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439498003 Adverse reaction to mixed bacterial vaccine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429188006 Adverse reaction to oral contrast media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219009004 Adverse reaction to oxytocic agents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218726009 Adverse reaction to peripheral nerve- and plexus-blocking anesthetics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438784000 Adverse reaction to pharmaceutical excipient (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218496004 Adverse reaction to primarily systemic agents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218972004 Adverse reaction to purine derivative diuretic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269722001 Adverse reaction to salicylate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439591006 Adverse reaction to saluretic agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219019005 Adverse reaction to skeletal muscle relaxants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218727000 Adverse reaction to spinal anesthetic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282100009 Adverse reaction to substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218356002 Adverse reaction to sulfamethoxazole (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218718001 Adverse reaction to surface and infiltration anesthetic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218842006 Adverse reaction to sympatholytic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408672009 Adverse reaction to viral vaccines (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30693006 Aerophagy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232121005 Afferent pupillary defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78511005 African histoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27031003 African trypanosomiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47337003 After-cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51044000 After-cataract not obscuring vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193615000 After-cataract with vision obscured (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119249001 Agammaglobulinemia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5102002 Agenesis of corpus callosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111338006 Agenesis of nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102891000 Age-related cognitive decline (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267718000 Age-related macular degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61372001 Aggressive behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82096005 Aggressive type unsocialized behavior disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192082001 Aggressive unsocial conduct disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42341009 Agnosia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70691001 Agoraphobia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191722009 Agoraphobia with panic attacks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61569007 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17182001 Agranulocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27206009 Agraphia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38528001 Ainhum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213304008 Air embolism as a complication of medical care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64290004 Air embolism as early complication of trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73990001 Air embolism complicating injection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53333005 Akinetic mutism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426598005 AL amyloid nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23132008 AL amyloidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409673008 Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) (SGPT) level raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15890002 Albinism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15167005 Alcohol abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73097000 Alcohol amnestic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66590003 Alcohol dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7052005 Alcohol hallucinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160592001 Alcohol intake above recommended sensible limits (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25702006 Alcohol intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79578000 Alcohol paranoia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292880007 Alcohol products adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8635005 Alcohol withdrawal delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191476005 Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191480000 Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420054005 Alcoholic cirrhosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50325005 Alcoholic fatty liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2043009 Alcoholic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235875008 Alcoholic hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55571001 Alcoholic ketoacidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41309000 Alcoholic liver damage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191478006 Alcoholic paranoia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7916009 Alcoholic polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235942001 Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34938008 Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53936005 Alcohol-induced mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29212009 Alcohol-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42344001 Alcohol-induced psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61144001 Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78524005 Alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41083005 Alcohol-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7200002 Alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234434003 Alders syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60086000 Aldosterone deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88213004 Aldosteronism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69194003 Aldosteronism with nodular hyperplasia of adrenal cortex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302856006 Aleukemic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426217000 Aleukemic leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188728002 Aleukemic lymphoid leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426248008 Aleukemic lymphoid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188748009 Aleukemic monocytic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188741003 Aleukemic myeloid leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9236007 Alexia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50642008 Algodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203493003 Algodystrophy of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211661000 Alkaline chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival sac (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274770006 Alkaline phosphatase raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21420006 Alkalosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360381004 Alkaptonuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16935003 Allergic arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201972000 Allergic arthritis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428218004 Allergic arthritis of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201970008 Allergic arthritis of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201966000 Allergic arthritis of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201967009 Allergic arthritis of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201969007 Allergic arthritis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201968004 Allergic arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201964002 Allergic arthritis of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201965001 Allergic arthritis of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 389145006 Allergic asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37981002 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238575004 Allergic contact dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419957005 Allergic contact dermatitis of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22231002 Allergic enteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64249002 Allergic eosinophilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425011002 Allergic fungal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1824008 Allergic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26006005 Allergic gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266451002 Allergic gastroenteritis and colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82275008 Allergic granulomatosis angiitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4448006 Allergic headache (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21148002 Allergic purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416093006 Allergic reaction to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419452009 Allergic reaction to food (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213024000 Allergic reaction to insect bite (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57302007 Allergic reaction due to correct medicinal substance properly administered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61582004 Allergic rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429195002 Allergic rhinitis due to animal dander (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91925003 Allergic rhinitis due to animals (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21719001 Allergic rhinitis due to pollen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25887009 Allergic sigmoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106190000 Allergic state (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40178009 Allergic urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402384009 Allergic urticaria due to ingested food (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91929009 Allergy to anti-infective agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91930004 Allergy to eggs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417532002 Allergy to fish (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91932007 Allergy to fruit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91935009 Allergy to peanuts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91936005 Allergy to penicillin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91937001 Allergy to seafood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56317004 Alopecia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68225006 Alopecia areata (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68913001 alpha Thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234385007 Alpha thalassemia-2 trait (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191187006 Alpha trait thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86242003 alpha^+^ Thalassemia deletion type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85422000 alpha^+^ Thalassemia nondeletion type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30188007 Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292443008 Alpha-adrenoceptor blocking drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417350008 Altered behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419284004 Altered mental status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39837002 Alternating esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111528000 Alternating esotropia with A pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8553008 Alternating esotropia with noncommitance other than A OR V pattern (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 24566000 Alternating esotropia with V pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51983000 Alternating esotropia with X AND/OR Y pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37214009 Alternating exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31254003 Alternating exotropia with A pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57805002 Alternating exotropia with V pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59257003 Alternating hyperphoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246669008 Altitudinal hemianopia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15993004 Alveolar hypoventilation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7436001 Alveolar pneumopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235013007 Alveolar ridge abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61804006 Alveolitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26929004 Alzheimer's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42979006 Amanita species poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70449006 Amaurosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88032003 Amaurosis fugax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21321009 Ambiguous genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387742006 Amblyopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387754006 Amebic dysentery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75119003 Amebic liver abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65095005 Amebic lung abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14302001 Amenorrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38699009 American histoplasmosis with pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65560000 Amino acid deficiency anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16784003 Amino acid transport disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35912001 Aminoaciduria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48167000 Amnesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3298001 Amnestic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199677008 Amniotic cavity infection - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199678003 Amniotic cavity infection with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168109006 Amniotic fluid AFP abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17263003 Amniotic fluid embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200294005 Amniotic fluid pulmonary embolism - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84758004 Amphetamine abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427205009 Amphetamine abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429692000 Amphetamine abuse episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8837000 Amphetamine delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32358001 Amphetamine delusional disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21647008 Amphetamine dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45421006 Amphetamine intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191845006 Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191843004 Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191844005 Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78358001 Amphetamine withdrawal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82339009 Amphetamine-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43497001 Amphetamine-induced mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83367009 Amphetamine-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51443000 Amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70932007 Amphetamine-induced sexual dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25753007 Amphetamine-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299213008 Amputated above elbow (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299647001 Amputated above knee (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299654007 Amputated at ankle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299212003 Amputated at shoulder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299215001 Amputated below elbow (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299652006 Amputated below knee (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308684007 Amputated big toe (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299219007 Amputated finger (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299653001 Amputated foot (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299216000 Amputated hand (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308685008 Amputated leg (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299214002 Amputated through elbow (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299657000 Amputated toe (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6461009 Amygdalolith (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48713002 Amyloid nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17602002 Amyloidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77016009 Amyoplasia congenita disruptive sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86044005 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427571000 Amyotrophy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427027005 Amyotrophy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1976008 Anaerobic septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197210001 Anal and rectal polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30037006 Anal fissure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403485001 Anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN III) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255143004 Anal intraepithelial neoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68653001 Anal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88580009 Anal polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195469007 Anal skin tag (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17440005 Anal spasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240597001 Anal warts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292040004 Analgesic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59400006 Analgesic nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103012002 Analgesic overuse headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213320003 Anaphylactic shock due to serum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419042001 Anaphylactic shock due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35001004 Anaphylactoid reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39579001 Anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427903006 Anaphylaxis due to fish (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429751004 Anaphylaxis due to fruit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430980000 Anaphylaxis due to hymenoptera venom (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402390008 Anaphylaxis due to ingested food (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427833000 Anaphylaxis due to mollusk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417516000 Anaphylaxis due to substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428795003 Anaphylaxis due to vegetable (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402391007 Anaphylaxis secondary to bite and/or sting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277461004 Anaplastic astrocytoma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370987005 Anaplastic astrocytoma of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424151006 Anaplastic glioma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255031003 Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33647009 Anatomical narrow angle glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63479002 Ancylostomiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12313004 Androgen resistance syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 504009 Androgen-dependent hirsutism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271737000 Anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413532003 Anemia due to blood loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413533008 Anemia due to chronic blood loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36919001 Anemia due to lead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428383000 Anemia due to medication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9764001 Anemia due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424988008 Anemia due to substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199244000 Anemia during pregnancy - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199246003 Anemia during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45828008 Anemia in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191265009 Anemia in neoplastic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234347009 Anemia of chronic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49708008 Anemia of chronic renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47100003 Anemia of prematurity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234348004 Anemia of renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310647000 Anemia secondary to renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89369001 Anencephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20981007 Aneurysm of artery of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3827008 Aneurysm of artery of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29495008 Aneurysm of artery of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57035005 Aneurysm of artery other than aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425963007 Aneurysm of ascending aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111290000 Aneurysm of celiac artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50570003 Aneurysm of coronary vessels (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426948001 Aneurysm of descending aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91445000 Aneurysm of femoral artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33997006 Aneurysm of gastroduodenal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71226004 Aneurysm of gastroepiploic artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65340007 Aneurysm of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25878000 Aneurysm of hepatic artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13290008 Aneurysm of iliac artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24624008 Aneurysm of internal carotid artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33456005 Aneurysm of mediastinal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57614009 Aneurysm of pancreaticoduodenal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48273005 Aneurysm of popliteal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36184004 Aneurysm of renal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8370004 Aneurysm of spinal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70405009 Aneurysm of splenic artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40136003 Aneurysm of subclavian artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428479004 Aneurysm of superficial temporal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65498003 Aneurysm of superior mesenteric artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427490006 Aneurysm of supraceliac aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426270006 Aneurysm of suprarenal aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35239001 Aneurysm of visceral artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203468000 Aneurysmal bone cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75930001 Aneurysmal cyst of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76880004 Angelman syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192085004 Anger reaction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194828000 Angina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59021001 Angina decubitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235853006 Angiodysplasia of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41291007 Angioedema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302857002 Angiofibroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86103006 Angioid streaks of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254788004 Angiokeratoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254921004 Angiomyolipoma of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403977003 Angiosarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193672005 Angioscotoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 315364008 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors contraindicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293500009 Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 295036000 Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193534006 Angle-closure glaucoma - borderline (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392291006 Angle-closure glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69397000 Angular blepharoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266429005 Angular cheilitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28669007 Anhedonia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39659002 Anhidrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399907009 Animal bite wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187173002 Anisakiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16059006 Aniseikonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13045009 Anisocoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3289004 Anisometropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232147001 Anisometropic amblyopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268068002 Ankle and/or foot joint stiffness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26237000 Ankle edema (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 813001 Ankle instability (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202318002 Ankle joint ankylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202383000 Ankle joint effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298171004 Ankle joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202490009 Ankle joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247373008 Ankle pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419193008 Ankle ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9631008 Ankylosing spondylitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19483007 Ankylosis of ear ossicles except malleus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111227009 Ankylosis of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427922002 Ankylosis of joint of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429301007 Ankylosis of joint of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56923001 Ankylosis of joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90242006 Ankylosis of joint of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73464005 Ankylosis of joint of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47049007 Ankylosis of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50603008 Ankylosis of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40315008 Annular pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26624006 Anodontia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186538004 Anogenital herpesviral infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402910001 Anogenital verrucous carcinoma of Buschke-L?wenstein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240542006 Anogenital warts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204451006 Anomalies of great veins (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17869006 Anomalous atrioventricular excitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14482000 Anomalous origin of right subclavian artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17760001 Anomaly of chromosome pair 13 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59033006 Anomaly of chromosome pair 18 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70156005 Anomaly of chromosome pair 21 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23997001 Anomaly of dental arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58244001 Anomaly of divergence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95462004 Anomaly of sex chromosome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81256000 Anomaly of tooth position (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7183006 Anophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75236001 Anorectal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426867001 Anorectal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72779005 Anorectal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197232005 Anorectal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56882008 Anorexia nervosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63393005 Anorexia nervosa binge-eating purging type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77675002 Anorexia nervosa restricting type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27585009 Anovular menstruation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34571000 Anovulation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251663001 Anovulatory (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4069002 Anoxic brain damage during AND/OR resulting from a procedure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 389098007 Anoxic encephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292122000 Antacid adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169583006 Antenatal care: history of perinatal death (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169580009 Antenatal care: recurrent aborter (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200233001 Antenatal deep vein thrombosis with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370352001 Antenatal screening finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169665005 Antenatal ultrasound scan abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49956009 Antepartum deep phlebothrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34842007 Antepartum hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198918004 Antepartum hemorrhage with coagulation defect - not delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 267199000 Antepartum hemorrhage with coagulation defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161973001 Anterior chest wall pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14309005 Anterior choroidal artery syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18377001 Anterior corneal pigmentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37283009 Anterior dislocation of lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427740006 Anterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232354002 Anterior epistaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85672005 Anterior horn cell disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193130008 Anterior interosseous nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404659001 Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63454000 Anterior scleritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14363008 Anterior spinal artery compression syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2972007 Anterior spinal artery occlusion syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111515007 Anterior subcapsular polar senile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70992005 Anterior synechiae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409498004 Anthrax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14972006 Anthrax septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292565005 Antiallergenic drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293436009 Antiarrhythmic drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 294461000 Antibacterial drug allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413555000 Antibiotic prophylaxis indicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413556004 Antibiotic resistant tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67725009 Antibiotic-induced neuromuscular blocking (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293331003 Anticoagulant adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278365007 Anticoagulant-induced bleeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413558003 Anticoagulation contraindicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292275009 Antidepressant drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292125003 Antidiarrheal drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292314001 Antiepileptic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292800009 Antifungal drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293495006 Antihypertensive adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292799005 Anti-infectives adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292847000 Antimalarial drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292523004 Antimuscarinic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293069003 Antimycobacterial agent adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292196008 Antineoplastic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165850001 Anti-nuclear factor positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26843008 Antiphospholipid syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293059009 Antiprotozoal drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26665006 Antisocial personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36351005 Antithrombin III deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292826004 Antiviral drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2472002 Anuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48694002 Anxiety (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197480006 Anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52910006 Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69479009 Anxiety hyperventilation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198288003 Anxiety state (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231470001 Anxiolytic dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312936002 Anxiolytic-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67362008 Aortic aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233972005 Aortic bifurcation embolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251036003 Aortic root dilatation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8722008 Aortic valve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60234000 Aortic valve regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67754003 Aortic valve sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60573004 Aortic valve stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233956002 Aortoiliac atherosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63661009 Apert's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24010005 Aphakia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231923006 Aphakic corneal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15374009 Aphakic glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87486003 Aphasia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36785009 Aphasia-angular gyrus syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426567008 Aphthous ulcer of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427617000 Aphthous ulceration of skin and/or mucous membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39273001 Apical periodontitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35484002 Aplasia cutis congenita (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 306058006 Aplastic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69075005 Aplastic crisis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1023001 Apnea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13094009 Apnea in the newborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254725004 Apocrine cystadenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29874009 Appendiceal colic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269813009 Appetite loss - anorexia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289163007 Appetite problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308817005 Appointment status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68345001 Apraxia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428668000 Apraxia due to cerebrovascular accident (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87715008 Aptyalism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238695001 Aquagenic pruritus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33595009 Arachnoid cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237717004 Arachnoid cyst of pituitary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8217007 Arachnoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16766000 Arbovirus hemorrhagic fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231925004 Arcus juvenilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111522004 Arcus senilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248830009 Areola finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21328003 Argentous corneal deposit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23501004 Arginase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41013004 Argininosuccinate lyase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4129001 Argyll-Robertson pupil (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269329008 Arm sprain - upper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36964004 Arrest of bone development AND/OR growth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24699006 Arrested active phase of labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403741004 Arsenical keratosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233981004 Arterial aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54687002 Arterial embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50821009 Arterial retinal branch occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234024001 Arterial steal syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413577001 Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome due to cervical rib (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65198009 Arterial thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31742004 Arteriohepatic dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282347007 Arteriopathic impotence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429673002 Arteriosclerosis in coronary artery bypass graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191464005 Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49176002 Arteriosclerotic gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72092001 Arteriosclerotic vascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234147002 Arteriovenous angioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312638003 Arteriovenous disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302946006 Arteriovenous fistula aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234207004 Arteriovenous fistula hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234206008 Arteriovenous fistula infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111289009 Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234203000 Arteriovenous fistula stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234205007 Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280974009 Arteriovenous graft hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280973003 Arteriovenous graft infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280971001 Arteriovenous graft stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280972008 Arteriovenous graft thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280977002 Arteriovenous shunt hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280979004 Arteriovenous shunt thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52089001 Arteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91943004 Arthralgia of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267954009 Arthralgia of the ankle and/or foot (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267951001 Arthralgia of the forearm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267953003 Arthralgia of the lower leg (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267952008 Arthralgia of the pelvic region and thigh (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267950000 Arthralgia of the upper arm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3723001 Arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1679003 Arthritis associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239782006 Arthritis due to parasitic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239780003 Arthritis due to viral infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429459001 Arthritis of acromioclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439656005 Arthritis of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428361004 Arthritis of hand due to viral infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428143003 Arthritis of joint of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371081002 Arthritis of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429669000 Arthritis of knee due to viral infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428104002 Arthritis of midtarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371082009 Arthritis of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91944005 Arthritis of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111246005 Arthrogryposis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399269003 Arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23961005 Arthropathy associated with a hematological disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53338001 Arthropathy associated with a hypersensitivity reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111214005 Arthropathy associated with a mycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67536000 Arthropathy associated with a neurological disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81973005 Arthropathy associated with a respiratory disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39710007 Arthropathy associated with an endocrine AND/OR metabolic disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 35524003 Arthropathy associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91291006 Arthropathy associated with another systemic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111212009 Arthropathy associated with bacterial disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201732000 Arthropathy associated with dermatological disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111215006 Arthropathy associated with helminthiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201726005 Arthropathy associated with non-infective gastrointestinal disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 39992005 Arthropathy associated with nonspecific urethritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111213004 Arthropathy associated with viral disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62918002 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201492003 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428169009 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201491005 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201487000 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201488005 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201490006 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201489002 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 201485008 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427967009 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201486009 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201728006 Arthropathy in Crohn's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201727001 Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427500003 Arthropathy of cervical spine facet joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429554009 Arthropathy of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428360003 Arthropathy of joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428671008 Arthropathy of lumbar facet joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428106000 Arthropathy of multiple joints associated with a neurological disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128268005 Arthropathy of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429350001 Arthropathy of spinal facet joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430428000 Arthropathy of the ankle AND/OR foot associated with a neurological disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429643006 Arthropathy of the elbow associated with a neurological disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 427878002 Arthropathy of the hand associated with a neurological disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 432463002 Arthropathy of the hip associated with a neurological disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428779003 Arthropathy of the knee associated with a neurological disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 427925000 Arthropathy of the wrist associated with a neurological disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428460002 Arthropathy of thoracic facet joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285756005 Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis vector unknown (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53417006 Articular cartilage disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84970007 Articular cartilage disorder of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90068007 Articular cartilage disorder of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84097002 Articular cartilage disorder of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202137000 Articular cartilage disorder of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202133001 Articular cartilage disorder of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9051008 Articular cartilage disorder of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429052003 Articular cartilage disorder of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91945006 Articular disc disorder of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427145007 Articulation disorder due to hyperkinesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309523001 Artificial lens present (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 306944007 Arytenoid finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233636000 Asbestos pleurisy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22607003 Asbestosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2435008 Ascariasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253640002 Ascending aorta abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 389026000 Ascites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76169001 Ascorbic acid deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301770000 Aseptic meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398199007 Aseptic necrosis of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430889003 Aseptic necrosis of bone of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424105005 Aseptic necrosis of carpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29281007 Aseptic necrosis of head AND/OR neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83453001 Aseptic necrosis of head of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17926002 Aseptic necrosis of medial femoral condyle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430890007 Aseptic necrosis of metatarsal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38079004 Aseptic necrosis of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43453000 Aseptic necrosis of talus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427887006 Aseptic necrosis of vertebral body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48236007 Asherman syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 166669000 Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)/serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) level raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23560001 Asperger's disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65553006 Aspergillosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28314004 Asphyxia in liveborn infant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278692007 Aspiration into lower respiratory tract (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427827009 Aspiration into main bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413585005 Aspiration into respiratory tract (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439592004 Aspiration into trachea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62329009 Aspiration of foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422588002 Aspiration pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83608006 Aspiration pneumonia due to inhalation of milk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42004004 Aspiration pneumonia due to inhalation of vomitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75426006 Aspiration pneumonia due to regurgitated food (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40786001 Aspiration pneumonia due to regurgitated gastric secretions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44549008 Aspiration pneumonia resulting from a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292044008 Aspirin adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293586001 Aspirin allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 295135004 Aspirin overdose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233686006 Aspirin-sensitive asthma with nasal polyps (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71802006 Astasia-abasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89105000 Asteatosis cutis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201077008 Asteatotic eczema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95800001 Asteroid hyalosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13791008 Asthenia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24463005 Asthenozoospermia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195967001 Asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57546000 Asthma with status asthmaticus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55570000 Asthma without status asthmaticus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405944004 Asthmatic bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233691007 Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82649003 Astigmatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254938000 Astrocytoma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51409009 Asymmetric crying face association (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427772009 Asymmetrical hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428887009 Asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235082006 Asymmetry of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235083001 Asymmetry of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199101006 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31563000 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91947003 Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37754005 Asymptomatic neurosyphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430429008 At risk for congestive heart failure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129840009 At risk for physiological dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225444004 At risk for suicide (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161639008 At risk of heart disease (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20262006 Ataxia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68504005 Ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278512001 Ataxic cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25136009 Ataxic gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46621007 Atelectasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51677000 Atheroembolism of renal arteries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425527003 Atheromatous embolus of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427567003 Atheromatous embolus of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81817003 Atherosclerosis of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51274000 Atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45281005 Atherosclerosis of renal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129573006 Atherosclerotic occlusive disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302910002 Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428507003 Atherosclerotic stenosis of brachiocephalic artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75019001 Athetoid cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44913001 Athetosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45179004 Atlantoaxial subluxation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78044008 Atlanto-occipital malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27214003 Atonic postpartum hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42365007 Atonic seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231854006 Atopic conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24079001 Atopic dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55985003 Atopic reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38103000 Atopic rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204431007 Atresia and stenosis of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204711007 Atresia of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17366009 Atrial arrhythmia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82608003 Atrial dilatation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49436004 Atrial fibrillation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5370000 Atrial flutter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195126007 Atrial hypertrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70142008 Atrial septal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253371000 Atrial septal defect through coronary sinus orifice (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204315000 Atrial septal defect within oval fossa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276796006 Atrial tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233917008 Atrioventricular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50799005 Atrioventricular dissociation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11849007 Atrioventricular junctional rhythm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253373002 Atrioventricular septal defect - isolated atrial component (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30475004 Atrophia cutis senilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301455002 Atrophic endometrium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84568007 Atrophic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95709007 Atrophic iris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72052003 Atrophic nonflaccid tympanic membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28111002 Atrophic rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201070005 Atrophic spots of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52441000 Atrophic vaginitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248861000 Atrophic vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399979006 Atrophoderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367508007 Atrophoderma maculatum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32909009 Atrophoderma neuriticum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2736005 Atrophoderma vermiculatum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20897003 Atrophy of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197659005 Atrophy of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410073008 Atrophy of orbital structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88281007 Atrophy of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29524003 Atrophy of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48128006 Atrophy of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17585008 Atrophy of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50805004 Atrophy of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9491003 Atrophy of tongue papillae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297147009 Atrophy of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427907007 Atrophy of vocal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406506008 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31177006 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder combined type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7461003 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly hyperactive impulsive type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35253001 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23374007 Atypical absence seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21011008 Atypical Argyll-Robertson pupil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102589003 Atypical chest pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191659001 Atypical depressive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277158007 Atypical endometrial hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71303008 Atypical facial pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429570006 Atypical fibrous histiocytoma of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254754005 Atypical fibroxanthoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 369462000 Atypical hyperplasia of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427785007 Atypical hyperplasia of lactiferous duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427285006 Atypical lipoma of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191658009 Atypical manic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111812000 Atypical mycobacterial infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423892009 Atypical mycobacterial infection of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233606009 Atypical pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362989003 Auditory dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45150006 Auditory hallucinations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229752008 Auditory processing disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268363004 Auditory/vestibular test abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45294007 Auriculotemporal syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408856003 Autistic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43614003 Autistic disorder of childhood onset (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165879008 Autoantibody titer positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85828009 Autoimmune disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232308006 Autoimmune disorder of inner ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413603009 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41864002 Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428470000 Autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66944004 Autoimmune thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129618003 Autonomic dysreflexia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277879009 Autonomic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428113000 Autosomal aneuploidy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403759001 Autosomal chromosomal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254273005 Autosomal deletion - mosaicism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429442006 Autosomal duplication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397758007 Avascular necrosis of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430891006 Avascular necrosis of bone of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360466009 Avascular necrosis of lunate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111255008 Avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203476003 Avascular necrosis of the head of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55604004 Avian influenza (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37872007 Avoidant disorder of childhood OR adolescence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37746008 Avoidant personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284554003 Avulsion - injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430981001 Avulsion of fingernail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281602002 Avulsion of ligament with bony fragment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429349001 Avulsion of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430903001 Avulsion of toenail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204152008 Axenfeld anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417604002 Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210824000 Axillary blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127189005 Axillary lymphadenopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230636004 Axillary nerve compression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78862003 Ayerza's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48188009 Azoospermia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427069009 Azoospermia due to chemotherapy AND/OR radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427670006 Azoospermia due to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427121008 Azoospermia due to obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425793006 Azoospermia due to systemic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91952008 Azorean disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21061004 Babesiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310493005 Baby birth weight = 1.0-1.5kg (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310494004 Baby birth weight = 1.5-2.0kg (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310538001 Baby birth weight 2.0-2.5kg (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310539009 Baby birth weight above 2.5kg (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169860002 Baby BW = < 3% (under 2500g) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169861003 Baby BW = 3% - 9% (2500-2849g) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310529003 Baby premature 37 weeks (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58213005 Bacillary angiomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66540002 Back strain of thoracic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161891005 Backache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5758002 Bacteremia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428885001 Bacteremia associated with intravascular line (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 440219001 Bacteremia due to Salmonella (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428763004 Bacteremia due to Staphylococcus aureus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48245008 Bacterial arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43823002 Bacterial cholangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128350005 Bacterial conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424551004 Bacterial cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301183007 Bacterial endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75375008 Bacterial enteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66107000 Bacterial food poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63398001 Bacterial infection due to Pseudomonas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87628006 Bacterial infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314557000 Bacterial keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95883001 Bacterial meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425887005 Bacterial meningitis due to Gram-negative bacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61011009 Bacterial osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85426002 Bacterial pleurisy with effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53084003 Bacterial pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10001005 Bacterial septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429728004 Bacterial urethritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312124009 Bacterial urinary infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419760006 Bacterial vaginosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61373006 Bacteriuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67242002 Bagassosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61221008 Baggenstoss change of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205644003 Balanced autosomal translocation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254275003 Balanced rearrangement and structural marker (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44882003 Balanitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198033005 Balanitis xerotica obliterans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46090001 Balanoposthitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426592006 Ballism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230380005 Balo concentric sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35055000 Band-shaped keratopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48982009 Bannwarth syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231472009 Barbiturate dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5619004 Bardet-Biedl syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45019006 Bard-Pic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168840001 Barium enema abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241978003 Barotrauma of descent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302914006 Barrett's esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6815003 Bartholinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266123003 Bartonellosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402500004 Basal cell carcinoma of ala nasi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424666005 Basal cell carcinoma of auricle of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423463003 Basal cell carcinoma of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402507001 Basal cell carcinoma of cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423535002 Basal cell carcinoma of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402508006 Basal cell carcinoma of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402498000 Basal cell carcinoma of dorsum of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402820007 Basal cell carcinoma of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423325007 Basal cell carcinoma of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231832009 Basal cell carcinoma of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402519009 Basal cell carcinoma of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403916003 Basal cell carcinoma of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402522006 Basal cell carcinoma of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402494003 Basal cell carcinoma of lower eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402506005 Basal cell carcinoma of lower lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402504008 Basal cell carcinoma of nasolabial groove (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402509003 Basal cell carcinoma of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402818009 Basal cell carcinoma of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403915004 Basal cell carcinoma of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254701007 Basal cell carcinoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402819001 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403917007 Basal cell carcinoma of temple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402502007 Basal cell carcinoma of tip of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402523001 Basal cell carcinoma of truncal skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403919005 Basal cell carcinoma of upper eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402505009 Basal cell carcinoma of upper lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300999006 Basal pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50829006 Basic learning problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195180004 Basilar artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54519002 Basilar artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64009001 Basilar artery syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430904007 Basilar skull invagination (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65209002 Basophilia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76223006 Bat ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373435003 Battey disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109979007 B-cell lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69488000 Beaded hair (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387732009 Becker muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81780002 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160685001 Bed-ridden (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241820008 Bee sting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 844005 Behavior finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231538003 Behavioral and emotional disorder with onset in childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161128009 Behavioral problems at school (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231520001 Behavioral syndrome associated with physiological disturbance and physical factors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310701003 Behcet's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193093009 Bell's palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41713005 Benedikt's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62240004 Benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233639007 Benign asbestos pleural effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240080003 Benign congenital hypotonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235616003 Benign esophageal stricture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1201005 Benign essential hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23717007 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198944004 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198946002 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198942000 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103011009 Benign exertional headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192840004 Benign familial tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230652001 Benign fasciculation-cramp syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402872002 Benign fibrohistiocytic neoplasm of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426134002 Benign ganglioneuroma of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10725009 Benign hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66052004 Benign hypertensive heart AND renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194767001 Benign hypertensive heart disease with congestive cardiac failure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 77737007 Benign hypertensive heart disease with congestive heart failure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 77970009 Benign hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 193003 Benign hypertensive renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68267002 Benign intracranial hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19719003 Benign lymphocytic infiltration of Jessner (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57993004 Benign mammary dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58648008 Benign monoclonal gammopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230256009 Benign monomelic amyotrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267800008 Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid with no eye involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38281008 Benign neonatal convulsions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230410004 Benign neonatal familial convulsions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413638006 Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91967007 Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91971005 Benign neoplasm of anal canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91984001 Benign neoplasm of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128463003 Benign neoplasm of articular cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409661008 Benign neoplasm of autonomic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188845004 Benign neoplasm of bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91992005 Benign neoplasm of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92021007 Benign neoplasm of body of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92027006 Benign neoplasm of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92025003 Benign neoplasm of bone of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92030004 Benign neoplasm of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92029009 Benign neoplasm of brain stem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92044005 Benign neoplasm of carotid body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92048008 Benign neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92051001 Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92059004 Benign neoplasm of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92060009 Benign neoplasm of ciliary body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92065004 Benign neoplasm of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92068002 Benign neoplasm of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92070006 Benign neoplasm of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92071005 Benign neoplasm of cranial nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92072003 Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92085000 Benign neoplasm of endocrine gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92091003 Benign neoplasm of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92097004 Benign neoplasm of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189053003 Benign neoplasm of eyelid including canthus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92100009 Benign neoplasm of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92102001 Benign neoplasm of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92103006 Benign neoplasm of female genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92109005 Benign neoplasm of floor of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92110000 Benign neoplasm of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92118007 Benign neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92128003 Benign neoplasm of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188943007 Benign neoplasm of hand bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92132009 Benign neoplasm of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92139000 Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92165001 Benign neoplasm of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92169007 Benign neoplasm of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92175003 Benign neoplasm of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92185002 Benign neoplasm of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92186001 Benign neoplasm of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271527007 Benign neoplasm of liver and/or biliary ducts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92188000 Benign neoplasm of long bone of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188963000 Benign neoplasm of long bones of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92191000 Benign neoplasm of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92196005 Benign neoplasm of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92197001 Benign neoplasm of lymph node (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92205005 Benign neoplasm of major salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92206006 Benign neoplasm of male breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92207002 Benign neoplasm of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92208007 Benign neoplasm of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92214000 Benign neoplasm of mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429765002 Benign neoplasm of medulla oblongata (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109913001 Benign neoplasm of meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419958000 Benign neoplasm of mouth region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92231007 Benign neoplasm of muscle of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92241005 Benign neoplasm of nasal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92247009 Benign neoplasm of nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92258000 Benign neoplasm of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92259008 Benign neoplasm of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92260003 Benign neoplasm of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92261004 Benign neoplasm of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92264007 Benign neoplasm of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188848002 Benign neoplasm of pancreas excluding islets of Langerhans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92272009 Benign neoplasm of parathyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188955001 Benign neoplasm of pelvic bones sacrum and coccyx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92286008 Benign neoplasm of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92288009 Benign neoplasm of perianal skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109942009 Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109924004 Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109922000 Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109938006 Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109936005 Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109926002 Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109946007 Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92293007 Benign neoplasm of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92294001 Benign neoplasm of pineal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92296004 Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92308005 Benign neoplasm of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92314003 Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92319008 Benign neoplasm of renal pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255166003 Benign neoplasm of respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92321003 Benign neoplasm of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271475004 Benign neoplasm of ribs and/or sternum and/or clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188937005 Benign neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92336000 Benign neoplasm of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92341008 Benign neoplasm of short bone of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271476003 Benign neoplasm of short bones of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92384009 Benign neoplasm of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92344000 Benign neoplasm of skin of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92346003 Benign neoplasm of skin of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92347007 Benign neoplasm of skin of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92348002 Benign neoplasm of skin of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92349005 Benign neoplasm of skin of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92350005 Benign neoplasm of skin of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92351009 Benign neoplasm of skin of cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92352002 Benign neoplasm of skin of chest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92354001 Benign neoplasm of skin of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92357008 Benign neoplasm of skin of eyebrow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92358003 Benign neoplasm of skin of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92359006 Benign neoplasm of skin of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92364005 Benign neoplasm of skin of groin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92365006 Benign neoplasm of skin of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92369000 Benign neoplasm of skin of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92370004 Benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92371000 Benign neoplasm of skin of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92372007 Benign neoplasm of skin of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92373002 Benign neoplasm of skin of perineum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92375009 Benign neoplasm of skin of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92377001 Benign neoplasm of skin of temporal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92380000 Benign neoplasm of skin of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92381001 Benign neoplasm of skin of umbilicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92382008 Benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271474000 Benign neoplasm of skull and facial bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92385005 Benign neoplasm of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92069005 Benign neoplasm of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92387002 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92391007 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92394004 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92395003 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92396002 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92399009 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92400002 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92401003 Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92405007 Benign neoplasm of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427939000 Benign neoplasm of spinal extradural space (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429691007 Benign neoplasm of spinal intradural space (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92406008 Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255178004 Benign neoplasm of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92411005 Benign neoplasm of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92415001 Benign neoplasm of submaxillary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92428008 Benign neoplasm of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92432002 Benign neoplasm of the peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92437008 Benign neoplasm of thymus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92439006 Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92443005 Benign neoplasm of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92263001 Benign neoplasm of tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92459005 Benign neoplasm of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92464009 Benign neoplasm of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92466006 Benign neoplasm of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92468007 Benign neoplasm of urinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92056006 Benign neoplasm of uterine cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92470003 Benign neoplasm of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92473001 Benign neoplasm of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92486005 Benign neoplasm of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20376005 Benign neoplastic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424567005 Benign oncocytoma of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425868004 Benign papilloma of choroid plexus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255163006 Benign papilloma of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111541001 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253032007 Benign pheochromocytoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190810006 Benign primary hypergammaglobulinemic purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266569009 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236646007 Benign prostatic hypertrophy with outflow obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254902007 Benign prostatic hypertrophy without outflow obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31155007 Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44145005 Benign Rolandic epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73410007 Benign secondary renovascular hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119423009 Benign teratoma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269485000 Benign tumor of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254943007 Benign tumor of choroid plexus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254614001 Benign tumor of endocrine pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231824001 Benign tumor of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280960002 Benign tumor of lacrimal drainage structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188800003 Benign tumor of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255154009 Benign tumor of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254691005 Benign tumor of skin with pilar differentiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255195007 Benign tumor of soft tissue of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61653009 Bennett's fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292343009 Benzodiazepine sedative adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74506000 Bereavement due to life event (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36656008 Beriberi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81463002 Bestiality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426084006 Beta lactam resistant bacterial infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65959000 beta Thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269175006 Beta thalassemia trait (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79592006 beta^+^ Thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86715000 beta^0^ Thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292419005 Beta-adrenoceptor blocking drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193727007 Better eye: moderate visual impairment Lesser eye: severe visual impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235677003 Bezoar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41137001 Bicipital tenosynovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427086003 Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31401003 Bicornuate uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237220008 Bicornuate uterus complicating antenatal care baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254021002 Bicoronal craniosynostosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72352009 Bicuspid aortic valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74021003 Bifascicular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79214007 Bifid patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425996009 Bilateral basal pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20143001 Bilateral bundle branch block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426651005 Bilateral carotid artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427644005 Bilateral central hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304068004 Bilateral cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204614006 Bilateral complete cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10155006 Bilateral congenital dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67069009 Bilateral femoral hernia without obstruction AND without gangrene (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 204615007 Bilateral incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85502002 Bilateral inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7815009 Bilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9359003 Bilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66135001 Bilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72425000 Bilateral left-sidedness sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430977001 Bilateral neural hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195844002 Bilateral partial vocal cord paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425802001 Bilateral pleural effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407671000 Bilateral pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12073000 Bilateral recurrent femoral hernia without obstruction AND without gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3560000 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53462005 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73052009 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 425414000 Bilateral renal artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430985005 Bilateral sensory hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52777008 Bilateral small kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84886001 Bilateral traumatic amputation of arms at any level with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53927006 Bilateral traumatic amputation of arms at any level without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428130003 Bilateral traumatic amputation of arms below elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89824004 Bilateral traumatic amputation of feet with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36211009 Bilateral traumatic amputation of feet without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13093003 Bilateral traumatic amputation of legs at any level with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73600009 Bilateral traumatic amputation of legs at any level without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433097005 Bilateral traumatic amputation of upper limbs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59695000 Bilateral visual field constriction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44332000 Bile acid malabsorption syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86941000 Bile acid malabsorption syndrome type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59285001 Bile acid malabsorption syndrome type II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91465007 Bile acid malabsorption syndrome type III (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197389006 Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235932003 Bile duct leakage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36746002 Bile peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1761006 Biliary cirrhosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37389005 Biliary colic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168869005 Biliary contrast radiography abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197432008 Biliary dyskinesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235921003 Biliary stricture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47922009 Bilirubinuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53397008 Biliuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83275001 Binocular vision disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193659009 Binocular vision suppression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15307001 Biotin-(propionyl-CoA-carboxylase) ligase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8808004 Biotinidase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191627008 Bipolar affective disorder current episode depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191618007 Bipolar affective disorder current episode manic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13746004 Bipolar disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41836007 Bipolar disorder in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85248005 Bipolar disorder in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371596008 Bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31446002 Bipolar I disorder most recent episode hypomanic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9340000 Bipolar I disorder single manic episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87950005 Bipolar I disorder single manic episode with catatonic features (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 78269000 Bipolar I disorder single manic episode in partial remission (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 75360000 Bipolar I disorder single manic episode in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83225003 Bipolar II disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48937005 Bipolar II disorder most recent episode hypomanic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16295005 Bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43568002 Bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive with atypical features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22407005 Bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive with catatonic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34315001 Bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive with melancholic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30687003 Bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive with postpartum onset (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69339004 Bird-fanciers' lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37384000 Birth injury to scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56110009 Birth trauma of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310659001 Birth weight 1000-2499 g (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283682007 Bite - wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92506005 Biventricular congestive heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300453004 Bladder absent (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54768000 Bladder distention (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40492006 Bladder dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249585009 Bladder finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68666001 Bladder fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236633002 Bladder muscle dysfunction - overactive (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399072004 Bladder neck obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416991005 Bladder outlet obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15803009 Bladder pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79184009 Bladder trabeculation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38226001 Bland diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69996000 Blastomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 131148009 Bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197092000 Bleeding diverticulosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17709002 Bleeding esophageal varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26421009 Bleeding external hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399221001 Bleeding from vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24807004 Bleeding gastric varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86276007 Bleeding gums (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51551000 Bleeding hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75884004 Bleeding internal hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57748001 Bleeding ulcer of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438510004 Bleeding varices of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41446000 Blepharitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47704002 Blepharochalasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68659002 Blepharoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79833006 Blepharophimosis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59026006 Blepharospasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35999006 Blighted ovum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 264008 Blind hypertensive eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23360000 Blind hypotensive eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77225009 Blind loop syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267727004 Blind or low vision - both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193699007 Blindness - both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105597003 Blindness AND/OR vision impairment level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22950006 Blindness of one eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9977002 Blister of ankle with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63093000 Blister of ankle without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88411000 Blister of anus with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50936006 Blister of anus without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45666009 Blister of ear with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21286004 Blister of ear without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43956002 Blister of elbow with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84208005 Blister of elbow without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70166002 Blister of face with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33701006 Blister of face without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74631009 Blister of finger with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1525003 Blister of foot without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84417007 Blister of forearm with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75760003 Blister of forearm without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30888005 Blister of gum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45974008 Blister of gum without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34441006 Blister of hand with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17166002 Blister of hand without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46132008 Blister of hip with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40542008 Blister of hip without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37885005 Blister of leg with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13114007 Blister of lip with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111704000 Blister of lip without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86540005 Blister of lower leg without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81244001 Blister of neck with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35505001 Blister of neck without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86821006 Blister of nose with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36648005 Blister of nose without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88646002 Blister of penis with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89604000 Blister of penis without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23021006 Blister of perineum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80450002 Blister of perineum without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60506006 Blister of scalp with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84295003 Blister of scalp without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41232003 Blister of scrotum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6603000 Blister of scrotum without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111711001 Blister of shoulder with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18268005 Blister of shoulder without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417237009 Blister of skin AND/OR mucosa (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400213003 Blister of skin with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80723008 Blister of testis with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22999005 Blister of thigh with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85763007 Blister of thigh without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15290006 Blister of toe with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54614003 Blister of toe without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111705004 Blister of trunk with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38119007 Blister of trunk without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82451005 Blister of upper arm with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51051009 Blister of upper arm without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9068007 Blister of vagina with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57352003 Blister of vagina without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68212003 Blister of vulva with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9742005 Blister of vulva without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76832002 Blister of wrist with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79056001 Blister of wrist without infection (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 120608000 Blister with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247464001 Blistering eruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428176004 Blisters of multiple sites (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 134288007 Blocked central line (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237143006 Blocked fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 166318006 Blood chemistry abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64779008 Blood coagulation disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128088003 Blood coagulation disorder categorized by value of screening test (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 312391003 Blood gases abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 166922008 Blood glucose abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34436003 Blood in urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427185001 Blood product issued (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250373003 Blood transfusion finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82545002 Blood transfusion reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21829004 Blood vessel finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4434006 Bloom syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111516008 Blurring of visual image (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83482000 Body dysmorphic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43498006 Body fluid retention (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162863004 Body mass index 25-29 - overweight (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162864005 Body mass index 30+ - obesity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408512008 Body mass index 40+ - severely obese (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310252000 Body mass index less than 20 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200608005 Boil of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111415009 Boil of corpus cavernosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200611006 Boil of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302011000 Boil of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310008 Boil of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267772007 Boil of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128076000 Bone AND/OR joint disorder in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36916008 Bone AND/OR joint disorder of back in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203465002 Bone cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284003005 Bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12584003 Bone pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400008009 Borderline leprosy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20010003 Borderline personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43234007 Boutonni?re deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235594008 Bowel dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16268000 Bowel sounds absent (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398831006 Bowen's disease of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232448002 Bowing of vocal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195271009 Brachial artery aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72893007 Brachial neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60490008 Brachial neuritis AND/OR radiculitis due to displacement of cervical intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3548001 Brachial plexus disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27830001 Brachial radiculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43476002 Brachydactyly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30592006 Brachymetatarsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48867003 Bradycardia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209922004 Brain contusion with open intracranial wound with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209923009 Brain contusion with open intracranial wound with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 209924003 Brain contusion with open intracranial wound with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126944002 Brain disorder resulting from a period of impaired oxygen delivery to the brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28188001 Brain injury with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28156009 Brain injury with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5202009 Brain injury with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13752003 Brain injury with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 86010003 Brain injury with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12912004 Brain injury with open intracranial wound AND no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27923006 Brain injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86488006 Brain injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9015001 Brain injury without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22693008 Brain injury without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33332005 Brain injury without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 47450003 Brain injury without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79228001 Brain injury without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55885004 Brain injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) with return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47462004 Brain injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39020005 Brain injury without skull fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25816005 Brain stem compression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127305005 Brain stem contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78968003 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57012007 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78028004 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 66393002 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23026001 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52913008 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound AND no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16837005 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42670008 Brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52888005 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54637009 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79220008 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29807001 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38761006 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36716000 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10061007 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63023005 Brain stem contusion without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63986002 Brain stem herniation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95457000 Brain stem infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12589008 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6147005 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41222005 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 3119002 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41025001 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19210000 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound AND no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5073009 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64413001 Brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20899000 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59561005 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17819003 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10256000 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18531006 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78525006 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70686002 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67378005 Brain stem laceration without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230806005 Brain ventricular shunt infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230190006 Brainstem encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253258000 Branchial cleft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59857007 Branchial cleft cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268173005 Branchial cleft sinus and fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91612009 Brawny scleritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 412734009 BRCA1 gene mutation positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 412738007 BRCA2 gene mutation positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313283000 Breakage of joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430905008 Breakage of shoulder joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56169002 Break-through bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34831003 Breast engorgement in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200416006 Breast engorgement in pregnancy the puerperium or lactation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200420005 Breast engorgement in pregnancy the puerperium or lactation with antenatal complication (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200421009 Breast engorgement in pregnancy/puerperium/lact + p/n comp (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302924003 Breast hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198123000 Breast hematoma due to non-traumatic cause (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198108005 Breast infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6703006 Breast lobule hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89164003 Breast lump (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 243878006 Breast neoplasm screening status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 390845001 Breast screening declined (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297178008 Breast seroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240301009 Breastfeeding problem in the newborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271691008 Breasts asymmetrical (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79879001 Breath smells unpleasant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75483001 Breathing painful (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111489007 Breathing-related sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17532001 Breech malpresentation successfully converted to cephalic presentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199354004 Breech presentation - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6096002 Breech presentation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199355003 Breech presentation with antenatal problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254859006 Brenner tumor of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192046006 Brief depressive adjustment reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5464005 Brief reactive psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11530004 Brittle diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229654003 Broca's dysphasia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58411009 Broken tooth with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42744004 Broken tooth without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65382006 Bromhidrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292639002 Bromine complexes adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212630006 Bromine compound poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12295008 Bronchiectasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4120002 Bronchiolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31886003 Bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129458007 Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373627005 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32398004 Bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196019004 Bronchitis and pneumonitis due to chemical fumes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396285007 Bronchopneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67569000 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4386001 Bronchospasm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199371003 Brow presentation with antenatal problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35929003 Brown's tendon sheath syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27982003 Brown-S?quard syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75702008 Brucellosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418818005 Brugada syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70466008 Bruit (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191983006 Bruxism (teeth grinding) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275326005 Bucket handle tear of lateral meniscus of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82385007 Budd-Chiari syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268174004 Bulbus cordis and cardiac septal closure anomalies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78004001 Bulimia nervosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71872007 Bulky stool (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7231009 Bullous dermatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57207003 Bullous keratopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33528003 Bullous myringitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77090002 Bullous pemphigoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193333001 Bullous retinischisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6374002 Bundle branch block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413728006 Buphthalmos (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118617000 Burkitt's lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188515006 Burkitt's lymphoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188511002 Burkitt's lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188513004 Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188510001 Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188514005 Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188516007 Burkitt's lymphoma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92508006 Burkitt's tumor of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92509003 Burkitt's tumor of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92510008 Burkitt's tumor of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92511007 Burkitt's tumor of lymph nodes of axilla AND/OR upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92512000 Burkitt's tumor of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92513005 Burkitt's tumor of lymph nodes of inguinal region AND/OR lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 92514004 Burkitt's tumor of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92515003 Burkitt's tumor of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125666000 Burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14276000 Burn any degree involving 10-19 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22428001 Burn any degree involving 20-29 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40904009 Burn any degree involving 30-39 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86660005 Burn any degree involving 40-49 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64647005 Burn any degree involving 50-59 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51041008 Burn any degree involving 60-69 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46000006 Burn any degree involving 70-79 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5414003 Burn any degree involving 80-89 percent of body surface (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90808005 Burn any degree involving 90 percent OR more of body surface (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 6341002 Burn any degree involving less than 10 percent of body surface (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 49615009 Burn erythema of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27346001 Burn erythema of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34554001 Burn erythema of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9063003 Burn erythema of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91146006 Burn erythema of back of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35501005 Burn erythema of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46156007 Burn erythema of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10137002 Burn erythema of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9269007 Burn erythema of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33826007 Burn erythema of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20945009 Burn erythema of face AND/OR head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33824005 Burn erythema of face head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40986008 Burn erythema of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65467000 Burn erythema of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54674008 Burn erythema of forehead AND/OR cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14664006 Burn erythema of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62952004 Burn erythema of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78202006 Burn erythema of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20490007 Burn erythema of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70250009 Burn erythema of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77830003 Burn erythema of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111718007 Burn erythema of multiple sites of wrist AND/OR hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38966005 Burn erythema of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58340008 Burn erythema of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29418006 Burn erythema of palm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7765006 Burn erythema of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72882005 Burn erythema of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80821000 Burn erythema of single finger not thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81094005 Burn erythema of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69025008 Burn erythema of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68628004 Burn erythema of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111716006 Burn erythema of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42879007 Burn erythema of two OR more fingers including thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69429006 Burn erythema of two OR more fingers not including thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70432004 Burn erythema of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62242007 Burn erythema of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56710004 Burn erythema of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212060002 Burn involving 20-29 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212061003 Burn involving 20-29 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212065007 Burn involving 30-39 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212066008 Burn involving 30-39 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212067004 Burn involving 30-39 percent of body surface with 30-39 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212071001 Burn involving 40-49 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212072008 Burn involving 40-49 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212073003 Burn involving 40-49 percent of body surface with 30-39 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212074009 Burn involving 40-49 percent of body surface with 40-49 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212078007 Burn involving 50-59 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212079004 Burn involving 50-59 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212080001 Burn involving 50-59 percent of body surface with 30-39 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212081002 Burn involving 50-59 percent of body surface with 40-49 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212082009 Burn involving 50-59 percent of body surface with 50-59 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212086007 Burn involving 60-69 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212087003 Burn involving 60-69 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212088008 Burn involving 60-69 percent of body surface with 30-39 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212089000 Burn involving 60-69 percent of body surface with 40-49 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212090009 Burn involving 60-69 percent of body surface with 50-59 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212091008 Burn involving 60-69 percent of body surface with 60-69 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212095004 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212096003 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212097007 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface with 30-39 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212098002 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface with 40-49 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212099005 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface with 50-59 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212100002 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface with 60-69 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212101003 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface with 70-79 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212105007 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212106008 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212107004 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 30-39 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212108009 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 40-49 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212109001 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 50-59 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212110006 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 60-69 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212111005 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 70-79 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212112003 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface with 80-89 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212117009 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 10-19 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212118004 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 20-29 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212119007 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 30-39 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212120001 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 40-49 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212121002 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 50-59 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212122009 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 60-69 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212123004 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 70-79 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212124005 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with 80-89 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212125006 Burn involving more than 90 percent of body surface with more than 90 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53106000 Burn of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40993007 Burn of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84493007 Burn of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72998004 Burn of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55343006 Burn of back of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80433004 Burn of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75984003 Burn of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81116005 Burn of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39065001 Burn of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18084001 Burn of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45982008 Burn of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71157005 Burn of eye AND/OR adnexa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274205003 Burn of eye region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17771000 Burn of face AND/OR head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11980003 Burn of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80827001 Burn of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24379005 Burn of forehead AND/OR cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13140001 Burn of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284220000 Burn of genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14893008 Burn of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37645002 Burn of head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17543009 Burn of internal organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19684007 Burn of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73518002 Burn of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37696000 Burn of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84677008 Burn of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212032004 Burn of mouth and pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80183002 Burn of multiple sites of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11868005 Burn of multiple sites of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67573002 Burn of multiple sites of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71637007 Burn of multiple sites of wrist AND/OR hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427828004 Burn of nasal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60713008 Burn of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22233004 Burn of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40903003 Burn of palm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38978009 Burn of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16223008 Burn of scapular region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57143002 Burn of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82057004 Burn of single finger not thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288509005 Burn of skin of body region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312646002 Burn of skin of eye region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6132001 Burn of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64090007 Burn of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88374002 Burn of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52405000 Burn of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41755001 Burn of two OR more fingers including thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31946005 Burn of two OR more fingers not including thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14261008 Burn of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6055000 Burn of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212044001 Burn of vagina and uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3480002 Burn of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31327004 Burn shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80210002 Burn with deep necrosis of underlying tissues without loss of body part (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66526003 Burn with resulting rupture AND/OR destruction of eyeball (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10132008 Burns of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287025008 Bursitis - ankle/foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84017003 Bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426845002 Bursitis of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240027002 Bursitis of foot region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57356000 Bursitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81498004 Bursitis of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111243002 Bursitis of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239961006 Bursitis of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43800000 Bursitis of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281914007 Burst fracture of cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281924004 Burst fracture of thoracic vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314667001 Burst fracture of vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15845006 Buruli ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28343007 Butter yaws (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292377004 Butyrophenone adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48585003 Bystander in watercraft accident (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 171154002 Ca cervix screening - not needed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269543002 Ca rectum with Ca anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238108007 Cachexia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422003001 Cachexia associated with AIDS (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201281002 Cafe-au-lait spots (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428219007 Caffeine dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84916005 Caffeine intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70655008 Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309279000 Caffeine-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56194001 Caffeine-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308374001 Caffeine-related disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23890000 Calcaneal apophysitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55260003 Calcaneal spur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88538005 Calcareous degeneration of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95414005 Calcific tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426394008 Calcific tendinitis of achilles tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27741009 Calcific tendinitis of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202747007 Calcification of cervical disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36540006 Calcification of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202755000 Calcification of lumbar disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42653000 Calcification of pericardium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202751009 Calcification of thoracic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425556003 Calcification of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10970008 Calcified cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432211007 Calcified hematoma of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21323007 Calcinosis cutis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402488006 Calcinosis within hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31848007 Calcinosis Raynaud's phenomenon esophageal dysmotility sclerodactyly and telangiectasia (CREST) syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237900002 Calciphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404224009 Calcium deposits in tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239832006 Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12631007 Calcium restricted diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266474003 Calculus in biliary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18109005 Calculus in diverticulum of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20342001 Calculus in urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30093007 Calculus of bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60127009 Calculus of bile duct with acute cholecystitis without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 36483003 Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4661003 Calculus of bile duct with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68394001 Calculus of bile duct without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89251007 Calculus of common bile duct with acute cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81115009 Calculus of common bile duct with acute cholecystitis with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68368005 Calculus of common bile duct with chronic cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1356007 Calculus of common duct with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59771005 Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25924004 Calculus of gallbladder with cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79509009 Calculus of lower urinary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15402006 Calculus of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85324003 Calculus of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201040000 Callosity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429265003 Callus of heel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203363008 Calve's vertebral osteochondrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29271008 Camptodactyly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29242007 Cancelled operative procedure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413744002 Cancer screening follow up (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18116006 Cancrum oris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266158001 Candida intertrigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52643007 Candidal balanitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16681000 Candidal otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187022007 Candidal septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72605008 Candidal vulvovaginitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432480003 Candidemia associated with intravascular line (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78048006 Candidiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3487004 Candidiasis of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79740000 Candidiasis of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426762000 Candidiasis of nipple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49883006 Candidiasis of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20639004 Candidiasis of the esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111904009 Candidiasis of urogenital site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72934000 Candidiasis of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1085006 Candidiasis of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37344009 Cannabis abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85005007 Cannabis dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191839003 Cannabis dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191837001 Cannabis dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191838006 Cannabis dependence episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23527004 Cannabis intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39807006 Cannabis intoxication delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39951001 Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77355000 Cannabis-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26714005 Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52979002 Capillaria infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85461008 Capillaritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91304009 Capillary fragility abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402867006 Capillary hemangioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254997007 Capillary hemangioma of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19472003 Capillary hyperpermeability (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204125003 Capsular cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6858004 Capsulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238049009 Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293492009 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64681004 Carbuncle of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6066007 Carbuncle of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48903002 Carbuncle of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72168007 Carbuncle of back except buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76225004 Carbuncle of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91356001 Carbuncle of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48934003 Carbuncle of flank (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18929007 Carbuncle of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76431004 Carbuncle of groin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65844007 Carbuncle of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200600003 Carbuncle of head (excluding face) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45126009 Carbuncle of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200594006 Carbuncle of leg (excluding foot) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85782003 Carbuncle of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7931000 Carbuncle of pectoral region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65968003 Carbuncle of perineum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90204000 Carbuncle of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66356008 Carbuncle of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91374005 Carbuncle of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58540009 Carbuncle of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52508001 Carbuncle of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53770004 Carbuncle of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200588003 Carbuncle of upper arm and forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286998005 Carbuncle/boil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 167057000 Carcinoembryonic antigen present (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35868009 Carcinoid syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253002004 Carcinoid tumor of appendix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428701004 Carcinoid tumor of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425318003 Carcinoid tumor of ileum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276816003 Carcinoid tumor of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254627002 Carcinoid tumor of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276818002 Carcinoid tumor of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276808007 Carcinoid tumor of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254989000 Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425127006 Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109355002 Carcinoma in situ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92531006 Carcinoma in situ of anal canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92537005 Carcinoma in situ of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92546004 Carcinoma in situ of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92547008 Carcinoma in situ of body of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92549006 Carcinoma in situ of body of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189336000 Carcinoma in situ of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92560002 Carcinoma in situ of cardia of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92568009 Carcinoma in situ of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92570000 Carcinoma in situ of common bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92574009 Carcinoma in situ of cystic duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109850001 Carcinoma in situ of digestive organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92577002 Carcinoma in situ of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92581002 Carcinoma in situ of endocrine gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92585006 Carcinoma in situ of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92590009 Carcinoma in situ of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92594000 Carcinoma in situ of female genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92598002 Carcinoma in situ of fundus of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92600008 Carcinoma in situ of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92605003 Carcinoma in situ of gum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92612007 Carcinoma in situ of hypopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92613002 Carcinoma in situ of ileum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92621008 Carcinoma in situ of jejunum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92634009 Carcinoma in situ of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92649001 Carcinoma in situ of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92653004 Carcinoma in situ of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92660005 Carcinoma in situ of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92668003 Carcinoma in situ of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92672004 Carcinoma in situ of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92679008 Carcinoma in situ of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92681005 Carcinoma in situ of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92691004 Carcinoma in situ of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92693001 Carcinoma in situ of pylorus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92696009 Carcinoma in situ of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189251006 Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109827007 Carcinoma in situ of salivary gland duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92749008 Carcinoma in situ of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92719006 Carcinoma in situ of skin of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92723003 Carcinoma in situ of skin of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92724009 Carcinoma in situ of skin of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92733006 Carcinoma in situ of skin of leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92734000 Carcinoma in situ of skin of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92736003 Carcinoma in situ of skin of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92740007 Carcinoma in situ of skin of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92745002 Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92747005 Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92750008 Carcinoma in situ of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92754004 Carcinoma in situ of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92767001 Carcinoma in situ of thyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92769003 Carcinoma in situ of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92786009 Carcinoma in situ of urinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92564006 Carcinoma in situ of uterine cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92788005 Carcinoma in situ of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92791005 Carcinoma in situ of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92802003 Carcinoma in situ of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254609000 Carcinoma of ampulla of Vater (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312111009 Carcinoma of ascending colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269533000 Carcinoma of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425213009 Carcinoma of colon stage I (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422581008 Carcinoma of colon stage II (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422375001 Carcinoma of colon stage III (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422985007 Carcinoma of colon stage IV (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254612002 Carcinoma of endocrine pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372101000 Carcinoma of extrahepatic bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372140005 Carcinoma of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422758009 Carcinoma of nasal meatus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424600001 Carcinoma of ovary stage 1 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424486004 Carcinoma of ovary stage 2 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423480004 Carcinoma of ovary stage 3 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423274005 Carcinoma of ovary stage 4 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372142002 Carcinoma of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254900004 Carcinoma of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372143007 Carcinoma of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269544008 Carcinoma of the rectosigmoid junction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423349005 Carcinoma of tip of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425066001 Carcinoma of urinary bladder invasive (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425231005 Carcinoma of urinary bladder superficial (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423973006 Carcinoma of uterine cervix invasive (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307593001 Carcinomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255121007 Carcinomatosis of peritoneal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410429000 Cardiac arrest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426396005 Cardiac chest pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40172005 Cardiac complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293515005 Cardiac inotropic agent adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 291991001 Cardiac inotropic agent poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89819002 Cardiac insufficiency during AND/OR resulting from a procedure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 60856006 Cardiac insufficiency following cardiac surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250906000 Cardiac investigative finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234224005 Cardiac pacemaker syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233847009 Cardiac rupture after acute myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195137008 Cardiac septal defect acquired (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233845001 Cardiac syndrome X (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35304003 Cardiac tamponade (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233932001 Cardiac transplant disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233933006 Cardiac transplant rejection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413758000 Cardioembolic stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89138009 Cardiogenic shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8186001 Cardiomegaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85898001 Cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195029002 Cardiomyopathy associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34650000 Cardiovascular lesions of pinta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439590007 Cardiovascular stress test abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267037003 Cardiovascular symptoms (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83883001 Cardiovascular syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109581004 Caries of infancy associated with bottle feeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421784001 Carnitine deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90500005 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238001003 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238002005 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230729006 Carotid artery dissection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69798007 Carotid artery obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266254007 Carotid artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64586002 Carotid artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86003009 Carotid artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300920004 Carotid atherosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419642000 Carotid bruit (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51723007 Carotid sinus syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230482003 Carotidynia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64546005 Carpal hygroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209439007 Carpal joint sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57406009 Carpal tunnel syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205813009 Carpenter's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75140002 Carpopedal spasm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431109006 Carrier of vancomycin resistant enterococcus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194273004 Cartilaginous eustachian tube obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7068004 Caruncle of labium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207036003 Castleman's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79974007 Cat scratch disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46263000 Cataplexy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193042000 Cataplexy and narcolepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193570009 Cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21818003 Cataract in degenerative disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23273003 Cataract in inflammatory disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193600001 Cataract secondary to ocular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76309006 Cataract with neovascularization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77873007 Cataracta brunescens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247917007 Catatonia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22264002 Catatonic rigidity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191542003 Catatonic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111483008 Catatonic schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405753002 Cauda equina injury without spinal bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192970008 Cauda equina syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12454008 Cauda equina syndrome with neurogenic bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8663007 Cauda equina syndrome without neurogenic bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8301004 Caudal dysplasia sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28072004 Cauliflower ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212835003 Caustic alkalis causing toxic effect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416824008 Cavernous hemangioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1156003 Cavitary prostatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9250002 Celiac artery compression syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396331005 Celiac disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398293003 Cellular immune defect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128045006 Cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200665006 Cellulitis and abscess of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200645004 Cellulitis and abscess of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267783003 Cellulitis and abscess of foot excluding toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267779003 Cellulitis and abscess of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24288004 Cellulitis of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284480000 Cellulitis of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19457002 Cellulitis of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44428005 Cellulitis of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111416005 Cellulitis of corpus cavernosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19240003 Cellulitis of digit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301710008 Cellulitis of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95806007 Cellulitis of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231796003 Cellulitis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200652002 Cellulitis of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27561001 Cellulitis of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196538002 Cellulitis of floor of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128276007 Cellulitis of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287002007 Cellulitis of foot excluding toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13680009 Cellulitis of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88361008 Cellulitis of groin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62837005 Cellulitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287000004 Cellulitis of hand excluding finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128277003 Cellulitis of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9557000 Cellulitis of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13301002 Cellulitis of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238402004 Cellulitis of leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287001000 Cellulitis of leg excluding foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37223007 Cellulitis of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8771003 Cellulitis of oral soft tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109245003 Cellulitis of periorbital region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23166004 Cellulitis of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52190008 Cellulitis of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49810002 Cellulitis of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12713001 Cellulitis of skin with lymphangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41700004 Cellulitis of submandibular region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77054009 Cellulitis of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70637004 Cellulitis of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46876003 Cellulitis of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81823008 Cellulitis of tunica vaginalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38217004 Cellulitis of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71392009 Cellulitis of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162046002 Central abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24825006 Central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43152001 Central core disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7426009 Central corneal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15350006 Central giant cell reparative granuloma of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68467004 Central hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87536007 Central nervous system complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37145001 Central nervous system dysfunction in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1538006 Central nervous system malformation in fetus affecting obstetrical care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212641008 Central nervous system muscle-tone depressant poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56530002 Central opacity of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426566004 Central pain syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40723007 Central perforation of tympanic membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6807001 Central pontine myelinolysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237816004 Central precocious puberty (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43300008 Central pterygium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38742007 Central retinal artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68478007 Central retinal vein occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38950008 Central scotoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312956001 Central serous chorioretinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27405005 Central sleep apnea syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292410009 Central stimulant adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49776008 Centrencephalic epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33014001 Centrocecal scotoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206200000 Cephalhematoma due to birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199397009 Cephalopelvic disproportion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292994007 Cephalosporin adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79897009 Cerebellar abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95459002 Cerebellar artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85102008 Cerebellar ataxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192874000 Cerebellar ataxia associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127304009 Cerebellar contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82344002 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72797002 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86125000 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 19233004 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57099002 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25185004 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound AND no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5470004 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22825007 Cerebellar contusion with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57739006 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51101002 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32415004 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17169009 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81268009 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82637004 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33117006 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60546000 Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95646004 Cerebellar degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75038005 Cerebellar hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95460007 Cerebellar infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127306006 Cerebellar laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30858001 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9501009 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59918000 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 84900008 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84803006 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14434006 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound AND no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53429002 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64337000 Cerebellar laceration with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30031007 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34751006 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76675006 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90429009 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47983002 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85314006 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91168001 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65535000 Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86558004 Cerebellar pressure cone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195213000 Cerebellar stroke syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60404007 Cerebral abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71444005 Cerebral arterial thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234142008 Cerebral arteriovenous malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28366008 Cerebral arteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20059004 Cerebral artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28634005 Cerebral ataxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55382008 Cerebral atherosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40720005 Cerebral cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230215006 Cerebral cysticercosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192794001 Cerebral degeneration associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420146005 Cerebral degeneration associated with generalized lipidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2584003 Cerebral degeneration in childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2032001 Cerebral edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75543006 Cerebral embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274100004 Cerebral hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65971006 Cerebral hemorrhage due to birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262739003 Cerebral hemorrhage in fetus OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49453006 Cerebral herniation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230214005 Cerebral hydatid cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195190007 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195189003 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4952001 Cerebral irritability in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287731003 Cerebral ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269144002 Cerebral laceration and contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16517004 Cerebral lipidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189164002 Cerebral meningioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128188000 Cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427020007 Cerebral vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192759008 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200259003 Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84216001 Cerebral venous thrombosis of pregnancy AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413808003 Cerebral ventriculomegaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230744007 Cerebrospinal fluid leak (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68382005 Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85638002 Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 167704008 Cerebrospinal fluid: examination abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230690007 Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230689003 Cerebrovascular and spinal vascular disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62914000 Cerebrovascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204497008 Cerebrovascular system anomalies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387801000 Cervical arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60896008 Cervical atypism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69802008 Cervical cerclage suture present (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302796001 Cervical cytology finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425878001 Cervical disc disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202717005 Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202733008 Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202744000 Cervical discitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298253002 Cervical facet joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254891007 Cervical fibroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199482005 Cervical incompetence - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17382005 Cervical incompetence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199484006 Cervical incompetence with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285636001 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285836003 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285838002 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 252991009 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III with severe dysplasia (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 127086001 Cervical lymphadenopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202664003 Cervical myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11049006 Cervical radiculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54404000 Cervical radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72535009 Cervical rib (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298392006 Cervical scoliosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168402006 Cervical smear - inadequate specimen (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269959007 Cervical smear - mild dyskaryosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269964006 Cervical smear - wart virus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 315013004 Cervical smear refused (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269957009 Cervical smear result (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417347005 Cervical somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203934001 Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202821008 Cervical spine instability (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387800004 Cervical spondylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65260001 Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267970006 Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212239002 Cervical sympathetic nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111234006 Cervical syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84769001 Cervical vertigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35635000 Cervicobrachial neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17300000 Cervicocranial syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402991001 Cervico-facial actinomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279016001 Cervicogenic headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71760005 Cervico-occipital neuralgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425991004 Cervicothoracic segmental dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426560005 Cervicothoracic somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416032004 Cervicovaginal cytology normal or benign (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416033009 Cervicovaginal cytology: High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or carcinoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416030007 Cervicovaginal cytology: Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (finding SNOMED-CT
0-L 248922009 Cervix prolapsed into vagina (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200146002 Cesarean delivery - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200337002 Cesarean wound disruption - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 200338007 Cesarean wound disruption with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86133004 Cestode infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 998008 Chagas' disease with heart involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1482004 Chalazion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193507008 Chamber angle degenerative changes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72463008 Chancriform syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266143009 Chancroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392481002 Chandler syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192073007 Change in personality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274672009 Changes in skin texture (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50548001 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398040009 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398187000 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359554008 Charcot's arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111396008 Ch?diak-Higashi syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7847004 Cheilitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16096002 Chemical burn of eyelid AND/OR periocular area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438786003 Chemical burn of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28384005 Chemical burn of internal organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231869007 Chemical injury to conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426161002 Chemically induced hyperlipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111382002 Chemically-induced lipidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8148005 Chemosis of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53432004 Cherubism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279084009 Chest discomfort (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262525000 Chest injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29857009 Chest pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81953000 Chest pain on exertion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102588006 Chest wall pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309155007 Cheyne-Stokes respiration (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253185002 Chiari malformation type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373587001 Chiari malformation type II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253186001 Chiari malformation type III (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195911009 Chickenpox pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23737006 Chickenpox with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37869000 Chilblains (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251803000 Child developmental finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50866000 Childhood absence epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233678006 Childhood asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71961003 Childhood disintegrative disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268664001 Childhood emotional disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192616009 Childhood or adolescent disorder of social functioning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1212005 Childhood type dermatomyositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43724002 Chill (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371285004 Chlamydia trachomatis contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240589008 Chlamydia trachomatis infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231861005 Chlamydial conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105629000 Chlamydial infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186729003 Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36209000 Chloasma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204508009 Choanal atresia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30677002 Choanal polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373909009 Choking sensation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123608004 Cholangiectasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424091006 Cholangioadenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312104005 Cholangiocarcinoma of biliary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82403002 Cholangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76581006 Cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19968009 Cholecystitis without calculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66367009 Choledochoduodenal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50450007 Cholelithiasis AND cholecystitis with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29484002 Cholelithiasis AND cholecystitis without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77528005 Cholelithiasis with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70342003 Cholelithiasis without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42927005 Cholemic nephrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63650001 Cholera (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33688009 Cholestasis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433237003 Cholestasis in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235888006 Cholestasis of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363668000 Cholesteatoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38708003 Cholesteatoma of attic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35247001 Cholesteatoma of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87688009 Cholesteatoma of middle ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39911004 Cholesteatoma of middle ear AND/OR mastoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28371001 Cholesterin granuloma of middle ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236489002 Cholesterol embolus syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57218003 Cholesterol ester storage disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404670008 Cholesterol retinal embolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160672004 Cholesterol-lowering diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61565001 Cholesterolosis of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8563000 Cholinergic crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73098005 Cholinergic urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239838005 Chondrocalcinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201625003 Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201632007 Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201637001 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239833001 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals of the knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201641002 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals of the forearm (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 267886000 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals of the lower leg (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 201643004 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201639003 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201640001 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals of the upper arm (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 201642009 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209801006 Chondrocostal joint sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76583009 Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205465004 Chondrodysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62501005 Chondroectodermal dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307573009 Chondroma of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63198006 Chondromalacia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36071006 Chondromalacia of patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4287008 Chordee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271700006 Chorea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25113000 Chorea gravidarum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43105007 Choreoathetosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11612004 Chorioamnionitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237268002 Chorioangioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188188009 Choriocarcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53854005 Chorioretinal scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46627006 Chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230790004 Choroid plexus cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406446000 Choroidal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27871007 Choroidal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232000008 Choroidal effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231998005 Choroidal fold (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 122003 Choroidal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2532009 Choroidal rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75241009 Choroideremia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26147006 Chromhidrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187079000 Chromoblastomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42686001 Chromosomal abnormality in fetus affecting obstetrical care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409709004 Chromosomal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111985007 Chronic abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64532005 Chronic abscess of female pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73345000 Chronic abscess of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31474007 Chronic abscess of parametrium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28590005 Chronic acquired lymphedema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197284004 Chronic active hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232420002 Chronic adenoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195798007 Chronic adenotonsillitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191475009 Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307757001 Chronic alcoholic hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191813001 Chronic alcoholism in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191268006 Chronic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398155003 Chronic anterior uveitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89790007 Chronic antral gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191708009 Chronic anxiety (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58997001 Chronic appendicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35908007 Chronic arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195949008 Chronic asthmatic bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426749004 Chronic atrial fibrillation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425615007 Chronic atrial flutter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234423001 Chronic benign neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1196001 Chronic bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 63480004 Chronic bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195957006 Chronic bullous emphysema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68995007 Chronic catatonic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111298007 Chronic cerebral ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45022008 Chronic cervicitis with ectropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20824003 Chronic cholecystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95559000 Chronic cholecystitis with calculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127055007 Chronic cold agglutinin disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54597004 Chronic colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280994000 Chronic confusional state (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88805009 Chronic congestive heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191382009 Chronic congestive splenomegaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73762008 Chronic conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236069009 Chronic constipation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88854002 Chronic constitutional pure red cell aplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68154008 Chronic cough (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69521007 Chronic crepitant synovitis of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33655002 Chronic cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4760008 Chronic dacryoadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84627005 Chronic dacryocystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236071009 Chronic diarrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66110007 Chronic diffuse emphysema due to inhalation of chemical fumes AND/OR vapors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17097001 Chronic disease of respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16358007 Chronic disease of tonsils AND/OR adenoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236452000 Chronic drug-induced interstitial nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52232007 Chronic duodenal ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128286008 Chronic duodenal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89469000 Chronic duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36975000 Chronic duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81142005 Chronic duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86258000 Chronic duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49916007 Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60551006 Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34602004 Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 28082003 Chronic duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427348001 Chronic eczema of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196026004 Chronic emphysema due to chemical fumes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63922003 Chronic endometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17716001 Chronic endomyometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13978000 Chronic endophthalmitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4839005 Chronic enlargement of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73237007 Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52702003 Chronic fatigue syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39429002 Chronic follicular conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60130002 Chronic frontal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57246001 Chronic gastric ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76181002 Chronic gastric ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74341002 Chronic gastric ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76078009 Chronic gastric ulcer with hemorrhage but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 85787009 Chronic gastric ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196639001 Chronic gastric ulcer with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31301004 Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55483002 Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36246001 Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 76796008 Chronic gastric ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 8493009 Chronic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90257004 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45640006 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46523000 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24001002 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2807004 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10897002 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 62477005 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 41626001 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage without perforation AND without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72621003 Chronic gingivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20917003 Chronic glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197616000 Chronic glomerulonephritis associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88813005 Chronic gonococcal cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53529004 Chronic gonococcal salpingitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186915005 Chronic gonorrhea lower genitourinary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80388004 Chronic gonorrhea of upper genitourinary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402356004 Chronic graft-versus-host disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48447003 Chronic heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191537006 Chronic hebephrenic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76783007 Chronic hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424340000 Chronic hepatitis B with hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128302006 Chronic hepatitis C (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429428003 Chronic hypercapnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426896000 Chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8762007 Chronic hypertension in obstetric context (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10469003 Chronic hypokalemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77545000 Chronic hypotension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428173007 Chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13172003 Chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23806004 Chronic infection as complication of amputation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213245002 Chronic infection of amputation stump (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45214008 Chronic infective arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236622000 Chronic infective cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232224009 Chronic infective otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49761000 Chronic infective polyarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44729001 Chronic inflammation of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128209004 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197834003 Chronic interstitial cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60926001 Chronic interstitial nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274665008 Chronic intractable pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193493000 Chronic iridocyclitis due to another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27241008 Chronic ischemic colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73235004 Chronic ischemic enteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46882000 Chronic ischemic enterocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413838009 Chronic ischemic heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26479009 Chronic lacrimal canaliculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29951006 Chronic laryngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83271005 Chronic laryngotracheitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191562006 Chronic latent schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92811003 Chronic leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92812005 Chronic leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57339008 Chronic lobular hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278860009 Chronic low back pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428091000 Chronic lower urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32035007 Chronic lymphadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92813000 Chronic lymphoid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92814006 Chronic lymphoid leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80645004 Chronic mastoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35923002 Chronic maxillary sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21664006 Chronic meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197613008 Chronic mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95657009 Chronic mixed headache syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188745007 Chronic monocytic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7794004 Chronic motor tic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78868004 Chronic mucoid otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111898002 Chronic mycotic otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92817004 Chronic myeloid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92818009 Chronic myeloid leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127225006 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109993000 Chronic myeloproliferative disorder (clinical) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413844008 Chronic myocardial ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13125003 Chronic myometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47841006 Chronic nasopharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128283000 Chronic nervous system disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35222003 Chronic neurogenic ulcer of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79720007 Chronic nonalcoholic liver disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232236003 Chronic non-infective otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37180002 Chronic nonspecific lung disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232254004 Chronic non-suppurative otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425453009 Chronic nontraumatic dissection of thoracic aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47938003 Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32544004 Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis due to inhalation of chemical fumes AND/OR vapors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 185086009 Chronic obstructive bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13645005 Chronic obstructive lung disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196001008 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236379002 Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425919003 Chronic organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196461003 Chronic osteitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43829003 Chronic osteoarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40970001 Chronic osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95425001 Chronic osteomyelitis of cranium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109315004 Chronic osteomyelitis of facial bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109316003 Chronic osteomyelitis of frontal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13325005 Chronic osteomyelitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109697002 Chronic osteomyelitis of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109694009 Chronic osteomyelitis of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66634003 Chronic osteomyelitis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109320004 Chronic osteomyelitis of nasal-orbit complex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109318002 Chronic osteomyelitis of sphenoid bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109319005 Chronic osteomyelitis of temporal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268019002 Chronic osteomyelitis of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203186006 Chronic osteomyelitis of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203189004 Chronic osteomyelitis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203184009 Chronic osteomyelitis of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203185005 Chronic osteomyelitis of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109317007 Chronic osteomyelitis of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53295002 Chronic otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21186006 Chronic otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429767005 Chronic otitis media after insertion of grommet (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82423001 Chronic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432615008 Chronic pain in face (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373621006 Chronic pain syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235494005 Chronic pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88850006 Chronic pansinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237045001 Chronic parametritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268622001 Chronic paranoid psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31658008 Chronic paranoid schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95654002 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34736002 Chronic passive congestion of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237044002 Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237067000 Chronic pelvic pain of female (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128287004 Chronic peptic ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49232000 Chronic peptic ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56461008 Chronic peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61300005 Chronic peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55746001 Chronic peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77661009 Chronic peptic ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196694009 Chronic peptic ulcer with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3483000 Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57871005 Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80953005 Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 60400003 Chronic peptic ulcer without hemorrhage without perforation AND without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23627006 Chronic pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45431004 Chronic perichondritis of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5689008 Chronic periodontitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71746008 Chronic periostitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87510000 Chronic peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41889008 Chronic persistent hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 140004 Chronic pharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69231004 Chronic phototoxic dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230477005 Chronic post-traumatic headache (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313182004 Chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230373008 Chronic progressive multiple sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3456001 Chronic progressive non-hereditary chorea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425369003 Chronic progressive renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45365002 Chronic proliferative peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19905009 Chronic prostatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233615002 Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196028003 Chronic pulmonary fibrosis due to chemical fumes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57488007 Chronic pulmonary fibrosis due to inhalation of chemical fumes AND/OR vapors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87837008 Chronic pulmonary heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38394007 Chronic purulent otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63302006 Chronic pyelonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197761005 Chronic pyelonephritis with medullary necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197614002 Chronic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427909005 Chronic recurrent sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236578006 Chronic rejection of renal transplant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65579002 Chronic renal failure diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90688005 Chronic renal failure syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236425005 Chronic renal impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71103003 Chronic residual schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30336007 Chronic residual schizophrenia with acute exacerbations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196025000 Chronic respiratory conditions due to chemical fumes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20322005 Chronic respiratory disease in perinatal period (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39871006 Chronic respiratory failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427896006 Chronic respiratory insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46165000 Chronic rheumatic endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78069008 Chronic rheumatic pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89456004 Chronic rheumatic valvulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86094006 Chronic rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55551005 Chronic salpingitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198142001 Chronic salpingo-oophoritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191570001 Chronic schizoaffective schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83746006 Chronic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26847009 Chronic schizophrenia with acute exacerbations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307177001 Chronic sciatica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81564005 Chronic serous otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40055000 Chronic sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38961000 Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27868004 Chronic steatorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426174008 Chronic stress disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198315005 Chronic subinvolution of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430396006 Chronic systolic dysfunction of left ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45053005 Chronic thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90979004 Chronic tonsillitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73877009 Chronic tophaceous gout (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7457009 Chronic tracheitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52571006 Chronic tracheobronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34790005 Chronic tubotympanic disease with anterior perforation of ear drum (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 89723004 Chronic tympanitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61977001 Chronic type B viral hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427921009 Chronic ulcer of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429445008 Chronic ulcer of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26649005 Chronic ulcer of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19429009 Chronic ulcer of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429354005 Chronic ulcer of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430935001 Chronic ulcer of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15342002 Chronic ulcerative enterocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13470001 Chronic ulcerative ileocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52231000 Chronic ulcerative proctitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52506002 Chronic ulcerative rectosigmoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29599000 Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79204003 Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia with acute exacerbations (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 190829000 Chronic urate nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197928006 Chronic urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51611005 Chronic urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426628005 Chronic vaginal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111354009 Chronic vascular insufficiency of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235869004 Chronic viral hepatitis B with hepatitis D (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4232007 Chronic vulvitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81675001 Chronic yellow atrophy of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7864001 Chylocele of tunica vaginalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52985009 Chylous ascites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91098006 Chyluria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28914006 Cicatricial ectropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67383002 Cicatricial entropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9042000 Cicatricial lagophthalmos (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9720009 Cicatrix of cervix affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403436006 Cicatrizing conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367360002 Ciliary block glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193508003 Ciliary body degenerative changes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1141007 Circumoral paresthesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9368001 Circumoral rhytides (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266468003 Cirrhosis - non-alcoholic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19943007 Cirrhosis of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398630005 Citrullinuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10899004 Classical galactosemia homozygous Duarte-type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7573000 Classical phenylketonuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238736006 Clastothrix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275520000 Claudication (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19887002 Claustrophobia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282760004 Clavicle injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203509009 Clavicle pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254915003 Clear cell carcinoma of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54500007 Clear fluid diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248589007 Clearing throat - hawking (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78495000 Cleft leaflet of mitral valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80281008 Cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373643003 Cleft lip and alveolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253997002 Cleft of soft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87979003 Cleft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66948001 Cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77888002 Climacteric arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201985002 Climacteric arthritis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429298008 Climacteric arthritis of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201983009 Climacteric arthritis of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201979009 Climacteric arthritis of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201980007 Climacteric arthritis of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201982004 Climacteric arthritis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201981006 Climacteric arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201977006 Climacteric arthritis of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201978001 Climacteric arthritis of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6208003 Clonic seizure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36649002 Clonus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3019000 Closed anterior dislocation of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111649009 Closed anterior dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34565006 Closed anterior dislocation of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41359009 Closed anterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426679004 Closed avulsion fracture of anterior inferior iliac spine of pelvis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428723000 Closed avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine of pelvis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 426382004 Closed avulsion fracture of greater trochanter of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427688003 Closed avulsion fracture of lesser trochanter of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25899002 Closed bimalleolar fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269083002 Closed Colles' fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409765008 Closed dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209052009 Closed dislocation of multiple cervical vertebrae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430936000 Closed dislocation of perilunate joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429630006 Closed dislocation of radiocarpal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208148000 Closed fracture acetabulum anterior column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208149008 Closed fracture acetabulum posterior column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9468002 Closed fracture carpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208459000 Closed fracture finger distal phalanx mallet (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373716002 Closed fracture involving joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208122008 Closed fracture larynx and/or trachea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207957008 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33118001 Closed fracture of acetabulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426962008 Closed fracture of acetabulum with dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1658003 Closed fracture of acromial end of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111639006 Closed fracture of acromial process of scapula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76174009 Closed fracture of alveolar border of body of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110021005 Closed fracture of alveolar ridge of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42188001 Closed fracture of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54641008 Closed fracture of base of metacarpal bone other than first metacarpal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1705000 Closed fracture of base of neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428099003 Closed fracture of base of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91589002 Closed fracture of base of skull with cerebral laceration AND/OR contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111601003 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111603000 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207729009 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207728001 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with less than 1 hour loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207730004 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207731000 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207727006 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29264003 Closed fracture of base of skull with subarachnoid subdural AND/OR extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27644009 Closed fracture of base of skull without intracranial injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 32311009 Closed fracture of base of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66517001 Closed fracture of body of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423125000 Closed fracture of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428151000 Closed fracture of bone of knee joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53868003 Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50888000 Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77719006 Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8459005 Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with incomplete cord lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51514006 Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8840000 Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31235003 Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78157002 Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83493003 Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66158003 Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 35403005 Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46995009 Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64665009 Closed fracture of calcaneus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90114000 Closed fracture of capitate bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269062008 Closed fracture of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78687007 Closed fracture of cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 33173003 Closed fracture of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207755005 Closed fracture of condylar process of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80767005 Closed fracture of condyle of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207757002 Closed fracture of coronoid process of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68819003 Closed fracture of coronoid process of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9808005 Closed fracture of cuboid bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42306005 Closed fracture of cuneiform bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17222009 Closed fracture of distal end of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50397009 Closed fracture of distal end of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208274000 Closed fracture of distal humerus multiple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76865005 Closed fracture of distal phalanx of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90863004 Closed fracture of eight OR more ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62125005 Closed fracture of epiphysis of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430984009 Closed fracture of facial bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66926007 Closed fracture of femoral condyle of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25415003 Closed fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263233008 Closed fracture of femur distal end (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87804006 Closed fracture of fifth cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28753006 Closed fracture of first cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17633000 Closed fracture of five ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 342070009 Closed fracture of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91419009 Closed fracture of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39335003 Closed fracture of four ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52622006 Closed fracture of fourth cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56299003 Closed fracture of glenoid cavity AND/OR neck of scapula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275340006 Closed fracture of greater trochanter of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37174005 Closed fracture of hamate bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208526001 Closed fracture of head of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68854005 Closed fracture of head of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359817006 Closed fracture of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43295006 Closed fracture of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208244008 Closed fracture of humerus upper epiphysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17616007 Closed fracture of ilium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39408006 Closed fracture of innominate bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20100009 Closed fracture of intracapsular section of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36417005 Closed fracture of ischium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71456006 Closed fracture of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34268009 Closed fracture of lateral malleolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275341005 Closed fracture of lesser trochanter of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35442005 Closed fracture of lower end of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33192001 Closed fracture of lower end of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208578003 Closed fracture of lower epiphysis of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413876003 Closed fracture of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52603002 Closed fracture of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49747005 Closed fracture of lumbar vertebra with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17463000 Closed fracture of lumbar vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 37633006 Closed fracture of lunate bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34649000 Closed fracture of malar AND/OR maxillary bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21419000 Closed fracture of medial condyle of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15385006 Closed fracture of medial malleolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91588005 Closed fracture of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36924003 Closed fracture of metatarsal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52450003 Closed fracture of midcervical section of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22713002 Closed fracture of middle AND/OR proximal phalanx of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60843004 Closed fracture of multiple bones of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13498003 Closed fracture of multiple cervical vertebrae without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12204004 Closed fracture of multiple ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207763006 Closed fracture of multiple sites of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52694000 Closed fracture of multiple sites of metacarpus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68360003 Closed fracture of multiple sites of phalanges of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81639003 Closed fracture of nasal bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75308009 Closed fracture of navicular bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42818005 Closed fracture of navicular bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359820003 Closed fracture of neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7551007 Closed fracture of neck of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72497001 Closed fracture of neck of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64902007 Closed fracture of olecranon process of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45356009 Closed fracture of one rib (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56863004 Closed fracture of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49346003 Closed fracture of orbital floor (blow-out) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110019000 Closed fracture of orbital portion of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15741007 Closed fracture of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80756009 Closed fracture of patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91037003 Closed fracture of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24424003 Closed fracture of phalanx of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81576005 Closed fracture of phalanx of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43767005 Closed fracture of pisiform bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71139009 Closed fracture of proximal end of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33041006 Closed fracture of proximal end of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208241000 Closed fracture of proximal humerus anatomical neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208295005 Closed fracture of proximal ulna comminuted (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111640008 Closed fracture of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53627009 Closed fracture of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86559007 Closed fracture of ramus of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60667009 Closed fracture of rib (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123534001 Closed fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx with cauda equina injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 41455002 Closed fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx with complete cauda equina lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14584002 Closed fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx with spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 81425005 Closed fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428514001 Closed fracture of sacrum without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29749002 Closed fracture of scapula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427803007 Closed fracture of scapular body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11782000 Closed fracture of second cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20121009 Closed fracture of seven ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21573009 Closed fracture of seventh cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28078000 Closed fracture of shaft of bone of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87376003 Closed fracture of shaft of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26442006 Closed fracture of shaft of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77803008 Closed fracture of shaft of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90235006 Closed fracture of shaft of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46422008 Closed fracture of shaft of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3228009 Closed fracture of shaft of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28012007 Closed fracture of shaft of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53792000 Closed fracture of shaft of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89636007 Closed fracture of six ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8303001 Closed fracture of sixth cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371162008 Closed fracture of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48561006 Closed fracture of sternal end of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66112004 Closed fracture of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399240007 Closed fracture of superior maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73244003 Closed fracture of surgical neck of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207760009 Closed fracture of symphysis of body of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14493003 Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52289006 Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69062005 Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13456001 Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 31033002 Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31882001 Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13194006 Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8183009 Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20540005 Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 18960007 Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 41133002 Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 72513001 Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79626009 Closed fracture of talus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269080004 Closed fracture of the distal humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111622009 Closed fracture of third cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89825003 Closed fracture of thoracic vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 79546008 Closed fracture of three ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413877007 Closed fracture of tibia AND fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208629000 Closed fracture of tibia and fibula shaft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428798001 Closed fracture of tibial plateau (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 357009 Closed fracture of trapezoidal bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30632004 Closed fracture of triquetral bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429766001 Closed fracture of triradiate cartilage and epiphysis of acetabulum (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 3291007 Closed fracture of two ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71555008 Closed fracture of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59639009 Closed fracture of upper end of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2295008 Closed fracture of upper end of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42636007 Closed fracture of upper end of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19259001 Closed fracture of upper end of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23900009 Closed fracture of upper end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36991002 Closed fracture of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22383006 Closed fracture of vault of skull with cerebral laceration AND/OR contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111593004 Closed fracture of vault of skull with intracranial hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 207691009 Closed fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207690005 Closed fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with less than 1 hour loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207692002 Closed fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207693007 Closed fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207689001 Closed fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57998008 Closed fracture of vault of skull with subarachnoid subdural AND/OR extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42157000 Closed fracture of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22973003 Closed fracture of vertebral column with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28425007 Closed fracture of vertebral column without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 4788002 Closed fracture of zygoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31187005 Closed fracture of zygomatic arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110017003 Closed fracture of zygomatic tripod (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208183001 Closed fracture pelvis anterior inferior iliac spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208182006 Closed fracture pelvis anterior superior iliac spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208184007 Closed fracture pelvis iliac wing (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208528000 Closed fracture proximal femur subcapital Garden grade I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208529008 Closed fracture proximal femur subcapital Garden grade II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208530003 Closed fracture proximal femur subcapital Garden grade III (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 208531004 Closed fracture proximal femur subcapital Garden grade IV (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208164008 Closed fracture pubis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207974008 Closed fracture sacrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207938004 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207940009 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra wedge (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207687004 Closed fracture vault of skull with intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41608004 Closed fractures of tarsal AND metatarsal bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208322000 Closed Galeazzi fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110022003 Closed horizontal fracture of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85341001 Closed inferior dislocation of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89820008 Closed intertrochanteric fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75824002 Closed lateral dislocation of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9787009 Closed lateral dislocation of proximal end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81813004 Closed medial dislocation of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51879004 Closed medial dislocation of proximal end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29045004 Closed Monteggia's fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208180003 Closed multiple disruptions of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208499002 Closed multiple fractures of hand bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90289008 Closed obturator dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429342005 Closed osteochondral fracture of distal femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428020005 Closed osteochondral fracture of patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428797006 Closed osteochondral fracture of proximal tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22802006 Closed pertrochanteric fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4273008 Closed posterior dislocation of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63975004 Closed posterior dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46307004 Closed posterior dislocation of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14741001 Closed posterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110023008 Closed pyramidal fracture of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427509002 Closed Salter-Harris type I fracture of lower epiphysis of femur (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 427584009 Closed Salter-Harris type II fracture of lower epiphysis of femur (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428357005 Closed Salter-Harris type III fracture of lower epiphysis of femur (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 427826000 Closed Salter-Harris type IV fracture of lower epiphysis of femur (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428232002 Closed Salter-Harris type V fracture of lower epiphysis of femur (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 88651008 Closed skull fracture with cerebral laceration AND/OR contusion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111611005 Closed skull fracture with intracranial hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111613008 Closed skull fracture with intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58020007 Closed skull fracture with subarachnoid subdural AND/OR extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77295000 Closed skull fracture without intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275338001 Closed subcapital fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65752003 Closed subcondylar fracture of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428150004 Closed subluxation of radial head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68510005 Closed subtrochanteric fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30905007 Closed supracondylar fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58580000 Closed supracondylar fracture of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429655000 Closed torus fracture of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208759001 Closed traumatic dislocation acromioclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208789008 Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint divergent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208816002 Closed traumatic dislocation midcarpal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45634004 Closed traumatic dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of wrist (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111648001 Closed traumatic dislocation of cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209122003 Closed traumatic dislocation of costochondral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12588000 Closed traumatic dislocation of distal end of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57467003 Closed traumatic dislocation of distal radioulnar joint of wrist (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 2651006 Closed traumatic dislocation of elbow joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10771002 Closed traumatic dislocation of first cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20132009 Closed traumatic dislocation of fourth cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63079007 Closed traumatic dislocation of hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125802004 Closed traumatic dislocation of interphalangeal joint of finger (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 21949009 Closed traumatic dislocation of interphalangeal joint of toe (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 75137002 Closed traumatic dislocation of joint of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63141004 Closed traumatic dislocation of joint of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22911007 Closed traumatic dislocation of joint of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86899000 Closed traumatic dislocation of joint of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38556006 Closed traumatic dislocation of joint of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35106007 Closed traumatic dislocation of knee joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17214002 Closed traumatic dislocation of lumbar vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129162006 Closed traumatic dislocation of lumbosacral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7669008 Closed traumatic dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 49055005 Closed traumatic dislocation of metatarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64438006 Closed traumatic dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111651008 Closed traumatic dislocation of navicular bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208929003 Closed traumatic dislocation of patellofemoral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49822004 Closed traumatic dislocation of sacroiliac joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410045006 Closed traumatic dislocation of scapulothoracic joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40047007 Closed traumatic dislocation of sixth cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33358005 Closed traumatic dislocation of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55126004 Closed traumatic dislocation of tarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41061006 Closed traumatic dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 496002 Closed traumatic dislocation of third cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8758001 Closed traumatic dislocation of thoracic vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12462000 Closed traumatic dislocation of vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208820003 Closed traumatic dislocation perilunate (dorsal) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208990005 Closed traumatic dislocation midtarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208862005 Closed traumatic dislocation proximal interphalangeal joint (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 269147009 Closed traumatic extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6698000 Closed trimalleolar fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427904000 Closed undisplaced fracture of nasal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416886008 Closed wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430937009 Closed wound of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413878002 Closed displaced fracture of nasal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423590009 Clostridium difficile colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186431008 Clostridium difficile infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40917007 Clouded consciousness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7006003 Clumsiness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307653008 Clumsiness -motor delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193031009 Cluster headache syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86075001 Coagulation factor deficiency syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29422001 Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25258002 Coalition of calcaneus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7305005 Coarctation of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360455002 Coats' disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190634004 Cobalamin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50275009 Cobalt cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78267003 Cocaine abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70328006 Cocaine delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31956009 Cocaine dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191833002 Cocaine dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191831000 Cocaine dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191832007 Cocaine dependence episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27956007 Cocaine intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80868005 Cocaine withdrawal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51493001 Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10327003 Cocaine-induced mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46975003 Cocaine-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6348008 Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8686000 Cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22574000 Cocaine-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46303000 Coccidioidal meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60826002 Coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62005008 Coccidiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209571002 Coccyx sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91108004 Cochlear otosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16623004 Coffee-workers' lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405810005 Cogan's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425805004 Cognitive developmental delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398937006 Cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64226004 Colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55809007 Colitis due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79099006 Colitis presumed infectious (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92826001 Colitoxemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81573002 Collagen disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399926001 Collagen nevus of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19311003 Collagenous colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 311806008 Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 311890007 Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 311891006 Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21350002 Colloid cyst of third ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402684002 Colloid milium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92828000 Coloboma of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9446007 Coloboma of iris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17541006 Coloboma of optic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47535005 Coloboma heart malformation choanal atresia retardation of growth and development genital abnormalities and ear malformations (CHARGE) association (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235774002 Colonic diverticular abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1045000 Colonospasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367469000 Color vision deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197238009 Colostomy and enterostomy malfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15836005 Colostomy malfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297189001 Colostomy prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371632003 Coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420662003 Coma associated with diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111544009 Combination of endocrine dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191154007 Combined B12 and folate deficiency anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 257277002 Combined disorder of muscle AND peripheral nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429299000 Combined drug dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191873008 Combined drug dependence excluding opioid continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191874002 Combined drug dependence excluding opioid episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191875001 Combined drug dependence excluding opioid in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191871005 Combined drug dependence excluding opioids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11422002 Combined form of senile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191865004 Combined opioid with other drug dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31601007 Combined pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92830003 Combined valvular-subvalvular pulmonic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238744006 Comedonal acne (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247467008 Comedone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277573001 Common acute lymphoblastic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360481003 Common atrioventricular canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307132003 Common bile duct calculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82272006 Common cold (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297149007 Common femoral artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195275000 Common iliac aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230641007 Common peroneal nerve compression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399107008 Common peroneal nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399081005 Common peroneal neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61959006 Common truncus arteriosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23238000 Common variable agammaglobulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45503006 Common ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80744008 Commotio retinae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191415002 Communicable disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37757003 Communicable disease contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271569006 Communicating hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278919001 Communication disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 385093006 Community acquired pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424924007 Community resource finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111245009 Compartment syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430974008 Compartment syndrome of abdomen due to trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212382003 Compartment syndrome of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212385001 Compartment syndrome of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263264005 Compartment syndrome of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33325001 Compensatory emphysema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162147009 Complaining of pelvic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234600005 Complement 4 deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18827005 Complement abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24743004 Complement deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69124005 Complete abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27885002 Complete atrioventricular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109671008 Complete avulsion of tooth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80446009 Complete bilateral cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24194000 Complete bilateral cleft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42655007 Complete bilateral paralysis of vocal cords (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110024002 Complete closed fracture of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307734007 Complete inevitable abortion complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267194005 Complete legal abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198718009 Complete legal abortion with genital tract or pelvic infection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 231838008 Complete obstruction of lacrimal punctum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110028004 Complete open fracture of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205768003 Complete situs inversus with dextrocardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198656000 Complete spontaneous abortion with delayed or excessive hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 198655001 Complete spontaneous abortion with genital tract or pelvic infection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 209579000 Complete tear elbow joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209629006 Complete tear knee anterior cruciate ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26146002 Complete transposition of great vessels (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21111006 Complete trisomy 13 syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51500006 Complete trisomy 18 syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41040004 Complete trisomy 21 syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62696001 Complete unilateral cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20729004 Complete unilateral cleft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51738008 Complete unilateral paralysis of vocal cords (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399497006 Complex atypical endometrial hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429439000 Complex cyst of uterine adnexa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198322002 Complex endometrial hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433083002 Complex febrile seizure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246542004 Complex part seizure with impairment of consciousness only (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4103001 Complex partial seizure with impairment of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128200000 Complex regional pain syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408751001 Complex regional pain syndrome type II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408749000 Complex regional pain syndrome type II lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408750000 Complex regional pain syndrome type II upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193039006 Complicated migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237060003 Complicated ovarian cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111750002 Complication affecting body system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47988006 Complication due to immunization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33211000 Complication of anesthesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428772007 Complication of breast implant surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36605004 Complication of bypass graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73862001 Complication of catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13036008 Complication of electronic internal device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111751003 Complication of external stoma of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309773000 Complication of gastrostomy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19220005 Complication of implant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90354008 Complication of internal device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4586000 Complication of internal fixation device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69260008 Complication of internal prosthetic device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398158001 Complication of intravascular line (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27541007 Complication of labor AND/OR delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76012002 Complication of labor AND/OR delivery affecting fetus OR newborn (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 35688006 Complication of medical care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428864001 Complication of neonatal circumcision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78408007 Complication of obstetrical surgery AND/OR procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32999002 Complication of obstetrical surgical wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33461007 Complication of peritoneal dialysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116224001 Complication of procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363017002 Complication of procedure by procedure type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24854000 Complication of reattached extremity AND/OR body part (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74865007 Complication of reattached finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15804003 Complication of reattached foot AND/OR toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32600006 Complication of reattached lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82427000 Complication of reattached upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413898007 Complication of refractive keratoplasty by laser surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1308001 Complication of reimplant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33603003 Complication of renal dialysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88797001 Complication of surgical procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80113008 Complication of the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58797008 Complication of transplanted kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33167004 Complication of transplanted liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44165003 Complication of transplanted lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79369007 Complication of transplanted pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90821003 Complication related to pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198818003 Complications following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancies (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 198609003 Complications of pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124736009 Compound presentation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430948002 Compression fracture of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426646004 Compression fracture of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42942008 Compression fracture of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230637008 Compression neuropathy of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230627003 Compression neuropathy of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46963008 Compression of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230517004 Compression of optic chiasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72983001 Compression of optic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14540002 Compression of vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106130002 Compulsive disorder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18085000 Compulsive gambling (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192061007 Concentration camp syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81371004 Concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110030002 Concussion injury of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62564004 Concussion with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63260003 Concussion with moderate loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62106007 Concussion with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69190007 Concussion with prolonged loss of consciousness AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84721004 Concussion with prolonged loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41168002 Condition in fetus originating in the perinatal period (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40504002 Conditions involving the integument AND/OR temperature regulation of fetus OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48826008 Conduct disorder adolescent-onset type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17961008 Conduct disorder childhood-onset type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61901004 Conduct disorder undifferentiated type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89410007 Conduction aphasia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44808001 Conduction disorder of the heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44057004 Conductive hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194413008 Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194414002 Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of tympanic membrane (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 2061000 Conductive hearing loss of combined sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194417009 Conductive hearing loss bilateral (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419266001 Condyloma acuminata of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399599006 Condyloma acuminata of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237110007 Condyloma acuminata of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17842005 Confabulation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89987007 Confluent AND reticulate papillomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92836009 Congenital abnormal fusion of arch of cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92843003 Congenital abnormal fusion of carpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92888002 Congenital abnormal shape of aortic valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282038006 Congenital abnormality of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253966001 Congenital abnormality of foot and toes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234132006 Congenital abnormality of great veins and coronary sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302174000 Congenital abnormality of iris and ciliary body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420049001 Congenital abnormality of lacrimal drainage system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268213006 Congenital abnormality of liver and/or biliary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282041002 Congenital abnormality of oral cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268239009 Congenital abnormality of skull and face bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267214002 Congenital abnormality of uterus - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267216000 Congenital abnormality of uterus complicating antenatal care baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41215002 Congenital abnormality of uterus affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371015003 Congenital absence of both testes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111324004 Congenital absence of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37687000 Congenital absence of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60291005 Congenital absence of clitoris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36376006 Congenital absence of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204658006 Congenital absence of esophagus with tracheoesophageal fistula (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 75231006 Congenital absence of eustachian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57436000 Congenital absence of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74245009 Congenital absence of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73465006 Congenital absence of germinal epithelium of testes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74908007 Congenital absence of inferior vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418087009 Congenital absence of lacrimal drainage structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66489009 Congenital absence of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27262009 Congenital absence of pectoral muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84918006 Congenital absence of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91907005 Congenital absence of sacral vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93030006 Congenital absence of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79177001 Congenital absence of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77761000 Congenital absence of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17142008 Congenital absence of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25148007 Congenital absence of uvula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87380008 Congenital absence of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5286009 Congenital absence of vas deferens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15843004 Congenital absence of vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111335009 Congenital absence of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84449007 Congenital accessory skin tag (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 703000 Congenital adhesions of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237751000 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116133005 Congenital agammaglobulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2965006 Congenital alopecia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205161004 Congenital amputation of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63565007 Congenital anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69278003 Congenital aniridia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204196008 Congenital anomalies of eyelid lacrimal system and orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4141008 Congenital anomalies of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81336004 Congenital anomaly of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60637003 Congenital anomaly of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3705009 Congenital anomaly of anterior chamber of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429448005 Congenital anomaly of anterior segment of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59877000 Congenital anomaly of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363025000 Congenital anomaly of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432293006 Congenital anomaly of blood vessel of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237513002 Congenital anomaly of bone and joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57148006 Congenital anomaly of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83546008 Congenital anomaly of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123566006 Congenital anomaly of calcaneus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9904008 Congenital anomaly of cardiovascular system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67988000 Congenital anomaly of cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128124001 Congenital anomaly of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65587001 Congenital anomaly of cerebrovascular system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92999004 Congenital anomaly of cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128352002 Congenital anomaly of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28574005 Congenital anomaly of coronary artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69518005 Congenital anomaly of digestive system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8380000 Congenital anomaly of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111339003 Congenital anomaly of ear with impairment of hearing (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4184009 Congenital anomaly of endocrine gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12362004 Congenital anomaly of external female genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19416009 Congenital anomaly of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91158006 Congenital anomaly of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398302004 Congenital anomaly of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32003007 Congenital anomaly of face bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85029000 Congenital anomaly of fallopian tubes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59035004 Congenital anomaly of female genital system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20948006 Congenital anomaly of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69248007 Congenital anomaly of fixation of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128347007 Congenital anomaly of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65033000 Congenital anomaly of hair (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70320004 Congenital anomaly of heart valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38164009 Congenital anomaly of integument (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126764002 Congenital anomaly of intestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128985003 Congenital anomaly of iris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95463009 Congenital anomaly of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41620007 Congenital anomaly of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72292009 Congenital anomaly of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33521009 Congenital anomaly of lens shape (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60475009 Congenital anomaly of limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109549008 Congenital anomaly of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84773003 Congenital anomaly of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47147007 Congenital anomaly of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4406004 Congenital anomaly of male genital system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428522008 Congenital anomaly of male urogenital tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128224008 Congenital anomaly of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128223002 Congenital anomaly of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128334002 Congenital anomaly of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73573004 Congenital anomaly of musculoskeletal system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35964007 Congenital anomaly of nail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40052002 Congenital anomaly of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88425004 Congenital anomaly of nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128274005 Congenital anomaly of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60505005 Congenital anomaly of optic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54873004 Congenital anomaly of orbit proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38296007 Congenital anomaly of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46842007 Congenital anomaly of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430166008 Congenital anomaly of peripheral blood vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11223009 Congenital anomaly of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46722007 Congenital anomaly of pleural folds (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128534003 Congenital anomaly of posterior segment of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82820009 Congenital anomaly of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36110001 Congenital anomaly of pulmonary artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432461000 Congenital anomaly of renal blood vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77868001 Congenital anomaly of respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49381001 Congenital anomaly of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32809005 Congenital anomaly of sclera (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89886004 Congenital anomaly of skeletal muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199879009 Congenital anomaly of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51655004 Congenital anomaly of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55193002 Congenital anomaly of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81042008 Congenital anomaly of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74877002 Congenital anomaly of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57497006 Congenital anomaly of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24963004 Congenital anomaly of sternocleidomastoid muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60699003 Congenital anomaly of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70195006 Congenital anomaly of superior vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34111000 Congenital anomaly of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44513007 Congenital anomaly of the kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73262007 Congenital anomaly of the urinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118642009 Congenital anomaly of the urinary tract proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8649001 Congenital anomaly of thoracic cage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9989000 Congenital anomaly of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60447007 Congenital anomaly of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34588007 Congenital anomaly of upper alimentary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66510004 Congenital anomaly of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363037003 Congenital anomaly of upper trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51794008 Congenital anomaly of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65704008 Congenital anomaly of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91210006 Congenital anourethral fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1239002 Congenital anteversion of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35387008 Congenital aphakia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234141001 Congenital arteriovenous malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427199002 Congenital arteriovenous malformation of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95471008 Congenital arteriovenous malformation of the gastrointestinal tract (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 427944007 Congenital asymmetry of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7438000 Congenital atresia of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51118003 Congenital atresia of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75355004 Congenital atresia of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59423009 Congenital atresia of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84296002 Congenital atresia of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93033008 Congenital atresia of superior vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204342004 Congenital atresia of the pulmonary valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63042009 Congenital atresia of tricuspid valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405752007 Congenital atrial septal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77480004 Congenital biliary atresia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268236002 Congenital bladder neck stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253205005 Congenital blocked tear duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9252005 Congenital bowing of tibia and/or fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253849004 Congenital buried penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48061001 Congenital calculus of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28550007 Congenital capsular cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206586007 Congenital cardiac failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48121000 Congenital cardiomegaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199266007 Congenital cardiovascular disorder during pregnancy - baby delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199268008 Congenital cardiovascular disorder during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6636004 Congenital cardiovascular disorder in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79410001 Congenital cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36010004 Congenital cerebral meningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398197009 Congenital choledochal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64320007 Congenital chordee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24210004 Congenital chorioretinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205092004 Congenital claw foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13624003 Congenital cleft hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232461002 Congenital cleft larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17268007 Congenital clinodactyly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64596006 Congenital clubnail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44295002 Congenital coloboma of optic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205821003 Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427103005 Congenital contracture of gastrocnemius muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268160006 Congenital corneal opacity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13282008 Congenital corneal opacity interfering with vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74820003 Congenital coxa vara (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60652005 Congenital cyst of mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111318005 Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72925005 Congenital cystic disease of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58882000 Congenital cystic eyeball (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82525005 Congenital cystic kidney disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87119009 Congenital cystic lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95828007 Congenital deafness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276655000 Congenital deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75511006 Congenital deformity of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302297009 Congenital deformity of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33322003 Congenital deformity of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2749000 Congenital deformity of hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61293001 Congenital deformity of knee joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72089000 Congenital deformity of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232217008 Congenital deformity of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205043005 Congenital deformity of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62667002 Congenital deviation of nasal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17190001 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93050005 Congenital dilatation of aortic arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111331000 Congenital dilatation of lobar intrahepatic bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66091009 Congenital disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371629001 Congenital dislocation of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59068006 Congenital dislocation of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60108003 Congenital dislocation of one hip with subluxation of other (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205067002 Congenital dislocation of patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74345006 Congenital disorder due to abnormality of chromosome number OR structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204980006 Congenital displaced kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75270000 Congenital diverticulum of left ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58135005 Congenital duplication of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66865009 Congenital duplication of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3845008 Congenital duplication of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15545001 Congenital duplication of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191352003 Congenital dysphagocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74969002 Congenital ectopic lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79120002 Congenital elevation of scapula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47895001 Congenital emphysema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204667006 Congenital esophageal pouch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253760004 Congenital esophageal ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60983006 Congenital esophagotracheal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232093001 Congenital esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17128000 Congenital eventration of diaphragm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314786000 Congenital exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428680008 Congenital female urogenital anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11102005 Congenital fistula of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95652003 Congenital flaccid paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428862002 Congenital flat back deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268223002 Congenital fusion of labia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38827001 Congenital fusion of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89689008 Congenital genu valgum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79168008 Congenital genu varum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53842005 Congenital hallux valgus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79969004 Congenital hallux varus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75523000 Congenital hamartosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85280007 Congenital hammer toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95827002 Congenital hearing disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46619002 Congenital heart block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13213009 Congenital heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68359008 Congenital hemivertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111501005 Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48763007 Congenital hernia of foramen of Morgagni (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52781008 Congenital hip dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59128005 Congenital honeycomb lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82062003 Congenital hydrocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47032000 Congenital hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16297002 Congenital hydronephrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62522004 Congenital hyperammonemia type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55856005 Congenital hyperplasia of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56797000 Congenital hypertrichosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48644003 Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93235007 Congenital hypoplasia of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60787001 Congenital hypoplasia of aortic arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8915006 Congenital hypoplasia of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72252007 Congenital hypoplasia of cardiac vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429449002 Congenital hypoplasia of fovea centralis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32659003 Congenital hypoplasia of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78693004 Congenital hypoplasia of part of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34911001 Congenital hypoplasia of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44622003 Congenital hypoplasia of umbilical artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93303009 Congenital hypoplasia of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190268003 Congenital hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13059002 Congenital ichthyosis of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36138009 Congenital immunodeficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82353009 Congenital infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28656008 Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29928006 Congenital insufficiency of mitral valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83119008 Congenital insufficiency of tricuspid valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 217710005 Congenital iodine deficiency syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6874009 Congenital keratoderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71311003 Congenital kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413907007 Congenital labial adhesions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55490007 Congenital laryngeal stridor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253947001 Congenital leg bone bowing (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371080001 Congenital leg length discrepancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47139007 Congenital leukonychia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66987001 Congenital lobar emphysema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13530005 Congenital lobulation of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287087003 Congenital lordosis/scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270516002 Congenital macroglossia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40159009 Congenital macrostomia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204179007 Congenital macular changes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276654001 Congenital malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253818009 Congenital malformation of anterior abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275259005 Congenital malformation of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204821009 Congenital malformation of genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431768007 Congenital malformation of sphenoid wing (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275262008 Congenital malformation of upper alimentary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51789008 Congenital malposition of cardiac apex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10818008 Congenital malposition of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29980002 Congenital malrotation of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10653003 Congenital mandibular hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83660002 Congenital mandibular hypoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28070007 Congenital maxillary hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27299009 Congenital maxillary hypoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360436002 Congenital megacolon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57938005 Congenital myotonia autosomal dominant form (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240104008 Congenital myotonic dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193994000 Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48796009 Congenital nephrotic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89655007 Congenital neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64635004 Congenital nystagmus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253886003 Congenital obstructive defect of renal pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16619007 Congenital occlusion of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18735004 Congenital omphalocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88103004 Congenital onychauxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111443000 Congenital OR acquired abnormality of cervix affecting pregnancy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111444006 Congenital OR acquired abnormality of vagina affecting pregnancy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 267248001 Congenital or acquired abnormality of vulva - baby delivered with postpartum complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111445007 Congenital OR acquired abnormality of vulva affecting pregnancy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 267249009 Congenital or acquired abnormality of vulva complicating antenatal care - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267250009 Congenital or acquired abnormality of vulva complicating postpartum care - baby delivered during previous episode of care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10866001 Congenital pancreatic enterokinase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54119007 Congenital pancreatic trypsin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192949002 Congenital paraplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373584008 Congenital pelviureteric junction obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312005008 Congenital penoscrotal transposition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23407003 Congenital pes planus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205564003 Congenital pigmentary skin anomalies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398696001 Congenital pigmented melanocytic nevus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78895009 Congenital pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38353004 Congenital porencephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253900005 Congenital posterior urethral valves (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20944008 Congenital postural scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268163008 Congenital ptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204339005 Congenital pulmonary valve abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275468009 Congenital quadriplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204941003 Congenital renal atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 943003 Congenital retinal aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95478002 Congenital sacral meningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74223008 Congenital scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18620009 Congenital sequestration of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105986008 Congenital skeletal dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71178008 Congenital spinal hydromeningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65144005 Congenital spinal meningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13236000 Congenital spondylolisthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425871007 Congenital spondylolisthesis of cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80712009 Congenital spondylolysis of lumbosacral region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18546004 Congenital stenosis of aortic valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10283004 Congenital stenosis of cervical canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62335009 Congenital stenosis of inferior vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82458004 Congenital stenosis of mitral valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67278007 Congenital stenosis of pulmonary valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45492009 Congenital stenosis of superior vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36233006 Congenital stenosis of tricuspid valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88244008 Congenital stenosis of vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73660006 Congenital subaortic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204530005 Congenital subglottic web of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205052001 Congenital subluxation of hip bilateral (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268242003 Congenital subluxation of hip unilateral (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7169009 Congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41514002 Congenital supravalvular mitral stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52757001 Congenital supravalvular pulmonary stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35742006 Congenital syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267535004 Congenital thrombocytopenic purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268240006 Congenital torticollis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284449005 Congenital total lipodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73893000 Congenital toxoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205274004 Congenital trigger thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373585009 Congenital ureterovesical obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37849005 Congenital uterine anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42162004 Congenital varus deformity of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399982001 Congenital vascular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400159008 Congenital vascular malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428543009 Congenital vascular malformation of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429304004 Congenital vascular malformation of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427791009 Congenital velopharyngeal incompetence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276660001 Congenital viral disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204171005 Congenital vitreous opacity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82297005 Congestion of nasal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399020009 Congestive cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42343007 Congestive heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426263006 Congestive heart failure due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426611007 Congestive heart failure due to valvular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13706005 Conjunctival concretion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193901000 Conjunctival cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40787005 Conjunctival degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62660000 Conjunctival deposit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84178004 Conjunctival edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231866000 Conjunctival foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21117005 Conjunctival hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193894004 Conjunctival hyperemia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66081003 Conjunctival pigmentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90607003 Conjunctival scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276316005 Conjunctival shrinkage (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64718006 Conjunctival xerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9826008 Conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193876005 Conjunctivitis with mucocutaneous disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408663001 Conjunctivochalasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232105000 Consecutive exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89907009 Constant exophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9650008 Constant squint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103292006 Constant vertigo (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225460000 Constantly crying (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14760008 Constipation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85920003 Constipation by outlet obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432414001 Constipation due to atony of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432994008 Constipation due to neurogenic bowel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430097009 Constipation due to spasm of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28975000 Constitutional aplastic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237813007 Constitutional delay of growth and puberty (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85244007 Constitutional sexual precocity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422065006 Constitutional short stature (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85598007 Constrictive pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10813004 Contact blepharoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40275004 Contact dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78755001 Contact dermatitis due to cosmetics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30451004 Contact dermatitis due to detergents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86062001 Contact dermatitis due to drugs AND/OR medicine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67445002 Contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267796002 Contact dermatitis due to metal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3226008 Contact dermatitis due to non-medicinal chemical (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267793005 Contact dermatitis due to oils and greases (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69999007 Contact dermatitis due to plants except food (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200823002 Contact dermatitis due to poison ivy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200824008 Contact dermatitis due to poison oak (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11804009 Contact dermatitis due to solar radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23012005 Contact dermatitis due to solvents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68670009 Contact dermatitis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314496008 Contact lens related disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71450000 Contact ulcer of vocal folds (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237247003 Continuing pregnancy after abortion of sibling fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429187001 Continuing pregnancy after intrauterine death of twin fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191804003 Continuous acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278905001 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191811004 Continuous chronic alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426095000 Continuous inhalant abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191819002 Continuous opioid dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425885002 Continuous phencyclidine abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 243816001 Contraception status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169491004 Contraceptive IUD check (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89310008 Contracted bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 871005 Contracted pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39209001 Contraction of eye socket after enucleation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239734000 Contracture of elbow joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425491009 Contracture of gastrocnemius muscle due to paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427781003 Contracture of gastrocnemius muscle due to traumatic injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239738002 Contracture of hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7890003 Contracture of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239737007 Contracture of joint of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86414002 Contracture of joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90116003 Contracture of joint of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239739005 Contracture of knee joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202264009 Contracture of multiple joints (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410813000 Contracture of palmar fascia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428195006 Contracture of skin of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203076007 Contracture of tendo achilles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67425005 Contracture of tendon sheath (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239735004 Contracture of wrist joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292095005 Contrast media adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293637006 Contrast media allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125667009 Contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37907001 Contusion of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55042009 Contusion of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53759006 Contusion of axillary region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11437003 Contusion of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34663006 Contusion of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84170006 Contusion of brain with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111722002 Contusion of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68893001 Contusion of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23713006 Contusion of cerebral cortex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262689001 Contusion of cerebrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4821001 Contusion of cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10050004 Contusion of chest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50228009 Contusion of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91613004 Contusion of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367423000 Contusion of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231814009 Contusion of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125668004 Contusion of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269214009 Contusion of face scalp and neck excluding eye(s) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77233005 Contusion of female genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69787006 Contusion of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74814004 Contusion of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39812007 Contusion of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262637006 Contusion of gingivae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5662003 Contusion of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44801007 Contusion of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54499003 Contusion of interscapular region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70092007 Contusion of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22878006 Contusion of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64458007 Contusion of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284062002 Contusion of lower back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45613006 Contusion of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91603007 Contusion of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48424004 Contusion of lung without open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36160007 Contusion of male genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52945003 Contusion of mandibular joint area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111721009 Contusion of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111723007 Contusion of multiple sites of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3649004 Contusion of multiple sites of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58221004 Contusion of multiple sites of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8513005 Contusion of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60897004 Contusion of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125687005 Contusion of ocular adnexa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42697001 Contusion of orbital tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283137007 Contusion of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110262009 Contusion of periorbital region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428016006 Contusion of rib (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313262006 Contusion of sacral region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22562004 Contusion of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80907003 Contusion of scapular region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40257000 Contusion of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428800008 Contusion of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84416003 Contusion of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429665006 Contusion of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58075000 Contusion of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36787001 Contusion of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85636003 Contusion of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68142008 Contusion of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48123002 Contusion of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17414004 Contusion to heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211501009 Contusion clavicular area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211502002 Contusion shoulder and upper arm multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105499002 Convalescence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67320001 Convergence excess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194131002 Convergence insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87476004 Convulsions in the newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302289002 Coordination problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83291003 Cor pulmonale (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55510008 Cor triatriatum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209413009 Coracohumeral sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53419009 Cord entanglement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11209007 Cord entanglement without compression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302929008 Cord round neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199880007 Cord tangled with compression - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199881006 Cord tangled with compression with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199874004 Cord tight round neck - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46014006 Corn of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85848002 Corneal abrasion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64366002 Corneal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41478008 Corneal deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111521006 Corneal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246938006 Corneal dellen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74460005 Corneal deposit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5587004 Corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14748007 Corneal ectasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27194006 Corneal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49362009 Corneal edema due to wearing of contact lenses (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373425009 Corneal endotheliolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373426005 Corneal epithelial and basement membrane dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370956008 Corneal epithelial defect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246932007 Corneal epithelium finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50792001 Corneal erosion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246924004 Corneal finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413917002 Corneal flap fold (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37450000 Corneal foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373431007 Corneal ghost vessels (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314551004 Corneal graft disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314760005 Corneal graft failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314553001 Corneal graft infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95742008 Corneal graft rejection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425961009 Corneal haze due to herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424353002 Corneal haze due to herpes zoster (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373433005 Corneal hypoesthesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246955005 Corneal inflammatory stromal infiltration (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420835009 Corneal intraepithelial neoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95725002 Corneal laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63725005 Corneal lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16350000 Corneal macula interfering with central vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72494008 Corneal nebula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19161004 Corneal neovascularization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64634000 Corneal opacity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35666006 Corneal pannus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231942005 Corneal rust ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95726001 Corneal scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373430008 Corneal stromal edema (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91514001 Corneal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201037000 Corns and callus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53741008 Coronary arteriosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427919004 Coronary arteriosclerosis due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63739005 Coronary occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194821006 Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386762009 Corpus luteum cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83799000 Corrected transposition of great vessels (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212042002 Corrosion of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87888006 Cortex contusion with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87492009 Cortex contusion with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73413009 Cortex contusion with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 81412002 Cortex contusion with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25257007 Cortex contusion with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209845006 Cortex contusion with open intracranial wound with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32106001 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59029004 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16319002 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 17498002 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47979002 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5886004 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40286002 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36822000 Cortex contusion without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127303003 Cortex laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59748008 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56640007 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69875006 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 41870008 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64673000 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47198001 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7604001 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209864000 Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44341005 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25689009 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5120006 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9978007 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58070005 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53730006 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20167009 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7711006 Cortex laceration without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204127006 Cortical and zonular cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68574006 Cortical blindness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20485009 Cortical paralysis of fixation syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78875003 Cortical senile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413924001 Cortical visual impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18842008 Corticobasal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46251005 Corticospinal motor disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404647000 Corticosteroid induced cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1654001 Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293141009 Corticosteroids adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43977004 Corticostriatal-spinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432729003 Cortisone injection given (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64109004 Costal chondritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49727002 Cough (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292605001 Cough suppressant adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409663006 Cough variant asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170975000 Counseling - general (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62131008 Couvelaire uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58037000 Cowden syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70090004 Cowpox (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15911003 Cow's milk protein sensitivity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241936009 Cow's milk protein-induced anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68449006 Coxitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128405007 Coxsackie carditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186658007 Coxsackie virus disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35716006 Cracked nipple associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200414009 Cracked nipple in pregnancy the puerperium or lactation with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55300003 Cramp (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73013002 Cranial nerve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417074000 Cranial somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403380005 Craniofacial hyperhidrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189179009 Craniopharyngioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32219008 Craniorachischisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57219006 Craniosynostosis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42712003 Cri du chat (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307499004 Cricoarytenoid joint fixation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28259009 Crigler-Najjar syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230594005 Critical illness polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427515002 Critical stenosis of aortic valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34000006 Crohn's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50440006 Crohn's disease of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7620006 Crohn's disease of large bowel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3815005 Crohn's disease of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71833008 Crohn's disease of small AND large intestines (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56689002 Crohn's disease of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71186008 Croup (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28861008 Crouzon syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12351004 Crowding of teeth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10360000 Crow's feet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23697004 Crush syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125665001 Crushing injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65896005 Crushing injury of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5450005 Crushing injury of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71458007 Crushing injury of external genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90465004 Crushing injury of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10380004 Crushing injury of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43422002 Crushing injury of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111693009 Crushing injury of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50793006 Crushing injury of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11730002 Crushing injury of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38128008 Crushing injury of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40874009 Crushing injury of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39595001 Crushing injury of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70000009 Crushing injury of multiple sites of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6015002 Crushing injury of multiple sites of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50001009 Crushing injury of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56697009 Crushing injury of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2591000 Crushing injury of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74270009 Crushing injury of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74682007 Crushing injury of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4975008 Crushing injury of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19180002 Crushing injury of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9560007 Crushing injury of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47814001 Crushing injury of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30911005 Cryoglobulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14232007 Cryptococcal meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42386007 Cryptococcosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89580002 Cryptogenic cirrhosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2518007 Cryptogenic sexual precocity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400951005 Cryptophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18834007 Crystal arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75468006 Crystal arthropathy of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428768008 Crystal arthropathy of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26241001 Crystal arthropathy of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429420005 Crystal arthropathy of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20075001 Crystal arthropathy of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34427002 Crystal arthropathy of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429419004 Crystal arthropathy of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29297002 Crystalline deposits in vitreous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46784006 Crystalluria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56177003 Cubital tunnel syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308849005 Current tear of lateral cartilage AND/OR meniscus of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307945003 Current tear of medial cartilage AND/OR meniscus of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19494006 Current tear of semilunar cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71427006 Cursive seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64217002 Curvature of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427525007 Curvature of spine due to osteomalacia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283400008 Cut of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283439004 Cut of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283416005 Cut of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283407006 Cut of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283409009 Cut of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6365004 Cutaneous actinomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282834007 Cutaneous amyloidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84980006 Cutaneous anthrax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240727006 Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18901009 Cutaneous diphtheria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403871001 Cutaneous horn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21626009 Cutaneous hypersensitivity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25626000 Cutaneous infectious disease due to Mycobacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19362000 Cutaneous larva migrans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7119001 Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240416008 Cutaneous mycobacterium marinum infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254761009 Cutaneous neurofibroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419817006 Cutaneous paracoccioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239926000 Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128862000 Cutaneous pseudolymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212277008 Cutaneous sensory nerve injury of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277613000 Cutaneous/peripheral T-cell lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58588007 Cutis laxa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5280003 Cutis laxa senilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26825009 Cutis marmorata (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3415004 Cyanosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191347008 Cyclical neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18773000 Cyclical vomiting syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17657000 Cyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60017001 Cyclophoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68158006 Cycloplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76105009 Cyclothymia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70486007 Cyclotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47639008 Cyst - pilonidal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197464001 Cyst and pseudocyst of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57044006 Cyst of Bartholin's gland duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399294002 Cyst of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5618007 Cyst of broad ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202941002 Cyst of bursa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43077002 Cyst of epididymis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46210008 Cyst of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433182005 Cyst of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43144004 Cyst of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85225000 Cyst of nasal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71418005 Cyst of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196546001 Cyst of oral soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79883001 Cyst of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31258000 Cyst of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78187008 Cyst of semilunar cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285302001 Cyst of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72325004 Cyst of thyroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 758002 Cyst of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24548005 Cyst of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60098005 Cyst of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235967003 Cystadenoma of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13277001 Cystic acne (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234021009 Cystic adventitial disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428870007 Cystic adventitial disease of popliteal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66046000 Cystic degeneration of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95745005 Cystic dermoid choristoma of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196547005 Cystic dermoid choristoma of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255002002 Cystic dermoid choristoma of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277338002 Cystic dermoid choristoma of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236439005 Cystic disease of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190905008 Cystic fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86555001 Cystic fibrosis of the lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190909002 Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86092005 Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81423003 Cystic fibrosis without meconium ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399882002 Cystic hygroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59051007 Cysticercosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190681003 Cystinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85020001 Cystinuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37183000 Cystinuria type 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38822007 Cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13285005 Cystitis cystica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72815004 Cystitis glandularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275412000 Cystitis of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 252005008 Cystocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40421008 Cystocele without uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193387007 Cystoid macular edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14046000 Cystoid macular retinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82347009 Cystourethrocele without uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235749000 Cytomegaloviral colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426137009 Cytomegaloviral enteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429300008 Cytomegaloviral gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7678002 Cytomegaloviral pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22455005 Cytomegaloviral retinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186698009 Cytomegalovirus hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28944009 Cytomegalovirus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86927009 Dacryoadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85777005 Dacryocystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47952001 Dacryolith (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24258008 Damage to pelvic joints AND/OR ligaments during delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232347008 Dander (animal) allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14447001 Dandy-Walker syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35064005 Dark stools (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40354009 De Lange syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61947007 Deaf mutism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71781005 Decrease in height (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102494001 Decreased body growth (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124041005 Decreased lipoprotein (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398151007 Decreased muscle tone (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27856008 Decreased pupillary reflex (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102569004 Decreased range of hip movement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428886000 Decubital ulcer of coccygeal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400192002 Decubitus ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301016007 Decubitus ulcer of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301015006 Decubitus ulcer of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430949005 Decubitus ulcer of lower back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430950005 Decubitus ulcer of upper back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262565001 Deep avulsion wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360068000 Deep full thickness burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211853007 Deep full thickness burn of the arm without loss of body part (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 211985006 Deep full thickness burn of the leg without loss of body part (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 211796009 Deep full thickness burn of the trunk without loss of body part (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 211932004 Deep full thickness burn of the wrist without loss of body part (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 262562003 Deep laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128195009 Deep peroneal neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210892006 Deep plantar blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37022009 Deep third degree burn of hand with loss of body part (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275451005 Deep third degree burn of hand without loss of a body part (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90328000 Deep third degree burn of lower limb with loss of body part (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86744003 Deep third degree burn of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23252003 Deep third degree burn of trunk with loss of body part (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199774009 Deep transverse arrest - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1343000 Deep transverse arrest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2102007 Deep vascularization of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128053003 Deep venous thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428781001 Deep venous thrombosis associated with coronary artery bypass graft (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 404223003 Deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427775006 Deep venous thrombosis of profunda femoris vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438785004 Deep venous thrombosis of tibial vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128054009 Deep venous thrombosis of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240138000 Defect of articular cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124265004 Deficiency of acetyl-CoA acyltransferase (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191296000 Deficiency of coagulation factor due to liver disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191297009 Deficiency of coagulation factor due to vitamin K deficiency (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 124536006 Deficiency of fumarylacetoacetase (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124134002 Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124188007 Deficiency of glutathione reductase (NAD(P)H) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124950009 Deficiency of immunoglobulin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238107002 Deficiency of macronutrients (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70137000 Deficiency of placental endocrine function (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90310002 Deficiency of saccadic eye movements (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34406007 Deficiency of smooth pursuit movements (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124220008 Deficiency of steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79017007 Deformed pupil (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417893002 Deformity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274176006 Deformity after injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 440214006 Deformity due to amniotic band (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433096001 Deformity of bone of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360396000 Deformity of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271096004 Deformity of calcaneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229844004 Deformity of foot (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433228003 Deformity of foot due to rheumatoid arthritis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299328006 Deformity of knee joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87540003 Deformity of orbit proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271091009 Deformity of phalanx of finger or thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232216004 Deformity of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431707004 Deformity of wrist due to rheumatoid arthritis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3712000 Degenerated eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69195002 Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77547008 Degeneration of intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26538006 Degeneration of lumbar intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60937000 Degeneration of lumbosacral intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267612009 Degeneration of macula due to cyst hole or pseudohole (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25859000 Degeneration of pupillary margin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95695004 Degeneration of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68675004 Degeneration of thoracic intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63696009 Degenerative AND/OR vascular disorder of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109668000 Degenerative arthritis of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52522001 Degenerative brain disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62585004 Degenerative disorder of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1112003 Degenerative disorder of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363059001 Degenerative disorder of musculoskeletal system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43645004 Degenerative disorder of sclera (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30523006 Degenerative drusen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82300000 Degenerative joint disease of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22193007 Degenerative joint disease of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67315001 Degenerative joint disease of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32022003 Degenerative progressive high myopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396325007 Degenerative skin disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4046000 Degenerative spondylolisthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428705008 Degenerative tear of triangular fibrocartilage complex of wrist (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 262577006 Degloving injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210571003 Degloving injury of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427832005 Dehiscence of wound of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34095006 Dehydration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111499002 D?j?rine-Sottas disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123526007 Delay in sexual development AND/OR puberty (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370972000 Delay of drug therapy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5972002 Delay when starting to pass urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23171006 Delayed AND/OR secondary postpartum hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62415009 Delayed articulatory and language development (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35347003 Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199860006 Delayed delivery of second twin triplet etc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239169007 Delayed healing of surgical wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274625009 Delayed milestone (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401161007 Delayed onset of sleep (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198827002 Delayed or excessive hemorrhage following abortive pregnancy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 242822003 Deliberate overdose of drug or pharmaceutical preparation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2776000 Delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200144004 Deliveries by cesarean (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271373005 Deliveries by spontaneous breech delivery (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106008001 Delivery AND/OR maternal condition affecting management (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48782003 Delivery normal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89809008 Delusion of parasitosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48500005 Delusional disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60123008 Delusional disorder mixed type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52448006 Dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421529006 Dementia associated with AIDS (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281004 Dementia associated with alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191519005 Dementia associated with another disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425390006 Dementia associated with Parkinson's Disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429458009 Dementia due to Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6118003 Demyelinating disease of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20927009 Dengue hemorrhagic fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299709002 Dental abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80967001 Dental caries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397869004 Dental trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68116008 Dentatorubropallidoluysian degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196380002 Dentofacial anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56405002 Dentofacial functional anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429091008 Dependence on biphasic positive airway pressure ventilation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429487005 Dependence on continuous positive airway pressure ventilation (finding SNOMED-CT
0-L 429075005 Dependence on dialysis due to end stage renal disease (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428982002 Dependence on hemodialysis due to end stage renal disease (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428937001 Dependence on peritoneal dialysis due to end stage renal disease (finding SNOMED-CT
0-L 6525002 Dependent drug abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84466009 Dependent personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70764005 Depersonalization disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312720005 Deposits on intraocular lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49468007 Depressed bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22121000 Depressed bipolar I disorder in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49512000 Depressed bipolar I disorder in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53607008 Depressed bipolar I disorder in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41006004 Depression (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35489007 Depressive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82632005 Derangement of anterior horn of lateral meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9771006 Derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63643000 Derangement of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21333004 Derangement of lateral meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111222003 Derangement of medial meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111224002 Derangement of meniscus of knee joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77860008 Derangement of posterior horn of lateral meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5313005 Derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75630004 Derangement of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14560005 Dermal mycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 182782007 Dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81119003 Dermatitis due to drug AND/OR medicine taken internally (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31184003 Dermatitis due to food taken internally (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13582007 Dermatitis due to substances taken internally (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27720003 Dermatitis factitia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111196000 Dermatitis herpetiformis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275447008 Dermatitis medicamentosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427404005 Dermatitis of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402698005 Dermatitis of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427186000 Dermatofibroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276799004 Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7632005 Dermatographic urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396230008 Dermatomyositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47382004 Dermatophytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402700001 Dermatosis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254669003 Dermatosis papulosa nigra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83110007 Descemetocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193821003 Descemet's membrane fold (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399994005 Desmoid fibromatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8549006 Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95738005 Detachment of Descemet's membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41553006 Detergent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236655005 Detrusor and sphincter dyssynergia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61033006 Detrusor instability of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77479002 Deutan defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266415009 Developmental abnormality of tooth size and form (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1855002 Developmental academic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47916000 Developmental arithmetic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386701004 Developmental articulation disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27544004 Developmental coordination disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248290002 Developmental delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426881004 Developmental delay in feeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5294002 Developmental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426041005 Developmental dyslalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192138007 Developmental dyslexia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268734000 Developmental expressive language disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45677003 Developmental expressive writing disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280032002 Developmental language disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196449006 Developmental odontogenic cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52824009 Developmental reading disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1145003 Developmental speech disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126660000 Deviated nasal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373060007 Device status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271441000 Dextraposition of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253514004 Dextraposition of aorta in Fallot's tetralogy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15771004 Diabetes insipidus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73211009 Diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427089005 Diabetes mellitus due to cystic fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199225007 Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199227004 Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199223000 Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 76751001 Diabetes mellitus in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46635009 Diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44054006 Diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111552007 Diabetes mellitus without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190331003 Diabetes mellitus adult onset with hyperosmolar coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190330002 Diabetes mellitus juvenile type with hyperosmolar coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170763003 Diabetic - good control (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39058009 Diabetic amyotrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50620007 Diabetic autonomic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425442003 Diabetic autonomic neuropathy associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423263001 Diabetic autonomic neuropathy associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43959009 Diabetic cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421920002 Diabetic cataract associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420756003 Diabetic cataract associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74627003 Diabetic complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238982009 Diabetic dermopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160670007 Diabetic diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398819009 Diabetic foot at risk (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371087003 Diabetic foot ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34140002 Diabetic gastroparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425455002 Diabetic glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309426007 Diabetic glomerulopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310387003 Diabetic intracapillary glomerulosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312912001 Diabetic macular edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230577008 Diabetic mononeuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201724008 Diabetic neuropathic arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230572002 Diabetic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25093002 Diabetic oculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421165007 Diabetic oculopathy associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 422099009 Diabetic oculopathy associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 170745003 Diabetic on diet only (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427943001 Diabetic ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127014009 Diabetic peripheral angiopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424736006 Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49455004 Diabetic polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127013003 Diabetic renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4855003 Diabetic retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420789003 Diabetic retinopathy associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 422034002 Diabetic retinopathy associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 127011001 Diabetic sensory polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232023006 Diabetic traction retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312910009 Diabetic vitreous hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251859005 Dialysis finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240711004 Diaper candidiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91487003 Diaper rash (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39839004 Diaphragmatic hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56676008 Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62920004 Diaphysitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62315008 Diarrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197132001 Diarrhea after gastrointestinal tract surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428867008 Diarrhea due to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43240000 Diarrhea of presumed infectious origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111248006 Diastasis of muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62629000 Diastasis recti (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49351009 Diastematomyelia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3545003 Diastolic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418304008 Diastolic heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109558001 Dieulafoy's vascular malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225903007 Difficulty controlling behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289004002 Difficulty feeding self (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206568009 Difficulty in feeding at breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289084000 Difficulty performing breast-feeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47004009 Difficulty speaking (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422716006 Difficulty understanding community service provider role (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33420007 Diffuse cervicobrachial syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1384002 Diffuse cholesteatosis of middle ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64212008 Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17157001 Diffuse interstitial keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196125002 Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82226007 Diffuse intraventricular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89537006 Diffuse labyrinthitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397518007 Diffuse lamellar keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80098002 Diffuse Lewy body disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188674006 Diffuse malignant lymphoma - small non-cleaved cell (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111406002 Diffuse mesangial sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109962001 Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109966003 Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma immunoblastic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109969005 Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma large cell (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109965004 Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma lymphoblastic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193463006 Diffuse secondary choroid atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79962008 Diffuse spasm of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77128003 DiGeorge sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386617003 Digestive system finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210848009 Digital blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404098005 Digital mucous cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58256000 Dihydropteridine reductase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26660001 Dilatation of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95576001 Dilatation of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413994008 Dilated cardiomyopathy associated with connective tissue disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 83521008 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to alcohol (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46696008 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to dermatomyositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72972005 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74249003 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to malignancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16253001 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to peripartum heart disease (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 12563008 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1954004 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to toxic reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30496006 Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to viral myocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51624005 Dilutional thrombocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397428000 Diphtheria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13596001 Diphtheritic peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22181003 Diplacusis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6481005 Diplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54099005 Diplegia of upper limbs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58193001 Diplegic cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24982008 Diplopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82800008 Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73147001 Direct inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202732003 Disc prolapse with radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54302000 Discharge from nipple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2910007 Discharge from penis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18628002 Discharge of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2304001 Discitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37891007 Discoid kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200938002 Discoid lupus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79291003 Discoid lupus erythematosus of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239721001 Discoid meniscus of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102867009 Discolored urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204296002 Discordant ventriculoarterial connection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64572001 Disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17322007 Disease caused by parasite (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37246009 Disease caused by rickettsiae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25225006 Disease due to Adenovirus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50170006 Disease due to Betaherpesvirinae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407519002 Disease due to Deltaretrovirus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371583007 Disease due to Gram-negative bacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359763008 Disease due to Hantanvirus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359761005 Disease due to Hantavirus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105635000 Disease due to Retroviridae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41546002 Disease due to Rhinovirus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105706003 Disease due to superfamily Filarioidea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417093003 Disease due to West Nile virus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11060002 Disease related peripheral neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 788006 Disease-related diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194732001 Diseases of mitral and aortic valves (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199294004 Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199293005 Diseases of the respiratory system complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287638004 Dislocated elbow reduced (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274454008 Dislocated hip reduced (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312700009 Dislocated intraocular lens into vitreous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287637009 Dislocated wrist reduced (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263019000 Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422216007 Dislocation of arytenoid cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87040007 Dislocation of ear ossicles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314664008 Dislocation of hand joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314201008 Dislocation of hip joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 108367008 Dislocation of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263028004 Dislocation of joint of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84777002 Dislocation of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312844001 Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263029007 Dislocation of patellofemoral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263026000 Dislocation of perilunate joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263023008 Dislocation of radial head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263024002 Dislocation of radiocarpal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417076003 Dislocation of shoulder joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263009006 Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208782004 Dislocation or subluxation of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269111008 Dislocation or subluxation of finger or thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208891008 Dislocation or subluxation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269105005 Dislocation or subluxation of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213368009 Dislocations sprains and strains involving head with neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213367004 Dislocations sprains and strains involving multiple body regions (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 213369001 Dislocations sprains and strains involving thorax with lower back and pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106002000 Disorder associated with menstruation AND/OR menopause (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420868002 Disorder associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422014003 Disorder associated with type II diabetes melliltus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399194009 Disorder characterized by back pain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118654009 Disorder characterized by edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128561003 Disorder characterized by granuloma formation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373673007 Disorder characterized by pain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85983004 Disorder due to exposure to ionizing radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417702007 Disorder due to Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111474003 Disorder involving the integument of fetus OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118948005 Disorder of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84759007 Disorder of accessory nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54552008 Disorder of accommodation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77949003 Disorder of acoustic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2128005 Disorder of adenoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30171000 Disorder of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44779003 Disorder of amino acid metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72860003 Disorder of amniotic cavity AND/OR membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240276001 Disorder of amputation stump (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397174009 Disorder of anal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128138008 Disorder of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428776005 Disorder of ankle joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51742006 Disorder of anterior pituitary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32110003 Disorder of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47040006 Disorder of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18526009 Disorder of appendix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426655001 Disorder of aromatic amino acid metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280968009 Disorder of arteriovenous graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359557001 Disorder of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362966006 Disorder of auditory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15241006 Disorder of autonomic nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33308003 Disorder of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105997008 Disorder of biliary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80006005 Disorder of bilirubin metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27550009 Disorder of blood vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399986003 Disorder of body wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76069003 Disorder of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240134003 Disorder of bone and articular cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81308009 Disorder of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79604008 Disorder of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86196005 Disorder of breast associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271989003 Disorder of breast implant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41427001 Disorder of bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55833001 Disorder of bursa of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71638002 Disorder of calcium metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58729003 Disorder of capillaries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54905006 Disorder of carbohydrate transport (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271983002 Disorder of cardiac pacemaker system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49601007 Disorder of cardiovascular system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371160000 Disorder of carotid artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414022008 Disorder of cellular component of blood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128049000 Disorder of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128468007 Disorder of choroid of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68575007 Disorder of ciliary body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61296009 Disorder of coccyx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128524007 Disorder of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59698003 Disorder of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105969002 Disorder of connective tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79886009 Disorder of copper metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15250008 Disorder of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414024009 Disorder of coronary artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297226004 Disorder of creatine synthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48475001 Disorder of diaphragm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53619000 Disorder of digestive system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42357009 Disorder of digestive system specific to fetus OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128597007 Disorder of digit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52182008 Disorder of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25906001 Disorder of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128133004 Disorder of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127345001 Disorder of endocrine gonad (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37102008 Disorder of endocrine ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362969004 Disorder of endocrine system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73820008 Disorder of endocrine testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37657006 Disorder of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49130001 Disorder of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128603005 Disorder of extraocular muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128605003 Disorder of extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45030009 Disorder of eye movements (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371405004 Disorder of eye proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371409005 Disorder of eye region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60113004 Disorder of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118930001 Disorder of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128225009 Disorder of facial bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39929009 Disorder of fatty acid metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 244938009 Disorder of female genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278442001 Disorder of female pelvic region and peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410724009 Disorder of filtering bleb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128618006 Disorder of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229621000 Disorder of fluency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76314005 Disorder of fluid AND/OR electrolyte (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118932009 Disorder of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128132009 Disorder of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386211005 Disorder of function of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39621005 Disorder of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119292006 Disorder of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430940009 Disorder of glenohumeral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80962007 Disorder of glossopharyngeal nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39272006 Disorder of hair AND/OR hair follicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118933004 Disorder of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46557008 Disorder of hard tissues of teeth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118934005 Disorder of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414027002 Disorder of hematopoietic structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362970003 Disorder of hemostatic system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428097001 Disorder of hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118935006 Disorder of hip region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44176004 Disorder of histidine metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24777009 Disorder of hypoglossal nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126663003 Disorder of hypopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399100005 Disorder of hypothalamus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312895004 Disorder of ileum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234228008 Disorder of implantable defibrillator (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234229000 Disorder of implanted cardiac defibrillator electrode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118936007 Disorder of inguinal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428778006 Disorder of intervertebral disc of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85919009 Disorder of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312719004 Disorder of intraocular lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30913008 Disorder of iron metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37156001 Disorder of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428339009 Disorder of joint of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372109003 Disorder of joint of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128136007 Disorder of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362972006 Disorder of labor / delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95766002 Disorder of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31053003 Disorder of lacrimal system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35046003 Disorder of lactation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119523007 Disorder of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10810001 Disorder of lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60492000 Disorder of ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90678009 Disorder of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48286001 Disorder of lipoprotein AND/OR lipid metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235856003 Disorder of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118937003 Disorder of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128137003 Disorder of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128272009 Disorder of lower respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129139009 Disorder of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19829001 Disorder of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237929000 Disorder of lysine and hydroxylysine metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23585005 Disorder of lysosomal enzyme (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312999006 Disorder of macula of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60853003 Disorder of magnesium metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64557000 Disorder of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128233005 Disorder of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55996006 Disorder of mastoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128234004 Disorder of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105972009 Disorder of maxillary sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49483002 Disorder of mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15758002 Disorder of meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386804004 Disorder of menstruation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45744005 Disorder of mineral metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237986005 Disorder of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118938008 Disorder of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 928000 Disorder of musculoskeletal system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17790008 Disorder of nail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232340005 Disorder of nasal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123952009 Disorder of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118939000 Disorder of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118940003 Disorder of nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430397002 Disorder of nervous system due to West Nile virus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68982002 Disorder of olfactory nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50595002 Disorder of optic chiasm associated with inflammatory disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 89654006 Disorder of optic chiasm associated with vascular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194057002 Disorder of optic chiasm due to pituitary disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77157004 Disorder of optic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128046007 Disorder of oral mucous membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41188003 Disorder of oral soft tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371436007 Disorder of orbit proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116021002 Disorder of organic acid metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126661001 Disorder of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5552004 Disorder of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128337009 Disorder of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3855007 Disorder of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111560008 Disorder of pancreatic internal secretion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73132005 Disorder of parathyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239732001 Disorder of patellofemoral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118943001 Disorder of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33958003 Disorder of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55855009 Disorder of pericardium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128123007 Disorder of peripheral autonomic nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236561002 Disorder of peritoneal dialysis catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66579008 Disorder of peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238059005 Disorder of peroxisomal function (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75860007 Disorder of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87049008 Disorder of phosphorus metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41663005 Disorder of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399244003 Disorder of pituitary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88075009 Disorder of pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29094004 Disorder of porphyrin metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72442006 Disorder of posterior pituitary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 173300003 Disorder of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30281009 Disorder of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308635004 Disorder of prostheses and implants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271984008 Disorder of prosthetic cardiac valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240266004 Disorder of prosthetic joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363090004 Disorder of protein metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362973001 Disorder of puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39785005 Disorder of pulmonary circulation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238006008 Disorder of purine and pyrimidine metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5964004 Disorder of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39021009 Disorder of refraction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362968007 Disorder of reproductive system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50043002 Disorder of respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12820001 Disorder of sacrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10890000 Disorder of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238922006 Disorder of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33064008 Disorder of sclera (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3441005 Disorder of sebaceous gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39179006 Disorder of sexual differentiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118944007 Disorder of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129565002 Disorder of skeletal AND/OR smooth muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75047002 Disorder of skeletal muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95320005 Disorder of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80659006 Disorder of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128217007 Disorder of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128044005 Disorder of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400082007 Disorder of skin of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400160003 Disorder of skin of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46690002 Disorder of skin pigmentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118945008 Disorder of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271794005 Disorder of sleep-wake cycle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119522002 Disorder of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19660004 Disorder of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280133005 Disorder of soft tissue of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51244008 Disorder of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28710006 Disorder of steroid metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29384001 Disorder of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128041002 Disorder of subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28882002 Disorder of sulfur-bearing amino acid metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88232005 Disorder of sweat gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50330009 Disorder of sympathetic nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3519007 Disorder of synovium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68172002 Disorder of tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429447000 Disorder of tendon of biceps (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76318008 Disorder of tendon of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64910008 Disorder of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23853001 Disorder of the central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42030000 Disorder of the genitourinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60600009 Disorder of the larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42658009 Disorder of the peripheral nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36444000 Disorder of the urea cycle metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128606002 Disorder of the urinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128135006 Disorder of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129138001 Disorder of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118946009 Disorder of thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20673009 Disorder of thymus gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190303007 Disorder of thyrocalcitonin secretion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14304000 Disorder of thyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128619003 Disorder of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69244009 Disorder of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51499002 Disorder of tonsil AND/OR adenoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47125007 Disorder of trachea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5181007 Disorder of tryptophan metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21426000 Disorder of tympanic membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397320006 Disorder of umbilicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128131002 Disorder of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119291004 Disorder of upper gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201060008 Disorder of upper respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4985009 Disorder of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42643001 Disorder of urinary bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41368006 Disorder of urinary tract proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63339007 Disorder of uterine cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12337004 Disorder of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25658005 Disorder of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73765005 Disorder of vagus nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234190001 Disorder of vascular graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90507008 Disorder of vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430886005 Disorder of vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95677002 Disorder of vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55456003 Disorder of visual cortex associated with inflammatory disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 43727009 Disorder of visual cortex associated with neoplasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57441008 Disorder of visual cortex associated with vascular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54767005 Disorder of visual pathways (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22019007 Disorder of visual pathways associated with inflammatory disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 75885003 Disorder of visual pathways associated with neoplasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63362009 Disorder of visual pathways associated with vascular disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 386067009 Disorder of vitamin B12 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76682005 Disorder of vitreous body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57781000 Disorder of vocal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5089007 Disorder of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128130001 Disorder of wrist region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128227001 Disorder of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230298007 Disorder presenting primarily with chorea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429450002 Disorder related to bone marrow transplantation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67645006 Disorder relating to short gestation AND/OR low birthweight (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312087002 Disorders following clinical procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190932003 Disorders of bilirubin excretion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194437008 Disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271988006 Disorders of musculoskeletal implants and repairs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312718007 Disorders of prostheses and implants of the eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271968007 Disorders of prostheses and implants of the nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275462005 Disorders of smell (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35252006 Disorganized schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31373002 Disorganized schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429194003 Displaced fracture of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60348003 Displacement of cardiac device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85216006 Displacement of cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 70218004 Displacement of intervertebral disc without myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20021007 Displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 64787009 Displacement of thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 25749005 Disproportion between fetus and pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361096002 Disruption of cesarean wound in the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14918004 Disruption of perineal wound in the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54319003 Disruptive behavior disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9406001 Dissecting aneurysm of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70390005 Dissecting aneurysm of coronary artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426499004 Dissecting aneurysm of mesenteric artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95444008 Dissecting aneurysm of renal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408666009 Dissection of abdominal aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308546005 Dissection of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233994002 Dissection of thoracic aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240413000 Disseminated atypical mycobacterial infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70572005 Disseminated candidiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193459004 Disseminated chorioretinal scars (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78769001 Disseminated chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51579006 Disseminated choroiditis AND chorioretinitis posterior pole (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 85055004 Disseminated coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428217009 Disseminated cytomegalovirus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13710008 Disseminated herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55560002 Disseminated herpes zoster (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31487001 Disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67406007 Disseminated intravascular coagulation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34417008 Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285645000 Disseminated malignancy of unknown primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240383005 Disseminated mycobacteriosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427520002 Disseminated mycobacterium abscessus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423726006 Disseminated Mycobacterium chelonei infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423526009 Disseminated Mycobacterium fortuitum infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423969008 Disseminated Mycobacterium gordonae infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424536008 Disseminated Mycobacterium kansasii infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41495000 Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 182159002 Disseminated tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9520006 Dissociated nystagmus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232108003 Dissociated vertical deviation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191714002 Dissociative convulsions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44376007 Dissociative disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233997009 Distal aortic dissection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58795000 Distal muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209441008 Distal radioulnar joint sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209533005 Distal tibiofibular sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95339000 Distichiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42134006 Distortion of visual image (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29164008 Disturbance in speech (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3006004 Disturbance of consciousness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78948009 Disturbance of salivary secretion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68550008 Disturbance of temperature regulation of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266416005 Disturbance of tooth formation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240129002 Disuse muscle atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53174001 Disuse osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293453002 Diuretic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230332007 Diurnal dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8702009 Diurnal only enuresis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397881000 Diverticular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398050005 Diverticular disease of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398157006 Diverticular disease of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47698002 Diverticular prostatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307496006 Diverticulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430347001 Diverticulitis of cecum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111359004 Diverticulitis of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76953007 Diverticulitis of colon with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33838003 Diverticulitis of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67153004 Diverticulitis of ileum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111358007 Diverticulitis of jejunum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4494009 Diverticulitis of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430876009 Diverticulitis of rectosigmoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430877000 Diverticulitis of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427910000 Diverticulitis of sigmoid colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56165008 Diverticulitis of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425698008 Diverticulosis of cecum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398311004 Diverticulosis of colon without diverticulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111357002 Diverticulosis of jejunum without diverticulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45568004 Diverticulosis of large intestine without diverticulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432862004 Diverticulosis of rectosigmoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433184006 Diverticulosis of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429430001 Diverticulosis of sigmoid colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8114009 Diverticulosis of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197083003 Diverticulosis of the duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197085005 Diverticulosis of the ileum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197866008 Diverticulum of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404640003 Dizziness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58639003 Doan-Wiseman syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284896008 Does apply own make-up (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283734005 Dog bite - wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193411004 Dominant drusen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22913005 Dorsalgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10451007 Double aortic arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232109006 Double elevator palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253281003 Double inlet ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54967001 Double kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275407001 Double kidney with double pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7484005 Double outlet right ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41564009 Double pterygium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49496001 Double ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281022002 Down's child in family (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236385009 Drash syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111487009 Dream anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58972000 Dribbling of urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246700003 Drift on horizontal movement of eyes (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61683000 Drop attack (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271782001 Drowsy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26416006 Drug abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426590003 Drug abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416098002 Drug allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65979008 Drug AND/OR toxin-induced diarrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191816009 Drug dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199252002 Drug dependence during pregnancy - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199254001 Drug dependence during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267206008 Drug dependence during pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 34150001 Drug dependence in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292671009 Drug for the treatment of gout adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292620007 Drug groups and agents primarily acting on skin adverse reaction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 293416008 Drug groups primarily affecting cardiovascular system adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292258003 Drug groups primarily affecting central nervous system adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292100007 Drug groups primarily affecting gastrointestinal system adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292670005 Drug groups primarily affecting musculoskeletal system adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 135794007 Drug indicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59037007 Drug intolerance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55680006 Drug overdose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48606007 Drug resistance to insulin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410684002 Drug therapy status (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363101005 Drug withdrawal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43242008 Drug withdrawal headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61628006 Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230316009 Drug-induced acute dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191494004 Drug-induced amnestic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309742004 Drug-induced autoimmune hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397841007 Drug-induced bradycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83864008 Drug-induced cholestatic hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425413006 Drug-induced cirrhosis of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191492000 Drug-induced delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427975003 Drug-induced delusional disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191493005 Drug-induced dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427180006 Drug-induced disorder of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427399008 Drug-induced disorder of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102448004 Drug-induced dyskinesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196757008 Drug-induced gastrointestinal disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191486006 Drug-induced hallucinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235876009 Drug-induced hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237849008 Drug-induced hyperkalemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237640005 Drug-induced hypoglycemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18323000 Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia immune complex type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196051003 Drug-induced interstitial lung disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36261000 Drug-induced malabsorption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429672007 Drug-induced mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403666006 Drug-induced mucositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65242001 Drug-induced myasthenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11862006 Drug-induced myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47318007 Drug-induced neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14651005 Drug-induced osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191484009 Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory states (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191485005 Drug-induced paranoid state (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427046006 Drug-induced pneumonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191483003 Drug-induced psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418475009 Drug-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201436003 Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87858002 Drug-related disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33629003 Drusen of optic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1249004 Dry eye (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16386004 Dry skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60318001 Duane's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44553005 Dubin-Johnson syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76670001 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254848002 Duct papilloma of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236107006 Duodenal anastomotic stricture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95533003 Duodenal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90535007 Duodenal prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196764005 Duodenal scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51868009 Duodenal ulcer disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27281001 Duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18367003 Duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23812009 Duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15115006 Duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12355008 Duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88968005 Duodenal ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77410006 Duodenal ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86983005 Duodenal ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18169007 Duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34580000 Duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage without perforation AND without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72007001 Duodenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253874001 Duplex kidney with reflux in both ureters (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205728002 Duplication of chromosome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410812005 Dupuytren's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 185797004 Dwarfism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13466009 Dynamic ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8011004 Dysarthria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62558006 Dyschromic skin lesions of pinta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230782004 Dysequilibrium syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279079003 Dysesthesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111589005 Dysfibrinogenemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56713002 Dysfunction of eustachian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427884004 Dysfunction of inferior oblique muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430887001 Dysfunction of sphincter of Oddi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19155002 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190304001 Dyshormonogenic goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9748009 Dyskinesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63416000 Dyslalia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59770006 Dyslexia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106170009 Dyslexia AND/OR speech dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370992007 Dyslipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266599000 Dysmenorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32566006 Dysmetria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248200007 Dysmorphic facies (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276720006 Dysmorphism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277370002 Dysmorphological structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71315007 Dyspareunia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40739000 Dysphagia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426033005 Dysphagia as a late effect of cerebrovascular accident (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20301004 Dysphasia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399563001 Dysplasia of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432294000 Dysplasia of blood vessel of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73391008 Dysplasia of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3754002 Dysplasia of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254818000 Dysplastic nevus of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267036007 Dyspnea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60845006 Dyspnea on exertion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6950007 Dyspraxia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44186003 Dyssomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78667006 Dysthymia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15802004 Dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427451007 Dystonic tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230781006 Dystonic/rigid cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87065009 Dystrophia unguium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430888006 Dystrophy of anterior cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51689003 Dystrophy of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49650001 Dysuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7358000 Dysuria-frequency syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54122009 Eales' disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300197009 Ear problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204223000 Ear face and neck congenital anomalies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22564003 Early complication of trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4359001 Early congenital syphilis (less than 2 years) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31137003 Early latent syphilis positive serology negative cerebrospinal fluid less than 2 years after infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199058005 Early onset of delivery - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43963002 Early onset of delivery before 37 weeks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105621002 Early traumatic complication of injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72366004 Eating disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427469003 Eating disorder in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56989000 Eaton-Lambert syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253443005 Ebstein's anomaly of common atrioventricular valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302227002 Ecchymosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254716005 Eccrine hidrocystoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74942003 Echinococcosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26103000 Echinococcosis of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75388006 Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169241000 Echocardiogram abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192667007 Echovirus meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198990007 Eclampsia - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15938005 Eclampsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69909000 Eclampsia added to pre-existing hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198992004 Eclampsia in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 303063000 Eclampsia in puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85791004 Ecthyma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8654005 Ectodermal dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78250005 Ectopia cordis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406461004 Ectopic atrial beats (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233892002 Ectopic atrial tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1896004 Ectopic breast tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16507009 Ectopic kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19387007 Ectopic pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34801009 Ectopic pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8659000 Ectopic production of endocrine substance (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193523008 Ectopic pupil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44796002 Ectopic ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62909004 Ectropion of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43116000 Eczema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186535001 Eczema herpeticum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95812002 Eczema of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36259009 Eczematous dermatitis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267038008 Edema (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89091004 Edema of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102576009 Edema of foot (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51599000 Edema of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102574007 Edema of leg (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102572006 Edema of lower extremity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78913002 Edema of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198035003 Edema of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88995000 Edema of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36311007 Edema of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271808008 Edema generalized (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278650002 Edentulous (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44532001 Effects of air pressure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8824003 Effects of heat AND/OR light (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87284002 Effects of high altitude (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212966005 Effects of hunger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11925005 Effects of reduced temperature (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387637008 Effusion of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4819006 Effusion of joint of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76903001 Effusion of joint of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16711001 Effusion of joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36662003 Effusion of joint of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40884005 Effusion of joint of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241935008 Egg white-induced anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398114001 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49428008 Elastosis perforans serpiginosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73813001 Elastosis senilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302222008 Elbow fracture - closed (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302232001 Elbow fracture - open (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309464009 Elbow fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298163003 Elbow joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202480001 Elbow joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249917001 Elbow stiff (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161839005 Elderly feeding problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199718001 Elderly primigravida - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29399001 Elderly primigravida (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199719009 Elderly primigravida with antenatal problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71959007 Elective mutism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13500002 Electrocerebral silence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 112112004 Electroencephalogram abnormality (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105593004 Electrolyte imbalance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274523007 Electromyogram (EMG) abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14100003 Elephantiasis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371041009 Embolic stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414086009 Embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195343000 Embolism and thrombosis of the hepatic artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195340002 Embolism and thrombosis of the splenic artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87266004 Embolism due to any device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24638001 Embolism from abdominal aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52303006 Embolism of corpus cavernosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80383008 Embolism of iliac artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88527005 Embolism of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39291006 Embolism of renal vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50817002 Embolism of vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5361003 Embryonal nuclear cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82520000 Embryonic cyst of Gartner's duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111508004 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1938002 Emotional AND/OR mental disease in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386816005 Emotional problems (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309838005 Emotional upset (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191765005 Emotionally unstable personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57686001 Emphysematous bleb of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52123000 Emphysematous cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237722004 Empty sella syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58554001 Empyema of pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30437004 Empyema with bronchocutaneous fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28085001 Empyema with bronchopleural fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34286007 Empyema with hepatopleural fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50694005 Empyema with mediastinal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45170000 Encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428638009 Encephalitis due to Herpesvirus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55999004 Encephalocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53776005 Encephalocystocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62950007 Encephalomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204021005 Encephalomyelocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230360009 Encephalopathy due to radiation damage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423421002 Enchondroma of hand bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268274005 Enchondromatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73149003 Encopresis with constipation AND overflow incontinence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90613007 Encopresis without constipation AND without overflow incontinence (finding SNOMED-CT
0-L 135836000 End stage chronic obstructive airways disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46177005 End stage renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236435004 End stage renal failure on dialysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75065003 Endemic cretinism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15459006 Endocardial cushion defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65457005 Endocardial fibroelastosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56819008 Endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195012000 Endocarditis associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123842006 Endocervical adenocarcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8220004 Endocervical polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40113007 Endocervicitis with ectropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22561006 Endocrine AND/OR metabolic disorder specific to the fetus OR newborn (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 106176003 Endocrine finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237799000 Endocrine menstrual disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57958006 Endocrine myopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254615000 Endocrine pancreatic adenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199296002 Endocrine nutritional and metabolic disease complicating pregnancy childbirth and puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9794007 Endolymphatic hydrops (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254878006 Endometrial carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198321009 Endometrial cystic hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237072009 Endometrial hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254852002 Endometrioid carcinoma ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129103003 Endometriosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53913001 Endometriosis in scar of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65099004 Endometriosis of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10535001 Endometriosis of broad ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61640006 Endometriosis of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22611009 Endometriosis of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5562006 Endometriosis of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50993001 Endometriosis of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266589005 Endometriosis of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198251001 Endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26681001 Endometriosis of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52533003 Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5327000 Endometriosis of round ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17829005 Endometriosis of umbilicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76376003 Endometriosis of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57493005 Endometriosis of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38780008 Endometriosis of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78623009 Endometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198820000 Endometritis following abortive pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 172001 Endometritis following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398716006 Endomyocardial fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1847009 Endophthalmitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33970004 Enlarged blind spot (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51543003 Enlargement of alveolar ridge (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80096003 Enlargement of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25273001 Enlargement of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425771001 Enlarging abdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80093006 Enophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194029009 Enophthalmos due to orbital tissue atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52102006 Enophthalmos due to trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83853005 Enteral formula (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18081009 Enteric campylobacteriosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426507006 Enteritis due to Candida (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73817000 Enteritis due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186150001 Enteritis due to rotavirus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266079003 Enteritis due to specified virus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30140009 Enteritis presumed infectious (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43752006 Enterocolitis inflammation involving both small intestine and colon (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 204766008 Enterogenous cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9350004 Enteropathic arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19640007 Enterostomy malfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32580004 Enterovirus enteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406578005 Enterovirus infection of the central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23680005 Enthesopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21409006 Enthesopathy of ankle AND/OR tarsus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35185008 Enthesopathy of elbow region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240028007 Enthesopathy of foot region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30936004 Enthesopathy of hip region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39547005 Enthesopathy of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111240004 Enthesopathy of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33439002 Enthesopathy of wrist AND/OR carpus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302936009 Enthesopathy of wrist and/or hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95756005 Entropion - ectropion combination (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33168009 Entropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424093009 Environment contains uncontrolled animal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429276004 Environmental sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78548001 Enzymopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386789004 Eosinophil count raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95416007 Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235599003 Eosinophilic esophagitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66329006 Eosinophilic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24829000 Eosinophilic ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254939008 Ependymoma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253212001 Epiblepharon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73583000 Epicondylitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76821002 Epidemic cervical myalgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398273006 Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60548004 Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83264000 Epidemic pleurodynia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186738001 Epidemic vertigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239107007 Epidermal nevus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419893006 Epidermoid cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428879008 Epidermoid cyst of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419603000 Epidermoid cyst of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61003004 Epidermolysis bullosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31070006 Epididymitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72550000 Epididymitis with abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24712006 Epididymitis without abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27141002 Epididymo-orchitis with abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57731009 Epididymo-orchitis without abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61974008 Epidural abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82999001 Epidural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192743008 Epidural intracranial abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426399003 Epidural lipomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289260002 Epigastric hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309082002 Epigastric mass (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79922009 Epigastric pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80384002 Epiglottitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241006 Epilepsia partialis continua (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84757009 Epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422513000 Epilepsy not refractory (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193004006 Epileptic automatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230290000 Epileptic dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192993002 Epileptic seizures - tonic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31788005 Epiphora due to excess lacrimation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85042000 Epiphora due to insufficient drainage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68421004 Epiphyseal arrest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254080004 Epiphyseal dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85840009 Epiphysitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367649002 Epiretinal membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 815008 Episcleritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31166000 Episcleritis periodica fugax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300927001 Episiotomy infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191805002 Episodic acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191812006 Episodic chronic alcoholism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425533007 Episodic drug abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427229002 Episodic inhalant abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191820008 Episodic opioid dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406476007 Epispadias (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12441001 Epistaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75307004 Epithelial hyperplasia of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392141001 Epithelial ingrowth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427885003 Epizootic lymphangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240530001 Epstein-Barr virus disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414116002 Epstein's pearl of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82146006 Equatorial staphyloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397839006 Equipment malfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111465000 Erb-Duchenne palsy as birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78141002 Erb-Duchenne paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78468005 Erb's muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428007007 Erectile dysfunction associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 21591004 Erosion of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61253004 Erosion of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82212003 Erosion of teeth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427537009 Erosion of vulvar labia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387681000 Erosive vulvitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14144000 Erotomanic delusion disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42323001 Eruption cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28926001 Eruption due to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271807003 Eruption of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289482006 Eruption of vulva (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44653001 Erysipelas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402925001 Erysipelas of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367434002 Erysipelothrix disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399914006 Erythema annulare centrifugum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58942006 Erythema dyschromicum perstans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34730008 Erythema infectiosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36715001 Erythema multiforme (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32861005 Erythema nodosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54792008 Erythematosquamous dermatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86735004 Erythematous condition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238418005 Erythrasma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74725000 Erythrocyanosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165468009 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127062003 Erythrocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399992009 Erythroderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240302002 Erythroderma neonatorum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93450001 Erythroleukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93451002 Erythroleukemia FAB M6 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426642002 Erythroleukemia FAB M6 in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37151006 Erythromelalgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419056004 Erythromycin adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51022005 Erythropoietic protoporphyria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301011002 Escherichia coli urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204659003 Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15238002 Esophageal bleeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414133009 Esophageal diverticulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266434009 Esophageal dysmotility (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40890009 Esophageal dysphagia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195474004 Esophageal varices associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195475003 Esophageal varices with bleeding associated with another disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 14223005 Esophageal varices without bleeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235622007 Esophageal web / ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16761005 Esophagitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47753002 Esophagitis medicamentosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62176008 Esophoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16596007 Esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59621000 Essential hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78808002 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109994006 Essential thrombocythemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192839001 Essential tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293079001 Ethambutolol adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410038006 Eumycotic mycetoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69494008 Eustachian tube disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270491006 Eustachian tube salpingitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75331009 Evans syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28244003 Eversion of lacrimal punctum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307608006 Ewing's sarcoma of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281239006 Exacerbation of asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414154002 Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425969006 Exacerbation of intermittent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192929006 Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427354000 Exacerbation of persistent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54385001 Exanthema subitum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38206000 Exceptionally large baby (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249534001 Excess skin of abdominal wall (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246815009 Excess skin of eyelid (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248302001 Excess subcutaneous fat (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424476000 Excess subcutaneous fat of back (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422961004 Excess subcutaneous fat of breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266601003 Excessive and frequent menstruation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275925003 Excessive crying of child (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267023007 Excessive eating - polyphagia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22173004 Excessive fetal growth affecting management of mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52613005 Excessive sweating (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418035005 Excessive tear production (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17173007 Excessive thirst (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14094001 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241952007 Exercise anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165084003 Exercise tolerance test abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31387002 Exercise-induced asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58349009 Exhibitionism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47367009 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46343005 Exophoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69763009 Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18265008 Exophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416189003 Exostosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19560007 Exostosis of external ear canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111347003 Exostosis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63717008 Exostosis of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399054005 Exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43251000 Explosive acoustic trauma to ear (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231527003 Explosive personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14366000 Exposure keratoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229734008 Expressive language delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229733002 Expressive language disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11623000 Expulsive choroidal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61758007 Exstrophy of bladder sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23913003 External hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38996000 External hemorrhoids without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195276004 External iliac aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19373007 External ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65189006 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 73308006 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28155008 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111681000 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59648004 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81520002 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86182004 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209978003 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43216008 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40549004 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 77498000 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90178008 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62973004 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111679002 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84792001 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16907002 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8262006 Extrahepatic obstructive biliary disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76349003 Extrapyramidal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250036006 Extrapyramidal gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237896000 Extraskeletal calcification (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111498005 Extratemporal epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373888000 Extrauterine adenocarcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428092007 Extravaginal torsion of spermatic cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10480003 Extravasation cyst of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427924001 Extravasation of intravenous contrast medium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276658003 Extreme immaturity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190966007 Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276612004 Extremely low birth weight infant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37471005 Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105978008 Extrinsic allergic respiratory disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233681001 Extrinsic asthma with asthma attack (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91340006 Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36476005 Extrinsic cartilagenous obstruction of eustachian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414173003 Exudative age-related macular degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193515006 Exudative cyst of iris or anterior chamber (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63317005 Exudative cyst of pars plana (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22542007 Exudative enteropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275500001 Exudative pleurisy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25506007 Exudative retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118235002 Eye / vision finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128351009 Eye infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70323002 Eye strain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45177002 Eye swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269271007 Eye otorhinolaryngological skin and dental drug poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246812007 Eyelid finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16652001 Fabry's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262582004 Face burns (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37762002 Face OR brow presentation of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247369005 Facet joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 366636003 Facial appearance finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15253005 Facial asymmetry (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17409003 Facial hemiparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32162001 Facial hemiplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238807000 Facial lymphedema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1070000 Facial myokymia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422426003 Facial nerve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55712002 Facial nerve injury as birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280816001 Facial palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399091004 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50705009 Factitious disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24315006 Factitious disorder with combined physical AND psychological symptoms (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73975000 Factor II deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4320005 Factor V deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307091009 Factor V Leiden mutation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37193007 Factor VII deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76642003 Factor X deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88540000 Factor XI deficiency type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46981006 Factor XII deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18604004 Factor XIII deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59919008 Failed attempted abortion with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 185324002 Failed encounter (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274126009 Failed forceps/ventouse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42571002 Failed induction of labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199694005 Failed mechanical induction - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90188009 Failed mechanical induction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236583003 Failed renal transplant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413339006 Failed trial of labor - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23332002 Failed trial of labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235077004 Failure of dental prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6995000 Failure of lactation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200436007 Failure of lactation with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429515008 Failure of spinal implant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109544003 Failure of tooth eruption associated with tooth impaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36440009 Failure to gain weight (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237319004 Failure to progress in labor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54840006 Failure to thrive (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62676009 Falciparum malaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204826004 Fallopian tube and broad ligament anomalies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128134005 Fallopian tube disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58780002 False aneurysm of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428031002 False aneurysm of distal brachial artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199047001 False labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274684006 False-positive serological test for syphilis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79468000 Familial benign pemphigus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238040008 Familial combined hyperlipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111941005 Familial disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29159009 Familial dysautonomia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67305007 Familial essential myoclonus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286289004 Familial generalized lipodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399094007 Familial hematuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432726005 Familial hirsutism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238078005 Familial hypercholesterolemia - homozygous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398036000 Familial hypercholesterolemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267435002 Familial hyperchylomicronemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34528009 Familial hypertriglyceridemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15346004 Familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60193003 Familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237885008 Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426437004 Familial idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275598004 Familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12579009 Familial Mediterranean fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299465007 Familial multiple lipoprotein-type hyperlipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72900001 Familial multiple polyposis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55352002 Familial neoplastic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267607008 Familial periodic paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127066000 Familial polycythemia vera (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432526008 Familial short stature (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20725005 Familial visceral neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82236004 Familial x-linked hypophosphatemic vitamin D refractory rickets (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 57177007 Family history of (contextual qualifier) (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275937001 Family history of cancer (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312824007 Family history of cancer of colon (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297242006 Family history of ischemic heart disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289916006 Family history of kidney disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427858005 Family history of malignant melanoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428994006 Family history of malignant neoplasm of biliary tract (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429252007 Family history of malignant neoplasm of bone (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429251000 Family history of malignant neoplasm of brain (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429740004 Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428047000 Family history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428935009 Family history of malignant neoplasm of eye proper (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429006005 Family history of malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 428037003 Family history of malignant neoplasm of ileum (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429236009 Family history of malignant neoplasm of liver (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428748002 Family history of malignant neoplasm of male breast (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429000004 Family history of malignant neoplasm of pancreas (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429405004 Family history of malignant neoplasm of skin (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428269004 Family history of malignant neoplasm of trachea (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429637009 Family history of malignant neoplasm of uterus (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428276009 Family history of malignant neoplasm of vagina (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266886007 Family history of neoplasm of female genital organ (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297239000 Family history of neurological disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414205003 Family history of prostate cancer (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275104002 Family history of stroke (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160469004 Family history: Allergy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160377001 Family history: Asthma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160316001 Family history: Blood disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275109007 Family history: Bowel cancer (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275120007 Family history: Cardiac disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266894000 Family history: Cardiovascular disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160417009 Family history: Congenital anomaly (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160386006 Family history: Crohn's disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160353007 Family history: Deafness (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160329001 Family history: Depression (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160303001 Family history: Diabetes mellitus (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160301004 Family history: Endocrine disorders (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160346003 Family history: Eye disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160381001 Family history: Gastrointestinal disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266904009 Family history: Genitourinary disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160347007 Family history: Glaucoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160357008 Family history: Hypertension (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160279000 Family history: Infectious disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160292002 Family history: leukemia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401052005 Family history: Malignant hyperpyrexia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271388000 Family history: Mental retardation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266907002 Family history: Musculoskeletal disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160313009 Family history: Osteoporosis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160389004 Family history: Polycystic kidney (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 134439009 Family history: premature coronary heart disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43072008 Family maladjustment (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105485001 Family tension (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40488004 Fanconi syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30575002 Fanconi's anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18690003 Farmers' lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36948007 Fasciitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24129002 Fasciitis with eosinophilia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82308007 Fasciola hepatica infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28398002 Fat embolism as early complication of trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21381006 Fat necrosis of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2307008 Fat necrosis of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111368002 Fat necrosis of peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83157008 Fatal familial insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84229001 Fatigue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199122000 Fatigue during pregnancy - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 88895004 Fatigue during pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9909003 Fatty degeneration of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371330000 Fatty liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26568002 Faun tail syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247834003 Fear of eating in public (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247830007 Fear of open spaces (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41497008 Febrile convulsion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416113008 Febrile disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409089005 Febrile neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44635007 Fecal impaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249625002 Feces contents abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274540003 Feeding difficulties and mismanagement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74142004 Feeding disorder of infancy OR early childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78164000 Feeding problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161836003 Feeding problem symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72552008 Feeding problems in newborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24199005 Feeling agitated (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248223005 Feeling faint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55929007 Feeling irritable (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 224974006 Feeling stressed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57160007 Felty's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47803004 Female digestive-genital tract fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198401009 Female genital organ symptoms (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125585007 Female genital tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36894006 Female genital tract-skin fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53709002 Female hematocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16041008 Female hypogonadism syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6738008 Female infertility (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 227561004 Female infertility associated with anovulation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428008002 Female infertility due to advanced maternal age (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85078005 Female infertility due to occlusion of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426488001 Female infertility due to oligo-ovulation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237139007 Female infertility due to ovulatory disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3160009 Female infertility of cervical origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198448006 Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39446004 Female infertility of tubal origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26899006 Female infertility of uterine origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30826006 Female infertility of vaginal origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280486004 Female pelvic cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198130006 Female pelvic inflammatory disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62394006 Female pelvic peritoneal adhesions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32923006 Female pelvic peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289849003 Female perineal finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62730001 Female proctocele without uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363124003 Female reproductive system disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46372006 Female sexual arousal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53944005 Female urethrocele without uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60241006 Female urinary stress incontinence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12011009 Female urinary-genital tract fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407377005 Female-to-male transsexual (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432473000 Femoral acetabular impingement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314188009 Femoral artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52156004 Femoral artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312373008 Femoral false aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50063009 Femoral hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45845003 Femoral hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45989004 Femoral hernia with gangrene AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75281002 Femoral hernia without obstruction AND without gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25690000 Femoral neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302300004 Femoral popliteal occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426001001 Fentanyl dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206509003 Fetal and newborn blood disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22753004 Fetal AND/OR placental disorder affecting management of mother (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 206390008 Fetal blood loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254250002 Fetal cocaine syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106009009 Fetal condition affecting obstetrical care of mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70591005 Fetal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31805001 Fetal disproportion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199592004 Fetal distress - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288274003 Fetal distress - in labor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12867002 Fetal distress affecting management of mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90562004 Fetal distress in liveborn infant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276512006 Fetal dysrhythmia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22033007 Fetal growth retardation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430901004 Fetal heart disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70065001 Fetal hydantoin syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6835002 Fetal OR neonatal jaundice from bruising (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22067002 Fetal OR neonatal jaundice from drugs AND/OR toxins transmitted from mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289449008 Fetal problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4752007 Fetal sacral teratoma causing disproportion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199577000 Fetal-maternal hemorrhage - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71028008 Fetal-maternal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59174009 Fetishism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63495002 Fetishistic transvestism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276601004 Fetus at risk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268808004 Fetus or neonate affected by breech delivery and extraction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206121009 Fetus or neonate affected by forceps delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268809007 Fetus or neonate affected by malposition or disproportion during labor or delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268800006 Fetus or neonate affected by malpresentation before labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206035009 Fetus or neonate affected by maternal complication of pregnancy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 206036005 Fetus or neonate affected by maternal incompetent cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206005002 Fetus or neonate affected by maternal infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206002004 Fetus or neonate affected by maternal medical problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268795001 Fetus or neonate affected by maternal renal or urinary disease (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 363682000 Fetus OR neonate affected by placental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206021007 Fetus or neonate affected by placental or breast transfer of anticonvulsant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206017000 Fetus or neonate affected by placental or breast transfer of narcotics (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206014007 Fetus or neonate affected by poison transferred via placenta or breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206087008 Fetus or neonate affected by prolapsed cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206049000 Fetus or neonate affected by triplet pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206048008 Fetus or neonate affected by twin pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206122002 Fetus or neonate affected by vacuum extraction delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8809007 Fetus OR newborn affected by abnormality of amnion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36558000 Fetus OR newborn affected by alcohol transmitted via placenta AND/OR breast milk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76984009 Fetus OR newborn affected by amnionitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4787007 Fetus OR newborn affected by breech delivery AND extraction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55730009 Fetus OR newborn affected by chorioamnionitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86629005 Fetus OR newborn affected by compression of umbilical cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81402009 Fetus OR newborn affected by condition of umbilical cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61362004 Fetus OR newborn affected by damage to placenta from amniocentesis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 38405004 Fetus OR newborn affected by damage to placenta from cesarean section (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413340008 Fetus OR newborn affected by diethylstilbestrol (DES) transmitted via placenta AND/OR breast milk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30409006 Fetus OR newborn affected by malpresentation before labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82719008 Fetus OR newborn affected by maternal anesthesia AND/OR analgesia (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 888003 Fetus OR newborn affected by maternal blood loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68983007 Fetus OR newborn affected by maternal complication of pregnancy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 25932007 Fetus OR newborn affected by maternal injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414248009 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal transmission of substance (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 18001006 Fetus OR newborn affected by multiple pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12409007 Fetus OR newborn affected by noxious substance transmitted via placenta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65599008 Fetus OR newborn affected by oligohydramnios (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62048002 Fetus OR newborn affected by placenta previa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68961008 Fetus OR newborn affected by placental separation AND/OR hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 38511004 Fetus OR newborn affected by premature rupture of membranes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53634006 Fetus OR newborn affected by shoulder presentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89873008 Fetus OR newborn affected by toxic substance transmitted via placenta AND/OR breast milk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90127001 Fetus papyraceous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199519007 Fetus with central nervous system malformation - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267252001 Fetus with central nervous system malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199520001 Fetus with central nervous system malformation with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199526007 Fetus with chromosomal abnormality - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267253006 Fetus with chromosomal abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199527003 Fetus with chromosomal abnormality with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199561001 Fetus with damage due to intrauterine contraceptive device with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199534001 Fetus with hereditary disease with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199556003 Fetus with radiation damage with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386661006 Fever (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73305009 Fibrillary glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48819008 Fibrinous peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254845004 Fibroadenoma of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23260002 Fibroadenosis of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27431007 Fibrocystic disease of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254749001 Fibrohistiocytic tumor of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254865006 Fibroma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422706003 Fibroma of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359553002 Fibromuscular hyperplasia of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73560003 Fibromuscular hyperplasia of artery except renal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427774005 Fibromuscular hyperplasia of carotid artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24693007 Fibromyositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29070004 Fibrosclerosis of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74157006 Fibrosis due to any device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51615001 Fibrosis of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71193007 Fibrosis of lung following radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25942009 Fibrosis of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74853008 Fibrosis of the skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56557000 Fibrositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84362007 Fibrous autoimmune thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254145001 Fibrous dyplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10623005 Fibrous dysplasia of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254744006 Fibrous papule of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51286002 Filamentary keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160932005 Financial problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365399009 Finding of adequacy of dialysis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365802003 Finding of alpha-fetoprotein level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419518009 Finding of ankle or foot (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365589000 Finding of antibody titer (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300085005 Finding of appearance of ear (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289161009 Finding of appetite (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281694009 Finding of at risk (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365591008 Finding of bacterial antibody titer (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302080006 Finding of birth outcome (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298341003 Finding of body posture (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301857004 Finding of body region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299043001 Finding of bone in hand (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404503003 Finding of Candida not Candida albicans (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365932005 Finding of child weight centiles (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365793008 Finding of cholesterol level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398137007 Finding of creatine kinase level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12763006 Finding of decreased blood pressure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 366519000 Finding of elbow joint stability (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365767001 Finding of enzyme level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301310005 Finding of face (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 364811008 Finding of feeding ability (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298302000 Finding of gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 384740007 Finding of grade (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365861007 Finding of immune status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24184005 Finding of increased blood pressure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 366323009 Finding of length of gestation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365574009 Finding of life event (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298337002 Finding of local motor movement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248314009 Finding of loss of body fat (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404497006 Finding of Moraxella catarrhalis beta lactamase negative (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 364763009 Finding of motor function of palate (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 366196004 Finding of myocardial perfusion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6408001 Finding of nocturia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300552007 Finding of ovulation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289258004 Finding of pattern of delivery (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416972005 Finding of pelvic structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404525009 Finding of Plasmodium species - unable to speciate (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404526005 Finding of Plasmodium species not Plasmodium falciparum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365691004 Finding of presence of bacteria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404499009 Finding of Providencia stuartii urease positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298705000 Finding of region of thorax (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398000003 Finding of serum creatine kinase level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396701002 Finding of serum tumor marker level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289679007 Finding of size of gravid uterus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 366369009 Finding of size of the head (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299733008 Finding of spinal cord (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298379008 Finding of spinal region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397529006 Finding of tear meniscus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302065000 Finding of thyroid gland (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365980008 Finding of tobacco use and exposure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365669006 Finding of turbidity of fluid (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249273002 Finding of urinary tract proper (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298385001 Finding of vertebra (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365593006 Finding of viral antibody titer (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365446002 Finding of volume of sputum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298940007 Finding of wrist joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404500000 Finding of yeast with pseudohyphae (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365208007 Finding related to ability to control anger (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118209003 Finding related to exertion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199312002 Finding related to risk factor in pregnancy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106168000 Finding related to sleep (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409069009 Finding related to substance use (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129826008 Finding related to therapeutic regimen management (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 228366006 Finding relating to drug misuse behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225474007 Finding relating to non-verbal communication (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418799008 Finding reported by subject or history provider (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413350009 Finding with explicit context (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248503005 Fine corneal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30760008 Finger clubbing (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298167002 Finger joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299108004 Finger joint unstable (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282762007 Fingernail injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197601003 Finnish congenital nephrotic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270492004 First degree atrioventricular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403190006 First degree burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57759005 First degree perineal laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199916005 First degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199917001 First degree perineal tear during delivery with postnatal problem (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 48230001 First degree uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 394710008 First myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1767005 Fisher's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54220007 Fissure of nipple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24768002 Fistula of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10961005 Fistula of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426407008 Fistula of elbow joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16957005 Fistula of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426014000 Fistula of hard palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428369002 Fistula of hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38851006 Fistula of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29927001 Fistula of intestine to abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69234007 Fistula of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428368005 Fistula of joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428702006 Fistula of joint of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427973005 Fistula of knee joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45014001 Fistula of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75260002 Fistula of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61018003 Fistula of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85059005 Fistula of the female genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398320008 Fistula of urachus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45135002 Fistulous opening in vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229685007 Flaccid dysarthria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80935004 Flaccid hemiplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427482006 Flaccid neurogenic bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78011002 Flail chest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239762007 Flail joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247355005 Flank pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30871003 Flashbacks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404675003 Flat anterior chamber of eye (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83405000 Flat retinoschisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231812008 Floppy lid syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238810007 Flushing (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247854002 Flying phobia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83866005 Focal AND segmental proliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15847003 Focal chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44674000 Focal choroiditis AND chorioretinitis of other posterior pole (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 25821008 Focal glomerular sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247036000 Focal lesion in iris (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128612007 Focal motor seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278527001 Focal nodular hyperplasia of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51930008 Focal retinitis AND retinochoroiditis of other posterior pole (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 236403004 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45382000 Folds AND/OR rupture of Bowman's membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431371001 Folds of Bowman's membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2615004 Follicular cyst of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201294000 Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109972003 Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma large cell (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109970006 Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma small cleaved cell (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255028004 Follicular thyroid carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13600006 Folliculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53593008 Folliculitis decalvans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54865008 Folliculitis nares perforans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414285001 Food allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91941002 Food anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235719002 Food intolerance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75051000 Food intolerance (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75258004 Food poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111802007 Food poisoning due to Clostridia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70014009 Food poisoning due to Clostridium perfringens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81159000 Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahemolyticus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414286000 Food poisoning due to Vibrio vulnificus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309247009 Foot at risk (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229811005 Foot callus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298154000 Foot joint effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298172006 Foot joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279066007 Foot joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298241001 Foot joint stiff (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299508008 Foot joint unstable (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47933007 Foot pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83894002 Foot-and-mouth disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6077001 Foot-drop (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200130005 Forceps delivery - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262990008 Forearm sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275453008 Foreign body - finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125670008 Foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74402000 Foreign body accidentally left during a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20187005 Foreign body granuloma of muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3310005 Foreign body granuloma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231959000 Foreign body in anterior chamber (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13457005 Foreign body in anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211644003 Foreign body in anus and rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211282004 Foreign body in arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32874004 Foreign body in auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33334006 Foreign body in digestive tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75441006 Foreign body in ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47609003 Foreign body in esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429719000 Foreign body in forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68017002 Foreign body in genitourinary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211311003 Foreign body in hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428363001 Foreign body in hand with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386082004 Foreign body in head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269229006 Foreign body in intestine and colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23436003 Foreign body in lacrimal punctum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19496008 Foreign body in larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275452003 Foreign body in leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231969006 Foreign body in lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24385003 Foreign body in lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11356007 Foreign body in main bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14380007 Foreign body in mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2245007 Foreign body in nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74699008 Foreign body in nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33890007 Foreign body in nostril (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25479004 Foreign body in pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231883009 Foreign body in posterior wall eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70176004 Foreign body in rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93458008 Foreign body in skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51694003 Foreign body in stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93459000 Foreign body in subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54421009 Foreign body in trachea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34124000 Foreign body in vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28020009 Foreign body in vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211652000 Foreign body in vulva and vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298083004 Foreign body of skin of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55899000 Foreign body on external eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65141002 Foreign body pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249253007 Foreskin finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55533009 Forgetful (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87764000 Foster-Kennedy syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399031001 Fourth degree perineal laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199934009 Fourth degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20610004 Fourth nerve palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65038009 Fox-Fordyce disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287076006 Fracture malunion - pelvis and/or thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64455005 Fracture of acetabulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207794006 Fracture of alveolus closed (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16114001 Fracture of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24063002 Fracture of base of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69916004 Fracture of base of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125605004 Fracture of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263247007 Fracture of calcaneus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274153008 Fracture of cervical spine - no cord lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58150001 Fracture of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206209004 Fracture of clavicle due to birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263242001 Fracture of distal end of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278537006 Fracture of distal end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27477003 Fracture of face bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71620000 Fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75591007 Fracture of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207983003 Fracture of first cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65966004 Fracture of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76542006 Fracture of frontal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20511007 Fracture of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125608002 Fracture of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269057007 Fracture of malar or maxillary bones open (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263172003 Fracture of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207753003 Fracture of mandible closed (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263168002 Fracture of medial wall of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208393000 Fracture of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263248002 Fracture of navicular (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31975004 Fracture of navicular bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5913000 Fracture of neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95851007 Fracture of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207787008 Fracture of orbital floor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51037009 Fracture of patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77493009 Fracture of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18171007 Fracture of phalanx of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21351003 Fracture of phalanx of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429664005 Fracture of posterior process of talus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263195007 Fracture of proximal end of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263206009 Fracture of proximal end of radius and ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36127009 Fracture of pubis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263197004 Fracture of radial neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12676007 Fracture of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75857000 Fracture of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125872003 Fracture of sacrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40643005 Fracture of scapular body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207984009 Fracture of second cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429339004 Fracture of sesamoid bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54441004 Fracture of shaft of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71642004 Fracture of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263246003 Fracture of talus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263245004 Fracture of tarsal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83969004 Fracture of temporal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125607007 Fracture of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31978002 Fracture of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428257007 Fracture of tibial plateau (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281843000 Fracture of tibial spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54556006 Fracture of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69166006 Fracture of upper end of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20433007 Fracture of upper end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263151001 Fracture of upper jaw closed (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48466003 Fracture of vault of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50448004 Fracture of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32805004 Fractures of multiple bones of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 613003 Fragile X syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78478008 Frambesioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197941005 Frank hematuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52616002 Freeman-Sheldon syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116860001 Fresh frozen plasma issued (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83070001 Friction blister with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63785008 Friction blister without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10394003 Friedreich's ataxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230394006 Frontal lobe epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129606007 Frontal lobe syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230270009 Frontotemporal dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370977006 Frostbite (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86018005 Frostbite of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35195001 Frostbite of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4763005 Frostbite of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62491004 Frotteurism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39452003 Fructose metabolism disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20052008 Fructose-16-bisphosphate aldolase B deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28183005 Fructose-biphosphatase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190480009 FSH - follicle stimulating hormone deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193839007 Fuchs' corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11226001 Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64716005 Fucosidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165408006 Full blood count abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211919009 Full thickness burn of a single finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211715009 Full thickness burn of face head or neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211792006 Full thickness burn of genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202843000 Full thickness rotator cuff tear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116341001 Functional cyst of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47812002 Functional diarrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236632007 Functional disorder of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81120009 Functional disorder of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267543009 Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302752001 Functional encopresis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404183005 Functional vision problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313165001 Functional visual loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254962005 Functionless pituitary adenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39302008 Fundus coloboma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314558005 Fungal keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24321005 Fungal meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312149008 Fungal respiratory infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91221002 Furuncle of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48759000 Furuncle of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66186006 Furuncle of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71694002 Furuncle of back except buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12430003 Furuncle of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37396007 Furuncle of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75568008 Furuncle of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44361004 Furuncle of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36254004 Furuncle of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10453005 Furuncle of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7572005 Furuncle of head except face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36175004 Furuncle of heel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28061009 Furuncle of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47763005 Furuncle of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45348006 Furuncle of pectoral region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35490003 Furuncle of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111181004 Furuncle of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90942002 Furuncle of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77265008 Furuncle of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67272008 Furuncle of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29199007 Furuncle of umbilicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40603000 Furunculosis of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204984002 Fusion of kidneys (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32919003 Fusion with defective stereopsis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30767006 Gait apraxia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22325002 Gait problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71639005 Galactorrhea associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200448005 Galactorrhea in pregnancy and the puerperium with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78622004 Galactorrhea not associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190745006 Galactosemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192782005 Galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312110005 Gallbladder and bile duct calculi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235919008 Gallbladder calculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197377009 Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis and no obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 197378004 Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis and obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 37976006 Gallstone ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95563007 Gallstone pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78435003 Ganglion of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19354008 Ganglion of tendon sheath (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202942009 Ganglion of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287029002 Ganglion/synovial cyst - wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424631008 Ganglioneuroma of mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50967008 Gangliosidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195303005 Gangrene of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195302000 Gangrene of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372070002 Gangrenous disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76129002 Ganser syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60876000 Gardner syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419468003 Gardnerella vaginitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109321000 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of facial bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109322007 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of the frontal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109691001 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of the mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109690000 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of the maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109326005 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of the nasal-orbit complex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109324008 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of the sphenoid bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109325009 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of the temporal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109323002 Garr?'s osteomyelitis of the zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80466000 Gas gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75198005 Gastric diverticulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235651006 Gastric erosion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61401005 Gastric hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276811008 Gastric lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13267003 Gastric motor function disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78809005 Gastric polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397825006 Gastric ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15902003 Gastric ulcer with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53877005 Gastric ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62366003 Gastric ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2066005 Gastric ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17593008 Gastric ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 9829001 Gastric ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72486001 Gastric ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84038009 Gastric ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31452001 Gastric ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91109007 Gastric varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302824004 Gastrinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4556007 Gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28756003 Gastrocolic fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196731005 Gastroduodenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25374005 Gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57419008 Gastroenteritis presumed infectious (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235595009 Gastroesophageal reflux disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266433003 Gastroesophageal reflux disease with esophagitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84679006 Gastrointestinal candidiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24813008 Gastrointestinal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414314005 Gastrointestinal food allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74474003 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95518006 Gastrointestinal mucositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267045008 Gastrointestinal symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386618008 Gastrointestinal tract finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42698006 Gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64094003 Gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87796008 Gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50663005 Gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54798007 Gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30183003 Gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21759003 Gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11818002 Gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 47152002 Gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35517004 Gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage without perforation AND without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25335003 Gastrojejunocolic fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235675006 Gastroparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1208004 Gastroptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72951007 Gastroschisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302109006 Gastrostomy present (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89525009 Gelastic seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87991007 Gender identity disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5095008 Gender identity disorder of childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191798000 Gender role disorder of adolescent or adult (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292162001 General anesthetic drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 290486002 General anesthetic drug poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44963006 General diet for pregnancy and lactation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119415007 General finding of abdomen (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88847008 General liquid diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51928006 General paresis - neurosyphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267022002 General symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102614006 Generalized abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 440122009 Generalized abdominal rigidity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 440220007 Generalized abdominal tenderness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82991003 Generalized aches and pains (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21897009 Generalized anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39823006 Generalized atherosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65120008 Generalized convulsive epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14894002 Generalized disseminated choroiditis AND chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425492002 Generalized dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274741002 Generalized enlarged lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19598007 Generalized epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396350005 Generalized exfoliative dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66844003 Generalized infection during labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253785008 Generalized intestinal dysmotility (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192979009 Generalized non-convulsive epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201819000 Generalized osteoarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95697007 Generalized retinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246545002 Generalized seizure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56978007 Generalized vaccinia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4619009 Generalized-onset seizures (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199405005 Generally contracted pelvis - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47986005 Genetic anomaly of leukocyte (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47461006 Genetic disorder carrier (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47708004 Genetic predisposition (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72839009 Geniculate ganglionitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33839006 Genital herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423391007 Genital herpes simplex type 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282772005 Genital injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198819006 Genital or pelvic infection following abortive pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266113007 Genital warts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247395007 Genitofemoral nerve neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312099009 Genitourinary chlamydia infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287085006 Genitourinary congenital anomalies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162138001 Genitourinary pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199106001 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199107005 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199108000 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199109008 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22220005 Genuine stress incontinence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59032001 Geographic tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402878003 Germ cell tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429565004 Germ cell tumor of the brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276614003 Gestation abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11687002 Gestational diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237285000 Gestational edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308551004 Gestational hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34165000 Gestational proteinuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417475006 Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267088000 Gets drowsiness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82721003 Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414341000 Giant cell arteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89722009 Giant cell epulis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59780005 Giant kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238809002 Giant lymph node hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231857004 Giant papillary conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232004004 Giant retinal tear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58265007 Giardiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27503000 Gilbert's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5158005 Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18718003 Gingival disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54711002 Gingival enlargement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111345006 Gingival hypertrophy due to diphenylhydantoin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45676007 Gingival polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4356008 Gingival recession (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66383009 Gingivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20607006 Gingivostomatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4639008 Glanders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64445006 Glare (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91234001 Glasgow coma scale 12 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23986001 Glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45623002 Glaucoma associated with anterior segment anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84333006 Glaucoma associated with lens disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66747002 Glaucoma associated with ocular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37155002 Glaucoma associated with ocular inflammation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68241007 Glaucoma associated with ocular trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53667005 Glaucoma associated with systemic syndromes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27735002 Glaucoma associated with tumors AND/OR cysts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19309007 Glaucoma associated with vascular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193551004 Glaucoma due to another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193552006 Glaucoma due to chamber angle anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92829008 Glaucoma due to combination of mechanisms (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193553001 Glaucoma due to iris anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193556009 Glaucoma in endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71111008 Glaucoma of childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232079008 Glaucoma suspect (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34623005 Glaucoma with increased episcleral venous pressure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29538005 Glaucomatocyclitic crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1207009 Glaucomatous atrophy of optic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202332000 Glenoid labrum tear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276828006 Glioblastoma multiforme of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23011003 Global aphasia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 224958001 Global developmental delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4229009 Globe of eye shrunken (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41142009 Globoid cell leukodystrophy late-onset (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44037003 Globus hystericus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88889000 Globus sensation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22702000 Glomerulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36171008 Glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427555000 Glomerulonephritis due to Wegener's granulomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403969002 Glomus tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253031000 Glomus tympanicum tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45534005 Glossitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30731004 Glossodynia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43763009 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3639002 Glossoptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237743003 Glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62403005 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190794006 Glucosylceramide beta-glucosidase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191857002 Glue sniffing dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191855005 Glue sniffing dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191856006 Glue sniffing dependence episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76175005 Glutaric aciduria type 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22886006 Glutaric aciduria type 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58781003 Gluteal tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160671006 Gluten-free diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29633007 Glycogen storage disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41527003 Glycogen storage disease type VIII (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7265005 Glycogen storage disease type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66937008 Glycogen storage disease type III (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11179002 Glycogen storage disease type IV (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40191005 Glycogen storage disease type IX (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55912009 Glycogen storage disease type V (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29291001 Glycogen storage disease type VI (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89597008 Glycogen storage disease type VII (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61598006 Glycogenosis with glucoaminophosphaturia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7810004 Glycoprotein storage disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45154002 Glycosuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3716002 Goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205418005 Goldenhar syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2298005 Goltz syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205681004 Gonadal dysgenesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237818003 Gonadotropin-independent familial sexual precocity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46699001 Gonococcal bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231858009 Gonococcal conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28438004 Gonococcal conjunctivitis neonatorum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111807001 Gonococcal endophthalmia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236772009 Gonococcal epididymo-orchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44743006 Gonococcal infection of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9091006 Gonococcal iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40149008 Gonococcal keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186939000 Gonococcal peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53664003 Gonococcal spondylitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240582004 Gonococcal synovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5085001 Gonococcemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15628003 Gonorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277497008 Gonorrhea contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35255008 Gonorrhea in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74372003 Gonorrhea of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170577003 Good hypertension control (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236506009 Goodpasture's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50581000 Goodpasture's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69408002 Gorlin syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90560007 Gout (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190828008 Gouty arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14763005 Gouty tophi of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402469004 Gouty tophus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275273001 Graft infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47650006 Graft versus host reaction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234646005 Graft-versus-host disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53869006 Gram negative septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193643009 Gram positive septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70003006 Gram-positive cocci in clusters (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13973009 Grand mal status (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18656007 Grand multipara (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199714004 Grand multiparity - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199715003 Grand multiparity with antenatal problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47447001 Grandiose delusion disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45283008 Granular corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225541009 Granulation of tissue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65508009 Granuloma annulare (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28867007 Granuloma inguinale (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90715009 Granuloma of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429455007 Granuloma of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77713007 Granuloma of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 440347004 Granuloma of surgical wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95734007 Granulomatous keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426121003 Granulomatous lymphadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61500009 Granulomatous prostatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37061001 Granulomatous sarcoid nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 353295004 Graves' disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430933008 Gravid uterus size for dates discrepancy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7690000 Gray syndrome from chloramphenicol administration in newborn (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 248575002 Groaning respiration (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195886008 Group B streptococcal pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102482005 Growing pains (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397827003 Growth hormone deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429514007 Growth hormone deficiency after bone marrow transplant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40956001 Guillain-Barre syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283545005 Gunshot wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29139005 Gustatory hallucinations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428868003 Gustatory rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37042000 Guttate psoriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4754008 Gynecomastia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314467007 Gyrate atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402732001 Habit tic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199087006 Habitual aborter - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199088001 Habitual aborter - not delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237036002 Habitual aborter-not pregnant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91428005 Haemophilus influenzae infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70036007 Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23863009 Haemophilus influenzae septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192643004 Haemophilus meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118613001 Hairy cell leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7011001 Hallucinations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74851005 Hallucinogen abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38247002 Hallucinogen dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191851001 Hallucinogen dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191849000 Hallucinogen dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191850000 Hallucinogen dependence episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50320000 Hallucinogen intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40571009 Hallucinogen intoxication delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1383008 Hallucinogen mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15277004 Hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53050002 Hallucinogen-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 122480009 Hallux valgus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118623005 Hallux valgus AND bunion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398028009 Halo nevus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417125003 Hamartoma of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 122481008 Hammer toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262992000 Hamstring sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202961008 Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202962001 Hand and wrist flexor tendon rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238539001 Hand eczema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266108008 Hand foot and mouth disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298165005 Hand joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202472008 Hand joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249915009 Hand joint stiff (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53057004 Hand pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288065009 Hand tendon advanced (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225049000 Hanging self (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86225009 Hapten type high affinity hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44206008 Hapten type low affinity hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47230004 Harada's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268245001 Harlequin fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267094008 Has watering eyes (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21983002 Hashimoto thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67415000 Hay asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55821006 Hay-Wells syndrome of ectodermal dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246636008 Hazy vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282749008 Head and neck injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262581006 Head burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406122000 Head finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25064002 Headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230461009 Headache disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398987004 Headache following lumbar puncture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43954004 Head-banging (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123610002 Healed glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48523008 Healed perforation of ear drum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249643003 Healed tear of anal sphincter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365949003 Health-related behavior finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128540005 Hearing disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15188001 Hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300228004 Hearing problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56265001 Heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430401005 Heart disease due to ionizing radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237226002 Heart disease during pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78381004 Heart disease in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84114007 Heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88610006 Heart murmur (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123824001 Heart sounds abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 368009 Heart valve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16331000 Heartburn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87108006 Heat cramp (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95868006 Heat exhaustion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70226007 Heat pyrexia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52072009 Heat stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212937007 Heat stroke and sunstroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89797005 Heat syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7293009 Heavy-for-dates infant regardless of gestation period (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282780003 Heel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2733002 Heel pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 224997009 Height increased (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304597009 Helicobacter blood test observations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307759003 Helicobacter pylori gastrointestinal tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6185008 Helicobacter-associated disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89662003 Helicobacter-associated pyloric ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27601005 Helminth infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403980002 Hemangioendothelioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429176009 Hemangioendothelioma of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427744002 Hemangioendothelioma of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425607009 Hemangioendothelioma of retroperitoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400210000 Hemangioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255022003 Hemangioma of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314512009 Hemangioma of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189197001 Hemangioma of intra-abdominal structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93468003 Hemangioma of intracranial structure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93469006 Hemangioma of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93470007 Hemangioma of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93471006 Hemangioma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93473009 Hemangioma of subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 134335004 Hemangiopericytoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81808003 Hemarthrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2602008 Hemarthrosis of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202415003 Hemarthrosis of the ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8765009 Hematemesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23688003 Hematemesis AND/OR melena due to swallowed maternal blood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 385494008 Hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431674004 Hematoma AND contusion of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24179004 Hematoma AND contusion of liver without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371607000 Hematoma of cesarean section (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430333000 Hematoma of dialysis access site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262891006 Hematoma of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371610007 Hematoma of perineal wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88050005 Hematoma of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439461004 Hematoma of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89966002 Hematoma of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5223003 Hematoma of spermatic cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25756004 Hematoma of tunica vaginalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89993004 Hematoma of vas deferens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69385001 Hematoma of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38280009 Hematometra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53298000 Hematuria syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66637005 Hemiballism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427232004 Hemidystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254025006 Hemifacial microsomia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13753008 Hemifacial spasm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20022000 Hemiparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50582007 Hemiplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43486001 Hemiplegic cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59292006 Hemiplegic migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399187006 Hemochromatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408667000 Hemodialysis-associated hypotension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365845005 Hemoglobin A1C - diabetic control finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51053007 Hemoglobin C disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76050008 Hemoglobin C trait (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66729008 Hemoglobin D disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7391009 Hemoglobin D trait (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25065001 Hemoglobin E disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46248003 Hemoglobin E trait (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48553001 Hemoglobin H disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417279003 Hemoglobin S sickling disorder with crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416290001 Hemoglobin S sickling disorder without crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80141007 Hemoglobinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68600005 Hemoglobinuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191222008 Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from external causes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76224000 Hemoglobinuric nephrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61261009 Hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18889005 Hemolytic anemia associated with chronic inflammatory disease (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 74840005 Hemolytic anemia associated with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66184009 Hemolytic anemia associated with lymphoproliferative disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111582001 Hemolytic anemia associated with rheumatic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69746005 Hemolytic anemia associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 12109003 Hemolytic anemia associated with ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24620004 Hemolytic anemia due to babesiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76366001 Hemolytic anemia due to Bartonella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28147001 Hemolytic anemia due to Clostridium welchii (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38689004 Hemolytic anemia due to infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77663007 Hemolytic anemia due to malaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4939006 Hemolytic anemia due to nonlymphoid neoplasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32858009 Hemolytic disease of fetus OR newborn due to ABO immunization (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 387705004 Hemolytic disease of fetus OR newborn due to isoimmunization (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 86986002 Hemolytic disease of fetus OR newborn due to RhD isoimmunization (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111407006 Hemolytic uremic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23412002 Hemopericardium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127069007 Hemophagocytic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90935002 Hemophilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191301000 Hemophilia carrier (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193287005 Hemophthalmos (excluding current injury) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16632002 Hemopneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66857006 Hemoptysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40470007 Hemorrhage AND/OR hematoma complicating procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69920000 Hemorrhage due to any device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 325569000 Hemorrhage from throat (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25825004 Hemorrhage in early pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30850008 Hemorrhage in early pregnancy antepartum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81448000 Hemorrhage in early pregnancy delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14460007 Hemorrhage in optic nerve sheaths (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17615006 Hemorrhage into bladder wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405539004 Hemorrhage of blood vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95599002 Hemorrhage of corpus luteum cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63720000 Hemorrhage of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16763008 Hemorrhage of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85539001 Hemorrhage of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95562002 Hemorrhage of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44843000 Hemorrhage of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266464001 Hemorrhage of rectum and anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62182006 Hemorrhage of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8465005 Hemorrhage of seminal vesicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431268006 Hemorrhage of skin in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33878005 Hemorrhage of spermatic cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77708008 Hemorrhage of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55898008 Hemorrhage of tunica vaginalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53839004 Hemorrhage of vas deferens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230706003 Hemorrhagic cerebral infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19031009 Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106004004 Hemorrhagic complication of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33083001 Hemorrhagic cyst of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50165004 Hemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191287000 Hemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95531001 Hemorrhagic duodenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102455002 Hemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 355001 Hemorrhagic shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31920006 Hemorrhagic varicella pneumonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70153002 Hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63040001 Hemorrhoids complicating pregnancy AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200249004 Hemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200253002 Hemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperium with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34615008 Hemospermia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31892009 Hemothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191306005 Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73397007 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80235008 Hepatic artery embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83940008 Hepatic artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72836002 Hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76281005 Hepatic congestion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13920009 Hepatic encephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59927004 Hepatic failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22508003 Hepatic failure due to a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17890003 Hepatic infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87248009 Hepatic necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278971009 Hepatitis A immune (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235871004 Hepatitis B carrier (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281638009 Hepatitis B contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271511000 Hepatitis B immune (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424460009 Hepatitis B with hepatitis D superinfection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314706002 Hepatitis C antibody test positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235872006 Hepatitis C carrier (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109843000 Hepatoblastoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50701000 Hepatoptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51292008 Hepatorenal syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31005002 Hepatorenal syndrome due to a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36760000 Hepatosplenomegaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82966003 Hereditary angioneurotic edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205583005 Hereditary benign acanthosis nigricans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74469006 Hereditary choroidal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16922007 Hereditary coagulation factor deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32895009 Hereditary disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11599001 Hereditary disease in family possibly affecting fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363235000 Hereditary disorder of nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45366001 Hereditary dysfibrinogenemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191169008 Hereditary elliptocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41788008 Hereditary factor IX deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28293008 Hereditary factor VIII deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49762007 Hereditary factor XI deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427306008 Hereditary hemoglobinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127040003 Hereditary hemoglobinopathy disorder homozygous for hemoglobin S (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 38911009 Hereditary hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234435002 Hereditary hypersegmentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254199006 Hereditary lymphedema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399889006 Hereditary lymphedema type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128203003 Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with optic atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399340005 Hereditary nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 315058005 Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26360005 Hereditary optic atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68072000 Hereditary pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65017003 Hereditary peripheral neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191201002 Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16964007 Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414394009 Hereditary red blood cell disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41799005 Hereditary retinal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11442006 Hereditary sensory neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39912006 Hereditary spastic paraplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55995005 Hereditary spherocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52515009 Hernia of abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414396006 Hernia of anterior abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414397002 Hernia of anterior abdominal wall with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414400006 Hernia of cerebellar tonsil into foramen magnum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32290008 Hernia of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10661008 Hernia of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79990007 Hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8377001 Hernia with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84857004 Herniation of nucleus pulposus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51004007 Herniation under falx cerebri (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231477003 Heroin dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186659004 Herpangina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199129009 Herpes gestationis - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274116002 Herpes in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1475003 Herpes labialis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88594005 Herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427115009 Herpes simplex corneal endotheliitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29943008 Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59523007 Herpes simplex disciform keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186544000 Herpes simplex eyelid dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240475000 Herpes simplex infection of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13608004 Herpes simplex iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9389005 Herpes simplex keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23291008 Herpes simplex meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427578006 Herpes simplex of female genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111856000 Herpes simplex otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425062004 Herpes simplex retinal pigment epithelial detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49012006 Herpes simplex septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397570008 Herpes simplex stromal keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423405007 Herpes simplex subepithelial infiltrates (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407451003 Herpes simplex type 1 infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407450002 Herpes simplex type 2 infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417091001 Herpes simplex virus epithelial keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111854002 Herpes simplex with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4740000 Herpes zoster (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422471006 Herpes zoster acute retinal necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21954000 Herpes zoster auricularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424801004 Herpes zoster corneal endotheliolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422666006 Herpes zoster corneal epitheliopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230176008 Herpes zoster encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426570007 Herpes zoster interstitial keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10698009 Herpes zoster iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397573005 Herpes zoster keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42448002 Herpes zoster keratoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87513003 Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424435009 Herpes zoster pseudodendrites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424941009 Herpes zoster radiculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425356002 Herpes zoster retinal pigment epithelial detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422446008 Herpes zoster subepithelial infiltrates (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49183009 Herpes zoster with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186525007 Herpes zoster with dermatitis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10491005 Herpes zoster with meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111861003 Herpes zoster with nervous system complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186524006 Herpes zoster with ophthalmic complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111859007 Herpes zoster without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23513009 Herpesvirus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129670002 Herpetic cervicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57920007 Herpetic gingivostomatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10227000 Herpetic infection of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9678009 Herpetic meningoencephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59819007 Herpetic ulceration of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27420004 Herpetic vulvovaginitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43891009 Herpetic whitlow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 345121001 Heteronymous bilateral visual field defects (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128602000 Heterotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307116001 Heterozygous Factor V Leiden mutation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84089009 Hiatal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65958008 Hiccoughs (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69741000 Hidradenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59393003 Hidradenitis suppurativa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226097005 High fat diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232326009 High frequency deafness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 369767007 High grade (lymphoma grade) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199375007 High head at term - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199373000 High head at term (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226161004 High iron diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10091002 High output heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11739001 High residue diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47200007 High risk pregnancy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102947004 High risk sexual behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209886004 Hind brain contusion with open intracranial wound with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209887008 Hind brain contusion with open intracranial wound with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209903008 Hind brain laceration with open intracranial wound with less than 1 hour loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209905001 Hind brain laceration with open intracranial wound with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299231009 Hip joint finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298169004 Hip joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49218002 Hip pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249914008 Hip stiff (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276380006 Hip unstable (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204739008 Hirschsprung's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399939002 Hirsutism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127068004 Histiocytic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187041005 Histoplasma capsulatum with endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12962009 Histoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187057005 Histoplasmosis with meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187059008 Histoplasmosis with pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187061004 Histoplasmosis with pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187058000 Histoplasmosis with retinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365854008 History finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161466001 History of - alcoholism (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161594007 History of - analgesic allergy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275538002 History of - anemia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397942001 History of - anesthesia problem (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161514008 History of - aortic aneurysm (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161696003 History of - arthrodesis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161678007 History of - artificial blood vessel (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161676006 History of - artificial eye lens (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161675005 History of - artificial eyeglobe (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161677002 History of - artificial heart valve (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161679004 History of - artificial joint (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161684005 History of - artificial opening (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161635002 History of - asbestos exposure (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312442005 History of - atrial fibrillation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161474000 History of - attempted suicide (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 391083006 History of - bilateral oophorectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267000009 History of - biliary disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266992002 History of - blood disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275540007 History of - brain disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275903009 History of - carcinoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161573009 History of - cardiac anomaly (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161692001 History of - cardiac pacemaker in situ (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161625008 History of - cardiac surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266995000 History of - cardiovascular disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266993007 History of - central nervous system disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275526006 History of - cerebrovascular accident (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308064009 History of - cerebrovascular disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161423008 History of - chickenpox (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161460007 History of - coagulation defect (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161687003 History of - colostomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161670000 History of - cornea recipient (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399261000 History of - coronary artery bypass grafting (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161469008 History of - depression (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312850006 History of - disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161590003 History of - drug allergy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161763005 History of - ectopic pregnancy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266990005 History of - endocrine disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161612000 History of - food allergy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275550008 History of - gallbladder disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275566005 History of - gastrointestinal tract by-pass (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267010000 History of - gastrointestinal tract bypass/anastomosis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275544003 History of - heart disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161667004 History of - heart valve recipient (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161501007 History of - hypertension (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161800001 History of - hysterectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161686007 History of - ileostomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275552000 History of - kidney disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161671001 History of - liver recipient (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161622006 History of - lower limb amputation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161700006 History of - machine dependence (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161617006 History of - major abdominal surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161618001 History of - major orthopedic surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161616002 History of - major vascular surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161416007 History of - malaria (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161432005 History of - malignant melanoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266987004 History of - malignant neoplasm (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400998002 History of - manic depressive disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161419000 History of - measles (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161481007 History of - migraine (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161744009 History of - miscarriage (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161420006 History of - mumps (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267004000 History of - musculoskeletal disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275904003 History of - neoplasm (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161611007 History of - non-drug allergy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161449003 History of - nutritional disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161803004 History of - obstetric problem (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161627000 History of - orchidectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161591004 History of - penicillin allergy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266998003 History of - peptic ulcer (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161579008 History of - perinatal problem (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161422003 History of - pertussis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413154005 History of - phlebitis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161525004 History of - pneumonia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161528002 History of - pneumothorax (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161589007 History of - poisoning (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161415006 History of - poliomyelitis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161765003 History of - premature delivery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161512007 History of - pulmonary embolus (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161549001 History of - recurrent cystitis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161487006 History of - retinal detachment (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161500008 History of - rheumatic fever (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161421005 History of - rubella (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161619009 History of - Spinal surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161626009 History of - splenectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161743003 History of - stillbirth (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161515009 History of - subarachnoid hemorrhage (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161603002 History of - sulfonamide allergy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266996004 History of - thromboembolism (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275546001 History of - thrombosis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275536003 History of - thyroid disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161663000 History of - tissue/organ recipient (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161414005 History of - tuberculosis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312489007 History of - upper gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161621004 History of - upper limb amputation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267002001 History of - urinary disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161688008 History of - urinary tract opening (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161558008 History of - vasectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271394008 History of - venereal disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161513002 History of - ventricular fibrillation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4908009 History of (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429508000 History of ablation of atrioventricular node (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428250009 History of adenoidectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429047008 History of adenomatous polyp of colon (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371434005 History of alcohol abuse (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429406003 History of aldosteronism (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429204002 History of allergy to latex (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428980005 History of allergy to opiate agonist (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428392002 History of allergy to seafood (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428834009 History of amputation of finger (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429280009 History of amputation of foot (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428835005 History of amputation of hallux (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427875004 History of amputation of leg above ankle (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429372004 History of amputation of leg through tibia and fibula (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427892008 History of amputation of lesser toe (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432250006 History of aneurysm (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433845004 History of aneurysm of iliac artery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429259003 History of angioplasty of carotid artery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429117009 History of aortofemoral bypass surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429208004 History of aplastic anemia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428251008 History of appendectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429367008 History of arterial bypass of lower limb artery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428043001 History of arthroscopic procedure on shoulder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428265005 History of arthroscopy of elbow (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429677001 History of arthroscopy of knee joint (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428069007 History of arthroscopy of wrist (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429258006 History of aspirin-sensitive asthma with nasal polyp (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432218001 History of asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 428448003 History of atopy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427894009 History of augmentation of breast (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429217004 History of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427846005 History of B-cell lymphoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428323002 History of benign neoplasm of brain (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428529004 History of bilateral mastectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427851004 History of bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427902001 History of branch retinal vein occlusion (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429025008 History of calculus of kidney (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429007001 History of cardiac arrest (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429235008 History of cardioembolic stroke (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429074009 History of cardiovascular surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428534000 History of carotid endarterectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428535004 History of cataract extraction (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428267002 History of cerebral hemorrhage (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428882003 History of cholecystectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428978004 History of choriocarcinoma of placenta (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429073003 History of chronic dissecting aneurysm of thoracic aorta (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428075003 History of circumcision (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417662000 History of clinical finding (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427816007 History of colectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429676005 History of cosmetic plastic surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428298000 History of craniotomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428848009 History of decompression of median nerve (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428456000 History of decompression of ulnar nerve (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429424001 History of depressive disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433874008 History of diabetic peripheral angiopathy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427958009 History of difficult intubation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313217007 History of emotional abuse (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428287001 History of endocarditis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429010008 History of epidural hematoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429023001 History of Ewings sarcoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429164009 History of excision of lamina of lumbar vertebra for decompression of spinal cord (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429363007 History of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161486002 History of eye disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428942009 History of fall (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428064002 History of follicular adenocarcinoma of thyroid (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428847004 History of fundoplication (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427817003 History of gastrectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428900007 History of headache after dural puncture (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428951001 History of hemorrhage into ventricle of brain (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428030001 History of hepatitis A (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429721005 History of hepatitis B (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427934005 History of hydrocelectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428804004 History of hysterectomy for benign disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428934008 History of inactive tuberculosis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429495009 History of incision of pericardium (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432220003 History of infarction of spinal cord (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161413004 History of infectious disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429154000 History of insertion of inferior vena caval filter (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428316003 History of insertion of stent into ureter (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428405009 History of intersex surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428374005 History of intubation of gastrointestinal tract via jejunostomy (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 427762006 History of iron deficiency (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428292004 History of Kaposi's sarcoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429538006 History of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428307002 History of laparoscopy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429277008 History of laryngectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428656009 History of laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428536003 History of laser trabeculoplasty (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429009003 History of left mastectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429333003 History of left oophorectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161436008 History of leukemia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429281008 History of liver excision (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429423007 History of Lyme disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429125006 History of lymphadenopathy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429031006 History of male erectile disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428053000 History of malignant basal cell neoplasm of skin (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429014004 History of malignant lymphoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429144004 History of malignant mesothelioma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432007009 History of malignant mesothelioma of pleura (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429247002 History of malignant neoplasm of bone (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429087003 History of malignant neoplasm of breast (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429484003 History of malignant neoplasm of cervix (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429699009 History of malignant neoplasm of colon (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429089000 History of malignant neoplasm of endometrium (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429357003 History of malignant neoplasm of epididymis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429410000 History of malignant neoplasm of esophagus (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428117004 History of malignant neoplasm of mediastinum (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429090009 History of malignant neoplasm of ovary (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428880006 History of malignant neoplasm of penis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429355006 History of malignant neoplasm of pleura (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428262008 History of malignant neoplasm of prostate (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429084005 History of malignant neoplasm of rectum (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429050006 History of malignant neoplasm of skin (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428833003 History of malignant neoplasm of small intestine (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428878000 History of malignant neoplasm of thoracic cavity structure (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427918007 History of malignant neoplasm of thymus (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429254008 History of malignant neoplasm of thyroid (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429409005 History of malignant neoplasm of tongue (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429444007 History of malignant neoplasm of ureter (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428944005 History of malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428941002 History of malignant neoplasm of uterine body (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427844008 History of malignant neoplasm of vagina (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429635001 History of malignant neoplasm of vulva (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428540007 History of mastectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429218009 History of maze procedure for atrial fibrillation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429016002 History of medullary carcinoma of thyroid (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427920005 History of monocytic leukemia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429124005 History of mood disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429105007 History of nephroblastoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428046009 History of non-Hodgkins lymphoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429226001 History of non-small cell malignant neoplasm of lung (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427956008 History of normal menopause (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432160005 History of occlusion of central retinal artery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432006000 History of occlusion of central retinal vein (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429155004 History of operation for impingement syndrome of shoulder region (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 427730008 History of operative procedure on elbow (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428615006 History of operative procedure on hip (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427749007 History of operative procedure on knee (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428582006 History of operative procedure on lumbar spinal structure (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428310009 History of operative procedure on lumbosacral spinal structure (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 428810004 History of operative procedure on shoulder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429680000 History of operative procedure on thoracic spinal structure (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 428890003 History of orchidopexy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428052005 History of osteosarcoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429521007 History of osteotomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427836008 History of otitis media (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429255009 History of papillary adenocarcinoma of thyroid (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428644008 History of partial nephrectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428305005 History of partial resection of colon (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428308007 History of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427893003 History of pericardiectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431545001 History of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428662004 History of photodynamic therapy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313215004 History of physical abuse (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429474004 History of piercing of genital structure (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428979007 History of piercing of tongue (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428903009 History of piercing of umbilicus (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428653001 History of placement of gastrostomy tube (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428375006 History of placement of stent for coronary artery disease (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428912006 History of placement of stent in anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428664003 History of placement of stent in circumflex branch of left coronary artery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428283002 History of polyp of colon (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428608003 History of positive Toxoplasma gondii antibody (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427959001 History of prophylactic mastectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161464003 History of psychiatric disorder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427852006 History of radial keratotomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429479009 History of radiation therapy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429290001 History of radical hysterectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428846008 History of radical perineal prostatectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428642007 History of radical retropubic prostatectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427951003 History of radiofrequency ablation operation for arrhythmia (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 429756009 History of radiofrequency ablation operation on left atrium for arrhythmia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429285004 History of reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament tear (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 429716007 History of recurrent dislocation of hip joint prosthesis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428667005 History of reduction of breast (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429371006 History of release of entrapment of peripheral nerve (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429205001 History of repair of aneurysm of abdominal aorta (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428583001 History of repair of anulus fibrosus of tricuspid valve (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429278003 History of repair of atrial septal defect (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428837002 History of repair of cleft lip (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428071007 History of repair of coarctation of aorta (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428077006 History of repair of inguinal hernia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429219001 History of repair of mitral valve (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428072000 History of repair of musculotendinous cuff of shoulder (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429517000 History of repair of rupture of quadriceps tendon (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429654001 History of repair of tear of retina by laser photocoagulation (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 429498006 History of repair of umbilical hernia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427932009 History of resection of sternum (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428227003 History of retropubic prostatectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428309004 History of RhD negative (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429242008 History of right mastectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427818008 History of right oophorectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428888004 History of scleral buckling (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313216003 History of sexual abuse (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429364001 History of spinal fusion for kyphosis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428548000 History of spinal fusion for scoliosis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429024007 History of squamous cell carcinoma of skin (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428275008 History of subdural hematoma (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371422002 History of substance abuse (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428486007 History of subtotal thyroidectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161615003 History of surgery (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428661006 History of surgery for cerebral aneurysm (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429149009 History of surgical procedure on cervical spine (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428340006 History of sustained ventricular fibrillation (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429046004 History of sustained ventricular tachycardia (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428984001 History of tear of retina (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428904003 History of thromboembolism of vein (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430080003 History of thrombophlebitis (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428892006 History of thyroidectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428078001 History of total hysterectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429763009 History of total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 428249009 History of total lobectomy of lung (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427891001 History of transfer of tendon (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428079009 History of transurethral prostatectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428838007 History of transurethral resection of bladder tumor (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428449006 History of trephination of cranium (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427964002 History of tympanostomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428538002 History of unilateral oophorectomy (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429789009 History of ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 429032004 History of vesicoureteric reflux (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161424002 History of viral illness (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428863007 History of vitreous floater (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427813004 History of yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser capsulotomy of lens (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 55341008 Histrionic personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50219008 Hoarse (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118607005 Hodgkin lymphoma lymphocyte-rich (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118599009 Hodgkin's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426071002 Hodgkin's disease in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93528000 Hodgkin's disease of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93520007 Hodgkin's disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93521006 Hodgkin's disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93522004 Hodgkin's disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93523009 Hodgkin's disease of lymph nodes of axilla AND/OR upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93524003 Hodgkin's disease of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93525002 Hodgkin's disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region AND/OR lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93526001 Hodgkin's disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93527005 Hodgkin's disease of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118610003 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188587006 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188591001 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188586002 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188589009 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426885008 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of lymph nodes of head (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188585003 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93488004 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188590000 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188593003 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188592008 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic depletion of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93493001 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93494007 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93495008 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188558005 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188554007 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93497000 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188559002 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188562004 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93500006 Hodgkin's disease lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 118609008 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93510002 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188577007 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188580008 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188576003 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188578002 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188575004 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188579005 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188582000 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93509007 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118608000 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188567005 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188570009 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188566001 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188568000 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188565002 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188569008 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188572001 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93518009 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118602004 Hodgkin's granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93537000 Hodgkin's granuloma of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188536008 Hodgkin's granuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93530003 Hodgkin's granuloma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93531004 Hodgkin's granuloma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188537004 Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188534006 Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188538009 Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188541000 Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93536009 Hodgkin's granuloma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93546006 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188526000 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188529007 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188524002 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93541001 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of axilla AND/OR upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93542008 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93543003 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of inguinal region AND/OR lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188531003 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93545005 Hodgkin's paragranuloma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118606001 Hodgkin's sarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93555009 Hodgkin's sarcoma of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93547002 Hodgkin's sarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93548007 Hodgkin's sarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93549004 Hodgkin's sarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188547001 Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188544008 Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188548006 Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188551004 Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93554008 Hodgkin's sarcoma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188561006 Hodgkin's lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360369003 Holocarboxylase synthase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30915001 Holoprosencephaly sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32911000 Homeless (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52311001 Homocystinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34063005 Homonymous hemianopia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234383000 Homozygous alpha thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26682008 Homozygous beta thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307115002 Homozygous Factor V Leiden mutation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1489008 Hordeolum externum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109680008 Horizontal atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 394888000 Hormone replacement therapy requested (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293133009 Hormone synthetic hormone substitute or hormone antagonist adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271730003 Horner's syndrome pupil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41729002 Horseshoe kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193341001 Horseshoe retinal tear without detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8104000 Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123763000 Houssay's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111030006 Howel-Evans' syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262555007 Human bite - wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129671003 Human echovirus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240626005 Human ehrlichiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103408004 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) category A3 (AIDS) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103411003 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) category B3 (AIDS) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103412005 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) category C1 (AIDS) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103413000 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) category C2 (AIDS) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103414006 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) category C3 (AIDS) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165816005 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402916007 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositivity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40780007 Human immunodeficiency virus I infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79019005 Human immunodeficiency virus II infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86406008 Human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240532009 Human papilloma virus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429659006 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425740005 Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203382004 Humerus head juvenile osteochondritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48347002 Humidifier lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58756001 Huntington's chorea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423158009 Hurthle cell carcinoma of thyroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238870004 Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212619008 Hydantoin derivative poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417044008 Hydatidiform mole benign (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30023002 Hydranencephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200832000 Hydroa estivale (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55434001 Hydrocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26614003 Hydrocele of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199425009 Hydrocephalic disproportion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230745008 Hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71215005 Hydrohepatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204022003 Hydromeningocele - cranial (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25129008 Hydromeningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81526008 Hydromeningomyelocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78071008 Hydromicrocephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11197005 Hydromyelia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38116000 Hydromyelocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43064006 Hydronephrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65933003 Hydropneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276508000 Hydrops fetalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15539009 Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47312008 Hydrops of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74740003 Hydrorhachis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21711003 Hydrosalpinx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79231000 Hydrothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69758005 Hydroureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292853000 Hydroxychloroquine adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33116002 Hydroxykynureninuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44917000 Hymenolepiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25289003 Hyperacusis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238080004 Hyperalphalipoproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9360008 Hyperammonemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57119000 Hyperammonemia type III (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371131009 Hyperandrogenemia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237793004 Hyperandrogenization syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190773008 Hyperbetalipoproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14783006 Hyperbilirubinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66931009 Hypercalcemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71938000 Hypercalciuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29596007 Hypercapnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15707004 Hypercapnia with mixed acid-base disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35487009 Hypercarotinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13644009 Hypercholesterolemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76612001 Hypercoagulability state (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47270006 Hypercortisolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 626004 Hypercortisolism due to nonpituitary tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199027009 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance - delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199028004 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance - not delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199025001 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37295009 Hyperestrogenism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65621006 Hyperextension deformity of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229637006 Hyperfunctional dysphonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80394007 Hyperglycemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312230002 Hyperhydrosis disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82286005 Hyperimmunoglobulin M syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83469008 Hyperinsulinism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14140009 Hyperkalemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427195008 Hyperkalemia due to ACE inhibitor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51055000 Hyperkalemic distal renal tubular acidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396228006 Hyperkeratosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28488007 Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192132008 Hyperkinetic conduct disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27012009 Hyperkinetic heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55822004 Hyperlipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3744001 Hyperlipoproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66978005 Hypermagnesemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267626000 Hypermature cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38101003 Hypermetropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85551004 Hypermobility syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25728009 Hypernasality syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39355002 Hypernatremia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427784006 Hypernatremic dehydration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267446004 Hyperosmolality and or hypernatremia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428896009 Hyperosmolality due to uncontrolled type 1 diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 237841006 Hyperosmolality with hypernatremia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 395204000 Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14735008 Hyperosmolarity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66999008 Hyperparathyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19034001 Hyperparathyroidism due to renal insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68528007 Hyperphenylalaninemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20165001 Hyperphosphatemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41115008 Hyperpigmentation of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49765009 Hyperpigmentation of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10649000 Hyperpituitarism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87181002 Hyperplasia of islet alpha cells with glucagon excess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427915005 Hyperplasia of lactiferous duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66149005 Hyperplasia of pancreatic islet beta cell (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433234005 Hyperplasia of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2900003 Hyperplasia of renal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427888001 Hyperplasia of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89452002 Hyperplastic polyp of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59655002 Hyperprolinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86854008 Hyperreflexia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29369005 Hypersecretion glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81891001 Hypersecretion of ovarian androgens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250275007 Hypersegmentation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60555002 Hypersensitivity angiitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77692006 Hypersomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44455001 Hypersomnia disorder related to a known organic factor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89415002 Hypersomnia disorder related to another mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426943005 Hypersomnia disorder related to menstruation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230488004 Hypersomnia of non-organic origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79280005 Hypersomnia with sleep apnea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58381000 Hypersplenism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194021007 Hypertelorism of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427889009 Hypertension associated with transplantation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198941007 Hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 367390009 Hypertension in the obstetric context (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428575007 Hypertension secondary to kidney transplant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111438007 Hypertension secondary to renal disease in obstetric context (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 38341003 Hypertensive disorder systemic arterial (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50490005 Hypertensive encephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62275004 Hypertensive episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86234004 Hypertensive heart AND renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194779001 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with (congestive) heart failure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 194781004 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with both (congestive) heart failure and renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194780003 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64715009 Hypertensive heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60899001 Hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46113002 Hypertensive heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428163005 Hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38481006 Hypertensive renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194774006 Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49220004 Hypertensive renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6962006 Hypertensive retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70612009 Hyperthermia in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34486009 Hyperthyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34981006 Hypertonic uterine dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29966009 Hypertrichosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79830009 Hypertrichosis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302870006 Hypertriglyceridemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233873004 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93558006 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy secondary to hyperthyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195020003 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24782002 Hypertrophic condition of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198353000 Hypertrophic elongation of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60002000 Hypertrophic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45227007 Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203357004 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86287004 Hypertrophic rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19843006 Hypertrophic scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85316008 Hypertrophied anal papilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111591002 Hypertrophy of adenoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111410004 Hypertrophy of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203514008 Hypertrophy of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66622006 Hypertrophy of both palatine AND pharyngeal tonsils (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372281005 Hypertrophy of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428098006 Hypertrophy of clitoral prepuce (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80212005 Hypertrophy of clitoris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428745004 Hypertrophy of corneal epithelium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88531004 Hypertrophy of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418103007 Hypertrophy of lingual tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17467004 Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45338009 Hypertrophy of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6971002 Hypertrophy of tongue papillae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46689006 Hypertrophy of tonsils (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198316006 Hypertrophy of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16924008 Hypertrophy of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40608009 Hypertropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56595005 Hypertyrosinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4887000 Hypertyrosinemia Richner-Hanhart type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35885006 Hyperuricemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68978004 Hyperventilation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64559002 Hypervitaminosis A (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27712000 Hypervitaminosis D (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21639008 Hypervolemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397974008 Hypesthesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75229002 Hyphema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361149008 Hypnotic intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231461004 Hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268640002 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191827006 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191825003 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191826002 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119247004 Hypoalbuminemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190785000 Hypoalphalipoproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5291005 Hypocalcemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77604004 Hypocalcemia AND/OR hypomagnesemia of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18193002 Hypochondriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205468002 Hypochondroplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119250001 Hypogammaglobulinemia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302866003 Hypoglycemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12905008 Hypoglycemia diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267384006 Hypoglycemic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64624009 Hypoglycemic encephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237632004 Hypoglycemic event in diabetes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237633009 Hypoglycemic state in diabetes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48130008 Hypogonadism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93559003 Hypogonadism with anosmia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33927004 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43339004 Hypokalemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190855004 Hypomagnesemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191753006 Hypomanic personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10314002 Hyponasality syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89627008 Hyponatremia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36976004 Hypoparathyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190860000 Hypophosphatasia rickets (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4996001 Hypophosphatemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237705001 Hypophysitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68210006 Hypopigmentation of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74728003 Hypopituitarism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268184003 Hypoplasia of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12064008 Hypoplasia of endometrium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95499004 Hypoplasia of the optic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367524008 Hypoplasia of thyroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62067003 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87807004 Hypopyon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6395007 Hypopyon ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277547006 Hyposmolality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416010008 Hypospadias (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72127003 Hypostasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67763001 Hypotensive episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58077008 Hypotensive syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111568001 Hypothalamic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269287005 Hypothermia due to anesthetic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83966006 Hypothermia due to cold environment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13629008 Hypothermia of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40930008 Hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40539002 Hypothyroidism following radioiodine therapy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428165003 Hypothyroidism in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197871001 Hypotonic bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192958009 Hypotonic cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387692004 Hypotonic uterine inertia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19721008 Hypotony of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6777006 Hypotony of eye associated with another ocular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53602002 Hypotrichosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70738004 Hypotrichosis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29491004 Hypotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31515003 Hypoventilation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429456008 Hypoventilation during sleep due to neuromuscular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28560003 Hypovolemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39419009 Hypovolemic shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 389087006 Hypoxemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431335002 Hypoxemia in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 389086002 Hypoxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106012007 Hypoxia asphyxia AND/OR other respiratory condition of fetus AND/OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67132008 Hypoxic nephrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88902008 Hysterical blindness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271707009 Hysterical gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438961001 Iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408670001 Iatrogenic carnitine deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429724002 Iatrogenic complication of vascular surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41299009 Iatrogenic Cushing's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12456005 Iatrogenic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90054000 Iatrogenic hyperinsulinism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408668005 Iatrogenic hypotension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88273006 Iatrogenic hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86842008 Iatrogenic pituitary disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61556008 Iatrogenic thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237508001 Iatrogenic thyrotoxicosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268282005 Ichthyosiform erythroderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3014005 Id reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66936004 Identity disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47330001 Idiopathic acute interstitial nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241954008 Idiopathic anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1794009 Idiopathic corneal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64168005 Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55652009 Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis type III (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81796004 Idiopathic cyst of iris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18338004 Idiopathic erosive/hemorrhagic gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45157009 Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28168000 Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis chronic form (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11480007 Idiopathic granulomatous interstitial nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1717003 Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201159000 Idiopathic hirsutism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237663000 Idiopathic hyperprolactinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360465008 Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426257002 Idiopathic insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424188009 Idiopathic interstitial nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91025000 Idiopathic myocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3345002 Idiopathic osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86489003 Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22722001 Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33209009 Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40527005 Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203639008 Idiopathic scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30611007 Idiopathic scoliosis AND/OR kyphoscoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230481005 Idiopathic stabbing headache (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32273002 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22451001 Idiopathic torsion dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425756000 Idiopathic transverse myelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230540000 Idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42265009 Idiopathic urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21000000 Idiosyncratic intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236407003 IgA nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426508001 Ileal pouchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234044007 Ileofemoral deep vein thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183214006 Ileostomy bag changed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210814008 Iliac blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84308008 Iliac crest spur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233999007 Iliac dissection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209505005 Iliofemoral sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247392005 Iliohypogastric nerve neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428141001 Iliohypogastric nerve neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400983004 Ilio-inguinal nerve entrapment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428359008 Ilioinguinal nerve neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266463007 Iliopsoas abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423849004 Iliotibial band friction syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74641007 Ill-defined disease (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62619007 Ill-defined disorder of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84993001 Ill-defined infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198755009 Illegal abortion complete (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38784004 Illegal abortion complicated by damage to pelvic organs AND/OR tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86891002 Illegal abortion complicated by delayed AND/OR excessive hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 26743002 Illegal abortion complicated by embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373902000 Illegal abortion complicated by genital-pelvic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18684002 Illegal abortion complicated by metabolic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8996006 Illegal abortion complicated by renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61752008 Illegal abortion complicated by shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198743003 Illegal abortion incomplete (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74978008 Illegal abortion with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7802000 Illegal abortion without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408574004 Imaging result abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86204009 Immotile cilia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418925002 Immune hypersensitivity reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65623009 Immune neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2897005 Immune thrombocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123752003 Immune-complex glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304250009 Immunization status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310264008 Immunocompromised diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234532001 Immunodeficiency disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123785006 Immunoglobin G subclass deficiency (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29260007 Immunoglobulin A deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293096000 Immunoglobulin products adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275524009 Immunoproliferative neoplasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38013005 Immunosuppression (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68605000 Immunosuppression-related infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18070006 Impacted cerumen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62851005 Impaction of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386806002 Impaired cognition (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 390951007 Impaired fasting glycaemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9414007 Impaired glucose tolerance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82971005 Impaired mobility (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103272004 Impaired pupillary reflex (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197663003 Impaired renal function disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271618001 Impaired wound healing (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68777001 Impairment level of both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23672003 Impairment level: better eye: moderate impairment: lesser eye: blind not further specified (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4490000 Impairment level: better eye: moderate impairment: lesser eye: near-total impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23320001 Impairment level: better eye: moderate impairment: lesser eye: profound impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29887003 Impairment level: better eye: moderate impairment: lesser eye: severe impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79004009 Impairment level: better eye: moderate impairment: lesser eye: total impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7469001 Impairment level: better eye: near-total impairment: lesser eye: total impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7758003 Impairment level: better eye: profound impairment: lesser eye: near-total impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13734003 Impairment level: better eye: profound impairment: lesser eye: total impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1909000 Impairment level: better eye: severe impairment: lesser eye: near-total impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30272003 Impairment level: better eye: severe impairment: lesser eye: profound impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58937003 Impairment level: better eye: severe impairment: lesser eye: total impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75133003 Impairment level: moderate impairment of both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38465001 Impairment level: near-total impairment of both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35558006 Impairment level: one eye: moderate impairment: other eye: near-normal vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22385004 Impairment level: one eye: moderate impairment: other eye: not specified (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14781008 Impairment level: one eye: near-total impairment: other eye: near-normal vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44381003 Impairment level: one eye: near-total impairment: other eye: not specified (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82617003 Impairment level: one eye: profound impairment: other eye: near-normal vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72020003 Impairment level: one eye: severe impairment: other eye: near-normal vision (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31264007 Impairment level: one eye: severe impairment: other eye: not specified (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36676002 Impairment level: profound impairment of both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86643000 Impairment level: severe impairment of both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88768004 Impairment level: total impairment of both eyes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25106000 Impending infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204731006 Imperforate anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65937002 Imperforate hymen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48277006 Impetigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65539006 Impetigo herpetiformis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239960007 Impingement syndrome of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83162009 Implantation cyst of anterior chamber (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234235000 Implanted defibrillator generator infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89001007 Implanted endometriosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397803000 Impotence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198036002 Impotence of organic origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66347000 Impulse control disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194351009 Inactive M?ni?re's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11999007 Inactive tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428697002 Inactive tuberculosis of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422923002 Inadequate community resources (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86095007 Inborn error of metabolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52421005 Incipient cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236037000 Incisional hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18378006 Incisional hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72315009 Inclusion body myositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266109000 Inclusion conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35319002 Incomitant heterophoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427778008 Incompetence of nasal valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 252025007 Incompetent urethral closure mechanism (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16863000 Incomplete abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77221000 Incomplete atrioventricular block with atrioventricular response (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 62815003 Incomplete bilateral cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47686007 Incomplete bilateral cleft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249288007 Incomplete emptying of bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307749004 Incomplete inevitable abortion complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307748007 Incomplete inevitable abortion without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267193004 Incomplete legal abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198706000 Incomplete legal abortion with delayed or excessive hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 198705001 Incomplete legal abortion with genital tract or pelvic infection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 8939001 Incomplete spinal cord lesion at C1-C4 level without bone injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 83991006 Incomplete spinal cord lesion at C5-C7 level without bone injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 11413003 Incomplete spinal cord lesion at T1-T6 level without bone injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 63903007 Incomplete spinal cord lesion at T7-T12 level without bone injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 413338003 Incomplete spontaneous abortion with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198645000 Incomplete spontaneous abortion with delayed or excessive hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 198644001 Incomplete spontaneous abortion with genital tract or pelvic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3267003 Incomplete unilateral cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44442002 Incomplete unilateral cleft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48340000 Incontinence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424833008 Incontinence due to detrusor instability (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72042002 Incontinence of feces (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367520004 Incontinentia pigmenti syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281016006 Incoordination (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248301008 Increase in body fat (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72405004 Increased appetite (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26165005 Increased bilirubin level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418010004 Increased blood lymphocyte number (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48499001 Increased body mass index (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68097001 Increased calorie diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432519008 Increased cancer antigen 125 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432352001 Increased creatine kinase level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162116003 Increased frequency of urination (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68256003 Increased glucose level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129454009 Increased level laboratory test (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58436003 Increased libido (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 124042003 Increased lipid (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56731001 Increased muscle tone (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 131008004 Increased prolactin level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14627000 Increased protein diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 131016008 Increased thyroid stimulating hormone level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237276000 Indeterminate antepartum hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14386001 Indeterminate leprosy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83858001 Indicanuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67480003 Indication for care AND/OR intervention in labor AND/OR delivery (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 162031009 Indigestion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57797005 Induced abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61831009 Induced psychotic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1335005 Induratio penis plastica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34319007 Induration of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127347009 Industrial trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59363009 Inevitable abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409035008 Infant behavior alteration (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161838002 Infant feeding problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91555003 Infant formula (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414488002 Infantile botulism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230772000 Infantile cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1593000 Infantile hemiplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236028000 Infantile hydrocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408858002 Infantile psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200776003 Infantile seborrheic dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1178005 Infantile spastic cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413102000 Infarction of basal ganglia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77296004 Infarction of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426983002 Infarction of medulla oblongata (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22035000 Infarction of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33793000 Infarction of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429649005 Infected blisters of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 122482001 Infected bursa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300941005 Infected face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300950007 Infected hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404207003 Infected hernioplasty mesh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428762009 Infected insect bite of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283347003 Infected insect bite of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426002008 Infected olecranon bursa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234215001 Infected pacemaker (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254671003 Infected sebaceous cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269294008 Infection and inflammation reaction due to internal prosthetic device implant or graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213038007 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 310609005 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal orthopedic fixation device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213138009 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device implant and graft in genital tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31871009 Infection AND/OR inflammatory reaction due to internal prosthetic device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69698001 Infection as complication of medical care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51545005 Infection by Acremonium falciforme (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61750000 Infection by Angiostrongylus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56722001 Infection by Balantidium coli (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56460009 Infection by Bipolaris hawaiiense (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58777003 Infection by Cryptosporidium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360419005 Infection by Enterobius vermicularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88264003 Infection by larvae of Trichinella spiralis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111906006 Infection by Leptosphaeria senegalensis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44250009 Infection by Loa loa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83854004 Infection by Madurella grisea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58484007 Infection by Madurella mycetomii (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61842000 Infection by Microsporida (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38539003 Infection by Onchocerca volvulus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30369007 Infection by Paragonimus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287369006 Infection by Phialophora gougerotii (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286391005 Infection by Phialophora jeanselmei (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10087007 Infection by Schistosoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301810000 Infection by site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1214006 Infection by Strongyloides (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76172008 Infection by Taenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49078004 Infection by Toxocara canis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56335008 Infection by Trichomonas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77506005 Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423451008 Infection due to anaerobic bacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409796004 Infection due to antimicrobial resistant bacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2918000 Infection due to Bacteroides (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77116006 Infection due to Bordetella parapertussis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398565003 Infection due to clostridium botulinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65154009 Infection due to Clostridium perfringens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406574007 Infection due to enterococcus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71057007 Infection due to Escherichia coli (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66301008 Infection due to Group A Shigella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430945004 Infection due to mycobacteria resistant to multiple antimycobacterial agents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373029007 Infection due to Mycobacterium abscessus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371686006 Infection due to Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare group (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372930006 Infection due to Mycobacterium gordonae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21704002 Infection due to Mycobacterium kansasii (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373438001 Infection due to Mycobacterium marinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430946003 Infection due to quinolone and fluoroquinolone resistant bacteria (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 372292006 Infection due to resistant organism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406602003 Infection due to Staphylococcus aureus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423271002 Infection due to Streptococcus group G (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406619001 Infection due to toxocara (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10573002 Infection of amniotic cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427769002 Infection of amputation stump (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430332005 Infection of arteriovenous graft for hemodialysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432263000 Infection of biventricular cardiac pacemaker (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371061003 Infection of bladder catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111253001 Infection of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111252006 Infection of bone associated with another disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408866006 Infection of central venous catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430957008 Infection of central venous catheter exit site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203217000 Infection of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24342007 Infection of cesarean section AND/OR perineal wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129127001 Infection of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402697000 Infection of external ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299991003 Infection of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299990002 Infection of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310643001 Infection of intravenous catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203219002 Infection of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238408000 Infection of nail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111459000 Infection of nipple associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203229009 Infection of phalanx of finger or thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429670004 Infection of prepatellar bursa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 108365000 Infection of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19824006 Infection of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428877005 Infection of skin of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432728006 Infection of skin of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424463006 Infection of soft tissue of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423064000 Infection of soft tissue of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128939001 Infection of subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19773009 Infection of the breast AND/OR nipple associated with childbirth (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 203218005 Infection of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427898007 Infection of tooth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432617000 Infection of total ankle joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433084008 Infection of total knee joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433085009 Infection of unicondylar knee joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429268001 Infection of vascular catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432616009 Infection of ventriculoperitoneal shunt (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371095004 Infection resistant to penicillin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199205008 Infections of bladder in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199110003 Infections of kidney in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199112006 Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41942005 Infectious AND/OR communicable disease of undetermined etiology (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 235896001 Infectious cirrhosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39341005 Infectious colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19213003 Infectious diarrheal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40733004 Infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66598005 Infectious disease carrier (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40609001 Infectious disease in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128402005 Infectious disease of cardiovascular system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189176002 Infectious disease of genitourinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129128006 Infectious disorder of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233785003 Infectious disorder of trachea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12463005 Infectious gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206341008 Infectious granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271558008 Infectious mononucleosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129129003 Infectious peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89114005 Infectious secondary iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3511005 Infectious thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396234004 Infective arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428385007 Infective arthritis of joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428437005 Infective arthritis of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312219000 Infective blepharitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299699004 Infective conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236620008 Infective cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27023008 Infective dermatitis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71577007 Infective dermatitis of eyelid resulting in deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312215006 Infective encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233850007 Infective endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312423006 Infective laryngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29689003 Infective myositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86981007 Infective otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312422001 Infective pharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312342009 Infective pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61126009 Infective polyarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196489000 Infective sialoadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236681009 Infective urethritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410477000 Infective uveitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199153003 Infective/parasitic disease in preg/childbirth/puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4107000 Infertile male syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359559003 Infertility due to azoospermia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414495006 Infestation by Demodex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60412004 Infestation by fly larvae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20848007 Infestation by Pediculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71011005 Infestation by Phthirus pubis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62752005 Infestation by Sarcoptes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408643008 Infiltrating duct carcinoma of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422399001 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast stage 1 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422479008 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast stage 2 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423114009 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast stage 3 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424229006 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast stage 4 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186175002 Infiltrative lung tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298160000 Inflamed joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425940002 Inflammation of bursa of olecranon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37610005 Inflammation of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277169005 Inflammation of ear canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430328004 Inflammation of esophagus due to chemotherapy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34229002 Inflammation of ventriculus (stomach disorder) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428101005 Inflammatory acne (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267601009 Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24526004 Inflammatory bowel disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128241005 Inflammatory disease of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95361005 Inflammatory disease of mucous membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47132003 Inflammatory disease of vagina and/or vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128139000 Inflammatory disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363175000 Inflammatory disorder of extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266423006 Inflammatory disorder of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128478005 Inflammatory disorder of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128496001 Inflammatory disorder of muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371163003 Inflammatory disorder of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128295000 Inflammatory disorder of the eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417373000 Inflammatory polyarthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72789009 Inflammatory pseudotumor of orbit proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6963001 Inflammatory spondylopathy associated with another disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6142004 Influenza (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427873006 Influenza due to influenza virus type A avian H5N1 strain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74644004 Influenza with encephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61700007 Influenza with non-respiratory manifestation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41269000 Influenzal bronchopneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95891005 Influenza-like illness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310385006 Information status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45231001 Infrapatellar bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3192005 Infundibular pulmonic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400097005 Ingrowing nail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25055007 Ingrowing nail with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400200009 Ingrowing toenail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396232000 Inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2303007 Inguinal hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84231005 Inguinal hernia without obstruction AND without gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127199000 Inguinal lymphadenopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102570003 Inguinal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70340006 Inhalant abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5002000 Inhalant dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60901005 Inhalant intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18689007 Inhalant intoxication delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20876004 Inhalant-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89451009 Inhalant-induced mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61104008 Inhalant-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32875003 Inhalant-induced persisting dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75122001 Inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63983005 Inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292169005 Inhalational anesthetics adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11389007 Inhalational anthrax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60103007 Inhibited female orgasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2438005 Iniencephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275659002 Injection given (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95376002 Injection site disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95384003 Injection site extravasation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95403007 Injection site fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67861006 Injury at C1-C4 level with anterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6342009 Injury at C1-C4 level with central cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19090007 Injury at C1-C4 level with complete lesion of spinal cord AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67016008 Injury at C1-C4 level with posterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24392008 Injury at C1-C4 level with spinal cord injury AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70307002 Injury at C5-C7 level with anterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38278003 Injury at C5-C7 level with central cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39881005 Injury at C5-C7 level with complete lesion of spinal cord AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76179004 Injury at C5-C7 level with posterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11807002 Injury at C5-C7 level with spinal cord injury AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42206007 Injury at T1-T6 level with anterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64684007 Injury at T1-T6 level with central cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40795009 Injury at T1-T6 level with complete lesion of spinal cord AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24380008 Injury at T1-T6 level with posterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53810004 Injury at T1-T6 level with spinal cord injury AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55600008 Injury at T7-T12 level with anterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64617008 Injury at T7-T12 level with central cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55983005 Injury at T7-T12 level with complete lesion of spinal cord AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91641000 Injury at T7-T12 level with posterior cord syndrome AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25331007 Injury at T7-T12 level with spinal cord injury AND without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282745002 Injury by mechanism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 242651001 Injury caused by animal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371708003 Injury due to electrical exposure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24803000 Injury due to exposure to ionizing radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219256006 Injury due to legal intervention (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219274002 Injury due to legal intervention by blunt object (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219269005 Injury due to legal intervention by gas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 440144004 Injury due to suicide attempt (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128069005 Injury of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10392004 Injury of abdominal aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9441002 Injury of acoustic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123397009 Injury of anatomical site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125603006 Injury of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52576001 Injury of anterior tibial artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429421009 Injury of artery of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285711003 Injury of artery of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 171008 Injury of ascending right colon without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67843002 Injury of axillary artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47185005 Injury of axillary nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81102000 Injury of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127313006 Injury of bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77165001 Injury of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57662003 Injury of blood vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35191005 Injury of blood vessels of abdomen AND/OR pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85564003 Injury of blood vessels of head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41335004 Injury of blood vessels of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60190000 Injury of blood vessels of thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88744007 Injury of blood vessels of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67447005 Injury of body of pancreas without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 6836001 Injury of brachial plexus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62112002 Injury of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128125000 Injury of bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6956001 Injury of carotid artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68708005 Injury of celiac AND/OR mesenteric arteries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74297002 Injury of cervical nerve roots (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65978000 Injury of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18147000 Injury of colon with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 658009 Injury of colon without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52984008 Injury of common femoral artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231863008 Injury of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17769000 Injury of cranial nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77706007 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1264004 Injury of descending left colon without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76877000 Injury of diaphragm with open wound into cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50444002 Injury of diaphragm without open wound into cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4412009 Injury of digital nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371562001 Injury of dorsal nerve roots (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111683002 Injury of duodenum without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2999009 Injury of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125596004 Injury of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 320934008 Injury of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282752000 Injury of eye region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125593007 Injury of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53933002 Injury of facial nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56343003 Injury of female external genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7449006 Injury of femoral nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111696001 Injury of femoral vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428095009 Injury of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52011008 Injury of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439052006 Injury of flexor tendon of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125604000 Injury of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125597008 Injury of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47771009 Injury of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65071008 Injury of gastrointestinal tract without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263122000 Injury of glenoid labrum of shoulder joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125599006 Injury of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82271004 Injury of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58565006 Injury of head of pancreas without open wound into cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86175003 Injury of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3759007 Injury of heart with open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125600009 Injury of hip region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428192009 Injury of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80820004 Injury of internal carotid artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105612003 Injury of internal organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72332008 Injury of intestine with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57771004 Injury of intestine without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 40095003 Injury of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61474001 Injury of kidney with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20341008 Injury of kidney without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125601008 Injury of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262755005 Injury of lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438479005 Injury of ligament of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15151004 Injury of liver with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34798003 Injury of liver without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127279002 Injury of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125602001 Injury of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24300005 Injury of lumbar nerve roots (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79705001 Injury of lumbosacral plexus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43842003 Injury of lung with open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24350003 Injury of lung without open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427782005 Injury of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67279004 Injury of median nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439072001 Injury of median nerve distal to forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427914009 Injury of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65759007 Injury of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6378004 Injury of multiple blood vessels of head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7505006 Injury of multiple blood vessels of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49280002 Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51000003 Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34047002 Injury of multiple intrathoracic organs without open wound into cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36052009 Injury of multiple nerves of pelvic girdle AND/OR lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111701008 Injury of multiple nerves of shoulder girdle AND/OR upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 25110002 Injury of multiple sites in colon AND/OR rectum with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29691006 Injury of multiple sites in colon AND/OR rectum without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25420003 Injury of multiple sites of pancreas with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20474007 Injury of multiple sites of pancreas without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95847005 Injury of muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7680008 Injury of musculocutaneous nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438480008 Injury of nail bed of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90460009 Injury of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429432009 Injury of nerve of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63942007 Injury of nerve of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129135003 Injury of nerve of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33411003 Injury of nerve roots AND/OR spinal plexus of multiple sites (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 212330000 Injury of nerves at lower leg level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212361009 Injury of nerves at shoulder and upper arm level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19491003 Injury of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69820004 Injury of optic chiasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230519001 Injury of optic tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7369002 Injury of palmar artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269159008 Injury of pelvic organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285808008 Injury of peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15531007 Injury of popliteal artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111697005 Injury of popliteal vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76276001 Injury of popliteal vessels (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36523002 Injury of posterior tibial artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87450004 Injury of radial nerve (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429353004 Injury of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125635006 Injury of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52087004 Injury of rectum without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28545001 Injury of renal vessels (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35790004 Injury of retroperitoneum without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 282770002 Injury of ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431947002 Injury of sacrum due to trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235131006 Injury of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37325002 Injury of saphenous vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68152007 Injury of scapular region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86269002 Injury of sciatic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125594001 Injury of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10998006 Injury of sigmoid colon with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 38972005 Injury of sigmoid colon without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 68734002 Injury of small intestine without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 429433004 Injury of soft tissue of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23589004 Injury of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5256002 Injury of spleen with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20213006 Injury of spleen without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432754003 Injury of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74355005 Injury of stomach with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58935006 Injury of stomach without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20593006 Injury of superficial femoral artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23119003 Injury of superficial nerves of head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47533003 Injury of tail of pancreas without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 21763005 Injury of teeth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307731004 Injury of tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7523003 Injury of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59568004 Injury of thoracic aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284006002 Injury of thoracic cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262523007 Injury of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428881005 Injury of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81884004 Injury of tibial nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282776008 Injury of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83209008 Injury of transverse colon without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 72556006 Injury of trigeminal nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48125009 Injury of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429197005 Injury of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35709005 Injury of ulnar artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62745008 Injury of ulnar nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219358009 Injury of unknown intent by extremes of cold (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219334005 Injury of unknown intent by firearms and explosives (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219346009 Injury of unknown intent due to fall from height (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 242977006 Injury of unknown intent due to fall from high man-made structure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 125595000 Injury of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127278005 Injury of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46328008 Injury of ureter without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262890007 Injury of urinary tract proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125637003 Injury of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83276000 Injury of uterus with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125598003 Injury of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210823006 Injury to blood vessels of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53785005 Injury to brachial plexus as birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231813003 Injury to eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212145003 Injury to oculomotor nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269735005 Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 36854009 Inlet contraction of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199409004 Inlet pelvic contraction - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276433004 Insect bite - wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283331000 Insect bite of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283339003 Insect bite of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283336005 Insect bite of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269205004 Insect bite nonvenomous of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299971005 Insect sting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84997000 Insecticide poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193462001 Insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24121004 Insomnia disorder related to another mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81608000 Insomnia disorder related to known organic factor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41975002 Insomnia with sleep apnea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429696002 Instability of femoropatellar joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67374007 Instability of joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38253002 Instability of lumbosacral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428358000 Instability of multiple joints (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90896002 Institutional environment related disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53024001 Insufficient weight gain of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293177002 Insulin adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302822000 Insulinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237599002 Insulin-treated non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30721006 Intention tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410061008 Intentional poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431307001 Intentional poisoning by drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416528001 Intentional weight loss (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247389006 Intercostal neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230646002 Intercostal neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69777007 Interlocked twins (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405986005 Intermediate grade histologic differentiation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64996003 Intermenstrual bleeding - irregular (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427191004 Intermetatarsal bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194102001 Intermittent alternating esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194104000 Intermittent alternating exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65460003 Intermittent angle-closure glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427603009 Intermittent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63491006 Intermittent claudication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27590007 Intermittent esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49774006 Intermittent exophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63988001 Intermittent exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40987004 Intermittent explosive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194101008 Intermittent monocular esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194103006 Intermittent monocular exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16941005 Intermittent spinal claudication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74025007 Intermittent tropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90458007 Internal hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38214006 Internal hemorrhoids without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414521009 Internal hordeolum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195277008 Internal iliac aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20784007 Internal injury of abdominal organs with open wound into cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 64789007 Internal injury of abdominal organs without open wound into cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 27817002 Internal injury of chest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299228008 Internal tibial torsion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15540006 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics cervical cancer (FIGO CC) stage 1 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14927003 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics vulvar carcinoma (FIGO VC) stage II (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22364004 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics vulvar carcinoma (FIGO VC) stage III (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72780008 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics vulvar carcinoma (FIGO VC) stage IV (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313341008 International Normalized Ratio (INR) raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49823009 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365947001 Interpretations of behavior finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218728005 Interrupted aortic arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15867007 Intersexuality (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77690003 Interstitial emphysema of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1763009 Interstitial keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233703007 Interstitial lung disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55925001 Interstitial myositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28689008 Interstitial nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64667001 Interstitial pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58759008 Intertrigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36427004 Intervertebral disc disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34139004 Intervertebral disc disorder of lumbar region with myelopathy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 41022003 Intervertebral disc disorder of thoracic region with myelopathy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 44983007 Intervertebral disc disorder with myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33132004 Intervertebral disc rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67766009 Intestinal adhesions with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22169002 Intestinal disaccharidase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26249004 Intestinal helminthiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111839008 Intestinal infection due to Escherichia coli (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428874003 Intestinal infection due to Escherichia coli serotype O158 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82930004 Intestinal infection due to Pseudomonas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197476001 Intestinal malabsorption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72519002 Intestinal metaplasia of gastric mucosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81060008 Intestinal obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77437008 Intestinal obstruction due to a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87282003 Intestinal parasitism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9707006 Intestinal volvulus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43080001 Intestinouterine fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12245007 Intestinovaginal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40046003 Intestinovesical fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80585000 Intolerant of cold (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95553004 Intraabdominal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30477007 Intra-abdominal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27614006 Intracranial abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128609009 Intracranial aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254937005 Intracranial glioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1386000 Intracranial hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82894007 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127309004 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with brief loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34501004 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127310009 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with moderate loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77768006 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18605003 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78879009 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13289004 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7819003 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91216000 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111671004 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound and prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127311008 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with prolonged loss of consciousness AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127312001 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury with prolonged loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66976009 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury without intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17667005 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 78757009 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18485009 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37134004 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78477003 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1430001 Intracranial hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302820008 Intracranial meningioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312586003 Intracranial thrombophlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254935002 Intracranial tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425936006 Intractable ophthalmic migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109889007 Intraductal carcinoma in situ of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400066006 Intraepithelial squamous cell carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109842005 Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110995008 Intramural calcification of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93616000 Intramural leiomyoma of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232078000 Intraocular foreign body in vitreous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302157000 Intraocular pressure finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418801006 Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38010008 Intrapartum hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59606006 Intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236000006 Intraperitoneal hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1427008 Intraspinal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361115000 Intrauterine adhesions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205386003 Intrauterine amputation of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65727000 Intrauterine pregnancy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427913003 Intravaginal torsion of spermatic cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292163006 Intravenous anesthetics adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 228388006 Intravenous drug user (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206395003 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage grade 1 of fetus and newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206396002 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage grade 2 of fetus and newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206397006 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage grade 3 of fetus and newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276648002 Intraventricular hemorrhage of prematurity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233685005 Intrinsic asthma with asthma attack (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59327009 Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12428000 Intrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268633003 Introverted personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49723003 Intussusception of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429427008 Invasive fungal sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423829008 Invasive vulval Paget's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82231009 Inversion of nipple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59931005 Inverted T wave (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38295006 Involutional paraphrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190279008 Iodine hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129623003 Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204153003 Irido-corneo-trabecular dysgenesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77971008 Iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45953007 Iridodialysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5743005 Iridoschisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75895005 Iris bomb? (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65074000 Iritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293354007 Iron adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35240004 Iron deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87522002 Iron deficiency anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191128004 Iron deficiency anemia due to dietary causes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60737008 Iron overload (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11251000 Irradiation cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196890003 Irreducible epigastric hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196809009 Irreducible inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196863007 Irreducible umbilical hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47099006 Irregular astigmatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289444003 Irregular fetal heart rhythm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80182007 Irregular periods (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271793004 Irregular sleep-wake pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10743008 Irritable colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42541005 Irritant gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371584001 Irritation of penis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52674009 Ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30588004 Ischemic colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426856002 Ischemic congestive cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238794007 Ischemic foot ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307407008 Ischemic hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238793001 Ischemic leg ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281091000 Ischemic myocardial dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14357004 Ischemic optic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13026000 Ischemic stricture of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422504002 Ischemic stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13954005 Ischemic ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429768000 Ischemic ulcer of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70911004 Ischiatic hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36046008 Ischiorectal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286977005 Ischiorectal abscess/fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56623003 Ischiorectal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42681006 Islet cell hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78378009 Isoimmune neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66958002 Isoimmunization from non-ABO non-Rh blood-group incompatibility affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230322000 Isolated cervical dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192097003 Isolated explosive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10340008 Isolated gonadotropin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237687003 Isolated growth hormone deficiency - autosomal dominant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2109003 Isolated somatotropin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414546009 Isoniazid resistant tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45248009 Isosexual virilization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87827003 Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418363000 Itching of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84801008 Jaccoud's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 792004 Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18165001 Jaundice (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253982000 Jaw congenital deformities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282756002 Jaw injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274667000 Jaw pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266420009 Jaw to cranial base anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5127009 Jaw-winking syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77475008 Jealous delusion disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263180005 Jefferson fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387604006 Jet lag (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50926003 Job's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267936005 Joint ankylosis of the ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267933002 Joint ankylosis of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267935009 Joint ankylosis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202298000 Joint ankylosis of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267932007 Joint ankylosis of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267931000 Joint contracture of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398993007 Joint derangement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267942009 Joint effusion of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267941002 Joint effusion of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267939003 Joint effusion of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118952005 Joint finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57676002 Joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298266002 Joint problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84445001 Joint stiffness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271771009 Joint swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110288007 Joint tenderness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399336001 Juvenile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1674008 Juvenile epithelial corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6204001 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39925003 Juvenile myopathy encephalopathy lactic acidosis AND stroke (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 61663001 Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19579005 Juvenile osteochondritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84062004 Juvenile osteochondrosis of carpal lunate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15739006 Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip AND/OR pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 355208009 Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 354223006 Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity excluding foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28466007 Juvenile osteochondrosis of second metatarsal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53406005 Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203392007 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203389008 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the secondary patellar center (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72047008 Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibial tubercle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62100001 Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238941009 Juvenile pemphigoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410795001 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400031009 Juvenile xanthogranuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6313001 Juxtapapillary focal choroiditis AND chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46497009 Juxtapapillary focal retinitis AND retinochoroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313426007 Kabuki make-up syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109385007 Kaposi's sarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109389001 Kaposi's sarcoma of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109390005 Kaposi's sarcoma of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109391009 Kaposi's sarcoma of lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109392002 Kaposi's sarcoma of multiple organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109388009 Kaposi's sarcoma of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109386008 Kaposi's sarcoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188029000 Kaposi's sarcoma of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42402006 Kartagener syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86635005 Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428725007 Kaschin-Beck disease of the spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270505009 Kashin-Beck disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201929006 Kashin-Beck disease of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201927008 Kashin-Beck disease of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201923007 Kashin-Beck disease of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201924001 Kashin-Beck disease of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201926004 Kashin-Beck disease of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201925000 Kashin-Beck disease of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201921009 Kashin-Beck disease of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201922002 Kashin-Beck disease of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77103006 Kayser-Fleischer ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25792000 Kearns-Sayre syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33659008 Keloid scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5888003 Keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239059004 Keratitis ichthyosis and deafness syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68166002 Keratitis in exanthema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254662007 Keratoacanthoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88151007 Keratoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78946008 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca in Sj?gren's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46622000 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca not specified as Sj?gren's (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65636009 Keratoconus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193844000 Keratoconus stable condition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414555007 Keratoderma blennorrhagicum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85149007 Keratomalacia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427355004 Keratopathy due to corneal stem cell failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254666005 Keratosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48611009 Keratosis follicularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5132005 Keratosis pilaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50143004 Kernicterus of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56051008 Ketoacidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420422005 Ketoacidosis in diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420270002 Ketoacidosis in type I diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421750000 Ketoacidosis in type II diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226108007 Ketogenic diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274783007 Ketonuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2538008 Ketosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90708001 Kidney disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249578005 Kidney finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95570007 Kidney stone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82304009 Kissing spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111488004 Kleine-Levin syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69361009 Kleptomania (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405769009 Klinefelter's syndrome XXY (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5601008 Klippel-Feil sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59078009 Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81774005 Klumpke-D?jerine paralysis as birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202317007 Knee joint ankylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202381003 Knee joint effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299321000 Knee joint finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30989003 Knee pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239777004 Knee pyogenic arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249913002 Knee stiff (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199516000 Known or suspected fetal abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66064007 Known OR suspected fetal abnormality affecting management of mother (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 57480000 Known OR suspected fetal anencephaly affecting obstetrical care (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 80190007 Known OR suspected fetal hydrocephalus affecting obstetrical care (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 37382001 Known OR suspected fetal spina bifida with myelomeningocele affecting obstetrical care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16687001 Knuckle pads (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74561007 Kommerell's diverticulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69482004 Korsakoff's psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102266007 Kosher diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54280009 Kugelberg-Welander disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86188000 Kuru (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58262005 Kwashiorkor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203638000 Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405773007 Kyphoscoliosis deformity of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45650007 Kyphoscoliotic heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414564002 Kyphosis deformity of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61094002 La Crosse encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248866005 Labial adhesions (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276789009 Labile hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118216002 Labor finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45757002 Labor problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5239005 Labyrinthine dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89097000 Labyrinthine fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23919004 Labyrinthitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312608009 Laceration - injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3542000 Laceration extending into parenchyma of spleen with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78914008 Laceration of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22819008 Laceration of brain with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55702009 Laceration of brain without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199972004 Laceration of cervix - obstetric (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428233007 Laceration of digital nerve in finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430206002 Laceration of extensor tendon of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231816006 Laceration of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111688006 Laceration of eyelid involving lacrimal passages (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32124004 Laceration of eyelid full-thickness not involving lacrimal passages (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274172008 Laceration of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284551006 Laceration of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283359004 Laceration of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231795004 Laceration of globe of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284549007 Laceration of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428088000 Laceration of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283358007 Laceration of head and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283384001 Laceration of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74324004 Laceration of kidney without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 283386004 Laceration of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262802005 Laceration of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283357002 Laceration of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76890007 Laceration of lung without open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274165007 Laceration of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14997005 Laceration of skin of eyelid AND periocular area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429418007 Laceration of skin of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262822009 Laceration of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284552004 Laceration of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283375001 Laceration of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283366003 Laceration of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283372003 Laceration of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40979000 Lack of exercise (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27038009 Lacrimal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48615000 Lacrimal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42758002 Lacrimal mucocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417563003 Lacrimal sac granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91273001 Lactic acidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42385006 Lactocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91584007 Lactose controlled diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78502005 Lactose free diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267425008 Lactose intolerance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6228004 Lacto-vegetarian diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230702001 Lacunar ataxic hemiparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230698000 Lacunar infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60735000 Lagophthalmos (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193577007 Lamellar zonular cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38494008 Langer mesomelic dysplasia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65399007 Langerhans cell histiocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118614007 Langerhans cell histiocytosis disseminated (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129000002 Langerhans cell histiocytosis unifocal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424423005 Language barrier impedes ability to use community resources (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229676007 Language-related cognitive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277637000 Large cell anaplastic lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254629004 Large cell carcinoma of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424938000 Large cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423050000 Large cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424970000 Large cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 3 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423600008 Large cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 4 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199423002 Large fetus causing disproportion with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404510009 Large gram-negative rods (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12138000 Large head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80515008 Large liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276412008 Large testicle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199616008 Large-for-dates fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199618009 Large-for-dates with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195866009 Laryngeal pachydermia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232457008 Laryngeal papillomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406444002 Laryngeal spasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297159008 Laryngeal web (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45913009 Laryngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427780002 Laryngitis due to gastroesophageal reflux (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38086007 Laryngomalacia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414581006 Laryngopharyngeal reflux (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55130001 Laryngotracheitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85915003 Laryngotracheobronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30401009 Late amputation stump complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266126006 Late congenital neurosyphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82323002 Late congenital syphilis (2 years OR more) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21835004 Late effect of burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427766009 Late effect of burn of limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15271003 Late effect of burn of wrist AND/OR hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19856004 Late effect of burns of eye face head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70209001 Late effect of complications of procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111733004 Late effect of complications of trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80350001 Late effect of contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49880009 Late effect of crushing injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2366001 Late effect of dislocation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431027007 Late effect of domestic violence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427966000 Late effect of epidural hematoma due to trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64857008 Late effect of external cause (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36758002 Late effect of fracture of lower extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72933006 Late effect of fracture of multiple bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17194005 Late effect of fracture of neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37655003 Late effect of fracture of skull AND/OR face bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9341001 Late effect of fracture of spine AND/OR trunk without spinal cord lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23123006 Late effect of fracture of upper extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42438004 Late effect of injuries to skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14817008 Late effect of injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8328009 Late effect of injury to blood vessels of head neck AND/OR extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36539009 Late effect of injury to cranial nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111731002 Late effect of injury to internal organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111729006 Late effect of injury to nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1988005 Late effect of injury to nerve roots spinal plexus AND/OR other nerves of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88533001 Late effect of injury to peripheral nerve of pelvic girdle AND/OR lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23658007 Late effect of injury to peripheral nerve of shoulder girdle AND/OR upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69913007 Late effect of internal injury to chest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18685001 Late effect of internal injury to intra-abdominal organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74472004 Late effect of intracranial injury without skull fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269191009 Late effect of medical and surgical care complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210916009 Late effect of musculoskeletal and connective tissue injuries (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428704007 Late effect of musculoskeletal strain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210942009 Late effect of nervous system injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3859001 Late effect of open wound of extremities without tendon injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 38532007 Late effect of open wound of head neck AND/OR trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14546008 Late effect of poisoning due to drug medicinal AND/OR biological substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78523004 Late effect of radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431010004 Late effect of radiation therapy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81642009 Late effect of spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428213008 Late effect of subdural hematoma due to trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111727008 Late effect of superficial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80692000 Late effect of tendon injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63978002 Late effect of toxic effects of nonmedical substances (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3640000 Late effect of traumatic amputation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429656004 Late effect of traumatic injury to brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218245004 Late effects due to accidental injury (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218252002 Late effects of accident due to natural and environmental factors (finding SNOMED-CT
0-L 218250005 Late effects of accidental fall (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218246003 Late effects of accidental injury (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 242937003 Late effects of assault (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187253003 Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195239002 Late effects of cerebrovascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219437004 Late effects of injury due to war operations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210915008 Late effects of injury poisoning toxic effects and other external causes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192775006 Late effects of intracranial abscess or pyogenic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 218247007 Late effects of motor vehicle accident (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110270004 Late effects of poliomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109903009 Late effects of pyogenic intracranial abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187252008 Late effects of respiratory tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110269000 Late effects of viral encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401278005 Late for appointment (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186903006 Late latent syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83017007 Late menarche (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9635004 Late metabolic acidosis of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199032005 Late pregnancy vomiting - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199033000 Late pregnancy vomiting - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72083004 Late syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38331001 Late vomiting of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186867005 Latent early syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68610001 Latent nystagmus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191559008 Latent schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191565008 Latent schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67125004 Latent syphilis with positive serology (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48747004 Lateral displacement of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202855006 Lateral epicondylitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60525009 Lateral plantar neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300916003 Latex allergy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361199007 Lattice corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292135009 Laxative adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27911000 Laxity of ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48407005 Le Fort's fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63669006 Le Fort's fracture type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44916009 Le Fort's fracture type II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37027003 Le Fort's fracture type III (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83722004 Leakage of cardiac device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161129001 Learning difficulties (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58610003 Leber's optic atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63467002 Left bundle branch block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4973001 Left bundle branch hemiblock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123641001 Left coronary artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85232009 Left heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278287000 Left hemiparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301716002 Left lower quadrant pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301000005 Left lower zone pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301715003 Left upper quadrant pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301002002 Left upper zone pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253541009 Left ventricular dilatation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55827005 Left ventricular hypertrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 134401001 Left ventricular systolic dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102550009 Leg cramp (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45939007 Leg length inequality (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262994004 Leg sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111431001 Legal abortion complicated by damage to pelvic organs AND/OR tissues (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 58071009 Legal abortion complicated by delayed AND/OR excessive hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 57734001 Legal abortion complicated by embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373901007 Legal abortion complicated by genital-pelvic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3634007 Legal abortion complicated by metabolic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4576001 Legal abortion complicated by renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27169005 Legal abortion complicated by shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48433002 Legal abortion with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34500003 Legal abortion without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193731001 Legal blindness USA (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 365567004 Legal history finding relating to appointment of power of attorney (finding SNOMED-CT
0-L 160812005 Legal insurance problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39406005 Legally induced abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26726000 Legionella infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29570005 Leigh's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276805005 Leiomyoma of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424279009 Leiomyoma of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276812001 Leiomyoma of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80612004 Leishmaniasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230418006 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70461003 Lens-induced iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398744007 Lentigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302836005 Lentigo maligna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302837001 Lentigo maligna melanoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21560005 Lepromatous leprosy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81004002 Leprosy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77377001 Leptospirosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307816004 Leriche's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17818006 Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300457003 Lesion of bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301766008 Lesion of brain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301827008 Lesion of bronchus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289794001 Lesion of cervix (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300130009 Lesion of ear canal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301913002 Lesion of eyelid (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289488005 Lesion of labia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301210007 Lesion of larynx (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301350008 Lesion of lip (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300331000 Lesion of liver (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301232003 Lesion of lung (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298397000 Lesion of neck (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 290097008 Lesion of nipple (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301191003 Lesion of nose (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289840004 Lesion of ovary (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300513000 Lesion of penis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300257000 Lesion of salivary gland (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300246005 Lesion of tongue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367475009 Lesion of ulnar nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289662001 Lesion of uterus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301218000 Lesion of vocal cord (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289474006 Lesion of vulva (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304782008 Lesions of nerves plexuses and roots (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193735005 Lesser eye: total visual impairment Better eye: near normal vision (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 58961005 Lethal midline granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 214264003 Lethargy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93133006 Letterer-Siwe disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93134000 Letterer-Siwe disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93135004 Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93136003 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of axilla AND/OR upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93137007 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93138002 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region AND/OR lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93139005 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93140007 Letterer-Siwe disease of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93142004 Leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93143009 Leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93152000 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93144003 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93145002 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93146001 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188648000 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188645002 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188649008 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93150008 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188651007 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56478004 Leukemoid reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1361009 Leukocoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111583006 Leukocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192781003 Leukodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84828003 Leukopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274134003 Leukoplakia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50923006 Leukoplakia of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32236000 Leukoplakia of gingiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17531008 Leukoplakia of lips (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414603003 Leukoplakia of oral mucosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111420009 Leukoplakia of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71086005 Leukoplakia of vocal cords (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198380007 Leukoplakia of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190481008 LH - luteinizing hormone deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88996004 Lichen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238782003 Lichen aureus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41890004 Lichen nitidus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64540004 Lichen planopilaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4776004 Lichen planus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25674000 Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53891004 Lichen simplex chronicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42442001 Lichen striatus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263126002 Ligament injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239985003 Ligamentous laxity of wrist and/or hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55006001 Light chain nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62481005 Light intolerance (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64177003 Light-for-dates with signs of fetal malnutrition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189445003 Light-for-dates without fetal malnutrition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386705008 Lightheadedness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51264003 Limbal AND/OR corneal involvement in vernal conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417089009 Limbal stem cell deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93153005 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230192003 Limbic encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70733008 Limitation of joint movement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89385006 Limited duction associated with other condition of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425881006 Limit-setting sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16973004 Limping (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427926004 Lingual dysarthria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426696003 Lingular pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195804009 Lingular tonsillitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361266001 Lip hypertrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231908001 Lipid keratopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293417004 Lipid-lowering drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 166818002 Lipids abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248315005 Lipoatrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410016009 Lipodermatosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71325002 Lipodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11455007 Lipoidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93163002 Lipoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423361002 Lipoma of dorsal spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425719009 Lipoma of genital labium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301871007 Lipoma of head and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93157006 Lipoma of intra-abdominal organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93158001 Lipoma of intrathoracic organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255187008 Lipoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93159009 Lipoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93162007 Lipoma of spermatic cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189017000 Lipoma of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402693001 Lipomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253120005 Lipomeningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267436001 Lipoprotein deficiency disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254829001 Liposarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10888001 Liquid diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69577009 Lisping (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204036008 Lissencephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4241002 Listeriosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275917000 Lithium monitoring (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281050002 Livebirth (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238772004 Livedo reticularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238762002 Livedoid vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109841003 Liver cell carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85057007 Liver cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427022004 Liver disease due to cystic fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199117000 Liver disorder in pregnancy - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199118005 Liver disorder in pregnancy - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15230009 Liver disorder in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 166643006 Liver enzymes abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240798009 Liver fluke infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 166603001 Liver function tests abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262796008 Liver hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300332007 Liver mass (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105529008 Lives alone (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278516003 Lobar pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47306003 Lobomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109888004 Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278054005 Lobular carcinoma of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292176000 Local anesthetic drug adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76844004 Local infection of wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314955001 Local recurrence of malignant tumor of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230381009 Localization-related epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230390002 Localization-related symptomatic epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87420007 Localized adhesions AND/OR strands of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21946002 Localized anterior staphyloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274724004 Localized edema (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10443009 Localized infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430348006 Localized infection of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201048007 Localized morphea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270486005 Localized obesity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33952002 Localized osteoarthrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28391008 Localized retinal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47375003 Localized Salmonella infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428786006 Localized superficial swelling of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274750000 Localized swelling mass and lump upper limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43972005 Localized traumatic opacity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4873000 Localized vascularization of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201836008 Localized primary osteoarthritis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201835007 Localized primary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 313257005 Localized primary osteoarthritis of the wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201855008 Localized secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle and/or foot (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 201851004 Localized secondary osteoarthritis of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201852006 Localized secondary osteoarthritis of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201854007 Localized secondary osteoarthritis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267890003 Localized secondary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 201849003 Localized secondary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201850003 Localized secondary osteoarthritis of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38023001 Locked in syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427895005 Loculated pleural effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237996001 Long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202967007 Long head of biceps rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9651007 Long QT syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426387005 Long-chain fatty acid transport deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52837007 Longitudinal deficiency of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66078008 Longitudinal deficiency of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25301001 Longitudinal deficiency of phalanges of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22868008 Longitudinal deficiency of phalanges of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61900003 Longitudinal deficiency of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70902004 Longitudinal deficiency of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202162000 Loose body in ankle joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202163005 Loose body in foot joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202160008 Loose body in hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2775001 Loose body in joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267917000 Loose body in joint of ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202151000 Loose body in joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267914007 Loose body in joint of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81512004 Loose body in knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202156005 Loose body in shoulder joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202155009 Loose joint body in multiple joints (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281439008 Loosening of shoulder joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61960001 Lordosis deformity of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79890006 Loss of appetite (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170766006 Loss of hypoglycemic warning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44169009 Loss of sense of smell (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196439008 Loss of teeth due to an accident (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313166000 Loss of visual fusion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279039007 Low back pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300956001 Low back strain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276610007 Low birth weight infant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45007003 Low blood pressure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44088000 Low cardiac output syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9009001 Low compliance bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226175006 Low copper diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16208003 Low fat diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 369766003 Low grade (lymphoma grade) (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277615007 Low grade B-cell lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429408002 Low grade glioma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428960009 Low grade glioma of brainstem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428753007 Low grade glioma of cerebellum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428964000 Low grade glioma of cerebrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428965004 Low grade glioma of thalamus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425037004 Low grade lymphoma stage 1 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226165008 Low phosphate diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160675002 Low residue diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50485007 Low tension glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226196004 Low tyramine diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193745007 Low vision one eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54586004 Lower abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282766005 Lower back injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87763006 Lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312378004 Lower limb arterial embolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250131003 Lower limb joint arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297946004 Lower limb nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4009004 Lower urinary tract infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307541003 Lower urinary tract symptoms (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55475008 Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196542004 Ludwig's angina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61203005 Lumbar AND/OR sacral arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212183002 Lumbar cord injury without spinal bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274137005 Lumbar disc lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202731005 Lumbar disc prolapse with myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202735001 Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279063004 Lumbar facet joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203987001 Lumbar meningomyelocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128196005 Lumbar radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417130004 Lumbar somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203936004 Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202824000 Lumbar spine instability (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298591003 Lumbar spine scoliosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239880009 Lumbar spondylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67437007 Lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62195001 Lumbosacral neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4062006 Lumbosacral plexus lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230617009 Lumbosacral plexus neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79244005 Lumbosacral prespondylolisthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46578006 Lumbosacral radiculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2415007 Lumbosacral radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123798002 Lumbosacral spondylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48210000 Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309710005 Lumbosacral strain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299704007 Lump on face (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248521008 Lump on finger (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196137000 Lung disease with Sj?gren's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196133001 Lung disease with systemic sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274710003 Lung field abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165019004 Lung function testing abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196131004 Lung involvement associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309529002 Lung mass (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19267009 Lupus anticoagulant disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77753005 Lupus disease of the lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19682006 Lupus hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20842008 Luxation of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23067006 Lyell's toxic epidermal necrolysis subepidermal type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33937009 Lyme arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23502006 Lyme disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19471005 Lymphadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30746006 Lymphadenopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400178008 Lymphangioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1415005 Lymphangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234095009 Lymphatic malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234097001 Lymphedema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439128001 Lymphedema due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403386004 Lymphedema of genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439500002 Lymphedema of limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403385000 Lymphedema of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403387008 Lymphedema of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427930001 Lymphedema of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77123007 Lymphedema praecox (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234109007 Lymphocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428114006 Lymphocele after surgical procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31437008 Lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48813009 Lymphocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186946009 Lymphogranuloma venereum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128863005 Lymphoid hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188725004 Lymphoid leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93169003 Lymphoid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236513009 Lymphoma of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422853008 Lymphoma of retroperitoneal space (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30440004 Lymphoma stage I (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31047003 Lymphomatoid papulosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277466009 Lymphoproliferative disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188498009 Lymphosarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188502002 Lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188505000 Lymphosarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188501009 Lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188503007 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188500005 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188504001 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188507008 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188506004 Lymphosarcoma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 303852004 Lysinuric protein intolerance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237967002 Lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19410003 Macrocephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83414005 Macrocytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397073000 Macrocytosis red cells (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69381005 Macrodactylia of fingers (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4136000 Macrodactylia of toes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9740002 Macroencephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109516004 Macrogenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190817009 Macroglobulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23024003 Macrogyria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253011004 Macroprolactinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69056000 Macrotia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60258001 Macular corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42031001 Macular focal retinitis AND retinochoroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232006002 Macular hole (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2853006 Macular keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1079004 Macular retinal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37231002 Macular retinal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4530000 Madelung's deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186397005 Madura foot - actinomycotic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46041001 Maffucci syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407669000 Magnetic resonance imaging of brain abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40096002 Major abnormality of bony pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266419003 Major anomaly of jaw size (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63412003 Major depression in complete remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30605009 Major depression in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42810003 Major depression in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70747007 Major depression single episode in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36923009 Major depression single episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19527009 Major depression single episode in complete remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370143000 Major depressive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40125005 Major puerperal infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77147000 Malabsorption in the elderly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267426009 Malabsorption of glucose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32230006 Malabsorption syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367391008 Malaise (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271795006 Malaise and fatigue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423352002 Malakoplakia of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61462000 Malaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69294005 Malaria in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248437004 Malarial fever (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398175007 Male erectile disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274112000 Male genital abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198068005 Male genital organ edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66259004 Male hematocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48723006 Male hypogonadism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2904007 Male infertility (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87872006 Male pattern alopecia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197180003 Male pelvic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22317004 Male pelvic peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407376001 Male-to-female transsexual (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205016000 Malformation of urachus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 434392000 Malfunction of biventricular cardiac pacemaker (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432355004 Malfunction of cardiac pacemaker (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426032000 Malfunction of gastrostomy tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81363003 Malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236005001 Malignant ascites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402873007 Malignant fibrohistiocytic tumor of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254869000 Malignant germ cell tumor of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10100008 Malignant glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276826005 Malignant glioma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424276002 Malignant glioma of brainstem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118612006 Malignant histiocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93182006 Malignant histiocytosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93183001 Malignant histiocytosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93184007 Malignant histiocytosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188641006 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93185008 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of axilla AND/OR upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188640007 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93186009 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188642004 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93187000 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of inguinal region AND/OR lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93188005 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93189002 Malignant histiocytosis of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213026003 Malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthetic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70272006 Malignant hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66610008 Malignant hypertensive heart AND renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83105008 Malignant hypertensive heart disease with congestive heart failure (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 36315003 Malignant hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65443008 Malignant hypertensive renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405501007 Malignant hyperthermia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274905008 Malignant lymphoma - lymphocytic intermediate differentiation (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 118600007 Malignant lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427141003 Malignant lymphoma in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93199007 Malignant lymphoma of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93191005 Malignant lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93192003 Malignant lymphoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93193008 Malignant lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93194002 Malignant lymphoma of lymph nodes of axilla AND/OR upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93195001 Malignant lymphoma of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93196000 Malignant lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region AND/OR lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93197009 Malignant lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93198004 Malignant lymphoma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278051002 Malignant lymphoma of thyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118615008 Malignant mast cell tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372244006 Malignant melanoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276821000 Malignant melanoma of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255021005 Malignant melanoma of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255015006 Malignant melanoma of ciliary body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255004001 Malignant melanoma of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274087000 Malignant melanoma of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188030005 Malignant melanoma of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276822007 Malignant melanoma of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423673009 Malignant melanoma of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188044004 Malignant melanoma of scalp AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93655004 Malignant melanoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93212009 Malignant melanoma of skin of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93216007 Malignant melanoma of skin of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423280002 Malignant melanoma of skin of canthus of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93217003 Malignant melanoma of skin of cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93219000 Malignant melanoma of skin of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93220006 Malignant melanoma of skin of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93221005 Malignant melanoma of skin of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93222003 Malignant melanoma of skin of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93223008 Malignant melanoma of skin of eyebrow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93224002 Malignant melanoma of skin of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93225001 Malignant melanoma of skin of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93226000 Malignant melanoma of skin of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93228004 Malignant melanoma of skin of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93229007 Malignant melanoma of skin of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93636004 Malignant melanoma of skin of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93640008 Malignant melanoma of skin of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423447006 Malignant melanoma of skin of lower eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93641007 Malignant melanoma of skin of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424302003 Malignant melanoma of skin of lower lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93642000 Malignant melanoma of skin of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93643005 Malignant melanoma of skin of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93646002 Malignant melanoma of skin of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93647006 Malignant melanoma of skin of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93648001 Malignant melanoma of skin of temporal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93651008 Malignant melanoma of skin of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423494003 Malignant melanoma of skin of upper eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93653006 Malignant melanoma of skin of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424487008 Malignant melanoma of skin of upper lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93654000 Malignant melanoma of skin of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424190005 Malignant melanoma of unknown origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254896002 Malignant melanoma of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230156002 Malignant meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109853004 Malignant mesothelioma of peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254645002 Malignant mesothelioma of pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425225007 Malignant mixed tumor of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188366002 Malignant neoplasm of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371964008 Malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188242006 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188156001 Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372108006 Malignant neoplasm of bone of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187900002 Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187734007 Malignant neoplasm of cardioesophageal junction of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372062007 Malignant neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363474009 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363471001 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188280007 Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum (excluding lobes and ventricles) (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188183000 Malignant neoplasm of cervical stump (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372097009 Malignant neoplasm of endocervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371982006 Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188261005 Malignant neoplasm of eyeball excluding conjunctiva cornea retina and choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231829006 Malignant neoplasm of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372064008 Malignant neoplasm of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363467004 Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423691004 Malignant neoplasm of gum and contiguous sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188353002 Malignant neoplasm of head neck and face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188241004 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93870000 Malignant neoplasm of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372095001 Malignant neoplasm of male breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363370001 Malignant neoplasm of mesentery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187809000 Malignant neoplasm of mesocolon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187866005 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187864008 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus or lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188163001 Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of male breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363470000 Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363469001 Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188326001 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188243001 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187920001 Malignant neoplasm of ribs and/or sternum and/or clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372130007 Malignant neoplasm of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372122006 Malignant neoplasm of skin head and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188090007 Malignant neoplasm of skin of auricle (ear) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188100000 Malignant neoplasm of skin of temple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269469005 Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188317004 Malignant neoplasm of spinal dura mater (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188184006 Malignant neoplasm of squamocolumnar junction of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363468009 Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188287005 Malignant neoplasm of thalamus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269464000 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus or lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371973000 Malignant neoplasm of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188247000 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188180002 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of cervix uteri (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363346000 Malignant neoplastic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94146005 Malignant otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254844000 Malignant phyllodes tumor of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89242004 Malignant secondary hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269466003 Malignant tumor of bone and articular cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363493006 Malignant tumor of bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363354003 Malignant tumor of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363406005 Malignant tumor of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363464006 Malignant tumor of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363402007 Malignant tumor of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363385007 Malignant tumor of floor of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363353009 Malignant tumor of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363382005 Malignant tumor of gum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255056009 Malignant tumor of head and/or neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188286001 Malignant tumor of hypothalamus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363508008 Malignant tumor of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363518003 Malignant tumor of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188272000 Malignant tumor of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363504005 Malignant tumor of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363358000 Malignant tumor of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269475001 Malignant tumor of lymphoid hemopoietic AND/OR related tissue (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 187692001 Malignant tumor of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363443007 Malignant tumor of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363418001 Malignant tumor of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363481002 Malignant tumor of parathyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363460002 Malignant tumor of paraurethral gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363379000 Malignant tumor of parotid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363484005 Malignant tumor of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254986007 Malignant tumor of peripheral nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363507003 Malignant tumor of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399068003 Malignant tumor of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363351006 Malignant tumor of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363457009 Malignant tumor of renal pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255072001 Malignant tumor of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363454002 Malignant tumor of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302816009 Malignant tumor of soft tissue of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363475005 Malignant tumor of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424549003 Malignant tumor of spinal cord extramedullary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424334007 Malignant tumor of spinal cord intramedullary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363349007 Malignant tumor of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363380002 Malignant tumor of submandibular gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363449006 Malignant tumor of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363478007 Malignant tumor of thyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363393007 Malignant tumor of tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255052006 Malignant tumor of unknown origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399326009 Malignant tumor of urinary bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363517008 Malignant tumor of urinary tract proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363373004 Malignant tumor of vermilion border of lower lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64298006 Mallet finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194333008 Malleus ankylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35265002 Mallory-Weiss syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 272588001 Malnutrition (calorie) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13365009 Malnutrition following gastrointestinal surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77702009 Malnutrition of mild degree (Gomez: 75% to less than 90% of standard weight) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77091003 Malnutrition of moderate degree (Gomez: 60% to less than 75% of standard weight) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47944004 Malocclusion of teeth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270498000 Malposition and malpresentation of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198328003 Malposition of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80002007 Malpresentation of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49008000 Malrotation of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25897000 Malt-workers' lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203497002 Malunion and nonunion of fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428112005 Malunion of fracture of proximal femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22049009 Mammary duct ectasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129788004 Mammographic breast mass finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168750009 Mammography abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397143007 Mammography assessment (Category 3) - Probably benign finding short interval follow-up (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168749009 Mammography normal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231494001 Mania (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284513006 Manic behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68569003 Manic bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30935000 Manic bipolar I disorder in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63249007 Manic bipolar I disorder in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45479006 Manic bipolar I disorder in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111530003 Manifest vertical squint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65524005 Mannosidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403931007 Mantleoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268376005 Mantoux: positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27718001 Maple syrup urine disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86638007 Maple-bark strippers' lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77503002 Marburg virus disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386766007 Marchiafava-Bignami disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19346006 Marfan's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47398006 Marginal corneal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95730003 Marginal keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39895008 Marginal perforation of tympanic membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 252283005 Marginal periodontitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69463008 Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271602007 Masculinized female (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274751001 Mass in head or neck (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422840005 Mass lesion of brain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237783006 Mass of adrenal gland (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235771005 Mass of appendix (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300848003 Mass of body structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 441124000 Mass of chest wall (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425711007 Mass of colon (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300855001 Mass of digestive structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427702008 Mass of duodenum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300849006 Mass of eye structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309526009 Mass of hand (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432525007 Mass of head (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309530007 Mass of hilum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428637004 Mass of hip joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429650005 Mass of joint of hand (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309531006 Mass of knee (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428670009 Mass of knee joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309527000 Mass of lower limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94147001 Mass of mediastinum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300861003 Mass of musculoskeletal structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429429006 Mass of nasopharynx (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299703001 Mass of neck (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289922002 Mass of ovary (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425810000 Mass of pancreas (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 315284009 Mass of parotid gland (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74285003 Mass of pelvic structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69559004 Mass of retroperitoneal structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427779000 Mass of salivary gland (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53929009 Mass of scrotum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427746000 Mass of shoulder region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297960002 Mass of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300297002 Mass of stomach (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431029005 Mass of subcutaneous tissue of upper limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87860000 Mass of testicle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237557003 Mass of thyroid gland (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309525008 Mass of upper limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428090004 Mass of urinary bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300857009 Mass of urinary tract structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300856000 Mass of urogenital structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431041003 Mass of wrist joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110002002 Mast cell leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397009000 Mast cell malignancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188664008 Mast cell malignancy of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188667001 Mast cell malignancy of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188663002 Mast cell malignancy of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188665009 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188662007 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188666005 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188669003 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188668006 Mast cell malignancy of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274131006 Mastitis - obstetric (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45198002 Mastitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86216003 Mastitis associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404171008 Mastocytoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52404001 Mastoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17704007 Masturbation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4783006 Maternal diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia affecting fetus OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200099005 Maternal distress - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87383005 Maternal distress (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95606005 Maternal drug exposure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199165004 Maternal gonorrhea during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199161008 Maternal gonorrhea during pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 288250001 Maternal hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200111005 Maternal hypotension syndrome - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200112003 Maternal hypotension syndrome - delivered with postnatal problem (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 88887003 Maternal hypotension syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200114002 Maternal hypotension syndrome with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44772007 Maternal obesity syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297225000 Maternal phenylketonuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37141005 Maternal pyrexia during labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270497005 Maternal rubella in pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199158007 Maternal syphilis during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80255009 Maternal transfer neutropenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199175001 Maternal tuberculosis during pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427627006 Maternal virilization due to placental aromatase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279225001 Maternity blues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 849000 Mature cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119424003 Mature cystic teratoma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109685003 Maxillary alveolar hypoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426190008 Maxillary cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234484005 May-Hegglin anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250279001 May-Hegglin anomaly (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14189004 Measles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371111005 Measles immune (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38921001 Measles with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269443004 Mech. complic. GU device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111740003 Mechanical breakdown of cardiac device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45945004 Mechanical complication due to breast prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12727006 Mechanical complication due to cardiac pacemaker electrode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29859007 Mechanical complication due to corneal graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78717006 Mechanical complication due to coronary bypass graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87656001 Mechanical complication due to cystostomy catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43873004 Mechanical complication due to heart valve prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4002008 Mechanical complication due to intrauterine contraceptive device (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 64690006 Mechanical complication due to ocular lens prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79767006 Mechanical complication due to prosthetic reconstruction of vas deferens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8961006 Mechanical complication due to repair of ureter without resection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 22391002 Mechanical complication due to skin graft failure AND/OR rejection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 79315005 Mechanical complication due to urethral indwelling catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79325000 Mechanical complication of aortic graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66225003 Mechanical complication of arteriovenous fistula surgically created (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 75446001 Mechanical complication of cardiac device implant AND/OR graft (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111739000 Mechanical complication of cardiovascular device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45136001 Mechanical complication of carotid artery bypass graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111746009 Mechanical complication of device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17778006 Mechanical complication of dialysis catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56836000 Mechanical complication of genitourinary device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213104001 Mechanical complication of internal joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111744007 Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213071006 Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device implant and graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5285008 Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50006004 Mechanical complication of intra-aortic balloon device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16411000 Mechanical complication of nervous system device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431028002 Mechanical complication of peritoneal dialysis catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16565003 Mechanical complication of prosthetic implant in chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8282005 Mechanical complication of umbrella device of vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45020000 Mechanical ectropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38683003 Mechanical entropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46420000 Mechanical ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21783006 Mechanical lagophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279040009 Mechanical low back pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432479001 Mechanical malfunction of biventricular automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78340007 Mechanical obstruction of cardiac device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76201007 Mechanical ptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5371001 Mechanical strabismus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111531004 Mechanical strabismus due to musculofascial disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29076005 Meckel-Gruber syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37373007 Meckel's diverticulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206523001 Meconium ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59534005 Meconium in amniotic fluid not clear if noted before OR after onset of labor in liveborn infant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53286005 Medial epicondylitis of elbow joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246611002 Median nerve entrapment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397828008 Median neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52324001 Mediastinal lymphadenopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47597000 Mediastinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266757004 Medical contraindication to procedure (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 182888003 Medication requested (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401207004 Medication side effects present (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31430005 Medication-induced postural tremor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45894003 Medionecrosis of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204957003 Medullary cystic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236443009 Medullary sponge kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255032005 Medullary thyroid carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111565003 Medulloadrenal hyperfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277505007 Medulloblastoma of cerebellum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85901000 Megacalycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33995003 Megacolon not Hirschsprung's (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94148006 Megakaryocytic leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53165003 Megaloblastic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85649008 Megaloblastic anemia due to folate deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49472006 Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B>12%lt; deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268158009 Megalocornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309779001 Meibomianitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400096001 Melanocytic nevus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109283002 Melanocytic nevus of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127330008 Melanoma in situ by body site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109274007 Melanoma in situ of eyelid including canthus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109292004 Melanoma in situ of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109266006 Melanoma in situ of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109290007 Melanoma in situ of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414662006 Melanosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11256005 Melanosis coli (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428876001 Melanosis of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387003 Melanuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2901004 Melena (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37770007 Melkersson's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 290006 Melnick-Fraser syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288207006 Membrane rupture with delivery delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77182004 Membranous glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94150003 Membranous ventricular septum defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386807006 Memory impairment (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13445001 Mèniére's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302883007 Meningeal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274830005 Meningism present (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7180009 Meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285343001 Meningitis contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9467007 Meningococcal arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33618002 Meningococcal carditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18071005 Meningococcal encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23511006 Meningococcal infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192644005 Meningococcal meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4089001 Meningococcemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170473002 Meningococcus contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7125002 Meningoencephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17949000 Meningoencephalitis due to acquired toxoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52330001 Meningoencephalocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74772000 Meningomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414667000 Meningomyelocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240568004 Meningovascular syphilis - quaternary stage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59178007 Menkes kinky-hair syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314631008 Menometrorrhagia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266677000 Menopausal and postmenopausal disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198436008 Menopausal flushing (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68811000 Menopausal problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21801002 Menopausal symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123756000 Menopausal syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276477006 Menopause finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237138004 Menopause ovarian failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386692008 Menorrhagia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63074002 Menstrual edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23186000 Menstrual migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9126005 Menstrual spotting (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74732009 Mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199259006 Mental disorder during pregnancy - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199261002 Mental disorder during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3914008 Mental disorder in childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106013002 Mental disorder of infancy childhood or adolescence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199257008 Mental disorders during pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 91138005 Mental retardation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85007004 Meralgia paresthetica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253001006 Merkel cell carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35546006 Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80321008 Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32141002 Mesenteric abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44897000 Mesenteric lymphadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127144009 Mesenteric lymphadenopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13771001 Mesenteric saponification (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307420006 Mesenteric thrombus and/or embolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24988007 Mesenteric vascular insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16567006 Mesocardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109378008 Mesothelioma (malignant clinical disorder) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109857003 Mesothelioma of mesocolon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59455009 Metabolic acidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25998009 Metabolic acidosis increased anion gap (IAG) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111377009 Metabolic acidosis normal anion gap (NAG) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1388004 Metabolic alkalosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235903001 Metabolic and genetic disorder affecting the liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75934005 Metabolic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50122000 Metabolic encephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26111005 Metabolic myopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59329007 Metabolic pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106000008 Metabolic renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237602007 Metabolic syndrome X (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209464005 Metacarpophalangeal sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396338004 Metachromatic leucodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254085009 Metaphyseal anadysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 315006004 Metastasis from malignant tumor of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314994000 Metastasis from malignant tumor of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275266006 Metastasis to digestive organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255124004 Metastasis to peripheral nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307226002 Metastatic adenocarcinoma of unknown origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61517002 Metastatic disseminated retinitis AND retinochoroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403906006 Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263251009 Metatarsal bone fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10085004 Metatarsalgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298174007 Metatarsophalangeal joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23568008 Metatarsus adductus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81539007 Metatarsus primus varus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4852000 Metatarsus varus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292052006 Methadone adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426873000 Methamphetamine dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38959009 Methemoglobinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266096002 Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312210001 Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22684007 Methylcrotonic aciduria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42393006 Methylmalonic acidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312975006 Microalbuminuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236499007 Microalbuminuric diabetic nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51071000 Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116650008 Microbiology finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44771000 Microcalcifications of the breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1829003 Microcephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37075008 Microcystoid retinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234349007 Microcytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44666001 Microcytic hypochromic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4984008 Microcytic normochromic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165474009 Microcytosis red cells (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109522008 Microgenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307649006 Microglioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4945003 Microgyria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61142002 Microphthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33229005 Microphthalmos associated with other anomalies of eye AND/OR adnexa (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 253010003 Microprolactinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235753003 Microscopic colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32935005 Microscopic cystic corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197940006 Microscopic hematuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239928004 Microscopic polyarteritis nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397565001 Microsporidia keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35045004 Microtia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234168001 Micturition syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79560005 Midabdominal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61743004 Middle ear conductive hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30400005 Middle meningeal hemorrhage following injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423633003 Midline cystocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37796009 Migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193030005 Migraine variants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4473006 Migraine with aura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56097005 Migraine without aura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111211002 Migratory polyarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370218001 Mild asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13313007 Mild bipolar disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41552001 Mild bipolar I disorder single manic episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71294008 Mild bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 78324009 Mild chronic ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74686005 Mild depressed bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19569008 Mild hyperemesis gravidarum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199022003 Mild hyperemesis-delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199023008 Mild hyperemesis-not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427679007 Mild intermittent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79298009 Mild major depression single episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71984005 Mild manic bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86765009 Mild mental retardation (I.Q. 50-70) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43769008 Mild mixed bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36622002 Mild mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312903003 Mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426979002 Mild persistent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41114007 Mild pre-eclampsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40379007 Mild recurrent major depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77362009 Mild to moderate birth asphyxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254679001 Milia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254683001 Milial cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47604008 Miliary tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111379007 Mineral deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44785005 Minimal change disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110352000 Minimal cognitive impairment (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22681004 Miotic cyst of pupillary margin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16607004 Missed abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36521000 Missed period (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361055000 Misuses drugs (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430934002 Mitochondrial mutation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16851005 Mitochondrial myopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237999008 Mitochondrial trifunctional protein deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194736003 Mitral and aortic incompetence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194733006 Mitral and aortic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194735004 Mitral insufficiency and aortic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194734000 Mitral stenosis and aortic insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194726006 Mitral stenosis with insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11851006 Mitral valve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428164004 Mitral valve disorder in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409712001 Mitral valve prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48724000 Mitral valve regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79619009 Mitral valve stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43548008 Mittelschmerz (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76220009 Mixed acid-base balance disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231504006 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195977004 Mixed asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191636007 Mixed bipolar affective disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16506000 Mixed bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111485001 Mixed bipolar I disorder in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36583000 Mixed bipolar I disorder in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35481005 Mixed bipolar I disorder in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94686001 Mixed cell type lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94687005 Mixed cell type lymphosarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94688000 Mixed cell type lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94690004 Mixed cell type lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 398049005 Mixed collagen vascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77507001 Mixed conductive AND sensorineural hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199419005 Mixed feto-pelvic disproportion with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83579008 Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267434003 Mixed hyperlipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413343005 Mixed incontinence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21070001 Mixed malaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254463006 Mixed parotid tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91566005 Mixed pediculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25766007 Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428869006 Mixed rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230493001 Mixed sleep apnea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9918001 Mobile kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54016002 Mobitz type I incomplete atrioventricular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28189009 Mobitz type II atrioventricular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370219009 Moderate asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79584002 Moderate bipolar disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28884001 Moderate bipolar I disorder single manic episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35846004 Moderate bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 78712000 Moderate chronic ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66631006 Moderate depressed bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129597002 Moderate hyperemesis gravidarum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15639000 Moderate major depression single episode (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82998009 Moderate manic bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61152003 Moderate mental retardation (I.Q. 35-49) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40926005 Moderate mixed bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9167000 Moderate mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312904009 Moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427295004 Moderate persistent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18818009 Moderate recurrent major depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226207007 Modified texture diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226168005 Modified trace element diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44782008 Molar pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40070004 Molluscum contagiosum infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201799006 Monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40467008 Mongolian spot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308537004 Monitoring status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427947000 Monoarthritis of hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109983007 Monoclonal gammopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277577000 Monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267440005 Monoclonal paraproteinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5455000 Monocular esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58409000 Monocular esotropia with A pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80899006 Monocular esotropia with noncommitance other than A OR V pattern (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94695009 Monocular esotropia with X or Y pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5725006 Monocular exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45062007 Monocular exotropia with A pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13762005 Monocular exotropia with noncommitance other than A OR V pattern (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111529008 Monocular exotropia with V pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188744006 Monocytic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19636003 Monocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14785004 Monofixation syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32595002 Mononeuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30292005 Mononeuritis multiplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62235007 Mononeuritis of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58850003 Mononeuritis of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128189008 Mononeuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420918009 Mononeuropathy associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420436000 Mononeuropathy associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249944006 Monoparesis - arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249945007 Monoparesis - leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86022000 Monoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425642008 Monoplegia of dominant lower limb as a late effect of cerebrovascular accident (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427065003 Monoplegia of dominant upper limb as a late effect of cerebrovascular accident (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80420005 Monoplegia of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426167003 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting dominant side (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426934001 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting non-dominant side (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41764006 Monoplegia of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426536006 Monoplegia of upper limb affecting non-dominant side (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56409008 Monoplegic cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205627002 Monosomy and deletion from autosome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89859004 Monostotic fibrous dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54900001 Monster (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123973009 Monteggia's fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46206005 Mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38547003 Mood disorder in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74266001 Mood disorder in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18963009 Mood swings (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22440001 Mooren's ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5808000 Morax lacunata angular conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238136002 Morbid obesity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201049004 Morphea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 378007 Morquio syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30085007 Morton's metatarsalgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205707006 Mosaic XO/XY (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283344005 Mosquito bite (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88794008 Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37031009 Motion sickness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37340000 Motor neuron disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230591002 Motor neuropathy with multiple conduction block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85423005 Motor polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4949009 Motor skill disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84752003 Mottled teeth congenital (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249376008 Mouth and/or pharynx finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60342002 Movement disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69116000 Moyamoya disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254851009 Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119422004 Mucinous cystadenoma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53773002 Mucocele of appendix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431037002 Mucocele of lower lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235017008 Mucocele of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69825009 Mucocele of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423793008 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of parotid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423708008 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423424005 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of submandibular gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254990009 Mucoepidermoid tumor of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11380006 Mucopolysaccharidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65327002 Mucopolysaccharidosis MPS-I-H (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26745009 Mucopolysaccharidosis MPS-I-H/S (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70737009 Mucopolysaccharidosis MPS-II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74417001 Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 243462001 Mucopurulent conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76627001 Mucormycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95356008 Mucosal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109256003 Mucositis following chemotherapy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 334831000 Mucous extravasation cyst of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55310007 Mucous polyp of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428116008 Multifactorial gait problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49982000 Multifocal atrial tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111210001 Multifocal fibrosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102876002 Multigravida (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56267009 Multi-infarct dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10349009 Multi-infarct dementia with delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25772007 Multi-infarct dementia with delusions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14070001 Multi-infarct dementia with depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70936005 Multi-infarct dementia uncomplicated (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237570007 Multinodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427917002 Multiple abscesses (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195183002 Multiple and bilateral precerebral arterial occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195201005 Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204166003 Multiple anterior segment anomalies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45384004 Multiple birth (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210859000 Multiple blood vessel injury of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284210005 Multiple burns of head and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429186005 Multiple closed anterior-posterior compression fractures of pelvis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 69830008 Multiple closed fractures of lower end of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59962009 Multiple closed fractures of pelvis with disruption of pelvic circle (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94702005 Multiple congenital cardiac defects (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254044004 Multiple congenital exostosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116022009 Multiple congenital malformations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78152008 Multiple cranial nerve palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66629002 Multiple defects of retina without detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199331008 Multiple delivery all by cesarean section (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287096003 Multiple dislocations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30664006 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61808009 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61530001 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 3 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59708000 Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287071001 Multiple fracture malunion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25427000 Multiple fractures of both lower limbs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54494008 Multiple fractures of both upper limbs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80224003 Multiple gestation with one OR more fetal malpresentations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262519004 Multiple injuries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210106000 Multiple intrathoracic organ injury with open wound into cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 35678005 Multiple joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194737007 Multiple mitral and aortic valve involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109430007 Multiple muscular ventricular septum defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109989006 Multiple myeloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94704006 Multiple myeloma in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42074003 Multiple nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45455009 Multiple open fractures of lower end of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86731008 Multiple open fractures of pelvis with disruption of pelvic circle (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 20714001 Multiple open fractures of skull AND/OR face without intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210347009 Multiple open wounds of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263222005 Multiple pelvic fractures (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31611000 Multiple personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16356006 Multiple pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199380003 Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199381004 Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation with antenatal problem (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428511009 Multiple pregnancy with one fetal loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193342008 Multiple retinal defects without detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24700007 Multiple sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386738004 Multiple somatic complaints (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46549005 Multiple spinal cord injuries without spinal bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429552008 Multiple stable closed lateral compression fractures of pelvis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 202510005 Multiple stiff joints (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230297002 Multiple system atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428000009 Multiple unstable closed lateral compression fractures of pelvis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 428512002 Multiple unstable closed vertical shear fractures of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246654007 Multiple visual images (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210330008 Multiple wounds of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271449003 Multiple yaws papillomata (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282028001 Multiple-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22540004 Multisystemic disseminated toxoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36989005 Mumps (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371112003 Mumps immune (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10665004 Mumps pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74717002 Mumps with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21586000 M?nchausen's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91580003 Mural thickening of intestine causing obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91335003 Mural thrombus of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25668000 Murine typhus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88092000 Muscle atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55033002 Muscle contracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80449002 Muscle fatigue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106030000 Muscle finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68962001 Muscle pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95418008 Muscle spasms of head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48532005 Muscle strain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250069006 Muscle tension (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19532005 Muscle tone atonic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60238002 Muscle twitch (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26544005 Muscle weakness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268006001 Muscle ligament and fascia disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73297009 Muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44551007 Muscular ossification (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111235007 Musculoskeletal disorder of the neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400148004 Musculoskeletal fibromatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279069000 Musculoskeletal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52333004 Mushroom workers' lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249279003 Must strain to pass urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88052002 Mutism (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91637004 Myasthenia gravis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410039003 Mycetoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403120000 Mycetoma due to Neotestudina rosatii (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425618009 Mycobacterial keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88415009 Mycobacteriosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424146000 Mycobacterium avium intracellulare localized (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186464008 Mycoplasma infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3218000 Mycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118618005 Mycosis fungoides (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94715001 Mycosis fungoides of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94707004 Mycosis fungoides of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94708009 Mycosis fungoides of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94709001 Mycosis fungoides of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94710006 Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of axilla AND/OR upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94711005 Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of head face AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94712003 Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of inguinal region AND/OR lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188627002 Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94714002 Mycosis fungoides of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233991005 Mycotic aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397977001 Mycotic corneal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230506000 Myelinated nerve fibers of optic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41370002 Myelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426599002 Myelitis due to herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82058009 Myelocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253124001 Myelodysplasia of the spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109995007 Myelodysplastic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109996008 Myelodysplastic syndrome: Refractory anemia without ringed sideroblasts without excess blasts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52967002 Myelofibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188732008 Myeloid leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94716000 Myeloid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94718004 Myeloid sarcoma in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94719007 Myeloid sarcoma disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192904000 Myelopathy due to another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2694001 Myelophthisic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47739002 Myelophthisis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360530005 Myeloschisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370569000 Myelosuppression (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64077000 Myocardial degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57809008 Myocardial disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233928007 Myocardial dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22298006 Myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50920009 Myocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127324008 Myoclonic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37356005 Myoclonic seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17450006 Myoclonus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426187002 Myoclonus of stapedius muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427789001 Myoclonus of tensor tympani muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279062009 Myofascial pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53279002 Myogenic ptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48165008 Myoglobinuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27678003 Myokymia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4316006 Myometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193248005 Myopathy due to disseminated lupus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193249002 Myopathy due to polyarteritis nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193250002 Myopathy due to rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193253000 Myopathy due to Sj?gren's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34253008 Myopathy in Addison's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53509000 Myopathy in Cushing's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57130002 Myopathy of extraocular muscles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57190000 Myopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26889001 Myositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64741003 Myotonic cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193237003 Myotonic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82077006 Myotubular myopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43153006 Myxedema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404069006 Myxoid liposarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404082003 Myxoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426191007 Myxoma of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24565001 Nabothian follicles on cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37298006 Nail biting (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201114008 Nail deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236527004 Nail patella-like renal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7267002 Narcissistic character (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80711002 Narcissistic personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60380001 Narcolepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419422001 Narrow angle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68235000 Nasal congestion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64531003 Nasal discharge (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65455002 Nasal encephalocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5645008 Nasal glial heterotopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275496003 Nasal infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42201002 Nasal mucosa dry (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232209000 Nasal obstruction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52756005 Nasal polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301199001 Nasal problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232377002 Nasal septal hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95433000 Nasal septum abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195825009 Nasal sinus mucocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232398002 Nasal sinus osteoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301202006 Nasal sinus problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55871009 Nasal step visual field defect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23714000 Nasal vestibulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90516007 Naso-labial cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196550008 Nasolabial cyst of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417162001 Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51476001 Nasopharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422587007 Nausea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16932000 Nausea and vomiting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2919008 Nausea vomiting and diarrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427461000 Near syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81680005 Neck pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209557005 Neck sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11731003 Neck webbing (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9418005 Necrobiosis lipoidica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7930004 Necrosis of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1835003 Necrosis of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42711005 Necrosis of the pulp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2707005 Necrotizing enterocolitis in fetus OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52486002 Necrotizing fasciitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1426004 Necrotizing glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11791001 Necrotizing vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283596007 Needle stick injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304234001 Needle stick injury with contaminated needle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246563002 Neglect of part of body (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49706007 Neonatal acne (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276533002 Neonatal aspiration syndromes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413341007 Neonatal bradycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414821002 Neonatal candidiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 180906006 Neonatal cardiac arrest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95623001 Neonatal coagulation disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281612009 Neonatal conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34298002 Neonatal conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78812008 Neonatal dehydration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49817004 Neonatal diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22925008 Neonatal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363219007 Neonatal gastrointestinal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95821001 Neonatal hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281610001 Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52767006 Neonatal hypoglycemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205294008 Neonatal hypotonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387712008 Neonatal jaundice (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73749009 Neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17140000 Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conjugation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82696006 Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conjugation from breast milk inhibitors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9420008 Neonatal obstruction of nasolacrimal duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83707009 Neonatal osteomyelitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32984002 Neonatal polycythemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414822009 Neonatal pulmonary hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95634003 Neonatal respiratory arrest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95619009 Neonatal respiratory failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363225006 Neonatal respiratory system disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276621003 Neonatal scalp injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402967005 Neonatal staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 413342000 Neonatal tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82835005 Neonatal thrombocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30799000 Neonatal thrush (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13795004 Neonatal thyrotoxicosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12301009 Neonatal urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399981008 Neoplasm and/or hamartoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127331007 Neoplasm by body site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128050000 Neoplasm of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126675008 Neoplasm of accessory sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127021009 Neoplasm of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126853008 Neoplasm of biliary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126885006 Neoplasm of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126537000 Neoplasm of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126538005 Neoplasm of bone of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126952004 Neoplasm of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126926005 Neoplasm of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127028003 Neoplasm of carotid body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126553002 Neoplasm of cervical vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126838000 Neoplasm of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128348002 Neoplasm of digestive system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363228008 Neoplasm of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371481006 Neoplasm of eye region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126768004 Neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127030001 Neoplasm of glomus jugulare (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126654000 Neoplasm of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255055008 Neoplasm of head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387842002 Neoplasm of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126686005 Neoplasm of hypopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127250009 Neoplasm of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126634001 Neoplasm of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126880001 Neoplasm of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126692004 Neoplasm of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126770008 Neoplasm of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126851005 Neoplasm of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126555009 Neoplasm of lumbar vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127274007 Neoplasm of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126635000 Neoplasm of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402874001 Neoplasm of nerve sheath origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126669004 Neoplasm of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 395505000 Neoplasm of optic nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127003006 Neoplasm of orbit proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127227003 Neoplasm of palatine tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126788000 Neoplasm of parotid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126980002 Neoplasm of peripheral nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127026004 Neoplasm of pineal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127024001 Neoplasm of pituitary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126906006 Neoplasm of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126667002 Neoplasm of respiratory tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126845000 Neoplasm of sigmoid colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126488004 Neoplasm of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126499002 Neoplasm of skin of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126512005 Neoplasm of skin of groin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126504002 Neoplasm of skin of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126500006 Neoplasm of skin of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126832004 Neoplasm of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387837005 Neoplasm of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126612003 Neoplasm of soft tissues of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126962006 Neoplasm of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126964007 Neoplasm of spinal meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127230005 Neoplasm of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126900000 Neoplasm of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126554008 Neoplasm of thoracic vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127231009 Neoplasm of thymus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126778001 Neoplasm of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94730005 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94733007 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ampulla of Vater (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94754000 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94760000 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone and articular cartilage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94763003 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269497004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94784008 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94787001 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cerebral meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94804003 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94807005 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cranial nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94820008 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of endocrine gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94831000 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94836005 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94837001 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of female genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94851001 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94861008 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94865004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94878004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of intestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94889006 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94899001 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94909007 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94910002 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94920007 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94925002 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109914007 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255062004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oral cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94972002 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of orbit proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94974001 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189473001 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of paraganglia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109917000 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of peripheral nerves and peripheral autonomic nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189401003 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95002008 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pineal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95004009 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pituitary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95005005 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95006006 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95014000 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95026005 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of respiratory tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95132003 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of retroperitoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95087004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95061004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95062006 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94805002 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of soft tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95127004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95133008 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95141008 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95165006 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of urinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95167003 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95110007 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189494003 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126915004 Neoplasm of uterine adnexa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55342001 Neoplastic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118616009 Neoplastic disease of uncertain behavior (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83270006 Neoplastic pleural effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232086000 Neovascular glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7724006 Nephritic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52845002 Nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197577008 Nephritis nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302849000 Nephroblastoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48638002 Nephrocalcinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111395007 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428720002 Nephropathy due to heroin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32916005 Nephrosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52254009 Nephrotic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197603000 Nephrotic syndrome associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197605007 Nephrotic syndrome in diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197607004 Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197591002 Nephrotic syndrome with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 197590001 Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197589005 Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236428007 Nephrotoxic acute renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123753008 Nephrotoxic serum nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106144008 Nerve cell AND/OR nerve fiber finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87194000 Nerve fiber bundle defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57182000 Nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2231001 Nerve plexus disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72274001 Nerve root disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129137006 Nerve root injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287253002 Nerve sutured (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193105005 Nerve plexus and root disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193067002 Nervous system complication from surgically implanted device (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 73371001 Neural hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253098009 Neural tube defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16269008 Neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288236006 Neuralgia/neuritis - forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288239004 Neuralgia/neuritis - lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26609002 Neuralgic amyotrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370509002 Neurapraxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404022001 Neurilemmoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84299009 Neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429668008 Neuritis of saphenous nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191962000 Neurocirculatory asthenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78572006 Neurocutaneous syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267854005 Neurodermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255046005 Neuroendocrine tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404029005 Neurofibroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425327002 Neurofibroma of subcutaneous tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19133005 Neurofibromatosis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92824003 Neurofibromatosis type 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 92503002 Neurofibromatosis type 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398064005 Neurogenic bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433183000 Neurogenic bladder as late effect of cerebrovascular accident (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 425561001 Neurogenic bladder as late effect of poliomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428190001 Neurogenic bladder due to spina bifida (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425671009 Neurogenic bowel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 303081002 Neurogenic claudication (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2040007 Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45369008 Neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417496004 Neuroinvasive Eastern equine encephalitis virus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417607009 Neuroinvasive St. Louis encephalitis virus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292371003 Neuroleptic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15244003 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 291121009 Neuroleptic poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22719003 Neuroleptic-induced acute akathisia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83465002 Neuroleptic-induced acute dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38941006 Neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422088007 Neurologic disorder associated with diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421326000 Neurologic disorder associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 127346000 Neurologic disorder of eye movements (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421468001 Neurological disorder associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 81196009 Neuroma of amputation stump (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429661002 Neuroma of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428733008 Neuroma of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423435000 Neuroma of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128213006 Neuromuscular junction disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203656000 Neuromuscular kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203660002 Neuromuscular lordosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203662005 Neuromuscular scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25044007 Neuromyelitis optica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42012007 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247398009 Neuropathic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403601003 Neuropathic ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386033004 Neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230598008 Neuropathy due to human immunodeficiency virus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410471004 Neuroretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111475002 Neurosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26039008 Neurosyphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19466003 Neurotoxicity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77080005 Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46359005 Neutropenia associated with infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 303011007 Neutropenic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266919005 Never smoked tobacco (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40929003 Nevus anemicus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255024002 Nevus of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255006004 Nevus of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95711003 Nevus of iris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206570000 Newborn drug reaction and intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276549000 Newborn physiological jaundice (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55331005 Newborn regurgitation of food (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55602000 Nezelof's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56294008 Nicotine dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90755006 Nicotine withdrawal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30310000 Nicotine-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65194006 Night blindness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102549009 Night cramps (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42984000 Night sweats (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248819006 Nipple finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237462004 Nipple infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404520004 No Chlamydia trachomatis found (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1230003 No diagnosis on Axis I (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10125004 No diagnosis on Axis II (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51112002 No diagnosis on Axis III (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29227009 Nocardiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35928006 Nocturnal angina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8009008 Nocturnal enuresis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230445007 Nocturnal epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407666007 Nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72620002 Nodular degeneration of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111200005 Nodular elastosis with cysts AND comedones of Favre and Racouchot (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 70558001 Nodular episcleritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400138001 Nodular fasciitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269476000 Nodular lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95194004 Nodular lymphoma of extranodal AND/OR solid organ site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95186006 Nodular lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95187002 Nodular lymphoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95188007 Nodular lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188612002 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188609000 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188613007 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 95192000 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95193005 Nodular lymphoma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95413004 Nodular tenosynovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80602006 Nodular tuberculosis of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428477002 Nodule of conjunctiva (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428187007 Nodule of liver (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19653005 Noise effects on inner ear (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73415002 Noise-induced hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230496009 Non-24 hour sleep-wake cycle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372058001 Non-accidental injury to adult (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197315008 Non-alcoholic fatty liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266361008 Non-allergic asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87505004 Nonallopathic lesion of abdomen (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80609002 Nonallopathic lesion of cervicothoracic region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91651004 Nonallopathic lesion of lower extremities (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203695004 Nonallopathic lesion of the cervical region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203694000 Nonallopathic lesion of the head region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203697007 Nonallopathic lesion of the lumbar region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203699005 Nonallopathic lesion of the pelvic region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203703008 Nonallopathic lesion of the rib cage (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203698002 Nonallopathic lesion of the sacral region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203696003 Nonallopathic lesion of the thoracic region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3505007 Nonallopathic lesion of upper extremities (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46322009 Non-arthropod-borne viral disease of the central nervous system (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 396333008 Non-articular rheumatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191216004 Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236673008 Non-bacterial prostatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274668005 Non-cardiac chest pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53642007 Non-chemical burn of cornea AND/OR conjunctival sac (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129834002 Noncompliance with medication regimen (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248043008 Non-compliant behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191884001 Nondependent alcohol abuse in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191882002 Nondependent alcohol abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191883007 Nondependent alcohol abuse episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268648009 Nondependent amphetamine or other psychostimulant abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414874007 Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse in remission (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 191924003 Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse continuous (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 191925002 Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191930003 Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191895007 Nondependent cannabis abuse in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191893000 Nondependent cannabis abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191894006 Nondependent cannabis abuse episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191920007 Nondependent cocaine abuse in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191918009 Nondependent cocaine abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191919001 Nondependent cocaine abuse episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191901005 Nondependent hallucinogen abuse in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191907009 Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191905001 Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191906000 Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191938005 Nondependent mixed drug abuse in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191936009 Nondependent mixed drug abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191914006 Nondependent opioid abuse in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191912005 Nondependent opioid abuse continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191913000 Nondependent opioid abuse episodic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230796005 Non-diabetic hypoglycemic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46674002 Nondiabetic proliferative retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427111000 Non-epileptic myoclonus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414875008 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427055009 Nonferrous ocular metallosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47595008 Nonfilarial elephantiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84619001 Nongonococcal urethritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403676009 Non-healing surgical wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118601006 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276509008 Non-immune hydrops fetalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14066009 Noninfectious colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12574004 Noninfectious gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46916006 Noninfectious secondary iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69980003 Non-infective diarrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266273006 Non-infective lymphatic disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232345000 Non-infective non-allergic rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56228003 Noninflammatory disorder of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22741003 Noninflammatory disorder of the vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28271003 Noninflammatory disorder of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266591002 Noninflammatory disorders of the ovary fallopian tube and broad ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4907004 Non-involution of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237939006 Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62856000 Nonobliterative otosclerosis involving oval window (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69609002 Nonobstructive cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197764002 Non-obstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196452003 Non-odontogenic developmental cyst of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292041000 Non-opioid analgesic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425499006 Non-organic communication disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192454004 Nonorganic insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192017004 Non-organic loss of appetite (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425476007 Non-organic parasomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8137003 Non-organic primary enuresis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75499007 Non-organic secondary enuresis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270487001 Non-organic sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426082005 Nonossified fibroma of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267816005 Non-pressure ulcer lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 390834004 Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426836003 Nonpuerperal abscess of areola (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7079009 Nonpuerperal abscess of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83620003 Nonpuerperal mastitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192679007 Non-pyogenic meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314207007 Non-Q wave myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42994005 Nonruptured cerebral aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399305009 Nonsenile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424132000 Non-small cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425048006 Non-small cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422968005 Non-small cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 3 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423121009 Non-small cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 4 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254637007 Non-small cell lung cancer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8392000 Non-smoker (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76011009 Non-specific brain syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129452008 Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67038005 Nonspecific ulcerative proctitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62473009 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-associated gastropathy (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 418032008 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug sensitivity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416759002 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs contraindicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278023006 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36241006 Non-toxic multinodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190236006 Non-toxic nodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190237002 Non-toxic uninodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203374004 Non-traumatic acute slipped upper femoral epiphysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405577005 Nontraumatic dissection of thoracic aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427458001 Nontraumatic exertional compartment syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397809001 Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54816003 Nontraumatic hematoma of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64443004 Nontraumatic hematoma of seminal vesicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35644004 Nontraumatic hematoma of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45626005 Nontraumatic hemoperitoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405576001 Nontraumatic hemothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425957003 Non-traumatic intracerebral ventricular hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424175006 Nontraumatic rotator cuff tear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29191005 Nontraumatic rupture of muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202963006 Non-traumatic rupture of patellar tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 715001 Nontraumatic rupture of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268002004 Non-traumatic tendon rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277869007 Non-tuberculous mycobacterial pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3696007 Nonulcer dyspepsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302941001 Nonunion of fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431011000 Nonunion of fracture of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38189003 Nonvenomous insect bite of ankle with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68765006 Nonvenomous insect bite of ankle without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42089007 Nonvenomous insect bite of anus with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17198008 Nonvenomous insect bite of ear with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44921007 Nonvenomous insect bite of ear without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67862004 Nonvenomous insect bite of elbow with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82244004 Nonvenomous insect bite of elbow without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10662001 Nonvenomous insect bite of face with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71696000 Nonvenomous insect bite of face without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52705001 Nonvenomous insect bite of finger with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23458001 Nonvenomous insect bite of finger without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 801006 Nonvenomous insect bite of foot with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29757004 Nonvenomous insect bite of foot without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60298004 Nonvenomous insect bite of forearm with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9377008 Nonvenomous insect bite of forearm without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25726008 Nonvenomous insect bite of groin with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27447009 Nonvenomous insect bite of groin without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53188002 Nonvenomous insect bite of gum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3084004 Nonvenomous insect bite of gum without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76584003 Nonvenomous insect bite of hip with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23455003 Nonvenomous insect bite of hip without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21494009 Nonvenomous insect bite of leg with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54504003 Nonvenomous insect bite of leg without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60807005 Nonvenomous insect bite of lip with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14220008 Nonvenomous insect bite of lip without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428509000 Nonvenomous insect bite of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428471001 Nonvenomous insect bite of multiple sites with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37887002 Nonvenomous insect bite of neck with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21037006 Nonvenomous insect bite of neck without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67974004 Nonvenomous insect bite of nose with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70417006 Nonvenomous insect bite of nose without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35057008 Nonvenomous insect bite of penis with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35383007 Nonvenomous insect bite of penis without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30818003 Nonvenomous insect bite of perineum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31867006 Nonvenomous insect bite of perineum without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70294003 Nonvenomous insect bite of scalp with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20638007 Nonvenomous insect bite of scalp without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47027001 Nonvenomous insect bite of scrotum with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23111000 Nonvenomous insect bite of scrotum without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77874001 Nonvenomous insect bite of shoulder with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13737005 Nonvenomous insect bite of shoulder without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81769002 Nonvenomous insect bite of testis with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78761003 Nonvenomous insect bite of testis without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59443003 Nonvenomous insect bite of thigh with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8975004 Nonvenomous insect bite of thigh without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17384006 Nonvenomous insect bite of toe with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8297008 Nonvenomous insect bite of toe without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19108007 Nonvenomous insect bite of trunk with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73405008 Nonvenomous insect bite of trunk without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45915002 Nonvenomous insect bite of upper arm with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68626000 Nonvenomous insect bite of upper arm without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4124006 Nonvenomous insect bite of vagina with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87005006 Nonvenomous insect bite of vagina without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53706009 Nonvenomous insect bite of vulva with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62679002 Nonvenomous insect bite of vulva without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91060006 Nonvenomous insect bite of wrist with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13904004 Nonvenomous insect bite of wrist without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10461000 Nonvenomous insect bite with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89021008 Nonvenomous insect bite without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205824006 Noonan's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36823005 Normal diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23506009 Normal flora (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35874009 Normal labor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78456001 Normal menstrual cycle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30753002 Normal pressure hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45089002 Normal vision (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43664005 Normal weight (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402855009 Normocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44452003 Normocytic hypochromic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46737006 Normocytic normochromic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19168005 Nosocomial infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 224194003 Not entitled to benefits (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248256006 Not getting enough sleep (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401168001 Not yet speaking (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277802001 Notalgia paresthetica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53889007 Nuclear cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373414000 Nuclear sclerosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193589009 Nuclear senile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44077006 Numbness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309557009 Numbness of face (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309521004 Numbness of hand (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102603008 Numbness of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298753001 Numbness of upper limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81418003 Nummular eczema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50845008 Nursing difficulty (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195023001 Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66612000 Nutritional anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70241007 Nutritional deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47563007 Nutritional deficiency (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428707000 Nutritional deficiency in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2492009 Nutritional disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360562008 Nutritional edema without dyspigmentation of skin AND/OR hair (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 29740003 Nutritional marasmus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82108004 Nutritional optic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 563001 Nystagmus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46888001 Nystagmus associated with disorder of the vestibular system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414915002 Obese (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414916001 Obesity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298464002 Obesity of endocrine origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28715001 Objective tinnitus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199359009 Oblique lie with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40100001 Obliterative bronchiolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55664001 Obliterative otosclerosis involving oval window (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266242007 Obscure African cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1376001 Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191736004 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200057009 Obstetric anesthesia with cardiac complications - delivered with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200063000 Obstetric anesthesia with central nervous system complications - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200303005 Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism with antenatal complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 200304004 Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism with postnatal complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 200374003 Obstetric breast abscess - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200376001 Obstetric breast abscess with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200377005 Obstetric breast abscess with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199990003 Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199979008 Obstetric high vaginal laceration - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199977005 Obstetric high vaginal laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199980006 Obstetric high vaginal laceration with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199969006 Obstetric inversion of uterus - delivered with postnatal problem (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199974003 Obstetric laceration of cervix - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199975002 Obstetric laceration of cervix with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200383008 Obstetric non-purulent mastitis with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200385001 Obstetric non-purulent mastitis with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199995008 Obstetric pelvic hematoma - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199996009 Obstetric pelvic hematoma - delivered with postnatal problem (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199997000 Obstetric pelvic hematoma with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200342005 Obstetric perineal wound disruption - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200284000 Obstetric pulmonary embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267284008 Obstetric pyemic and septic pulmonary embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15400003 Obstetrical air embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64171002 Obstetrical cardiac complication of anesthesia AND/OR sedation (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 25053000 Obstetrical central nervous system complication of anesthesia AND/OR sedation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29847008 Obstetrical complication of anesthesia AND/OR sedation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111451002 Obstetrical injury to pelvic organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51154004 Obstetrical pulmonary complication of anesthesia AND/OR sedation (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111360009 Obstipation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196903009 Obstructed diaphragmatic hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196835005 Obstructed femoral hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414923000 Obstructed hernia of anterior abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196807006 Obstructed inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199746004 Obstructed labor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199759007 Obstructed labor caused by bony pelvis - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199769001 Obstructed labor caused by pelvic soft tissues - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199749006 Obstructed labor due to fetal malposition - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199747008 Obstructed labor due to fetal malposition (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196859000 Obstructed umbilical hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66294006 Obstruction by abnormal pelvic soft tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77563000 Obstruction by bony pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30144000 Obstruction of bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235918000 Obstruction of biliary tree (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428777001 Obstruction of both fallopian tubes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36925002 Obstruction of bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40650009 Obstruction of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95532008 Obstruction of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48145001 Obstruction of Eustachian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75726005 Obstruction of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61169001 Obstruction of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28790007 Obstruction of precerebral artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66522001 Obstruction of salivary duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95588004 Obstruction of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230746009 Obstructive hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59848001 Obstructive hyperbilirubinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86249007 Obstructive nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78275009 Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60627008 Obturator hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61456005 Obturator hernia with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230639006 Obturator nerve compression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298130005 Obturator nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42376006 Occipital encephalocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 330007 Occipital headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230404004 Occipital lobe epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195236009 Occlusion and stenosis of multiple and bilateral cerebral arteries (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 306847001 Occlusion of arterial bypass graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2929001 Occlusion of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405583008 Occlusion of artery of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289795000 Occlusion of cervical os (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427592000 Occlusion of superior mesenteric artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20018005 Occlusion of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25463000 Occlusion of ureter due to calculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59614000 Occult blood in stools (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70534000 Occult spinal dysraphism sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57607007 Occupational asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 115966001 Occupational disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7584007 Occupational maladjustment (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410042009 Ochronosis due to homogentisate 12-dioxygenase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26399002 Ocular albinism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314757003 Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53885001 Ocular fistula causing hypotony of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416770009 Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4210003 Ocular hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210285009 Ocular laceration with intraocular prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33799001 Ocular laceration without prolapse of intraocular tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67747009 Ocular muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230684008 Ocular myasthenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5332004 Oculogyric crisis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77097004 Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196305005 Odontoclasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235110008 Odontogenic cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202110002 Old anterior cruciate ligament disruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202089008 Old bucket handle tear of lateral meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86378006 Old bucket handle tear of medial meniscus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202112005 Old capsular knee ligament disruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14949009 Old disruption of ligament of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194342001 Old foreign body in middle ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193293002 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193295009 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in anterior chamber (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193297001 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in lens of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193299003 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in posterior wall eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193298006 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in vitreous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65370002 Old laceration of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 467003 Old laceration of muscles of pelvic floor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198386001 Old laceration of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198385002 Old laceration or scarring of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202108004 Old lateral collateral ligament disruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202109007 Old medial collateral ligament disruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1755008 Old myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193325002 Old partial retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202111003 Old posterior cruciate ligament disruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73482008 Old postpartum laceration of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193327005 Old subtotal retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193326001 Old total retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6303009 Old vaginal laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39672001 Olfactory hallucinations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422886007 Olfactory neuroblastoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254940005 Oligodendroglioma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199653002 Oligohydramnios - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59566000 Oligohydramnios (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41962002 Oligohydramnios sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199654008 Oligohydramnios with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18417009 Oligomeganephronic hypoplasia of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52073004 Oligomenorrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426272003 Oligo-ovulation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88311004 Oligozoospermia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83128009 Oliguria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271845002 Oliguria and anuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89486006 Oliguria OR anuria due to procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67761004 Olivopontocerebellar degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42052009 Omphalitis of the newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 163434000 On examination - general breast examination NAD (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 164517002 On examination - locked knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162761009 On examination - loss of height (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33678008 On examination - no disease present (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162849005 On examination - short stature (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254922006 Oncocytoma of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36857002 Onychia of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 388982007 Onychia of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75789001 Onycholysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414941008 Onychomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81416004 Open angle with borderline findings (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35472004 Open angle with borderline intraocular pressure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48705003 Open angle with cupping of optic discs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63456003 Open anterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76597001 Open Bennett's fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26908008 Open bimalleolar fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428128000 Open bite wound of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80411001 Open Colles' fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54394007 Open dislocation of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209054005 Open dislocation of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11920000 Open dislocation of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54420005 Open dislocation of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13975002 Open dislocation of glenohumeral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84920009 Open dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83401009 Open dislocation of interphalangeal joint of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208748005 Open dislocation of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1544005 Open dislocation of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80090009 Open dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69976008 Open dislocation of metatarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85453003 Open dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17290007 Open dislocation of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5949004 Open dislocation of tarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88743001 Open dislocation of vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34873006 Open dislocation of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208718007 Open fracture multiple phalanges toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77598002 Open fracture of acetabulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72435006 Open fracture of acromial end of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43337002 Open fracture of alveolar border of body of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110025001 Open fracture of alveolar ridge of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48187004 Open fracture of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13047001 Open fracture of base of metacarpal bone other than first metacarpal (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 263231005 Open fracture of base of neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30371007 Open fracture of base of skull with cerebral laceration AND contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111605007 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111607004 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207747003 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207746007 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with less than 1 hour loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207748008 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207749000 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207745006 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46758000 Open fracture of base of skull with subarachnoid subdural AND/OR extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55798004 Open fracture of base of skull without intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69425000 Open fracture of body of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428019004 Open fracture of bone of knee joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21978005 Open fracture of C1-C4 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61386002 Open fracture of C1-C4 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33281005 Open fracture of C1-C4 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10310006 Open fracture of C1-C4 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 33147008 Open fracture of C1-C4 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76435008 Open fracture of C1-C4 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43405004 Open fracture of C5-C7 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74360009 Open fracture of C5-C7 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56630009 Open fracture of C5-C7 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20377001 Open fracture of C5-C7 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 66020004 Open fracture of C5-C7 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80980003 Open fracture of C5-C7 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24948002 Open fracture of calcaneus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29014003 Open fracture of carpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125609005 Open fracture of cervical region with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58919004 Open fracture of cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111637008 Open fracture of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6954003 Open fracture of condyle of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207769005 Open fracture of coronoid process of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86357008 Open fracture of coronoid process of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26646003 Open fracture of cuboid bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46020007 Open fracture of cuneiform bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25529004 Open fracture of distal end of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 649002 Open fracture of distal end of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208286002 Open fracture of distal humerus multiple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41511005 Open fracture of distal phalanx of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87173003 Open fracture of epiphysis of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111609001 Open fracture of facial bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19652000 Open fracture of femoral condyle of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28576007 Open fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263234002 Open fracture of femur distal end (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34996005 Open fracture of fifth cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 81501004 Open fracture of first cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 367527001 Open fracture of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91296001 Open fracture of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9048001 Open fracture of fourth cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 275343008 Open fracture of greater trochanter of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34656006 Open fracture of hamate bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41191003 Open fracture of head of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69427008 Open fracture of head of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89294002 Open fracture of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60214001 Open fracture of ilium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46272008 Open fracture of innominate bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30489009 Open fracture of intracapsular section of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76911006 Open fracture of ischium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4673003 Open fracture of lateral malleolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275342003 Open fracture of lesser trochanter of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78980006 Open fracture of lower end of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88116004 Open fracture of lower end of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208587007 Open fracture of lower epiphysis of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414942001 Open fracture of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50531009 Open fracture of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48956000 Open fracture of lumbar vertebra with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41078002 Open fracture of lumbar vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53256003 Open fracture of lunate bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23611004 Open fracture of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207767007 Open fracture of mandible condylar process (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54530004 Open fracture of medial malleolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1370007 Open fracture of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77551005 Open fracture of metatarsal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84320000 Open fracture of midcervical section of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14505003 Open fracture of middle AND/OR proximal phalanx of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22225000 Open fracture of multiple bones of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72346008 Open fracture of multiple cervical vertebrae without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28081005 Open fracture of multiple ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207776000 Open fracture of multiple sites of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4349002 Open fracture of multiple sites of metacarpus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32988004 Open fracture of multiple sites of phalanges of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40613008 Open fracture of nasal bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73015009 Open fracture of navicular bone of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68076002 Open fracture of navicular bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361119006 Open fracture of neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3331008 Open fracture of neck of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63948006 Open fracture of olecranon process of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3421000 Open fracture of orbital floor (blow-out) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110020006 Open fracture of orbital portion of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111643005 Open fracture of patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15474008 Open fracture of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21698002 Open fracture of phalanx of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74395007 Open fracture of phalanx of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89161006 Open fracture of pisiform bone of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23813004 Open fracture of proximal end of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78490005 Open fracture of proximal end of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71220005 Open fracture of pubis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42945005 Open fracture of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81966000 Open fracture of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20158009 Open fracture of ramus of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45910007 Open fracture of rib (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123535000 Open fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx with cauda equina injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111633007 Open fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx with complete cauda equina lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65491009 Open fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx with spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 30943005 Open fracture of sacrum AND/OR coccyx without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 47864008 Open fracture of scapula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15701003 Open fracture of second cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 54957006 Open fracture of seventh cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79858001 Open fracture of shaft of bone of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71039006 Open fracture of shaft of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6628008 Open fracture of shaft of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111646002 Open fracture of shaft of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23741005 Open fracture of shaft of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72224003 Open fracture of shaft of metacarpal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66246007 Open fracture of shaft of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39993000 Open fracture of shaft of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22234005 Open fracture of shaft of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42760000 Open fracture of shaft of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64469005 Open fracture of sixth cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 371161001 Open fracture of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87225004 Open fracture of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65648007 Open fracture of superior maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54567007 Open fracture of surgical neck of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61202000 Open fracture of symphysis of body of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49497005 Open fracture of T1-T6 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63819001 Open fracture of T1-T6 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28216004 Open fracture of T1-T6 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23283004 Open fracture of T1-T6 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 85262003 Open fracture of T1-T6 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16695002 Open fracture of T1-T6 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27937002 Open fracture of T7-T12 level with anterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88405003 Open fracture of T7-T12 level with central cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4604008 Open fracture of T7-T12 level with complete lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78085003 Open fracture of T7-T12 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 51258005 Open fracture of T7-T12 level with posterior cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3446000 Open fracture of T7-T12 level with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3381004 Open fracture of talus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428258002 Open fracture of tarsal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269081000 Open fracture of the distal humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62297002 Open fracture of third cervical vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 78211006 Open fracture of thoracic spine with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31062001 Open fracture of thoracic vertebra without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 414943006 Open fracture of tibia AND fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208632002 Open fracture of tibia and fibula shaft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37449000 Open fracture of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59556008 Open fracture of upper end of fibula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33141009 Open fracture of upper end of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86844009 Open fracture of upper end of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9344009 Open fracture of upper end of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65775005 Open fracture of upper end of radius AND ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111645003 Open fracture of upper end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18336000 Open fracture of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2840008 Open fracture of vault of skull with cerebral laceration AND/OR contusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111597003 Open fracture of vault of skull with intracranial hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 207709008 Open fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207708000 Open fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with less than 1 hour loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207710003 Open fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207711004 Open fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with more than 24 hours loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207707005 Open fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71266000 Open fracture of vault of skull with subarachnoid subdural AND/OR extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82419009 Open fracture of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10575009 Open fracture of vertebral column with spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38170003 Open fracture of vertebral column without spinal cord injury (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 84111004 Open fracture of zygoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5708009 Open fracture of zygomatic arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110018008 Open fracture of zygomatic tripod (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207705002 Open fracture vault of skull with intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207696004 Open fracture vault of skull without intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208680004 Open fractures calcaneus intra-articular (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208341002 Open Galeazzi fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110026000 Open horizontal fracture of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212282001 Open injury digital nerve in finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26938002 Open intertrochanteric fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34578006 Open Monteggia's fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18276007 Open multiple fractures of both upper limbs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208500006 Open multiple fractures of hand bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76103002 Open multiple fractures of upper limb with sternum AND ribs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66483005 Open pertrochanteric fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13019000 Open posterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110027009 Open pyramidal fracture of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90898001 Open skull fracture with cerebral laceration AND/OR contusion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 111615001 Open skull fracture with intracranial hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111617009 Open skull fracture with intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71074007 Open skull fracture with subarachnoid subdural AND/OR extradural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4807003 Open skull fracture without intracranial injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275339009 Open subcapital fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 207768002 Open subcondylar fracture of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71313000 Open subtrochanteric fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79978005 Open supracondylar fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62356006 Open supracondylar fracture of humerus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428018007 Open tongue-type intra-articular fracture of calcaneus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12746007 Open transcervical fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208769007 Open traumatic dislocation acromioclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208829002 Open traumatic dislocation carpometacarpal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208826009 Open traumatic dislocation distal radioulnar joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208902008 Open traumatic dislocation hip joint anterior (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208900000 Open traumatic dislocation hip joint posterior (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208828005 Open traumatic dislocation midcarpal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209000008 Open traumatic dislocation of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209003005 Open traumatic dislocation of midtarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208827000 Open traumatic dislocation of radiocarpal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209004004 Open traumatic dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208901001 Open traumatic obturator dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 208778001 Open traumatic subluxation shoulder joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90338005 Open trimalleolar fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427773004 Open undisplaced fracture of nasal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125643001 Open wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210358000 Open wound in mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210370001 Open wound in mouth with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274170000 Open wound of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16809003 Open wound of abdominal wall with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52158003 Open wound of abdominal wall without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125662003 Open wound of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51639006 Open wound of ankle with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66885008 Open wound of ankle with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210462005 Open wound of anterior abdominal wall with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51781006 Open wound of anterior abdominal wall without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83513002 Open wound of auditory canal without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23632007 Open wound of auricle of ear without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125647000 Open wound of axillary region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269169002 Open wound of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21441000 Open wound of back with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72363007 Open wound of breast with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44521001 Open wound of breast without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210360003 Open wound of buccal mucosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7407001 Open wound of buccal mucosa with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26422002 Open wound of buccal mucosa without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269170001 Open wound of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91325009 Open wound of buttock with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54634002 Open wound of cheek with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62104005 Open wound of cheek without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127314000 Open wound of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61196003 Open wound of chest wall with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210407001 Open wound of chest wall uncomplicated (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210302008 Open wound of ear auricle with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3013004 Open wound of ear drum without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50683006 Open wound of ear with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87362004 Open wound of ear without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61526004 Open wound of elbow with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49303001 Open wound of elbow with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85218007 Open wound of elbow without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32550009 Open wound of external ear with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38055001 Open wound of external ear without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66899007 Open wound of external genital organs with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17553005 Open wound of external genital organs without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85100000 Open wound of eyeball (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210339009 Open wound of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79167003 Open wound of face with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431875001 Open wound of face with foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47126008 Open wound of face without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125653000 Open wound of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32348000 Open wound of finger with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23777003 Open wound of finger with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2630008 Open wound of finger without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125655007 Open wound of fingernail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73455000 Open wound of floor of mouth without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125663008 Open wound of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30997005 Open wound of foot except toes with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75759008 Open wound of foot except toes with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91368005 Open wound of foot except toes without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210715002 Open wound of foot with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125649002 Open wound of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58399008 Open wound of forearm with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6154004 Open wound of forearm with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85135003 Open wound of forearm without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2419001 Open wound of forehead with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73973007 Open wound of forehead without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54463008 Open wound of gum with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38906007 Open wound of gum without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125652005 Open wound of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13736001 Open wound of hand except fingers with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44957002 Open wound of hand except fingers with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73059000 Open wound of hand except fingers without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210565009 Open wound of hand with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210566005 Open wound of hand with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38354005 Open wound of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 775008 Open wound of head with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40883004 Open wound of head without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73602001 Open wound of hip AND thigh with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5801006 Open wound of hip AND thigh with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5353008 Open wound of hip AND thigh without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210345001 Open wound of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2136001 Open wound of jaw with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74058003 Open wound of jaw without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125660006 Open wound of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210682000 Open wound of knee and/or leg and/or ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210686002 Open wound of knee and/or leg and/or ankle with complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 44140000 Open wound of knee with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66722004 Open wound of knee with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269181003 Open wound of knee leg and ankle with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210475005 Open wound of lateral abdominal wall with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67267004 Open wound of lateral abdominal wall without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32976001 Open wound of leg with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59897005 Open wound of leg with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210344002 Open wound of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20509003 Open wound of lip with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29256009 Open wound of lip without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125661005 Open wound of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26947005 Open wound of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45017008 Open wound of lower limb with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89730005 Open wound of lower limb with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11464002 Open wound of lower limb without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210376007 Open wound of mouth floor with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74066007 Open wound of mouth without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25312001 Open wound of multiple sites of face with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16374002 Open wound of multiple sites of face without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9391002 Open wound of multiple sites of mouth without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70345001 Open wound of multiple sites of nose with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72282001 Open wound of multiple sites of nose without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85739004 Open wound of multiple sites of one lower limb AND thigh with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20172000 Open wound of multiple sites of one lower limb AND thigh without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87969000 Open wound of multiple sites of one upper limb with complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 80355006 Open wound of multiple sites of one upper limb with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31364005 Open wound of multiple sites of one upper limb without complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 91595001 Open wound of multiple sites of shoulder AND/OR upper arm with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14666008 Open wound of multiple sites of shoulder AND/OR upper arm with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16460005 Open wound of multiple sites of shoulder AND/OR upper arm without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210328006 Open wound of nasal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60716000 Open wound of nasal cavity with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75769002 Open wound of nasal cavity without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210327001 Open wound of nasal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46766009 Open wound of nasal septum with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68279002 Open wound of nasal septum without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210329003 Open wound of nasal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67543006 Open wound of nasal sinus with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125644007 Open wound of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85336009 Open wound of neck with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51411000 Open wound of neck without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210325009 Open wound of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66830009 Open wound of nose with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30972006 Open wound of nose without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16998003 Open wound of ocular adnexa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210365008 Open wound of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89308006 Open wound of palate with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53089008 Open wound of palate without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5715001 Open wound of pelvic region without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52801002 Open wound of penis with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90057007 Open wound of penis without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72061003 Open wound of pharynx with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 964004 Open wound of pharynx without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71491003 Open wound of scalp with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60076001 Open wound of scalp without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125646009 Open wound of scapular region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210429002 Open wound of scrotum and testes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87702004 Open wound of scrotum with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80310004 Open wound of scrotum without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125645008 Open wound of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14649006 Open wound of shoulder region with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33423009 Open wound of testis with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31762007 Open wound of testis without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78273002 Open wound of thumb without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125664002 Open wound of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88977003 Open wound of toe with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74204001 Open wound of toe with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54461005 Open wound of toe without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276496005 Open wound of toenail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80340002 Open wound of tongue with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89424006 Open wound of tongue without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65276005 Open wound of trunk with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88573007 Open wound of trunk without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19820002 Open wound of upper arm with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82085002 Open wound of upper arm with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44825004 Open wound of upper arm without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81405006 Open wound of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25354003 Open wound of upper limb with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14917009 Open wound of upper limb without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89205006 Open wound of vagina with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59452007 Open wound of vagina without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58179008 Open wound of vulva with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54653007 Open wound of vulva without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28547009 Open wound of wrist with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15550007 Open wound of wrist with tendon involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9798005 Open wound of wrist without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48422000 Open wound with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57750009 Open wound without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429294005 Open wounds of multiple sites of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 414944000 Open displaced fracture of nasal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193533000 Open-angle glaucoma - borderline (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84494001 Open-angle glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22247000 Operation wound disruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12371008 Ophthalmia nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251588000 Ophthalmic electrodiagnostic finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186542001 Ophthalmic herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95655001 Ophthalmic migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170722009 Ophthalmological drug side effect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16110005 Ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49605003 Ophthalmoplegic migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5602001 Opioid abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292045009 Opioid analgesic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292736001 Opioid antagonist adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75544000 Opioid dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191821007 Opioid dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77721001 Opioid intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52866005 Opioid intoxication delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87132004 Opioid withdrawal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29733004 Opioid-induced mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14784000 Opioid-induced organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20385005 Opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19445006 Opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71328000 Opioid-induced sexual dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88926005 Opioid-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18941000 Oppositional defiant disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76976005 Optic atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19448008 Optic atrophy associated with retinal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12451000 Optic cupping (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128331005 Optic disc disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248487006 Optic disc swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404662003 Optic glioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212141007 Optic nerve and pathway injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254976006 Optic nerve glioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66760008 Optic neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73221001 Optic papillitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 116337000 Oral cavity finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266412007 Oral cavity dental and salivary gland disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5935008 Oral contraception (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275393007 Oral infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32883009 Oral submucosal fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402908003 Oral wart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194005002 Orbital cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1486001 Orbital congestion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31021007 Orbital cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194023005 Orbital deformity associated with craniofacial deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33912004 Orbital deformity due to bone disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72776003 Orbital granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31056006 Orbital hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80698001 Orbital myositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65875003 Orbital osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65974003 Orbital periostitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9404003 Orbital swelling (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274718005 Orchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197983000 Orchitis and epididymitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75632007 Orchitis with abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70053000 Orchitis without abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74050005 Orf virus disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433081000 Organic amnesia of language (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17496003 Organic anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5510009 Organic delusional disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45912004 Organic hallucinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75431008 Organic heart murmur (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111479008 Organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23645006 Organic mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42594001 Organic mood disorder of depressed type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58329000 Organic mood disorder of manic type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36217008 Organic personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191447007 Organic psychotic condition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418955009 Organic sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52008007 Organic writer's cramp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404523002 Organism not viable (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212877003 Organophosphate and carbamate causing toxic effect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55955008 Oriental cholangiohepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80908008 Ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75116005 Ornithosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109675004 Oroantral fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49386006 Orofacial dyskinesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89444000 Oromandibular-limb hypogenesis spectrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370485008 Oronasal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71457002 Oropharyngeal dysphagia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62744007 Orthopnea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28651003 Orthostatic hypotension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32482005 Orthostatic proteinuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430690005 Orthostatic tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21877004 Osler hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203711003 Osseous stenosis of neural canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91222009 Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical region (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 55413008 Osteitis condensans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2089002 Osteitis deformans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43270005 Osteitis of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7127005 Osteitis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75564005 Osteitis of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26051005 Osteitis of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39797006 Osteitis of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396275006 Osteoarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239865003 Osteoarthritis of acromioclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239874001 Osteoarthritis of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239866002 Osteoarthritis of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239868001 Osteoarthritis of finger joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239877008 Osteoarthritis of first metatarsalphalangeal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309246000 Osteoarthritis of foot joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373623009 Osteoarthritis of glenohumeral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239872002 Osteoarthritis of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239873007 Osteoarthritis of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239876004 Osteoarthritis of subtalar joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239867006 Osteoarthritis of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37895003 Osteoarthrosis of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70736000 Osteochondritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82562007 Osteochondritis dissecans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77881008 Osteochondropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12010005 Osteodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78314001 Osteogenesis imperfecta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302859004 Osteoid osteoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423210009 Osteoid osteoma of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203522001 Osteolysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302858007 Osteoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423789002 Osteoma of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424422000 Osteoma of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423586007 Osteoma of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4598005 Osteomalacia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60168000 Osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428783003 Osteomyelitis due to Staphylococcus aureus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28769004 Osteomyelitis of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95423008 Osteomyelitis of cranium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109303003 Osteomyelitis of facial bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17028003 Osteomyelitis of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109304009 Osteomyelitis of frontal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61585002 Osteomyelitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87415007 Osteomyelitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21120002 Osteomyelitis of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109695005 Osteomyelitis of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109692008 Osteomyelitis of maxilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91538002 Osteomyelitis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109308007 Osteomyelitis of nasal-orbit complex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8872002 Osteomyelitis of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53453008 Osteomyelitis of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109306006 Osteomyelitis of sphenoid bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109307002 Osteomyelitis of temporal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1551001 Osteomyelitis of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75286007 Osteomyelitis of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203241002 Osteomyelitis of vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109305005 Osteomyelitis of zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203284001 Osteopathy from poliomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312894000 Osteopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1926006 Osteopetrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64859006 Osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203657009 Osteoporotic kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240198002 Osteoporotic vertebral collapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63810002 Osteoradionecrosis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307576001 Osteosarcoma of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17718000 Ostium primum defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16001004 Otalgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49252004 Otitic barotrauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3135009 Otitis externa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36292003 Otitis externa due to Herpes zoster (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65363002 Otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74123003 Otogenic otalgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54036001 Oto-palato-digital syndrome type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42432003 Oto-palato-digital syndrome type II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65668001 Otorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11543004 Otosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69217004 Outlet contraction of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199413006 Outlet pelvic contraction - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205683001 Ovarian dysgenesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111550004 Ovarian failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111549004 Ovarian hyperfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129635004 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9899009 Ovarian pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289834006 Ovary finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13438001 Overanxious disorder of childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 295122008 Overdose of analgesic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 296450005 Overdose of drug groups and agents primarily acting on the skin (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 397878005 Overflow incontinence of urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276657008 Overlap syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109267002 Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109366009 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109847004 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of biliary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109879008 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of body of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109912006 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109371002 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109838007 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109835005 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109948008 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109886000 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109878000 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of female genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109830000 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109821008 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109384006 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of heart mediastinum and pleura (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 109368005 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109369002 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109833003 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of lip oral cavity and/or pharynx (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 109824000 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109874003 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of male genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109367000 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109831001 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109848009 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109839004 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of rectum anus and anal canal (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 109365008 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109851002 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 109837002 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109349007 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of soft tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109836006 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109823006 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110013004 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109870007 Overlapping malignant neoplasm of urinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3652007 Overproduction of growth hormone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63934006 Overriding aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203541003 Overriding toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238131007 Overweight (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162538009 Ovo-lacto-vegetarian (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18978002 Ovotestis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266603000 Ovulation bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237134002 Ovulatory dysfunctional bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64300006 Oxalate restricted diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25822001 Pachymeningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403946000 Paget's disease of nipple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254898001 Paget's disease of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22253000 Pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86260003 Pain around eye (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225595004 Pain associated with defecation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428171009 Pain at rest due to peripheral vascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39565009 Pain crisis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79608006 Pain due to any device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309767001 Pain due to knee joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309768006 Pain due to shoulder joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237477007 Pain from breast implant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247379007 Pain in amputated limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279043006 Pain in buttock (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300954003 Pain in calf (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279029001 Pain in cervical spine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74323005 Pain in elbow (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41652007 Pain in eye (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95668009 Pain in face (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162143008 Pain in female genitalia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426702003 Pain in female pelvis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301773003 Pain in femur (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18876004 Pain in finger (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90834002 Pain in limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10601006 Pain in lower limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430968008 Pain in male perineum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30473006 Pain in pelvis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285375003 Pain in penis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48926009 Pain in spine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63901009 Pain in testicle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34789001 Pain in the coccyx (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267981009 Pain in thoracic spine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162397003 Pain in throat (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285365001 Pain in toe (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102556003 Pain in upper limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6561007 Pain in urethra (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56608008 Pain in wrist (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53430007 Pain of breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301353005 Pain of eye structure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301365009 Pain of head and neck region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301364008 Pain of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298731003 Pain of sternum (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239958005 Painful arc syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6744007 Painful bladder spasm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50818007 Painful ejaculation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428264009 Painful gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201311005 Painful operation scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62647006 Painful spasm of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9366002 Palatal myoclonus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267029006 Pale - symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50442003 Palindromic rheumatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202465007 Palindromic rheumatism of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202463000 Palindromic rheumatism of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202459007 Palindromic rheumatism of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202460002 Palindromic rheumatism of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202462005 Palindromic rheumatism of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202461003 Palindromic rheumatism of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202457009 Palindromic rheumatism of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202458004 Palindromic rheumatism of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15634005 Palmar hyperkeratosis of yaws (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12008008 Palmar papilloma of yaws (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80313002 Palpitations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1534008 Palsy of conjugate gaze (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95564001 Pancreatemphraxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3549009 Pancreatic acinar atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25803005 Pancreatic fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57344001 Pancreatic infantilism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37992001 Pancreatic insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102631004 Pancreatic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54576000 Pancreatic steatorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75694006 Pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127034005 Pancytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32390006 Panhypopituitarism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225624000 Panic attack (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371631005 Panic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35607004 Panic disorder with agoraphobia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56576003 Panic disorder without agoraphobia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22125009 Panniculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202770004 Panniculitis of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33382000 Panophthalmitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195790000 Pansinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75614007 Panuveitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307597000 Papillary hidradenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90154003 Papillary muscle disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90241004 Papillary necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255029007 Papillary thyroid carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255005000 Papilloma of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314515006 Papilloma of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232364006 Papilloma of nasal vestibule (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88697005 Papular dermatitis of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193671003 Paracecal scotoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64418005 Paracentral scotoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59925007 Paracoccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 306959001 Paradoxical movement of vocal cord on respiration (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3662000 Paraesophageal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299007 Paraffinoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302833002 Paraganglioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64880000 Parainfluenza virus bronchopneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44695005 Paralysis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398029001 Paralysis of bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69098002 Paralysis of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89927005 Paralysis of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55525008 Paralytic ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59890007 Paralytic lagophthalmos (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30410001 Paralytic ptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400942002 Paralytic strabismus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29426003 Paralytic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425882004 Paralytic syndrome as late effect of stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427432001 Paralytic syndrome as late effect of thalamic stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430959006 Paralytic syndrome of dominant side as late effect of stroke (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 430947007 Paralytic syndrome of nondominant side as late effect of stroke (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 280483007 Parametritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60935008 Paramyoclonus multiplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41574007 Paramyotonia congenita (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192877007 Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424761009 Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77659000 Paraneoplastic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49783001 Paraneoplastic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191672000 Paranoia querulans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191667009 Paranoid disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13601005 Paranoid personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64905009 Paranoid schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63181006 Paranoid schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1845001 Paraparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84889008 Parapharyngeal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50299009 Paraphilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13758004 Paraphimosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26472000 Paraphrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60389000 Paraplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88233000 Parapsoriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16341002 Parapsoriasis lichenoides (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13816006 Parasitic conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81557008 Parasitic disease in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57100005 Parasitic endophthalmitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193922006 Parasitic eyelid infestation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56733003 Parasitic infestation of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58690002 Parasomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236048007 Parastomal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275387004 Parasympatholytic poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128474007 Parathyroid adenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9092004 Parathyroid hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85904008 Paratyphoid fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22209005 Paravertebral muscle spasm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111369005 Parenchymatous degeneration of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11674008 Parenteral nutrient (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102568007 Paresis of lower extremity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91019004 Paresthesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429783005 Paresthesia of lower extremity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102602003 Paresthesia of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95527007 Paresthesia of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95673003 Paresthesia of upper limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230403005 Parietal lobe epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37991008 Parinaud's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62239001 Parkinson-dementia complex of Guam (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32798002 Parkinsonism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192835007 Parkinsonism with orthostatic hypotension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49049000 Parkinson's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71906005 Paronychia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 388983002 Paronychia of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271613005 Parotid swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14756005 Parotitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282825002 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427665004 Paroxysmal atrial flutter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195069001 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49949003 Paroxysmal choreoathetosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55442000 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1963002 Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67198005 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12026006 Paroxysmal tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66657009 Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45688009 Pars planitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68237008 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 776009 Partial arterial retinal occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195039008 Partial atrioventricular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193468002 Partial central choroid dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193466003 Partial circumpapillary choroid dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 343087000 Partial deafness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192999003 Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237685006 Partial hypopituitarism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20896007 Partial loss of ear ossicles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429196001 Partial obstruction of small bowel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427790005 Partial occlusion of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111527005 Partial optic atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4178006 Partial recent retinal detachment with multiple defects (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38579007 Partial recent retinal detachment with retinal dialysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3598000 Partial recent retinal detachment with single defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193598007 Partial resolved traumatic cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29753000 Partial seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246544003 Partial seizure evolving to secondary generalized seizure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284222008 Partial thickness burn of genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3171005 Partial third nerve palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409675001 Partial thromboplastin time increased (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240486003 Parvoviral aplastic crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249504006 Passing flatus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44966003 Passive aggressive personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43381005 Passive smoker (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416940007 Past history of procedure (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83172007 Pasteurella infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37785001 Patellar tendonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83330001 Patent ductus arteriosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125963005 Patent ductus arteriosus with left-to-right shunt (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125964004 Patent ductus arteriosus with right-to-left shunt (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204317008 Patent foramen ovale (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398316009 Patent urachus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16412007 Pathologic change of voice (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431030000 Pathologic fracture of femur associated with osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80406003 Pathological dislocation of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267921007 Pathological dislocation of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287070000 Pathological fracture - ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287066008 Pathological fracture - forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287067004 Pathological fracture - hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287069001 Pathological fracture - lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287068009 Pathological fracture - pelvis and/or thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287064006 Pathological fracture - shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287065007 Pathological fracture - upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268029009 Pathological fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 308145001 Pathological fracture of cervical vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424455005 Pathological fracture of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409667007 Pathological fracture of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424644003 Pathological fracture of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270508006 Pathological fracture of lumbar vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409666003 Pathological fracture of neck of femur (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431031001 Pathological fracture of neck of femur associated with osteoporosis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 426777008 Pathological fracture of patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426115002 Pathological fracture of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422469006 Pathological fracture of scapula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270507001 Pathological fracture of thoracic vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274146004 Pathological fracture of vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 305060004 Patient care statuses (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418138009 Patient condition finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77386006 Patient currently pregnant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 305058001 Patient encounter status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416984007 Patient in early remission (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313386006 Patient in remission (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307892003 Patient record status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183995001 Patient requested procedure (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 185330002 Patient walked out (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30280005 Patulous eustachian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74391003 Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69134001 Paving stone retinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241933001 Peanut-induced anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38774000 Pectus carinatum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 391987005 Pectus excavatum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81000006 Pediculosis capitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25188002 Pediculosis corporis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84002002 Pedophilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85559002 Pelger-Hu?t anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64855000 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418186002 Pellagra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231938007 Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111367007 Pelvic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39402007 Pelvic congestion syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106010004 Pelvic dystocia AND/OR uterine disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269254006 Pelvic girdle and lower limb peripheral nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5740008 Pelvic hematoma during delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282771003 Pelvic injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81193001 Pelvic organ injury with open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2973002 Pelvic organ injury without open wound into abdominal cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 199511005 Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199513008 Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199514002 Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429275000 Pelvic somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17406005 Pelvic varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240150006 Pelvis - chronic osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86142006 Pemphigoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65172003 Pemphigus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36739006 Pemphigus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35154004 Pemphigus foliaceus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81285006 Pemphigus vegetans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49420001 Pemphigus vulgaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262560006 Penetrating wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432618005 Penetrating wound of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428152007 Penetrating wound of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231851003 Penetrating wound of orbit proper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76371008 Penetrating wound of orbit with foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429417002 Penetrating wound of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428860005 Penetrating wound of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3018008 Penetration of eyeball with magnetic foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292954005 Penicillin adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240708000 Penile candidiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286983008 Penile cellulitis/abscess/boil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240598006 Penile warts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57643001 Peptic reflux disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13200003 Peptic ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64398008 Peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55617001 Peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90489006 Peptic ulcer with hemorrhage AND with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48658001 Peptic ulcer with hemorrhage but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26221006 Peptic ulcer with hemorrhage with perforation AND with obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 88169003 Peptic ulcer with perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48336009 Peptic ulcer with perforation AND obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12625009 Peptic ulcer with perforation but without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54157007 Peptic ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38365000 Peptic ulcer without hemorrhage without perforation AND without obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46606001 Perforated corneal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431874002 Perforating inflammation of rectum due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20681005 Perforation of cardiac device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50257008 Perforation of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74895004 Perforation of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23387001 Perforation of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25345001 Perforation of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56905009 Perforation of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80142000 Perforation of nasal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10825001 Perforation of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60442001 Perforation of tympanic membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7395000 Perforation of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82127005 Perianal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307425001 Perianal cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275448003 Perianal dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58103005 Perianal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403947009 Perianal Paget's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95546008 Perianal skin tags (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196341005 Periapical abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74598008 Periapical abscess with sinus tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196339009 Periapical abscess without a sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51509007 Periappendicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50921008 Periarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373945007 Pericardial effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3238004 Pericarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84233008 Pericholecystic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34129005 Perichondritis of pinna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88773005 Pericolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83341004 Perifolliculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77333008 Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266607004 Perimenopausal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126945001 Perinatal anoxic-ischemic brain injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54959009 Perinatal atelectasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18503002 Perinatal cutaneous hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38593000 Perinatal cyanotic attacks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276548008 Perinatal disorders of liver and/or biliary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48729005 Perinatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276551001 Perinatal hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65390006 Perinatal intestinal perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70611002 Perinatal intraventricular hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49756002 Perinatal pneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21202004 Perinatal subarachnoid hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240469009 Perinatal varicella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415074004 Perineal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398019008 Perineal laceration during delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36399005 Perineal laceration involving anal sphincter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6825008 Perineal laceration involving rectovaginal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225565007 Perineal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418763003 Periodic limb movement disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2556008 Periodontal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238751002 Perioral dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49563000 Periorbital edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41910004 Periostitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12890007 Periostitis of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23640001 Periostitis of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63475008 Periostitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21780009 Periostitis of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55083007 Periostitis of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16594005 Periostitis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57027007 Periostitis of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32636009 Periostitis of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23160005 Periostitis of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87073000 Periostitis of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247034002 Peripheral anterior synechiae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286959000 Peripheral arterial embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399957001 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275519006 Peripheral arteriovenous malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128208007 Peripheral axonal neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193458007 Peripheral chorioretinal scars (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421895002 Peripheral circulatory disorder associated with diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 421365002 Peripheral circulatory disorder associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422166005 Peripheral circulatory disorder associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89182000 Peripheral degeneration of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69811008 Peripheral disseminated choroiditis AND chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271809000 Peripheral edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111239001 Peripheral enthesopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56787009 Peripheral focal choroiditis AND chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36535003 Peripheral focal retinitis AND retinochoroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233958001 Peripheral ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431043000 Peripheral nerve disorder associated with repair of hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45781009 Peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46382007 Peripheral nerve facial nerve paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73590005 Peripheral nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206235003 Peripheral nerve injury due to birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25416002 Peripheral neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199094009 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17787002 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253096008 Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193881001 Peripheral pterygium progressive (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193880000 Peripheral pterygium stationary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61536007 Peripheral retinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246660007 Peripheral ring scotoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109977009 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10596002 Peripheral vascular complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400047006 Peripheral vascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20696009 Peripheral venous insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50438001 Peripheral vertigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33048000 Peripheral visual field defect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91669008 Perirectal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 984000 Perirectal cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80640009 Perirenal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52111006 Perisigmoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70190001 Peritoneal adhesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25817001 Peritoneal adhesions with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54620002 Peritoneal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236557008 Peritoneal dialysis catheter exit site infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276883000 Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48661000 Peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431873008 Peritonitis due to infected peritoneal dialysis catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15033003 Peritonsillar abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102453009 Peritonsillar cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77681005 Peritubal adhesions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7253006 Periurethral cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 384993003 Periventricular hemorrhagic venous infarct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230769007 Periventricular leukomalacia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84027009 Pernicious anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53208009 Peroneal tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89618007 Persecutory delusion disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284523002 Persistent cough (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206597007 Persistent fetal circulation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314270008 Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191999000 Persistent hypersomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191997003 Persistent insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90575004 Persistent lanugo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77978002 Persistent left superior vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421305000 Persistent microalbuminuria associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 420715001 Persistent microalbuminuria associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63251006 Persistent miosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405270006 Persistent mydriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70068004 Persistent occipitoposterior position (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279047007 Persistent pain following procedure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111752005 Persistent postoperative fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69927002 Persistent primary vitreous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420514000 Persistent proteinuria associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 421986006 Persistent proteinuria associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 233815004 Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282360001 Persistent testicular pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7522008 Persistent tuberculum impar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24473007 Persistent vegetative state (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196746003 Persistent vomiting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 228146008 Personal care impairment (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307294006 Personal history finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415076002 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of breast (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415077006 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of bronchus (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415078001 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of ear nose AND/OR throat (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415079009 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of female genital organ (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415080007 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415081006 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of kidney (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415082004 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of lung (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415083009 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of male genital organ (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 415084003 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of skin (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415085002 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of trachea (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415086001 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 415087005 Personal history of primary malignant neoplasm of urinary system (situation SNOMED-CT
0-L 102943000 Personality change (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33449004 Personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27836007 Pertussis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432356003 Pertussis contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293115003 Pertussis vaccine adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35919005 Pervasive developmental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73105000 Pes anserinus bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45861001 Pes anserinus tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249802001 Pes cavus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53226007 Pes planus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274208001 Pesticide -toxic effect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271813007 Petechiae (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7033004 Petit mal status (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34997001 Petrositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54411001 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70410008 Pfeiffer syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1833005 Phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32893002 Phacolytic glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47158003 Phaeohyphomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59603003 Phantom limb syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419406002 Pharmaceutical fluid or solution adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232408005 Pharyngeal stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405737000 Pharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195836002 Pharynx or nasopharynx abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195834004 Pharynx or nasopharynx edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7071007 Phencyclidine (PCP) abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31715000 Phencyclidine (PCP) delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58727001 Phencyclidine (PCP) dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20871009 Phencyclidine (PCP) intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4863002 Phencyclidine (PCP) mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425841004 Phencyclidine dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55967005 Phencyclidine-induced anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33871004 Phencyclidine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 311173003 Phencyclidine-related disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292386009 Phenothiazine adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302835009 Pheochromocytoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61599003 Phlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51188005 Phlebitis AND/OR thrombophlebitis during OR resulting from a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26850007 Phlebitis AND/OR thrombosis complicating pregnancy AND/OR puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 3393008 Phlebitis following infusion perfusion AND/OR transfusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25114006 Phlebitis of deep veins of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31295000 Phlebitis of iliac vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312588002 Phlebitis of lower limb vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72565004 Phlebitis of superficial veins of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195404000 Phlebitis of the femoral vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64324003 Phlegmonous dacryocystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49781004 Phlegmonous gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67895005 Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386808001 Phobia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386810004 Phobic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22841008 Phocomelia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229719002 Phonological disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14619009 Phoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111209006 Photoallergic dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22649008 Photodermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95208000 Photogenic epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1714005 Photokeratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56170001 Photopsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428212003 Photoreceptor degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 258155009 Photosensitization due to sun (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53597009 Phototoxic dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128193002 Phrenic nerve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277321001 Phrenic nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28143002 Phthisical cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427942006 Phyllodes tumor of breast borderline (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248004009 Physical aggression (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267410008 Physical retardation due to protein-calorie malnutrition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428087005 Physiologic cupping of optic disc (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274626005 Physiological development failure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201067006 Physiological striae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425763000 Physiological tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25362006 Phytanic acid storage disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238521005 Phytophotodermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14077003 Pica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13092008 Pick's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392133001 Pigment dispersion syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46168003 Pigmentary glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70397008 Pigmentary iris degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2992000 Pigmentary pallidal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68222009 Pigmentary retinal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5387003 Pigmented hairy epidermal nevus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20343006 Pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis of Gougerot and Blum (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 95412009 Pigmented villonodular synovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85224001 Pilonidal cyst with abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76545008 Pilonidal cyst without abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87614000 Pinguecula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80325004 Pinpoint os uteri (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62507009 Pins and needles (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22064009 Pinta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73594001 Pinta late lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129179000 Piriformis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230505001 Pit of optic disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51212009 Pitted keratolysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76090006 Pittsburgh pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254956000 Pituitary adenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367460001 Pituitary dwarfism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254965007 Pituitary macroadenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254963000 Pituitary microadenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190502001 Pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34630004 Pityriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402296004 Pityriasis alba (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77252004 Pityriasis rosea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3755001 Pityriasis rubra pilaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56454009 Pityriasis versicolor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2437000 Placenta circumvallata (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9864005 Placenta multipartita (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36813001 Placenta previa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15663008 Placenta previa centralis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24095001 Placenta previa partialis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198905007 Placenta previa with hemorrhage - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198906008 Placenta previa with hemorrhage - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198903000 Placenta previa with hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198899007 Placenta previa without hemorrhage - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198900002 Placenta previa without hemorrhage - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7792000 Placenta previa without hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4174008 Placenta tripartita (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169957005 Placental abnormality (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198910006 Placental abruption - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198911005 Placental abruption - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415105001 Placental abruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51195001 Placental polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199625002 Placental transfusion syndromes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21850008 Plagiocephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58750007 Plague (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240539000 Plane wart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13370002 Plantar fascial fibromatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202882003 Plantar fasciitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61251002 Plantar hyperkeratosis of yaws (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193148004 Plantar nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83448006 Plantar papilloma of yaws (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95209008 Plasma cell leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95210003 Plasma cell leukemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415111003 Plasma cell neoplasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415112005 Plasmacytoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37465004 Plasmacytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232080006 Plateau iris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22716005 Platelet disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41461004 Platelet dysfunction due to drugs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128101008 Platelet factor V deficiency (factor V Quebec) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 117067008 Plateletpheresis product issued (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7603007 Platyspondylia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60046008 Pleural effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81075000 Pleural effusion associated with pulmonary infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271503005 Pleural empyema with fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233658003 Pleural plaque (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196075003 Pleurisy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2237002 Pleuritic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253733006 Pleuropericardial cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403818001 Plexiform neurofibroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52368004 Plicated tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80126007 Plummer-Vinson syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20154006 Pneumatouria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14415006 Pneumocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16814004 Pneumococcal infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51169003 Pneumococcal meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58710009 Pneumococcal peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24302002 Pneumococcal pleurisy with effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233607000 Pneumococcal pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90849005 Pneumococcal septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310578008 Pneumococcal vaccination given (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40122008 Pneumoconiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17996008 Pneumoconiosis due to inorganic dust (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 805002 Pneumoconiosis due to silica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88860002 Pneumocystosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233604007 Pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409664000 Pneumonia due to anaerobic bacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51530003 Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430395005 Pneumonia due to Gram negative bacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64479007 Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46970008 Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39172002 Pneumonia due to Proteus mirabilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41381004 Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195881003 Pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34020007 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111900000 Pneumonia in aspergillosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59475000 Pneumonia in pertussis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84753008 Pneumonia in systemic mycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195905006 Pneumonia with histoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38976008 Pneumonic plague (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205237003 Pneumonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46207001 Pneumonitis due to acquired toxoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86294001 Pneumonitis due to inhalation of essences (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196032009 Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57463004 Pneumonitis due to liquids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64030005 Pneumonitis due to solids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25503004 Pneumopyopericardium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36118008 Pneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45265000 Poikiloderma of Civatte (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75478009 Poisoning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53126001 Poisoning by adrenal cortical steroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90687000 Poisoning by agent primarily affecting blood constituent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32722006 Poisoning by aluminum hydroxide (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38751004 Poisoning by analgesic AND/OR antipyretic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241748001 Poisoning by analgesic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35279005 Poisoning by antacid AND/OR antigastric secretion drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65435003 Poisoning by antiadrenergic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2935001 Poisoning by antiasthmatic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419347003 Poisoning by antibacterial drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67438002 Poisoning by anticoagulant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42377002 Poisoning by anticonvulsant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82276009 Poisoning by antidepressant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212545006 Poisoning by antidiabetic agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123012009 Poisoning by antidote AND/OR chelating agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111769007 Poisoning by antihypertensive agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419639006 Poisoning by anti-infective agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111767009 Poisoning by antilipemic AND/OR antiarteriosclerotic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49450009 Poisoning by antiprotozoal drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111762003 Poisoning by antirheumatic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86733006 Poisoning by antitussive (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111757004 Poisoning by aromatic analgesic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15056007 Poisoning by arthropod (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32835006 Poisoning by autonomous nervous system drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32449007 Poisoning by bacterial vaccine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44003006 Poisoning by barbiturate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7998009 Poisoning by bee sting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81914009 Poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tranquilizer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36533005 Poisoning by cardiac rhythm regulator (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56951005 Poisoning by cardiotonic glycoside (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22915003 Poisoning by cardiovascular system drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288293001 Poisoning by central nervous system drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61803000 Poisoning by central nervous system stimulant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57628003 Poisoning by chloral hydrate group (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43695003 Poisoning by chlorphenesin carbamate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21413004 Poisoning by coronary vasodilator (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79815000 Poisoning by dietetic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111772000 Poisoning by diuretic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87904007 Poisoning by drug acting on smooth AND/OR skeletal muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67794001 Poisoning by drug acting on the respiratory system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7895008 Poisoning by drug AND/OR medicinal substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111758009 Poisoning by enzyme (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43624006 Poisoning by gastrointestinal system drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44969005 Poisoning by hair treatment drug AND/OR preparation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13187008 Poisoning by heroin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70539005 Poisoning by hormone AND/OR synthetic substitute (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46298002 Poisoning by hornet sting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55381001 Poisoning by iron AND/OR its compounds (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111764002 Poisoning by local anesthetic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76400006 Poisoning by local antipruritic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60199004 Poisoning by methadone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430240002 Poisoning by mineral salt (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111763008 Poisoning by mixed sedative (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430973002 Poisoning by ophthalmic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241749009 Poisoning by opiate analgesic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11196001 Poisoning by opiate AND/OR related narcotic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72610007 Poisoning by opiate antagonist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74264003 Poisoning by opium alkaloid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57125001 Poisoning by ovarian hormone AND/OR synthetic substitute (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66413004 Poisoning by penicillin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48534006 Poisoning by phenothiazine-based tranquilizer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74882009 Poisoning by phenytoin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51725000 Poisoning by primarily systemic agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439014005 Poisoning by propionic acid derivative (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85975005 Poisoning by psychodysleptic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20260003 Poisoning by psychostimulant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61438005 Poisoning by psychotropic agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69819005 Poisoning by purine derivative diuretic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7248001 Poisoning by salicylate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21673003 Poisoning by saluretic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85337000 Poisoning by sedative AND/OR hypnotic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10984003 Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27795004 Poisoning by surface (topical) AND/OR infiltration anesthetic (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 45536007 Poisoning by sympathomimetic drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9408000 Poisoning by thyroid hormone AND/OR thyroid derivative (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28774007 Poisoning by viral AND/OR rickettsial vaccine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111760006 Poisoning by vitamin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111770008 Poisoning by water AND/OR mineral metabolism drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 217676001 Poisoning due to centipede and venomous millipede (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 217677005 Poisoning due to centipede venom (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 217684002 Poisoning due to venomous marine animals or plants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 217650001 Poisoning due to venomous snakes and lizards (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11762004 Poisoning of animal by plant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269736006 Poisoning of unknown intent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 242975003 Poisoning of unknown intent by drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38371006 Poland anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203291003 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14240001 Poliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40387008 Polyagglutinable erythrocyte syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20258000 Polyarteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 155441006 Polyarteritis nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36186002 Polyarthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250099002 Polyarticular joint involvement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190808009 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28728008 Polycystic kidney disease adult type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28770003 Polycystic kidney disease infantile type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69878008 Polycystic ovaries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109992005 Polycythemia vera (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367506006 Polydactyly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81793007 Polydactyly of fingers (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62218008 Polydactyly of toes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 228372006 Poly-drug misuser (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46724008 Polyglandular activity in multiple endocrine adenomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83728000 Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111546006 Polyglandular dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199646006 Polyhydramnios - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86203003 Polyhydramnios (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199647002 Polyhydramnios with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52754008 Polymenorrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238525001 Polymorphic light eruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423038006 Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma of salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65323003 Polymyalgia rheumatica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31384009 Polymyositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42345000 Polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421597001 Polyneuropathy associated with AIDS (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7339009 Polyneuropathy due to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193177003 Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193178008 Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193179000 Polyneuropathy in polyarteritis nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193180002 Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193188009 Polyneuropathy in vitamin B deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36517007 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35547002 Polyotia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373610002 Polyp in nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65576009 Polyp of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58881007 Polyp of cervix affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68496003 Polyp of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11314008 Polyp of corpus uteri (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45823004 Polyp of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197433003 Polyp of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254588001 Polyp of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82069007 Polyp of labia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86423004 Polyp of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29074008 Polyp of maxillary sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32307003 Polyp of nasal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428472008 Polyp of sigmoid colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399723004 Polyp of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90685008 Polyp of sphenoidal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29609001 Polyp of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26808007 Polypoid sinus degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51339003 Polysubstance dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28442001 Polyuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408665008 Pontine artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276608005 Poor fetal nutrition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398152000 Poor muscle tone (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162128006 Poor stream of urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301179007 Poor venous access (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297141005 Popliteal artery embolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314189001 Popliteal artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87239004 Popliteal artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233978009 Popliteal entrapment syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66783006 Popliteal pterygium syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65705009 Porencephalic cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400080004 Porokeratosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80432009 Porokeratosis of Mibelli (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61860000 Porphyria cutanea tarda (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44574006 Porphyruria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34742003 Portal hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 303082009 Portal hypertensive gastropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67656006 Portal pyemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128058007 Portal systemic vascular shunt disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17920008 Portal vein thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416377005 Port-wine stain of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 412731001 Positive genetic finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309303001 Positive microbiology findings (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26576000 Positive skin test reaction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195130005 Post cardiac operation functional disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373108000 Post percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31097004 Post poliomyelitis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237527007 Postablative hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190538008 Postablative ovarian failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190552005 Postablative testicular hypofunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31351009 Postartificial menopausal syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43887004 Postauricular fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78643003 Postcardiotomy syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237787007 Post-chemotherapy ovarian failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236813004 Post-chemotherapy testicular hypofunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438495005 Postcholecystectomy bile peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90782003 Postcholecystectomy syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48880000 Postcoital bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40425004 Postconcussion syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200118004 Post-delivery acute renal failure with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406151001 Post-discharge follow-up (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72242008 Postductal coarctation of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56528004 Post-dysenteric arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201504007 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201503001 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of the ankle and/or foot (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 201499007 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201500003 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201502006 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201501004 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 201497009 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201498004 Post-dysenteric reactive arthropathy of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239177006 Post-episiotomy pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410567004 Posterior capsule opacification (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230696001 Posterior cerebral circulation infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267639001 Posterior corneal pigmentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14169000 Posterior dislocation of lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428730006 Posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5582005 Posterior fossa compression syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193139009 Posterior interosseous nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415147002 Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415148007 Posterior perineal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75803007 Posterior rhinorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267660007 Posterior scleritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34533008 Posterior subcapsular polar cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5318001 Posterior subcapsular polar senile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111512005 Posterior synechiae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399364006 Posterior tibial neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247081001 Posterior vitreous detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4654002 Posteruptive color change of tooth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80193009 Postgastric surgery syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76628006 Post-hemiplegic chorea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27156006 Posthepatitic cirrhosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2177002 Postherpetic neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76462000 Post-herpetic polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17974002 Post-herpetic trigeminal neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192704009 Post-immunization encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429436007 Post-immunization myelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233929004 Post-infarction mural thrombus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233846000 Post-infarction ventricular septal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123976001 Post-infectious disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192727001 Post-infectious encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230199007 Post-infectious encephalomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239783001 Post-infective arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423515003 Post-infective arthritis of joint of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423310007 Post-infective arthritis of joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426266003 Post-infective myelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422565003 Post-infective polyarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238699007 Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24003004 Postinflammatory optic atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266368002 Post-inflammatory pulmonary fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2801003 Postlaminectomy kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62567006 Postlaminectomy lordosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27151001 Post-laminectomy syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28968001 Postlaminectomy syndrome of cervical region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35731002 Postlaminectomy syndrome of lumbar region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37432007 Postlaminectomy syndrome of thoracic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33129002 Postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239176002 Post-mastectomy pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16102009 Postmastoidectomy complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8076000 Postmature abnormal placenta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76742009 Postmenopausal bleeding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102447009 Postmenopausal osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76498008 Postmenopausal state (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66189004 Postmyocardial infarction syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200238005 Postnatal deep vein thrombosis with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 178280004 Postnatal infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371072008 Postobstructive pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438764004 Postoperative aspiration pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54883000 Postoperative blind loop syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233816003 Postoperative cardiac complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428780000 Postoperative cellulitis of surgical wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233918003 Postoperative complete heart block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 385486001 Postoperative complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428102003 Postoperative complication of wiring of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213220000 Postoperative deep vein thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248450003 Postoperative fever (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213262007 Postoperative hematoma formation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110265006 Postoperative hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428782008 Postoperative hemothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80116000 Postoperative heterotopic calcification (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27059002 Postoperative hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235833007 Postoperative ileus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241556001 Postoperative incisional hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66132003 Postoperative incisional hernia with obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33910007 Postoperative infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235821002 Postoperative intestinal obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2471009 Postoperative intra-abdominal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235822009 Postoperative mechanical intestinal obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1488000 Postoperative nausea and vomiting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427883005 Postoperative peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314978007 Postoperative pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275408006 Postoperative renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236652008 Postoperative retention of urine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58581001 Postoperative shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19585003 Postoperative state (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205512009 Postoperative stitch abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6212009 Postoperative subphrenic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438481007 Postoperative tethered cord syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111411000 Postoperative urethral stricture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197926005 Postoperative urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183646003 Postoperative visit (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72245005 Postoperative vomiting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15997003 Postoperative wound abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307230004 Postoperative wound cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58126003 Postoperative wound infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213286009 Postoperative wound infection-deep (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213287000 Postoperative wound infection-superficial (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62377009 Postpartum cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267272006 Postpartum coagulation defects (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200031006 Postpartum coagulation defects with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56272000 Postpartum deep phlebothrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58703003 Postpartum depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248451004 Postpartum fever (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47821001 Postpartum hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18260003 Postpartum psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31834007 Postpartum subinvolution of breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83916000 Postpartum thrombophlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52772002 Postpartum thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20427003 Postphlebitic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39931000 Postpill amenorrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128926000 Postprocedural state finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234514001 Post-splenectomy septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190437000 Post-surgical hypoinsulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111265002 Postsurgical lordosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 440121002 Postsurgical lymphedema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266480006 Post-surgical malabsorption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79995002 Post-term infant not heavy-for-dates (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199063009 Post-term pregnancy - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199064003 Post-term pregnancy - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239175003 Post-thoracotomy pain syndrome (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73162004 Posttransfusion purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254290004 Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275277000 Post-traumatic amnesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230799003 Post-traumatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230282000 Post-traumatic dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425622004 Post-traumatic macular scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9585003 Post-traumatic retinal scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47505003 Posttraumatic stress disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111726004 Posttraumatic wound infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254024005 Postural plagiocephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123948009 Post-viral disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70631003 Potassium increased diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91466008 Potassium intoxication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26041009 Potassium restricted diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 394864002 Potential infectious contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89392001 Prader-Willi syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277572006 Pre B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425941003 Pre B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18820007 Preauricular cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204270004 Preauricular sinus and fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238701007 Precancerous melanosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266253001 Precerebral arterial occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199833004 Precipitate labor - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51920004 Precipitate labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417186004 Precipitous drop in hematocrit (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237815000 Precocious pubarche (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400179000 Precocious puberty (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123527003 Precocious sexual development (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71884009 Precordial pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363265005 Predominant humoral immune deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13867009 Preductal coarctation of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398254007 Pre-eclampsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198999008 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199002002 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198997005 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199003007 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199005000 Pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86041002 Pre-existing hypertension in obstetric context (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4307007 Pregestational diabetes mellitus AND/OR impaired glucose tolerance modified White class F (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198881004 Pregnancy complications (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250425007 Pregnancy test negative (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237300009 Pregnancy with isoimmunization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199139003 Pregnancy-induced edema and proteinuria without hypertension (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 48194001 Pregnancy-induced hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4557003 Preinfarction syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206169007 Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4910006 Premature abnormal placenta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 103021001 Premature adrenarche (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284470004 Premature atrial contraction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29717002 Premature beats (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367494004 Premature birth of newborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282020008 Premature delivery (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102889008 Premature development of the breasts (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44001008 Premature ejaculation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 395507008 Premature infant (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6383007 Premature labor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373717006 Premature menopause (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237788002 Premature ovarian failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199658006 Premature rupture of membranes - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44223004 Premature rupture of membranes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199659003 Premature rupture of membranes with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198912003 Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44247006 Prematurity of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88424000 Premenopausal menorrhagia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 596004 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426578000 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10885003 Premenstrual symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82639001 Premenstrual tension syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118189007 Prenatal finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72077002 Preoperative state (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17059001 Prepatellar bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193349004 Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253853002 Preputial adhesions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22620000 Prepyloric ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55655006 Prerenal uremia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11547003 Preretinal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49526009 Presbycusis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231438001 Presbyophrenic psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41256004 Presbyopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12348006 Presenile dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191452002 Presenile dementia with delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191455000 Presenile dementia with depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9780006 Presentation of prolapsed arm of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225563000 Pressure sore on buttocks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225559007 Pressure sore on elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225561003 Pressure sore on heel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225562005 Pressure sore on sacrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64756007 Previous cesarean section (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6273006 Priapism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30961001 Prickling sensation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72658003 Prickly heat (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373662000 Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31015008 Primary anal syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392288006 Primary angle-closure glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430335007 Primary apnea in the newborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42908004 Primary atelectasis in perinatal period (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11836002 Primary bacterial peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31712002 Primary biliary cirrhosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89461002 Primary cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23732000 Primary cerebellar degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35065006 Primary chronic pseudo-obstruction of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44516004 Primary chronic pseudo-obstruction of gastrointestinal tract (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 415176004 Primary congenital glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128875000 Primary cutaneous CD30+ large T-cell lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79949009 Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400001003 Primary cutaneous lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400122007 Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47269005 Primary cyst of pars plana (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416780008 Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type presenile onset (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 6475002 Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type presenile onset uncomplicated (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65096006 Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type presenile onset with delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416975007 Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type senile onset (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 66108005 Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type senile onset uncomplicated (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26852004 Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type senile onset with depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8239009 Primary endocardial fibroelastosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68602002 Primary endomyocardial fibrosis cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433087001 Primary failure of corneal graft after penetrating keratoplasty (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 83978005 Primary familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5084002 Primary female infertility (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95417003 Primary fibromyalgia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427794001 Primary focal hyperhidrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18576006 Primary functional encopresis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186847001 Primary genital syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40981003 Primary herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402888002 Primary herpes simplex infection of genitalia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190507007 Primary hyperaldosteronism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17901006 Primary hyperoxaluria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36348003 Primary hyperparathyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36124002 Primary hypersomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238083002 Primary hypertriglyceridemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2251002 Primary hypotony of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68779003 Primary IgA nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58606001 Primary immune deficiency disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3972004 Primary insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12630008 Primary iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17093002 Primary lacrimal atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81211007 Primary lateral sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28736004 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77994009 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372087000 Primary malignant neoplasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371962007 Primary malignant neoplasm of abdominal esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93659005 Primary malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93661001 Primary malignant neoplasm of acromion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371963002 Primary malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93665005 Primary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371967001 Primary malignant neoplasm of ampulla of vater (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93669004 Primary malignant neoplasm of anal canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93670003 Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior aspect of epiglottis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93671004 Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93672006 Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 371968006 Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior two-thirds of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93674007 Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93676009 Primary malignant neoplasm of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371969003 Primary malignant neoplasm of apex of urinary bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93679002 Primary malignant neoplasm of appendix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93681000 Primary malignant neoplasm of areola of male breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128466006 Primary malignant neoplasm of articular cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93683002 Primary malignant neoplasm of ascending colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93686005 Primary malignant neoplasm of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93687001 Primary malignant neoplasm of base of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371970002 Primary malignant neoplasm of biliary tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93689003 Primary malignant neoplasm of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93692004 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93693009 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93694003 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93695002 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93696001 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93697005 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93698000 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93699008 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93700009 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93701008 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of inguinal region (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93703006 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93704000 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93705004 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93706003 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of perineum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93707007 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of popliteal space (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93708002 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93709005 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93710000 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93711001 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93713003 Primary malignant neoplasm of blood vessel of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93715005 Primary malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93716006 Primary malignant neoplasm of body of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93717002 Primary malignant neoplasm of body of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93725000 Primary malignant neoplasm of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93720005 Primary malignant neoplasm of bone marrow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93721009 Primary malignant neoplasm of bone of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93722002 Primary malignant neoplasm of bone of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93723007 Primary malignant neoplasm of bone of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93724001 Primary malignant neoplasm of bone of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371975007 Primary malignant neoplasm of border of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93727008 Primary malignant neoplasm of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93726004 Primary malignant neoplasm of brain stem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109834009 Primary malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93728003 Primary malignant neoplasm of broad ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93729006 Primary malignant neoplasm of bronchus of left lower lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93731002 Primary malignant neoplasm of bronchus of right lower lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93732009 Primary malignant neoplasm of bronchus of right middle lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93733004 Primary malignant neoplasm of bronchus of right upper lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371976008 Primary malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93738008 Primary malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93740003 Primary malignant neoplasm of carotid body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371977004 Primary malignant neoplasm of cecum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93744007 Primary malignant neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93745008 Primary malignant neoplasm of central portion of female breast (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93746009 Primary malignant neoplasm of cerebellum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93747000 Primary malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93748005 Primary malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93749002 Primary malignant neoplasm of cerebrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371978009 Primary malignant neoplasm of cervical esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93754006 Primary malignant neoplasm of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93755007 Primary malignant neoplasm of choroid primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93756008 Primary malignant neoplasm of ciliary body primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93757004 Primary malignant neoplasm of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371980003 Primary malignant neoplasm of clitoris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93759001 Primary malignant neoplasm of coccygeal body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93760006 Primary malignant neoplasm of coccyx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93761005 Primary malignant neoplasm of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93764002 Primary malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93766000 Primary malignant neoplasm of cornea primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93767009 Primary malignant neoplasm of cranial nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93768004 Primary malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93771007 Primary malignant neoplasm of descending colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93772000 Primary malignant neoplasm of diaphragm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93773005 Primary malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93775003 Primary malignant neoplasm of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93777006 Primary malignant neoplasm of ectopic male breast tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371983001 Primary malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93781006 Primary malignant neoplasm of endometrium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93783009 Primary malignant neoplasm of epididymis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93784003 Primary malignant neoplasm of epiglottis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371984007 Primary malignant neoplasm of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93787005 Primary malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93789008 Primary malignant neoplasm of exocervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371985008 Primary malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371986009 Primary malignant neoplasm of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93792007 Primary malignant neoplasm of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371987000 Primary malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93796005 Primary malignant neoplasm of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93797001 Primary malignant neoplasm of female genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93801000 Primary malignant neoplasm of flank (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93802007 Primary malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93808006 Primary malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93809003 Primary malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372139008 Primary malignant neoplasm of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363745004 Primary malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371989002 Primary malignant neoplasm of glans penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93816002 Primary malignant neoplasm of glottis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93817006 Primary malignant neoplasm of great vessels (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93818001 Primary malignant neoplasm of greater curvature of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371990006 Primary malignant neoplasm of gum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93821004 Primary malignant neoplasm of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371991005 Primary malignant neoplasm of hard palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93824007 Primary malignant neoplasm of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372119009 Primary malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93825008 Primary malignant neoplasm of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93826009 Primary malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93829002 Primary malignant neoplasm of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93831006 Primary malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93832004 Primary malignant neoplasm of ileum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93833009 Primary malignant neoplasm of ilium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93835002 Primary malignant neoplasm of inner aspect of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93836001 Primary malignant neoplasm of inner aspect of lower lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93837005 Primary malignant neoplasm of inner aspect of upper lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371992003 Primary malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93840005 Primary malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93842002 Primary malignant neoplasm of ischium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93843007 Primary malignant neoplasm of islets of Langerhans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93844001 Primary malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93846004 Primary malignant neoplasm of jejunum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93848003 Primary malignant neoplasm of junctional zone of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93849006 Primary malignant neoplasm of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93850006 Primary malignant neoplasm of labia majora (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93851005 Primary malignant neoplasm of labia minora (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371993008 Primary malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109370001 Primary malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371995001 Primary malignant neoplasm of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93860002 Primary malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93861003 Primary malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93862005 Primary malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93864006 Primary malignant neoplasm of left lower lobe of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93865007 Primary malignant neoplasm of left upper lobe of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93867004 Primary malignant neoplasm of lesser curvature of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93868009 Primary malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371996000 Primary malignant neoplasm of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95214007 Primary malignant neoplasm of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93871001 Primary malignant neoplasm of long bone of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93872008 Primary malignant neoplasm of long bone of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371997009 Primary malignant neoplasm of lower gum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93874009 Primary malignant neoplasm of lower inner quadrant of female breast (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93875005 Primary malignant neoplasm of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372110008 Primary malignant neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus or lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93876006 Primary malignant neoplasm of lower outer quadrant of female breast (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 371998004 Primary malignant neoplasm of lower third of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93880001 Primary malignant neoplasm of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93882009 Primary malignant neoplasm of main bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93883004 Primary malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93885006 Primary malignant neoplasm of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93886007 Primary malignant neoplasm of mandible (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93889000 Primary malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93890009 Primary malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93891008 Primary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109915008 Primary malignant neoplasm of meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93894000 Primary malignant neoplasm of middle ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371999007 Primary malignant neoplasm of middle third of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372000001 Primary malignant neoplasm of minor salivary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93913006 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93899005 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93900000 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93901001 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93902008 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93903003 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93904009 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of inguinal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93905005 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93906006 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93907002 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93908007 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of perineum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93909004 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93910009 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93912001 Primary malignant neoplasm of muscle of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93915004 Primary malignant neoplasm of myometrium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93917007 Primary malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93922007 Primary malignant neoplasm of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93923002 Primary malignant neoplasm of nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93924008 Primary malignant neoplasm of nipple of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93926005 Primary malignant neoplasm of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93928006 Primary malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372001002 Primary malignant neoplasm of oral cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93932000 Primary malignant neoplasm of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93933005 Primary malignant neoplasm of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93934004 Primary malignant neoplasm of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422782004 Primary malignant neoplasm of ovary with widespread metastatic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372002009 Primary malignant neoplasm of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372003004 Primary malignant neoplasm of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93939009 Primary malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93940006 Primary malignant neoplasm of para-aortic body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93942003 Primary malignant neoplasm of parametrium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93944002 Primary malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93946000 Primary malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93947009 Primary malignant neoplasm of parietal peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93948004 Primary malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372004005 Primary malignant neoplasm of parotid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93951006 Primary malignant neoplasm of pelvic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372115003 Primary malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones sacrum and coccyx (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93952004 Primary malignant neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93953009 Primary malignant neoplasm of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372005006 Primary malignant neoplasm of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422736007 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109921007 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of head face and/or neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109925003 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109923005 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109939003 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109937001 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 109927006 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109933002 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109941002 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109931000 Primary malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of upper limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 93961004 Primary malignant neoplasm of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93962006 Primary malignant neoplasm of pineal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93964007 Primary malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93965008 Primary malignant neoplasm of placenta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93966009 Primary malignant neoplasm of pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93967000 Primary malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93968005 Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93969002 Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93970001 Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93971002 Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372006007 Primary malignant neoplasm of prepuce (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93974005 Primary malignant neoplasm of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93976007 Primary malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93977003 Primary malignant neoplasm of pylorus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93978008 Primary malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93979000 Primary malignant neoplasm of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93981003 Primary malignant neoplasm of rectouterine pouch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93984006 Primary malignant neoplasm of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93985007 Primary malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93986008 Primary malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93987004 Primary malignant neoplasm of retina primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93989001 Primary malignant neoplasm of retromolar area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94092006 Primary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93990005 Primary malignant neoplasm of rib (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93991009 Primary malignant neoplasm of right lower lobe of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93992002 Primary malignant neoplasm of right middle lobe of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93993007 Primary malignant neoplasm of right upper lobe of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93994001 Primary malignant neoplasm of round ligament of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93996004 Primary malignant neoplasm of sacrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93997008 Primary malignant neoplasm of scapula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 93998003 Primary malignant neoplasm of sclera primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372009000 Primary malignant neoplasm of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94003005 Primary malignant neoplasm of short bone of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94004004 Primary malignant neoplasm of short bone of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94005003 Primary malignant neoplasm of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94006002 Primary malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94047004 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94011000 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94012007 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94016005 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94017001 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94019003 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of external auditory canal (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94021008 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94022001 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94026003 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94028002 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94031001 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94032008 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94033003 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94035005 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94038007 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94043000 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94045007 Primary malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94048009 Primary malignant neoplasm of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94049001 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372010005 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94050001 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94051002 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of axilla (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94052009 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of buttock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94053004 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94054005 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94055006 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94056007 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of inguinal region (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94057003 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94058008 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94059000 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94060005 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of perineum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94061009 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94062002 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94063007 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372012002 Primary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94067008 Primary malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94068003 Primary malignant neoplasm of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94069006 Primary malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94071006 Primary malignant neoplasm of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94072004 Primary malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94073009 Primary malignant neoplasm of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372014001 Primary malignant neoplasm of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94075002 Primary malignant neoplasm of subglottis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94076001 Primary malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94077005 Primary malignant neoplasm of submaxillary gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94078000 Primary malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94080006 Primary malignant neoplasm of supraglottis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94082003 Primary malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94086000 Primary malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94087009 Primary malignant neoplasm of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372015000 Primary malignant neoplasm of the mesentery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94090003 Primary malignant neoplasm of the omentum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372016004 Primary malignant neoplasm of the peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372017008 Primary malignant neoplasm of thoracic esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94096009 Primary malignant neoplasm of thymus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94097000 Primary malignant neoplasm of thyroglossal duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94098005 Primary malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424887002 Primary malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland metastatic to bone (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94101009 Primary malignant neoplasm of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372020000 Primary malignant neoplasm of tonsil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94102002 Primary malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94103007 Primary malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94104001 Primary malignant neoplasm of trachea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94105000 Primary malignant neoplasm of transverse colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94109006 Primary malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94112009 Primary malignant neoplasm of ulna (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94113004 Primary malignant neoplasm of undescended testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109356001 Primary malignant neoplasm of unspecified site (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372022008 Primary malignant neoplasm of upper gum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94115006 Primary malignant neoplasm of upper inner quadrant of female breast (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94116007 Primary malignant neoplasm of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94117003 Primary malignant neoplasm of upper outer quadrant of female breast (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94118008 Primary malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372023003 Primary malignant neoplasm of upper third of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94120006 Primary malignant neoplasm of urachus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94121005 Primary malignant neoplasm of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94122003 Primary malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice of urinary bladder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94123008 Primary malignant neoplasm of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94124002 Primary malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94126000 Primary malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372024009 Primary malignant neoplasm of uterine cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94128004 Primary malignant neoplasm of uveal tract primary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94129007 Primary malignant neoplasm of uvula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372025005 Primary malignant neoplasm of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94132005 Primary malignant neoplasm of vallecula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94133000 Primary malignant neoplasm of vas deferens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94134006 Primary malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94135007 Primary malignant neoplasm of vermilion border of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372027002 Primary malignant neoplasm of vermilion border of upper lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372028007 Primary malignant neoplasm of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94138009 Primary malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94140004 Primary malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94143002 Primary malignant neoplasm of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423987006 Primary malignant neoplasm of vulva with widespread metastatic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94144008 Primary malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271572004 Primary microcephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77075001 Primary open angle glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21098003 Primary optic atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65846009 Primary ovarian failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8913004 Primary physiologic amenorrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35339003 Primary pneumonic plague (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428700003 Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88036000 Primary pulmonary coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26174007 Primary pulmonary hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28157000 Primary retinal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424849005 Primary sarcoma of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197441003 Primary sclerosing cholangitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361208003 Primary sleep apnea of newborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266127002 Primary syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54274001 Primary syphilis of fingers (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10345003 Primary syphilis of tonsils (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267534000 Primary thrombocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63309002 Primary tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88356006 Primary tuberculous complex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199819004 Primary uterine inertia - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199821009 Primary uterine inertia with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25418001 Primordial cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87343002 Prinzmetal angina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277843001 Problem behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298313002 Problem with balance (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313195009 Procedure carried out (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183932001 Procedure contraindicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416406003 Procedure discontinued (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417451006 Procedure needed (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416432009 Procedure not wanted (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418667009 Procedure scheduling issues (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 394908001 Procedure stopped (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129125009 Procedure with explicit context (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3951002 Proctitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418130002 Proctocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111363006 Proctoptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31216003 Profound mental retardation (I.Q. below 20) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54304004 Progressive bulbar palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46252003 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20980008 Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314840009 Progressive locomotor ataxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22255007 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88923002 Progressive muscular atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267581004 Progressive myoclonic epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82725007 Progressive myositis ossificans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64146000 Progressive pigmentary dermatosis of Schamberg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20415001 Progressive sclerosing poliodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425219008 Progressive spinal ataxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28978003 Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 134209002 Prolactinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199869007 Prolapse of cord - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9361007 Prolapse of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73998008 Prolapse of female genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76641005 Prolapse of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85793001 Prolapse of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198305004 Prolapse of ovary and fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12068006 Prolapse of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430961002 Prolapse of uterine cervical stump (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42116007 Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 354737001 Prolapse of vaginal walls without uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199384007 Prolapsed arm - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240215009 Prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267974002 Prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270500004 Prolapsed cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38059007 Prolapsed external hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46276006 Prolapsed hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80426004 Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202708005 Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240216005 Prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312909004 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy - iris neovascularization (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 59276001 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199672002 Prolonged artificial rupture of membranes - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192049004 Prolonged depressive adjustment reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199847000 Prolonged first stage - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33627001 Prolonged first stage of labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53443007 Prolonged labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90968009 Prolonged pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111975006 Prolonged QT interval (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12729009 Prolonged rupture of membranes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199857004 Prolonged second stage - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77259008 Prolonged second stage of labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48091006 Prolonged sleep (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110006004 Prolymphocytic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275478007 Prominent ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230628008 Pronator syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69080001 Propionic acidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249604002 Prostate finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197973004 Prostatic congestion or hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409658007 Prostatic cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254901000 Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36729000 Prostatic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11441004 Prostatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9713002 Prostatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67685000 Prostatocystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234182001 Prosthetic cardiac valve component embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275274007 Prosthetic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213082003 Prosthetic joint dislocation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213121005 Prosthetic joint infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302969009 Prosthetic joint loosening (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271578000 Prosthetic joint mechanical failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51445007 Protan defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76407009 Protein C deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1563006 Protein S deficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66972006 Protein-losing enteropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29738008 Proteinuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236500003 Proteinuric diabetic nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186437007 Proteus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23150001 Proteus syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301012009 Proteus urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409674002 Prothrombin time increased (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89933001 Protozoal intestinal disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95896000 Protozoan infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236077008 Protracted diarrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202326005 Protrusio acetabuli of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64545009 Protrusion of cardiac device (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5187006 Prune belly syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63501000 Prurigo nodularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279333002 Pruritic disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64144002 Pruritic rash (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90446007 Pruritus ani (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267802000 Pruritus of genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239102001 Pruritus of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34363003 Pruritus of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67882000 Pruritus of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42570001 Pruritus senilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428110002 Pseudoaneurysm of arteriovenous graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410818009 Pseudoarthrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430962009 Pseudoarthrosis of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7379000 Pseudobulbar palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191397007 Pseudocholinesterase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70602002 Pseudocoarctation of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27240009 Pseudocowpox (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111374002 Pseudocyst of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67638006 Pseudocyst of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232445004 Pseudocystic change of vocal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95215008 Pseudoesotropia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111514006 Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44219007 Pseudoexfoliation of lens capsule (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399205006 Pseudofolliculitis barbae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60782007 Pseudogout (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58976002 Pseudohypoparathyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123669009 Pseudolipomatosis hypertrophy of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19750001 Pseudolymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72115001 Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397683000 Pseudomembranous enterocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193078005 Pseudomeningocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307601000 Pseudomyxoma peritonei (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70091000 Pseudopancreatic cholera syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57138009 Pseudopapilledema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238731001 Pseudopelade (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95217000 Pseudophakia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231922001 Pseudophakic corneal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13025001 Pseudopolyposis of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58638006 Pseudoporencephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71275003 Pseudoprimary aldosteronism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237659007 Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66139007 Pseudopterygium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313157004 Pseudostrabismus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75680005 Psoas tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9014002 Psoriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33339001 Psoriasis with arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8971008 Psychalgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192150001 Psychic factor associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2403008 Psychoactive substance dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11061003 Psychoactive substance use disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83168008 Psychoactive substance-induced organic amnestic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50026000 Psychoactive substance-induced organic anxiety disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32552001 Psychoactive substance-induced organic delusional disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111480006 Psychoactive substance-induced organic dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28368009 Psychoactive substance-induced organic hallucinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37331004 Psychoactive substance-induced organic mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84209002 Psychogenic amnesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191973007 Psychogenic constipation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191954008 Psychogenic cough (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191977008 Psychogenic dysmenorrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191978003 Psychogenic dysuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3586005 Psychogenic fugue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66551002 Psychogenic headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191956005 Psychogenic hyperventilation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73491007 Psychogenic impotence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191680007 Psychogenic paranoid psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15945005 Psychogenic polydipsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129562004 Psychogenic skin disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65438001 Psychogenic torticollis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425743007 Psychogenic vocal cord dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64161004 Psychogenic voice disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37224001 Psychogenic vomiting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20734000 Psychologic conversion disorder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41021005 Psychologic dyspareunia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71787009 Psychologic vaginismus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25618008 Psychological symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47295007 Psychomotor agitation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361123003 Psychomotor epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268634009 Psychoneurotic personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70042006 Psychophysical visual disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37057007 Psychophysiologic disorder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425832009 Psychophysiologic insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191687005 Psychoses with origin in childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56627002 Psychosexual disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268637002 Psychosexual dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191787001 Psychosexual identity disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26112003 Psychosomatic factor in physical condition (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191948007 Psychosomatic musculoskeletal symptoms (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275471001 Psychostimulant dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428370001 Psychostimulant withdrawal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69322001 Psychotic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 280427006 Psychotic symptom present (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77489003 Pterygium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246813002 Ptosis of eyebrow (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11934000 Ptosis of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248804005 Ptotic breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237125007 Pubertal menorrhagia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18991001 Puberty (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427972000 Pudendal neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200330000 Puerperal cerebrovascular disorder - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200182007 Puerperal endometritis with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12062007 Puerperal pelvic cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237343001 Puerperal phlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237348005 Puerperal pyrexia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200277008 Puerperal pyrexia of unknown origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2858002 Puerperal septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95854004 Pulled elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21846001 Pulmonary actinomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87153008 Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10501004 Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17993000 Pulmonary arteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194892009 Pulmonary artery aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95441000 Pulmonary artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210790008 Pulmonary blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417018008 Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20953001 Pulmonary cryptococcosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50997000 Pulmonary dirofilariasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84353005 Pulmonary disease due to Mycobacteria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19242006 Pulmonary edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59282003 Pulmonary embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87433001 Pulmonary emphysema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76846002 Pulmonary endarteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367542003 Pulmonary eosinophilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70995007 Pulmonary hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64662007 Pulmonary infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24369008 Pulmonary sarcoidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234517008 Pulmonary transfusion reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431723004 Pulmonary transfusion reaction of sudden onset (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 154283005 Pulmonary tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45556008 Pulmonary tularemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76267008 Pulmonary valve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91434003 Pulmonic valve regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56786000 Pulmonic valve stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32021005 Pulp abscess of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266417001 Pulp and periapical tissue disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32620007 Pulpitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2284002 Pulsating exophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42513006 Punctate keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246936005 Punctate keratopathy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427435004 Punctate keratopathy after penetrating keratoplasty (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312609001 Puncture wound - injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68633000 Pupillary disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5310008 Pupillary paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267432004 Pure hypercholesterolemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50715003 Pure red cell aplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226211001 Pureed diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22745007 Purine restricted diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56231002 Purpura annularis telangiectodes of Majocchi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13507004 Purpura fulminans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387778001 Purpuric disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232030000 Purtscher's retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41720003 Purulent endophthalmitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30330001 Purulent myositis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39288006 Purulent otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8442000 Purulent rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27520001 Pustular psoriasis of the palms AND/OR soles (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45816000 Pyelonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197782004 Pyelonephritis associated with another disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37779008 Pyeloureteritis cystica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2831009 Pyloric antral vascular ectasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 244815007 Pyloric obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367403001 Pyloric stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301456001 Pyloritis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 335002 Pylorospasm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70759006 Pyoderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74578003 Pyoderma gangrenosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20358003 Pyogenic arthritis of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6861003 Pyogenic arthritis of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42095008 Pyogenic arthritis of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61112000 Pyogenic arthritis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34934005 Pyogenic arthritis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19375000 Pyogenic arthritis of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36678001 Pyogenic arthritis of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267881005 Pyogenic arthritis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267878000 Pyogenic arthritis of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39629007 Pyogenic granuloma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397810006 Pyosalpinx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7520000 Pyrexia of unknown origin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70993000 Pyrogenic shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 600009 Pyromania (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87694001 Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46683007 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4800001 Pyuria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186788009 Q fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82180009 Quadrantanopia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91327001 Quadriparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11538006 Quadriplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48721008 Quadriplegic cerebral palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371120001 Quadriplegic spinal paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199325005 Quadruplet pregnancy - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60810003 Quadruplet pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199326006 Quadruplet pregnancy with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398768004 Queyrat's erythroplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14168008 Rabies (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61819007 Rachischisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85589009 Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195272002 Radial artery aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210835005 Radial blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230634001 Radial nerve compression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16644004 Radial neuropathy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21794005 Radial styloid tenosynovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234018007 Radiation damage to artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49084001 Radiation dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197013009 Radiation enterocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235605005 Radiation esophagitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197011006 Radiation gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203630007 Radiation kyphosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7725007 Radiation nephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84004001 Radiation pneumonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235760009 Radiation proctitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95221007 Radiation retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26037005 Radiation-induced myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89988002 Radicular cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11679003 Radicular pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69071001 Radicular syndrome of lower limbs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82473003 Radiculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168501001 Radiology result abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183650005 Radiotherapy follow-up (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14900002 Radiotherapy-induced hypopituitarism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33313004 Radioulnar synostosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309241005 Raised biochemistry findings (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271719001 Raised intracranial pressure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 112222000 Raised intraocular pressure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396152005 Raised prostate specific antigen (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309080005 Raised TSH level (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314208002 Rapid atrial fibrillation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415238003 Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236392004 Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111554008 Rare form of secondary diabetes mellitus due to disorder other than malnutrition protein deficiency pancreatic disease hormonal disease drugs receptor abnormality OR genetic syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1685005 Rat bite fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52859009 Rathke's pouch cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195295006 Raynaud's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33197007 Reaction to spinal puncture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371088008 Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201558003 Reactive arthropathy of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201570004 Reactive arthropathy of tibiofibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41526007 Reactive attachment disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28857002 Reactive attachment disorder of infancy OR early childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2312009 Reactive attachment disorder of infancy OR early childhood inhibited type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191678001 Reactive confusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87414006 Reactive depression (situational) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191676002 Reactive depressive psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 317006 Reactive hypoglycemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231437006 Reactive psychoses (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 213157000 Reattached forearm complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269296005 Reattached hand complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193324003 Recent subtotal retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193323009 Recent total retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 329676006 Receptive aphasia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229736005 Receptive language delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367515004 Receptive language disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193525001 Recession of chamber angle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2724004 Recruitment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84681008 Rectal cellulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80736008 Rectal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12063002 Rectal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39772007 Rectal polyp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57773001 Rectal prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65619001 Rectovaginal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18317005 Rectovulval fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210134007 Rectum injury with open wound into cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439469002 Recurrent abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102878001 Recurrent abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194287004 Recurrent acute otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232391008 Recurrent acute sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195677001 Recurrent acute tonsillitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232430006 Recurrent allergic croup (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430969000 Recurrent aspiration pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425562008 Recurrent bacterial cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428875002 Recurrent bacterial infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55417009 Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoidectomy cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429245005 Recurrent coronary arteriosclerosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58184002 Recurrent disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50952009 Recurrent dislocation of ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15858007 Recurrent dislocation of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10464008 Recurrent dislocation of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5137004 Recurrent dislocation of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202245003 Recurrent dislocation of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9337000 Recurrent dislocation of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30556007 Recurrent dislocation of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263008003 Recurrent dislocation of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202246002 Recurrent dislocation of the patellofemoral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2055003 Recurrent erosion of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402894005 Recurrent genital herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415251008 Recurrent hernia of anterior abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415253006 Recurrent hernia of anterior abdominal wall with obstruction (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 37323009 Recurrent herpes simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426451004 Recurrent hypersomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236703003 Recurrent infective cystitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428722005 Recurrent inguinal hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67745001 Recurrent intestinal obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6869001 Recurrent iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66344007 Recurrent major depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46244001 Recurrent major depression in complete remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33135002 Recurrent major depression in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68019004 Recurrent major depression in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191615005 Recurrent major depressive episodes in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191590005 Recurrent manic episodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191597008 Recurrent manic episodes in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191592002 Recurrent manic episodes mild (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191593007 Recurrent manic episodes moderate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191595000 Recurrent manic episodes severe with psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423322005 Recurrent obstructive pyelonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73181007 Recurrent pterygium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195788001 Recurrent sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263033000 Recurrent subluxation of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202248001 Recurrent subluxation of the patella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44433009 Recurrent transient tic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197927001 Recurrent urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250228007 Red blood cell finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75705005 Red eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276369006 Reduced fetal movement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8357008 Reduced libido (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13164000 Reduced visual acuity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204032005 Reduction deformities of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249747008 Reduction deformity of arm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77595004 Reduction deformity of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39526006 Redundant prepuce (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266570005 Redundant prepuce and phimosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233897008 Re-entrant atrioventricular tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183924009 Referral needed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12336008 Referred otalgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183526002 Referred to rheumatologist (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128079007 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408662006 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2103002 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90927000 Refractive amblyopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75364009 Refractive diplopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9428001 Refractive polyopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398623004 Refractory anemia with excess blasts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110000005 Refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109998009 Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422873003 Refractory epilepsia partialis continua (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425237009 Refractory frontal lobe epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422527005 Refractory infantile spasms (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422724001 Refractory localization-related epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31206006 Refractory megaloblastic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423894005 Refractory migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425365009 Refractory migraine variants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423683008 Refractory migraine with aura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425054007 Refractory occipital lobe epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425349008 Refractory parietal lobe epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105480006 Refusal of treatment by patient (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105994001 Regional congenital anomaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196983007 Regional ileocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68905002 Regular astigmatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232436000 Reinke's edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67224007 Reiter's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432265007 Rejection of corneal graft after penetrating keratoplasty (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420079008 Relapsing fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72275000 Relapsing polychondritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426373005 Relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160822004 Relationship problems (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232122003 Relative afferent pupillary defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11374003 Relaxation of vaginal outlet AND/OR pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230374002 Remittent-progressive multiple sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3321001 Renal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204942005 Renal agenesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95580006 Renal artery embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236488005 Renal artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302233006 Renal artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21764004 Renal carnitine transport defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7093002 Renal colic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33489005 Renal disease diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75150001 Renal disease in pregnancy AND/OR puerperium without hypertension (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 421893009 Renal disorder associated with type I diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420279001 Renal disorder associated with type II diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236498004 Renal disorders in systemic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204949001 Renal dysplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42399005 Renal failure syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 167180005 Renal function tests abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76910007 Renal glomerular disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28119000 Renal hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198951008 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198949009 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236423003 Renal impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95577005 Renal interstitial fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309088003 Renal mass (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370493008 Renal medullary washout (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16726004 Renal osteodystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240721007 Renal tract candidiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236570004 Renal transplant rejection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1776003 Renal tubular acidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95568003 Renal tubular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16934004 Renal vascular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95578000 Renal vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123799005 Renovascular hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268654005 Repetitive intrusions of sleep (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30189004 Repetitive rocking movements (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4308002 Repetitive strain injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170544002 Requires a meningitis vaccination (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432513009 Residual deformity as late effect of burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6058003 Residual foreign body in soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31704005 Residual hemorrhoidal skin tags (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191690004 Residual infantile autism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26025008 Residual schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51133006 Residual schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55129006 Residual stage angle-closure glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66990007 Residual stage of open angle glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28801006 Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271824009 Respiration intermittent (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87317003 Respiratory arrest (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129451001 Respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 62907002 Respiratory complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50963007 Respiratory condition due to chemical fumes AND/OR vapors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17849001 Respiratory condition of fetus OR newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48409008 Respiratory crackles (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271825005 Respiratory distress (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46775006 Respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409622000 Respiratory failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233765002 Respiratory failure without hypercapnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106048009 Respiratory finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409623005 Respiratory insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57089007 Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55735004 Respiratory syncytial virus infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95430002 Respiratory tract paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52598005 Rest pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25082004 Resting tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32914008 Restless legs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15108003 Restricted fiber diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415295002 Restrictive cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33006007 Restrictive cardiomyopathy secondary to endocardial fibroelastosis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 24584003 Restrictive cardiomyopathy secondary to malignancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36485005 Restrictive lung disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427908002 Restrictive lung disease due to kyphoscoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427777003 Restrictive lung disease due to muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426862007 Restrictive strabismus due to orbital fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82576008 Retained foreign body in eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25012008 Retained foreign body of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15930003 Retained foreign body of middle ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95222000 Retained intrauterine device during pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312696001 Retained lens matter in vitreous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28946006 Retained magnetic foreign body in iris AND/OR ciliary body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3426005 Retained magnetic intraocular foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26228000 Retained menstruation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59412005 Retained nonmagnetic foreign body in iris AND/OR ciliary body (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 75199002 Retained old foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 109894007 Retained placenta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200038000 Retained placenta with no hemorrhage with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111453004 Retained placenta without hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111454005 Retained portions of placenta AND/OR membranes without hemorrhage (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 371374003 Retained products of conception (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111423006 Retained products of conception following abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200042002 Retained products with no hemorrhage - delivered with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200043007 Retained products with no hemorrhage with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267064002 Retention of urine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430976005 Retention of urine due to occlusion of Foley catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26345007 Reticuloendothelial cytomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373168002 Reticulosarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95224004 Reticulosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95225003 Reticulosarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95226002 Reticulosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188492005 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188489006 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188493000 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 95230004 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95231000 Reticulosarcoma of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40024006 Retinal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193338005 Retinal defects without detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95689000 Retinal deposits (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42059000 Retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56202001 Retinal detachment with retinal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51987004 Retinal detachment without retinal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29555009 Retinal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314407005 Retinal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192788009 Retinal dystrophy in cerebroretinal lipidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6141006 Retinal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28998008 Retinal hemorrhage (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26468004 Retinal ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3577000 Retinal lattice degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247124009 Retinal macroaneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34037000 Retinal microaneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79267007 Retinal migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61267008 Retinal neovascularization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232067008 Retinal pigment epithelial detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84884003 Retinal telangiectasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52593001 Retinal varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57534004 Retinal vascular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73757007 Retinal vascular occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77628002 Retinal vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193379006 Retinal venous engorgement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399463004 Retinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28835009 Retinitis pigmentosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73119000 Retinitis pigmentosa-deafness-ataxia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370967009 Retinoblastoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399625000 Retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415297005 Retinopathy of prematurity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44268007 Retinoschisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74955002 Retracted nipple associated with childbirth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200407007 Retracted nipple in pregnancy the puerperium or lactation with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21779006 Retractile testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43854003 Retraction of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31845005 Retraction of nipple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247269008 Retraction pocket of tympanic membrane (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230507009 Retrobulbar neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18089006 Retrocecal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41121007 Retroflexed uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50112006 Retrograde ejaculation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32362007 Retroperitoneal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49120005 Retroperitoneal fibrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236002003 Retroperitoneal hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87781009 Retroperitoneal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405582003 Retroperitoneal infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18099001 Retropharyngeal abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199466009 Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68618008 Rett's disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192008004 Reversed sleep-wake cycle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36179005 Reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (R.I.N.D.) syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74351001 Reye's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88924008 Rh incompatibility reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240131006 Rhabdomyolysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302847003 Rhabdomyosarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423610004 Rhabdomyosarcoma of connective or soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199582007 Rhesus isoimmunization - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44795003 Rhesus isoimmunization affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199583002 Rhesus isoimmunization with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78031003 Rheumatic aortic regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72011007 Rheumatic aortic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17759006 Rheumatic aortic stenosis with regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429347004 Rheumatic aortic valve sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429422002 Rheumatic arthritis of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46826000 Rheumatic chorea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57803009 Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12023003 Rheumatic disease of aortic valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16440002 Rheumatic disease of mitral AND aortic valves (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83898004 Rheumatic disease of mitral valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18687009 Rheumatic disease of pulmonary valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49699002 Rheumatic disease of tricuspid valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48872007 Rheumatic endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58718002 Rheumatic fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240041006 Rheumatic fever nodule (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23685000 Rheumatic heart disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14175009 Rheumatic joint disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43736008 Rheumatic left ventricular failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31085000 Rheumatic mitral regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86466006 Rheumatic mitral stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286948009 Rheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 787001 Rheumatic mitral stenosis with regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44993000 Rheumatic mitral valve AND aortic valve stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71799002 Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis AND aortic valve insufficiency (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 194750008 Rheumatic myocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194741006 Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67696008 Rheumatic tricuspid valve regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88318005 Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396332003 Rheumatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38877003 Rheumatoid aortitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69896004 Rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287008006 Rheumatoid arthritis of ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429192004 Rheumatoid arthritis of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287007001 Rheumatoid arthritis of hand joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201775006 Rheumatoid arthritis of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427770001 Rheumatoid arthritis of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201771002 Rheumatoid arthritis of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239793008 Rheumatoid arthritis with organ / system involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54867000 Rheumatoid fibrosing alveolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398726004 Rheumatoid lung disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70076002 Rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427897002 Rhinitis due to alpha-adrenergic blocking agent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95239003 Rhinitis medicamentosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19877001 Rhinophyma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72409005 Rhinoscleroma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18140003 Rhinosporidiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56692003 Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429193009 Rhytide of forehead (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429356007 Rhytide of glabellar skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371021004 Rhytidosis facialis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297217002 Rib pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41345002 Rickets (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75096007 Rickettsialpox (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111321007 Right aortic arch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59118001 Right bundle branch block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30667004 Right bundle branch block AND left anterior fascicular block (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 46319007 Right bundle branch block AND left posterior fascicular block (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 123642008 Right coronary artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128404006 Right heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426012001 Right heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44313006 Right heart failure secondary to left heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278286009 Right hemiparesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301754002 Right lower quadrant pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301001009 Right lower zone pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301003007 Right middle zone pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301717006 Right upper quadrant pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301004001 Right upper zone pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253522006 Right ventricular dilatation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416158002 Right ventricular systolic dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111520007 Ring corneal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5299007 Ring staphyloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75663006 Ring-like corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4602007 Robin sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186772009 Rocky Mountain spotted fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398909004 Rosacea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10128002 Rosacea conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402902002 Roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 6 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402903007 Roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 7 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431032008 Rotary subluxation of scaphoid joint of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253850004 Rotated penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359532006 Rotator cuff impingement syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202838007 Rotator cuff shoulder syndrome and allied disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4106009 Rotator cuff syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428799009 Rotatory subluxation of atlantoaxial joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32891000 Rotor syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51226000 Round hole of retina without detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36653000 Rubella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19431000 Rubella arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278968001 Rubella immune (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84611003 Rubella with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51995000 Rubeosis iridis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45582004 Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37941009 Rumination disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42312000 Rupture in Descemet's membrane (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429513001 Rupture of Achilles tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428774008 Rupture of adductor muscle of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239725005 Rupture of anterior cruciate ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47693006 Rupture of appendix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46126003 Rupture of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56512009 Rupture of bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237473006 Rupture of breast implant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274098004 Rupture of chordae tendineae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110016007 Rupture of corpus cavernosum of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47123000 Rupture of cruciate ligaments (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433098000 Rupture of distal quadriceps muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429718008 Rupture of distal quadriceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239978002 Rupture of extensor tendon of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111244008 Rupture of extensor tendons of hand AND/OR wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23293006 Rupture of eye with partial loss of intraocular tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49922003 Rupture of flexor tendons of hand AND/OR wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44655008 Rupture of follicular cyst of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22788004 Rupture of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49561003 Rupture of gravid uterus before onset of labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3098007 Rupture of interventricular septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431500000 Rupture of lunotriquetral ligament of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262966007 Rupture of muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5919001 Rupture of papillary muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30832001 Rupture of patellar tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428761002 Rupture of pectoralis major muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239727002 Rupture of posterior cruciate ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428537007 Rupture of proximal quadriceps muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431033003 Rupture of proximal quadriceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82889007 Rupture of pulmonary vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6849006 Rupture of quadriceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37502002 Rupture of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430892004 Rupture of scapholunate ligament of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128494003 Rupture of skeletal muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1869002 Rupture of sphincter of pupil (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52817008 Rupture of synovium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186893003 Rupture of syphilitic cerebral aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428883008 Rupture of tendon of biceps (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86128003 Rupture of tendon of biceps long head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281550008 Rupture of tendon of foot and ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240026006 Rupture of tendon of foot region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281549008 Rupture of tendon of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209753006 Rupture of tendon of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283926005 Rupture of urethra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34430009 Rupture of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199964001 Rupture of uterus during and after labor - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263137001 Rupture of wrist ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209783002 Rupture plantaris tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209757007 Rupture triceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14336007 Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23115009 Ruptured aneurysm of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427602004 Ruptured aneurysm of common iliac artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425600006 Ruptured aneurysm of internal iliac artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73067008 Ruptured aortic aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233983001 Ruptured cerebral aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95598005 Ruptured cyst of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41957003 Ruptured membranes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198620003 Ruptured tubal pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15069006 Russell-Silver syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205425003 Sacral agenesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429555005 Sacral arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61486003 Sacral back pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128197001 Sacral radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417646006 Sacral somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4260009 Sacral spinal cord injury without bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281561000 Sacrococcygeal teratoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202805003 Sacroiliac disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29885006 Sacroiliac instability (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55146009 Sacroiliac joint inflamed (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202487003 Sacroiliac joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209566009 Sacrum sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83015004 Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271867001 Saliva abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71299003 Salmonella arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42338000 Salmonella gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302231008 Salmonella infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6803002 Salmonella osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2523007 Salmonella pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49786009 Salmonella septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65984002 Salpingitis follicularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9516007 Salpingitis following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36742000 Salpingitis isthmica nodosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238141005 Salt overload (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75739009 Salzmann's nodular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168208008 Sample: virus identified (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23849003 Sandhoff disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230314007 Sandifer syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88393000 Sanfilippo syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234040003 Saphenous vein thrombophlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193251003 Sarcoid myopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31541009 Sarcoidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425384007 Sarcoidosis with glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424413001 Sarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423812005 Sarcoma of head and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254918001 Sarcoma of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423627007 Sarcoma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424952003 Sarcoma of soft tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254877001 Sarcoma of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14786003 Saturday night paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211236007 Scalenus anticus syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274166008 Scalp laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4191007 Scaphycephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20793008 Scapulalgia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275322007 Scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201307004 Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21939006 Scar of posterior pole of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70582006 Scar of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431502008 Scar of skin of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431582005 Scar of skin of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30242009 Scarlet fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18410006 Scarred macula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400088006 Scarring alopecia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49692006 Schilder's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253159001 Schizencephaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68890003 Schizoaffective disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38368003 Schizoaffective disorder bipolar type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191574005 Schizoaffective schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52954000 Schizoid personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58214004 Schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4926007 Schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88975006 Schizophreniform disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36158005 Schizophreniform disorder with good prognostic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55736003 Schizophreniform disorder without good prognostic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31027006 Schizotypal personality disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45181002 Schmorl's nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29574001 Schmorl's nodes of lumbar region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86804002 Schmorl's nodes of thoracic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426510004 Schwannoma of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29145002 Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52585001 Sciatic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23056005 Sciatica (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246973008 Sclera and episclera finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50675000 Scleral abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95799000 Scleral laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428123009 Scleral melt (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231881006 Scleral rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111534007 Scleral staphyloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206539008 Sclerema neonatorum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78370002 Scleritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42574005 Scleritis with corneal involvement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201051000 Sclerodactyly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201441006 Scleroderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26664005 Scleromalacia perforans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13335004 Sclerosing glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27886001 Sclerosing keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298382003 Scoliosis deformity of spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47518006 Scoliosis due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298494008 Scoliosis of thoracic spine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 243876005 Screening status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186259007 Scrofulous tuberculous abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46871008 Scrotal varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271425001 Scrub typhus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241934007 Seafood-induced anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367498001 Seasonal allergic rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307599002 Sebaceous adenocarcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307598005 Sebaceous adenoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81061007 Sebaceous cyst of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76649007 Sebaceous cyst of skin of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62983000 Sebaceous cysts of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238748009 Sebaceous hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86708008 Seborrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50563003 Seborrheic dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 156329007 Seborrheic dermatitis of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403191005 Second degree burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73948007 Second degree burn of abdominal wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89266005 Second degree burn of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5083008 Second degree burn of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59684006 Second degree burn of back of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55030004 Second degree burn of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34384008 Second degree burn of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88756008 Second degree burn of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42066004 Second degree burn of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54975007 Second degree burn of face AND/OR head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25515000 Second degree burn of face head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62537000 Second degree burn of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70505006 Second degree burn of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80027000 Second degree burn of forehead AND/OR cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54296007 Second degree burn of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287140008 Second degree burn of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66535005 Second degree burn of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42367004 Second degree burn of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52899007 Second degree burn of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438482000 Second degree burn of multiple sites of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111720005 Second degree burn of multiple sites of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6821004 Second degree burn of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11406003 Second degree burn of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31577002 Second degree burn of palm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22045003 Second degree burn of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57332004 Second degree burn of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29673001 Second degree burn of single finger not thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68140000 Second degree burn of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28571002 Second degree burn of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6500006 Second degree burn of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57266005 Second degree burn of two OR more fingers including thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26876007 Second degree burn of two OR more fingers not including thumb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 62738008 Second degree burn of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53080007 Second degree burn of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35847008 Second degree burn of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43138003 Second degree burn of wrist AND/OR hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13212004 Second degree burns of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6234006 Second degree perineal laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199925004 Second degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199926003 Second degree perineal tear during delivery with postnatal problem (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 9283009 Second degree uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430881000 Second trimester bleeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67805000 Secondary aldosteronism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212373009 Secondary and recurrent hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49898008 Secondary AND/OR recurrent hemorrhage as early complication of trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193561006 Secondary angle-closure glaucoma with pupil block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43858000 Secondary aplastic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128092005 Secondary autoimmune thrombocytopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194785008 Secondary benign hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89600009 Secondary cardiomyopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238089003 Secondary combined hyperlipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27536004 Secondary corneal edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8801005 Secondary diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30238006 Secondary female infertility (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262938004 Secondary hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402727002 Secondary hyperlipidemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91478007 Secondary hyperparathyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31992008 Secondary hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 442001 Secondary hypopituitarism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82598004 Secondary hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75068001 Secondary lacrimal atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25343008 Secondary localized osteoarthrosis of pelvic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94158005 Secondary malignant neoplasm of adenoid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94161006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94181007 Secondary malignant neoplasm of axillary lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94186002 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94222008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94217008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone marrow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94225005 Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188462001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94243009 Secondary malignant neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94246001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188469005 Secondary malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94254004 Secondary malignant neoplasm of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94275007 Secondary malignant neoplasm of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94286009 Secondary malignant neoplasm of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94297009 Secondary malignant neoplasm of female breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94298004 Secondary malignant neoplasm of female genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94312000 Secondary malignant neoplasm of gallbladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94327000 Secondary malignant neoplasm of heart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94330007 Secondary malignant neoplasm of hypogastric lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94336001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of iliac lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94339008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of inguinal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94344001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of intercostal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94345000 Secondary malignant neoplasm of intestinal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94347008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94348003 Secondary malignant neoplasm of intra-abdominal organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94350006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94351005 Secondary malignant neoplasm of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94360002 Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94365007 Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94381002 Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94391008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94392001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph node (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94393006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94395004 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94396003 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94398002 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94402006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of male genital organ (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94409002 Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94410007 Secondary malignant neoplasm of mesenteric lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94442001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94446003 Secondary malignant neoplasm of obturator lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94455000 Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94459006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of pancreas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94466007 Secondary malignant neoplasm of pararectal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94493005 Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94494004 Secondary malignant neoplasm of popliteal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94503003 Secondary malignant neoplasm of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94513006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94515004 Secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94519005 Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94579000 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94580002 Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94591009 Secondary malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94600009 Secondary malignant neoplasm of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94601008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94603006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94606003 Secondary malignant neoplasm of stomach (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94626004 Secondary malignant neoplasm of the omentum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94627008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of the peritoneum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94636007 Secondary malignant neoplasm of tibial lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94642006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of tracheobronchial lymph nodes (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 94663008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of urinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94665001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94668004 Secondary malignant neoplasm of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94602001 Secondary malignant neoplasm of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 94681006 Secondary malignant neoplasm of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128462008 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194783001 Secondary malignant renovascular hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60738003 Secondary myopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269617008 Secondary nodes - inguinal/leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193488003 Secondary non-infected iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428708005 Secondary parasomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230292008 Secondary parkinsonism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42537006 Secondary perineal tear in the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86030004 Secondary physiologic amenorrhea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35545005 Secondary pigmentary retinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67525007 Secondary pneumonic plague (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44865000 Secondary polycythemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200025008 Secondary postpartum hemorrhage - delivered with postnatal problem (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 425500002 Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88223008 Secondary pulmonary hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56039006 Secondary retinal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240557004 Secondary syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59233003 Secondary syphilis of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30080002 Secondary syphilitic iridocyclitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199824001 Secondary uterine inertia - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43715006 Secondary uterine inertia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60676002 Secondary vitreoretinal degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64386003 Sedative abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427327003 Sedative dependence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361151007 Sedative withdrawal delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5444000 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic intoxication delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 361150008 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic withdrawal delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1686006 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 28864000 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced mood disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59651006 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced persisting dementia (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 1973000 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47664006 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12380008 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced sexual dysfunction (finding SNOMED-CT
0-L 57588009 Sedative hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 296014008 Sedative/neuroleptic overdose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415510005 Sedentary lifestyle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 185188008 Seen in family planning clinic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 185191008 Seen in fracture clinic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41624003 Segmental dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427945008 Segmental dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56780006 Segmental hyalinizing vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91175000 Seizure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128613002 Seizure disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230434009 Seizures in response to acute event (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190980000 Selective immunoglobulin M deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234363001 Selective malabsorption of cyanocobalamin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274912004 Self poisoning by agricultural chemical (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219122005 Self poisoning by corrosive or caustic substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 219131005 Self poisoning by motor vehicle exhaust gas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 242836008 Self poisoning by non-drug solid or liquid agents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439011002 Self-administered intentional poisoning by analgesic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77434001 Self-induced disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248062006 Self-injurious behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274659008 Semicoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27001009 Seminal vesiculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255107005 Seminoma of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423816008 Seminoma of testis stage 1 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423645007 Seminoma of testis stage 2 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422679002 Seminoma of testis stage 3 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423697000 Seminoma of testis stage 4 (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5050001 Senile angioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38513001 Senile atrophy of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16573007 Senile cardiac amyloidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39450006 Senile cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58749007 Senile corneal changes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45864009 Senile degeneration of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15662003 Senile dementia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312991009 Senile dementia of the Lewy body type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191461002 Senile dementia with delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371024007 Senile dementia with delusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191459006 Senile dementia with depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191458003 Senile dementia with paranoia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371026009 Senile dementia with psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71659009 Senile ectropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55408009 Senile entropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398838000 Senile hyperkeratosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72100002 Senile lentigo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37605006 Senile osteopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18040001 Senile osteoporosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53751009 Senile purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271873000 Senility (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102604002 Sensation of burning of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83156004 Sense of smell impaired (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60700002 Sensorineural hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65680009 Sensorineural hearing loss of combined sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194424005 Sensorineural hearing loss bilateral (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194425006 Sensorineural hearing loss unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85972008 Sensory disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193950006 Sensory disorder of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400937005 Sensory exotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85571008 Sensory hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425988004 Sensory integration disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20570000 Sentinel tag (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126943008 Separation anxiety (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429272002 Sepsis due to infected central venous catheter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76571007 Septic shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439731006 Septic thrombophlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105592009 Septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18700001 Septicemia due to Chromobacterium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9323009 Septicemia due to Escherichia coli (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86011004 Septicemia due to Pseudomonas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82091000 Septicemia due to Serratia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186385009 Septicemia due to Staphylococcus aureus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199710008 Septicemia during labor - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11855002 Septicemia following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41229001 Septicemia of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9012003 Septicemic plague (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7611002 Septo-optic dysplasia sequence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 362977000 Sequela (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429438008 Sequela of infectious meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195243003 Sequelae of cerebral infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187250000 Sequelae of infectious and parasitic diseases (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194457007 Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 285234008 Sequelae of injuries of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404188001 Sequelae of meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363302008 Sequelae of neurological disorders (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128222007 Sequestrum of bone of skull (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109340006 Sequestrum of facial bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8954007 Sequestrum of jaw bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109345001 Sequestrum of nasal-orbit complex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109341005 Sequestrum of the frontal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109343008 Sequestrum of the sphenoid bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109344002 Sequestrum of the temporal bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109342003 Sequestrum of the zygomatic bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186868000 Serological relapse after treatment of latent early syphilis (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 168276008 Serology positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399112009 Seronegative arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239791005 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86850004 Serosanguineous chronic otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78584008 Serous choroidal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193859006 Serous conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 119421006 Serous cystadenoma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52002008 Serous detachment of retinal pigment epithelium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80327007 Serous otitis media (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254850005 Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38599001 Serous retinal detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312491004 Serpiginous choroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278057003 Sertoli cell tumor of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399643001 Serum alpha-fetoprotein level elevated (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275739007 Serum amylase raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 166717003 Serum creatinine raised (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 390943009 Serum ferritin high (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74773005 Sesamoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398447004 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24867002 Severe adrenal insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370221004 Severe asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371600003 Severe bipolar disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4441000 Severe bipolar disorder with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70546001 Severe bipolar disorder with psychotic features mood-congruent (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 26530004 Severe bipolar disorder with psychotic features mood-incongruent (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 53049002 Severe bipolar disorder without psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371599001 Severe bipolar I disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41832009 Severe bipolar I disorder single manic episode with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14495005 Severe bipolar I disorder single manic episode without psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30520009 Severe bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19300006 Severe bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive with psychotic features mood-congruent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20960007 Severe bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive with psychotic features mood-incongruent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81319007 Severe bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive without psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12969000 Severe bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive in full remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67002003 Severe bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive in partial remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35722002 Severe bipolar II disorder most recent episode major depressive in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57284007 Severe birth asphyxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14311001 Severe chronic ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31323000 Severe combined immunodeficiency disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59617007 Severe depressed bipolar I disorder with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61403008 Severe depressed bipolar I disorder without psychotic features (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 310497006 Severe depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129598007 Severe hyperemesis gravidarum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73867007 Severe major depression with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33736005 Severe major depression with psychotic features mood-congruent (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 60099002 Severe major depression with psychotic features mood-incongruent (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 77911002 Severe major depression single episode with psychotic features mood-congruent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20250007 Severe major depression single episode with psychotic features mood-incongruent (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76441001 Severe major depression single episode without psychotic features (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 28663008 Severe manic bipolar I disorder with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162004 Severe manic bipolar I disorder without psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40700009 Severe mental retardation (I.Q. 20-34) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10981006 Severe mixed bipolar I disorder with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46229002 Severe mixed bipolar I disorder without psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26516009 Severe mood disorder with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58647003 Severe mood disorder with psychotic features mood-congruent (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 70043001 Severe mood disorder with psychotic features mood-incongruent (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 88939009 Severe mood disorder without psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210574006 Severe multi tissue damage hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312905005 Severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399872003 Severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with clinically significant macular edema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426656000 Severe persistent asthma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198983002 Severe pre-eclampsia - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198985009 Severe pre-eclampsia - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46764007 Severe pre-eclampsia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198986005 Severe pre-eclampsia with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360549009 Severe protein-calorie malnutrition (Gomez: less than 60% of standard weight) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28475009 Severe recurrent major depression with psychotic features (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36474008 Severe recurrent major depression without psychotic features (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 237058000 Sex cord tumor of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293206002 Sex hormones adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82852009 Sex-linked hereditary disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55728007 Sexual aversion disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46762006 Sexual desire disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231532002 Sexual disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425528008 Sexual dysfunction due to substance (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51239001 Sexual masochism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59394009 Sexual sadism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201481004 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8098009 Sexually transmitted infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118611004 S?zary's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188632001 S?zary's disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188635004 S?zary's disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188631008 S?zary's disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188633006 S?zary's disease of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188630009 S?zary's disease of lymph nodes of head face and neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188634000 S?zary's disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 188637007 S?zary's disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95263006 S?zary's disease of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102458000 Shaken baby syndrome (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304235000 Sharps injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186105003 Shigella boydii (group C) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266073002 Shigella dysenteriae (group A) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36188001 Shigellosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282774006 Shin injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27942005 Shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16217003 Shock due to anesthesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84007008 Shock during AND/OR following labor AND/OR delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198849008 Shock following abortive pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26629001 Short bowel syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237998000 Short chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199889008 Short cord - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59795007 Short cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249388005 Short frenulum of tongue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429362002 Short stature associated with bone marrow transplant (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237836003 Short stature disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431038007 Short stature due to radiation therapy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192007009 Short-sleeper (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199783004 Shoulder dystocia - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89700002 Shoulder girdle dystocia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298162008 Shoulder joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267949000 Shoulder joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298854003 Shoulder joint unstable (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45326000 Shoulder pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249918006 Shoulder stiff (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275334004 Shoulder strain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202852009 Shoulder tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83092002 Shprintzen syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16576004 Shy-Drager syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42982001 Sialoadenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196485006 Sialoadenitis of the submandibular gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28826002 Sialolithiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192119003 Sibling jealousy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36083008 Sick sinus syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237542005 Sick-euthyroid syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127045008 Sickle cell anemia with coexistent alpha-thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13886001 Sickle cell nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11603001 Sickle cell retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16402000 Sickle cell trait (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127042006 Sickle cell-beta^+^-thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127043001 Sickle cell-beta^0^-thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35434009 Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25472008 Sickle cell-hemoglobin D disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47024008 Sickle cell-hemoglobin E disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36472007 Sickle cell-thalassemia disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41841004 Sideroblastic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25277000 Siderosis of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197060001 Sigmoid volvulus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42063007 Sign or symptom of the urinary system (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371805005 Significant coronary bypass graft disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237541003 Silent thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240270007 Silicone synovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57105000 Simple acroparesthesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399473002 Simple atypical endometrial hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 291262006 Simple chronic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61937009 Simple chronic bronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8211008 Simple chronic conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198324001 Simple endometrial hyperplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432354000 Simple febrile seizure (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267369002 Simple goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204108000 Simple microphthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191668004 Simple paranoid state (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79348005 Simple partial seizure consciousness not impaired (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54587008 Simple phobia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77945009 Simple renal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191527001 Simple schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204973009 Simple ureterocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8826001 Simultaneous visual perception without fusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11366004 Singers' nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63070006 Single artery AND vein of umbilical cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194842008 Single coronary vessel disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300580009 Single lesion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169826009 Single live birth (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268194008 Single lung cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191604000 Single major depressive episode severe with psychosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191583000 Single manic episode mild (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169827000 Single stillbirth (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65778007 Sinoatrial block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88548007 Sinus barotrauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49710005 Sinus bradycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4969004 Sinus headache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60423000 Sinus node dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253259008 Sinus of branchial cleft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11092001 Sinus tachycardia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95268002 Sinus venosus atrial septal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36971009 Sinusitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5664002 Situational hypoactive sexual desire disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68716001 Situs inversus abdominalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70978004 Situs inversus thoracis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43876007 Situs inversus viscerum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83901003 Sj?gren's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240314005 Skeletal injury due to birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40631009 Skew deviation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286903005 Skin - benign mole and nevus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 106076001 Skin finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239185002 Skin graft displaced (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23006000 Skin hypopigmented (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95324001 Skin lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95347000 Skin necrosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95319004 Skin nodule (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80910005 Skin sensation disturbance (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201066002 Skin striae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201091002 Skin tag (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46742003 Skin ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422183001 Skin ulcer associated with diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73430006 Sleep apnea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247950007 Sleep behavior finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39898005 Sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192003008 Sleep drunkenness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426542005 Sleep hypoventilation due to lower airway obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277180005 Sleep paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430893009 Sleep related rhythmic movement disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427745001 Sleep state misperception (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89675003 Sleep terror disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80495009 Sleep walking disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426824009 Sleep-onset association disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274950005 Sleep-related bruxism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429571005 Sleep-related dissociative disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230500006 Sleep-related dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429266002 Sleep-related groaning (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36321004 Sleeptalking (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3745000 Sleep-wake schedule disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31537005 Sleep-wake schedule disorder advanced phase type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80623000 Sleep-wake schedule disorder delayed phase type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26460006 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49415001 Slow feeding in newborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 224998004 Slow learner (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35298007 Slow transit constipation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84471002 Slowing of urinary stream (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289195008 Slurred speech (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281255004 Small bowel obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424052001 Small cell carcinoma carcinomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254632001 Small cell carcinoma of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267258002 Small for gestational age fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236448000 Small kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276333003 Small penis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426907004 Small vessel disease due to type 1 diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427134009 Small vessel disease due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67924001 Smallpox (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43929004 Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401315004 Smith-Magenis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77176002 Smoker (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292700004 Smooth muscle relaxant adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11568002 Snapping hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42786005 Snapping thumb syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76067001 Sneezing (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162367006 Sneezing symptom (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72863001 Snoring (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25501002 Social phobia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386820009 Socialized behavior disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286926003 Sodium overload (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65720003 Soemmerring's ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78150000 Soft diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95880003 Soft tissue infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282026002 Soft tissue injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240010005 Soft tissue lesion of lower leg and ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298349001 Soft tissue swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43982006 Solar degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1135000 Solar retinopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203467005 Solitary bone cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427359005 Solitary nodule of lung (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75731007 Solvent AND/OR emulsifier toxicity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33323008 Somatic delusion disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47135001 Somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397923000 Somatization disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268650001 Somatoform autonomic dysfunction - gastrointestinal tract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31297008 Somatoform disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30077003 Somatoform pain disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162011005 Sore mouth (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75968004 Sotos' syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45352006 Spasm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30069002 Spasm of accommodation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203095000 Spasm of back muscles (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249297006 Spasm of bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4275001 Spasm of conjugate gaze (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427178000 Spasm of piriformis muscle (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28132005 Spasm of sphincter of Oddi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71363005 Spasm of the cricopharyngeus muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74333002 Spasmodic torticollis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229684006 Spastic dysarthria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29003001 Spastic dysphonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80846000 Spastic ectropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20828000 Spastic entropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9447003 Spastic gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79633009 Spastic hemiplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425596001 Spastic neurogenic bladder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44395000 Spastic tetraplegia with rigidity syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 221360009 Spasticity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268658008 Specific academic or work inhibition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42812006 Specific bursitis often of occupational origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10720004 Specific developmental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129456006 Specific enzyme deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192069009 Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186741005 Specific viral infections (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275473003 Specific work inhibition (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204163006 Specified anomalies of sclera (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231543005 Speech and language disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 286832009 Speech and language finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229721007 Speech delay (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267095009 Speech problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428775009 Sperm granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49263001 Spermatocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61830005 Sphenopalatine neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58459009 Sphingomyelin/cholesterol lipidosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403149008 Spider bite wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195382003 Spider nevus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 290187002 Spigelian hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67531005 Spina bifida (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58557008 Spina bifida aperta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425687007 Spina bifida aperta of cervical spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429466000 Spina bifida aperta of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427216002 Spina bifida aperta of thoracic spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76916001 Spina bifida occulta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32232003 Spina bifida of cervical region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30620003 Spina bifida of dorsal region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77224008 Spina bifida of lumbar region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53318002 Spina bifida with hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40130009 Spina bifida without hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253163008 Spinal arachnoid cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426055002 Spinal arachnoiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 261482004 Spinal arteriovenous malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69131009 Spinal ataxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16300007 Spinal cord abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71286001 Spinal cord compression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48522003 Spinal cord disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90584004 Spinal cord injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26738009 Spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269401006 Spinal cord lesion - no # (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230739000 Spinal cord stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298156003 Spinal effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10317009 Spinal enthesopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63627007 Spinal epidural abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262521009 Spinal injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240220009 Spinal instability (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189167009 Spinal meningioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5262007 Spinal muscular atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128212001 Spinal muscular atrophy type II (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76107001 Spinal stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83561009 Spinal stenosis in cervical region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18347007 Spinal stenosis of lumbar region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41341006 Spinal stenosis of thoracic region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129609000 Spinocerebellar ataxia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91502009 Spinocerebellar disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 105571009 Spiritual problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41116009 Spirochetal infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210193004 Spleen massive parenchymal disruption with open wound into cavity (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 82053000 Splenic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79040006 Splenic cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22996003 Splenic infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16294009 Splenomegaly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262597001 Splinter in skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211377008 Splinter of thigh without major open wound infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232220000 Split ear lobe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28490008 Splitting of urinary stream (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84172003 Spondylitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254062008 Spondyloepimetaphyseal disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278713008 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita group (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51952004 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274152003 Spondylolisthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307138004 Spondylolisthesis L5/S1 level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8847002 Spondylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79232007 Spondylosis with myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80544005 Spongy degeneration of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17369002 Spontaneous abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58990004 Spontaneous abortion complicated by damage to pelvic organs AND/OR tissues (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2781009 Spontaneous abortion complicated by delayed AND/OR excessive hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43306002 Spontaneous abortion complicated by embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373896005 Spontaneous abortion complicated by genital-pelvic infection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 13384007 Spontaneous abortion complicated by metabolic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10697004 Spontaneous abortion complicated by renal failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34270000 Spontaneous abortion complicated by shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34614007 Spontaneous abortion with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302228007 Spontaneous ecchymosis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111559003 Spontaneous hypoglycemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80423007 Spontaneous pneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197881002 Spontaneous rupture of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196102003 Spontaneous tension pneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42094007 Sporotrichosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186771002 Spotted fever group rickettsial disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 284075002 Spotting per vagina in pregnancy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27182002 Sprain of acromioclavicular ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44465007 Sprain of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127292004 Sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47874006 Sprain of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24730004 Sprain of calcaneofibular ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25428005 Sprain of carpometacarpal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59201007 Sprain of chondrosternal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17184000 Sprain of coracohumeral ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209799008 Sprain of costal cartilage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60058008 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88906006 Sprain of deltoid ligament of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74383007 Sprain of distal tibiofibular ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269134004 Sprain of elbow and forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49388007 Sprain of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87778004 Sprain of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17883008 Sprain of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90654004 Sprain of iliofemoral ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38540001 Sprain of interphalangeal joint of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24864009 Sprain of interphalangeal joint of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23415000 Sprain of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54888009 Sprain of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35726004 Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398878007 Sprain of ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263128001 Sprain of ligament of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281599007 Sprain of ligament of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40129004 Sprain of ligament of lumbosacral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72634002 Sprain of ligament of tarsometatarsal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5853003 Sprain of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81902001 Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32128001 Sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127293009 Sprain of posterior cruciate ligament of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 384710005 Sprain of radiocarpal ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66405000 Sprain of radiohumeral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12519004 Sprain of sacroiliac ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111653006 Sprain of sacroiliac region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51736007 Sprain of septal cartilage of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3199001 Sprain of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209410007 Sprain of shoulder and upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281598004 Sprain of spinal ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54942004 Sprain of sternum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209522007 Sprain of superior tibiofibular ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262998001 Sprain of toe joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16282000 Sprain of ulnohumeral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123536004 Sprain of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70704007 Sprain of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209547009 Sprain pelvic ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209442001 Sprain radial collateral ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209496002 Sprain tendon of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209453007 Sprain ulnar collateral ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209412004 Sprain coracoclavicular ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209548004 Sprain lumbosacral ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209540006 Sprain metatarsophalangeal joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209812006 Sprain symphysis pubis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209421003 Sprain triceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287097007 Sprained finger/thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58912008 Squamous blepharitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402815007 Squamous cell carcinoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254656002 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 406103009 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ of uterine cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422676009 Squamous cell carcinoma of ala nasi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255084004 Squamous cell carcinoma of anal margin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423700001 Squamous cell carcinoma of auricle of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422599000 Squamous cell carcinoma of back (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255111004 Squamous cell carcinoma of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422378004 Squamous cell carcinoma of bridge of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254886006 Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422572002 Squamous cell carcinoma of chin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276804009 Squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423506005 Squamous cell carcinoma of external auditory canal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231831002 Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276954004 Squamous cell carcinoma of floor of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403893006 Squamous cell carcinoma of forehead (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276953005 Squamous cell carcinoma of gum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405822008 Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255071008 Squamous cell carcinoma of lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254634000 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423295000 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423468007 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425230006 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 3 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425376008 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung TNM stage 4 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307502000 Squamous cell carcinoma of mouth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424260006 Squamous cell carcinoma of nasolabial fold (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422691006 Squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423464009 Squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276962007 Squamous cell carcinoma of palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403468003 Squamous cell carcinoma of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408649007 Squamous cell carcinoma of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403891008 Squamous cell carcinoma of scalp (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254651007 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285309005 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of cheek (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403894000 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403892001 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of face (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403898002 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285308002 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of lower lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423284006 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285307007 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of upper lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425148008 Squamous cell carcinoma of temple (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423896007 Squamous cell carcinoma of tip of nose (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276952000 Squamous cell carcinoma of tongue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403897007 Squamous cell carcinoma of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254895003 Squamous cell carcinoma of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425303004 Squamous cell carcinomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276878008 Squamous cell hyperplasia of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 460001 Squamous metaplasia of prostate gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402811003 Squamous neoplasm of surface epithelium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425322008 Stab wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233819005 Stable angina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197794008 Staghorn calculus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168734001 Standard chest X-ray abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23202007 Stangulated internal hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32527003 Staphylococcal enterocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56038003 Staphylococcal infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12166008 Staphylococcal meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22754005 Staphylococcal pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200946001 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111821004 Staphylococcal septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170487002 Staphylococcus carrier (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87819007 Staphyloma posticum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70099003 Stargardt's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35498005 Stasis dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371032004 Stasis ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56610005 Static tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230456007 Status epilepticus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234026004 Steal syndrome of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109433009 Steatocystoma multiplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429358008 Steatocystoma simplex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197321007 Steatosis of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77956009 Steinert myotonic dystrophy syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66452006 Stenosing tenosynovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111748005 Stenosis due to any device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43030007 Stenosis of bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425448004 Stenosis of brachiocephalic artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79877004 Stenosis of bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83536006 Stenosis of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73120006 Stenosis of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81345003 Stenosis of lacrimal canaliculi (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74783009 Stenosis of lacrimal punctum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11772001 Stenosis of lacrimal sac (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95270006 Stenosis of lacrimal system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75547007 Stenosis of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427923007 Stenosis of lateral recess of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428513007 Stenosis of lumbosacral spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1055001 Stenosis of precerebral artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60658009 Stenosis of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197216007 Stenosis of rectum and anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54553003 Stenosis of salivary duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236119003 Stenosis of stoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11296007 Stenosis of trachea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95574003 Stenosis of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197919005 Stenosis of urinary meatus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57829009 Stenosis of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386138005 Stented coronary artery (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91105001 Stercoral ulcer of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46495001 Stercoral ulcer of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5507002 Stereotypy habit disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202478007 Sternoclavicular joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209806001 Sternoclavicular sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71578002 Steroid 21-monooxygenase deficiency salt wasting type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52604008 Steroid 21-monooxygenase deficiency simple virilizing type (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190447002 Steroid-induced diabetes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302895007 Steroid-induced glaucoma - borderline (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193548006 Steroid-induced glaucoma glaucomatous stage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193549003 Steroid-induced glaucoma residual stage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40308000 Steroid-induced osteopenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73442001 Stevens-Johnson syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78675000 Stickler syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249921008 Stiff back (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225610004 Stiff limbs (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161882006 Stiff neck (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5217008 Stiff-man syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410794002 Still's disease with juvenile onset and/or adult onset (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193638002 Stimulus deprivation amblyopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238383006 Stitch abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432481004 Stitch abscess of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 118434000 Stomach finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236131001 Stomal obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61170000 Stomatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3272007 Stomatocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249612005 Stool finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35600002 Strabismic amblyopia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22066006 Strabismus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417022003 Strabismus due to thyroid eye disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111532006 Strabismus in neuromuscular disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285348005 Strain of abdominal muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22817005 Strain of Achilles tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262965006 Strain of back muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429722003 Strain of flexor muscle of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269138001 Strain of gastrocnemius tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24928009 Strain of infraspinatus muscle AND/OR tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430894003 Strain of muscle of chest wall (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285391000 Strain of muscle of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285394008 Strain of muscle of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285393002 Strain of muscle of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360450007 Strain of neck muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209507002 Strain of quadriceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430906009 Strain of rectus femoris muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86319008 Strain of subscapularis muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18888002 Strain of supraspinatus muscle AND/OR tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209416001 Strain of supraspinatus tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281544003 Strain of tendon of foot and ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281541006 Strain of tendon of forearm wrist hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281543009 Strain of tendon of medial thigh muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360437006 Strain of tendon of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281540007 Strain of tendon of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281539005 Strain of tendon of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438505003 Strain of trapezius muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428539005 Strain of triceps brachii muscle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80829003 Strangulated external hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56975005 Strawberry nevus of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85769006 Streptococcal infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4510004 Streptococcal meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7097001 Streptococcal pleurisy with effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29577008 Streptococcal septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43878008 Streptococcal sore throat (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170488007 Streptococcus carrier (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432482006 Streptococcus contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302809008 Streptococcus pyogenes infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271952001 Stress and adjustment reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430907000 Stress fracture of pelvis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192044009 Stress reaction causing mixed disturbance of emotion and conduct (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 427194007 Stress-induced muscle tension (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29618004 Striatonigral degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439013004 Stricture of anastomosis of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69914001 Stricture of anus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68109007 Stricture of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43797002 Stricture of bile duct (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8543007 Stricture of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33812003 Stricture of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63305008 Stricture of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56226004 Stricture of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36388008 Stricture of pelviureteric junction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12711004 Stricture of prostate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15386007 Stricture of pulmonary vessel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25730006 Stricture of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429274001 Stricture of rectum due to radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25341005 Stricture of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37914004 Stricture of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16447004 Stricture of vas deferens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61850009 Stricture of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70407001 Stridor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231931001 Stromal corneal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95737000 Stromal corneal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55031000 Stromal corneal pigmentation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236437007 Structural and functional abnormalities of the kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 229726002 Structural velopharyngeal impairment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89458003 Stupor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79842004 Stuporous depression (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19886006 Sturge-Weber syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39423001 Stuttering (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40799003 Subacromial bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60576007 Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239891002 Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191507002 Subacute delirium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66893008 Subacute endocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198182008 Subacute endometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123609007 Subacute glomerulonephritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23008004 Subacute infective arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60140004 Subacute infective polyarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302855005 Subacute leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427056005 Subacute leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188726003 Subacute lymphoid leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426370008 Subacute lymphoid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188746008 Subacute monocytic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 188736006 Subacute myeloid leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425749006 Subacute myeloid leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197274000 Subacute necrosis of liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83982007 Subacute necrotic myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22482002 Subacute obliterative bronchiolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34371004 Subacute obliterative bronchiolitis due to inhalation of chemical fumes AND/OR vapors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192685000 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38727009 Subacute thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21454007 Subarachnoid hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5251007 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59633005 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48518008 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75507000 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87253004 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73439007 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69178005 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209940000 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28048009 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87020000 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 4332009 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69458009 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111673001 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35672006 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88747000 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20276007 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67733005 Subcapsular glaucomatous flecks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42868002 Subchronic catatonic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191561004 Subchronic latent schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79866005 Subchronic paranoid schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76566000 Subchronic residual schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70814008 Subchronic residual schizophrenia with acute exacerbations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191569002 Subchronic schizoaffective schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16990005 Subchronic schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111482003 Subchronic schizophrenia with acute exacerbations (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85861002 Subchronic undifferentiated schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7025000 Subchronic undifferentiated schizophrenia with acute exacerbations (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 300921000 Subclavian artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15258001 Subclavian steal syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234060006 Subclavian vein stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427970008 Subclinical hyperthyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54823002 Subclinical hypothyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78768009 Subconjunctival hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25147002 Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90099008 Subcortical leukoencephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17141001 Subcutaneous calcification (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23851004 Subcutaneous emphysema resulting from a procedure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126487009 Subcutaneous fat disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5309003 Subcutaneous hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46626002 Subcutaneous nodular fat necrosis in pancreatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95325000 Subcutaneous nodule (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33719002 Subcutaneous rheumatoid nodule (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52478002 Subdiaphragmatic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37660004 Subdural abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206188000 Subdural and cerebral hemorrhage due to birth trauma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95453001 Subdural hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195176009 Subdural hemorrhage - nontraumatic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35486000 Subdural hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14936004 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 29635000 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43262000 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45659008 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90165008 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52902005 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111677000 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound and prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) and without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 209958006 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7602002 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 26205001 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with brief loss of consciousness (less than one hour) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6666006 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with concussion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34135005 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63323000 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with moderate loss of consciousness (1-24 hours) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40135004 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87345009 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) AND return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70861009 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without open intracranial wound AND with prolonged loss of consciousness (more than 24 hours) without return to pre-existing conscious level (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192744002 Subdural intracranial abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46109009 Subendocardial ischemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13394002 Suberosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22668006 Subglottic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72249004 Subhepatic abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9295009 Subinvolution of breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62452009 Subjective tinnitus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78455002 Subjective visual disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263060007 Subluxation of ankle joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428770004 Subluxation of glenohumeral joint prosthesis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263031003 Subluxation of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65814009 Subluxation of lens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263059002 Subluxation of patellofemoral joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202974002 Subluxation of peroneal tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417109008 Subluxation of radial head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263051004 Subluxation of shoulder joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 263053001 Subluxation of wrist joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271614004 Submandibular salivary gland swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196500001 Submandibular sialolithiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43437003 Submucous cleft of hard palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95279007 Submucous leiomyoma of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427692005 Subperiosteal abscess of orbit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29026008 Subphrenic peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13937002 Subretinal hemorrhage (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23911001 Subretinal neovascularization (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194856005 Subsequent myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95280005 Subserous leiomyoma of uterus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66214007 Substance abuse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363314000 Substance-induced sleep disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66392007 Substernal goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 269219004 Subungual hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79471008 Sudden hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51178009 Sudden infant death syndrome (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15203004 Sudden visual loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267073005 Suicidal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425104003 Suicidal behavior (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6471006 Suicidal thoughts (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293032001 Sulfonamide adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23346002 Sunburn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200834004 Sunburn of second degree (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200835003 Sunburn of third degree (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262536007 Superficial abrasion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428167006 Superficial abrasion of skin of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211830006 Superficial burn of multiple sites of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211689002 Superficial burn of multiple sites of face head or neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431039004 Superficial foreign body in eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16772000 Superficial foreign body of ankle without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70873009 Superficial foreign body of ankle without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22596006 Superficial foreign body of elbow without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84485007 Superficial foreign body of elbow without major open wound but infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60012007 Superficial foreign body of face without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33628006 Superficial foreign body of face without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52877004 Superficial foreign body of finger without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26363007 Superficial foreign body of finger without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87711004 Superficial foreign body of foot without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62516008 Superficial foreign body of foot without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76348006 Superficial foreign body of forearm without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45452007 Superficial foreign body of forearm without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69531000 Superficial foreign body of hand without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111714009 Superficial foreign body of hand without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13145006 Superficial foreign body of hip without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39282007 Superficial foreign body of hip without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40295005 Superficial foreign body of leg without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34767000 Superficial foreign body of leg without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36229004 Superficial foreign body of neck without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59212007 Superficial foreign body of neck without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44669008 Superficial foreign body of scalp without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18080005 Superficial foreign body of scalp without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87843005 Superficial foreign body of shoulder without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76228002 Superficial foreign body of shoulder without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62908007 Superficial foreign body of thigh without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88524003 Superficial foreign body of toe without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18589000 Superficial foreign body of toe without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7394001 Superficial foreign body of trunk without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41428006 Superficial foreign body of trunk without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75500003 Superficial foreign body of upper arm without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55108002 Superficial foreign body of upper arm without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76127000 Superficial foreign body of wrist without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69872009 Superficial foreign body of wrist without major open wound but with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59565001 Superficial foreign body without major open wound AND without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87426001 Superficial foreign body without major open wound but with infection (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 211468002 Superficial injuries involving multiple body regions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7581004 Superficial injury of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62635000 Superficial injury of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211249002 Superficial injury of elbow and/or forearm and/or wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12250001 Superficial injury of elbow with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78598000 Superficial injury of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63943002 Superficial injury of eyelid AND/OR periocular area (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274193006 Superficial injury of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17415003 Superficial injury of finger with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211400007 Superficial injury of foot and toe(s) (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80691007 Superficial injury of foot with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40386004 Superficial injury of forearm without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283034002 Superficial injury of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62573007 Superficial injury of hand with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283025007 Superficial injury of head (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274197007 Superficial injury of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211393004 Superficial injury of lower limb infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 211186008 Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12345009 Superficial injury of trunk with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28388008 Superficial injury of trunk without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49897003 Superficial injury with infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25358000 Superficial injury without infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274201007 Superficial injury: eyelids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27019000 Superficial keratitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21549001 Superficial laceration of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128194008 Superficial peroneal nerve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428461003 Superficial peroneal nerve neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2477008 Superficial thrombophlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47780009 Superficial thrombophlebitis complicating pregnancy AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200226001 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy and the puerperium with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283023000 Superficial wound of body region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231903005 Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426301008 Superior oblique dysfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 246781001 Superior oblique myokymia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367534004 Supernumerary tooth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87294007 Supernumerary vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21316006 Supination-eversion injury of ankle stage 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18035009 Supination-eversion injury of ankle stage 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5965003 Supination-eversion injury of ankle stage 3 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30506002 Suppressed lactation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200442006 Suppressed lactation with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198425001 Suppression of menstruation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 372939007 Suppurative arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48573006 Suppurative lymphadenopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232390009 Suppurative sinusitis with complications (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430938004 Suppurative tenosynovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109427000 Supracristal ventricular septal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371035002 Supraglottic airway obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197163002 Supralevator abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66010009 Supranuclear paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298118004 Suprascapular nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399259009 Supraspinatus syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202841003 Supraspinatus tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63593006 Supraventricular premature beats (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6456007 Supraventricular tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426293000 Sural neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183644000 Surgical follow-up (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419774004 Surgically induced astigmatism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 407375002 Surgically transgendered transsexual (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237148002 Suspect fetal damage from maternal toxoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162596006 Suspected child abuse (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162571008 Suspected condition (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111446008 Suspected damage to fetus from disease in the mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7215001 Suspected damage to fetus from environmental toxin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39457009 Suspected damage to fetus from intrauterine contraceptive device (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 37611009 Suspected damage to fetus from maternal drug use (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5423000 Suspected damage to fetus from maternal toxoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29472004 Suspected damage to fetus from radiation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38741000 Suspected damage to fetus from viral disease in mother (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426525004 Sustained ventricular tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14448006 Swallowed foreign body (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30233002 Swallowing painful (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399122003 Swallowing problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23060008 Swan-neck deformity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186694006 Sweating fever (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300888008 Swelling of body region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300885006 Swelling of breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415692008 Swelling of first metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80068009 Swelling of limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300886007 Swelling of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298941006 Swelling of wrist joint (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60728008 Swollen abdomen (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90216006 Symblepharon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271721006 Symbolic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 282792003 Sympathetic nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75315001 Sympathetic uveitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 279053007 Sympathetically maintained pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 292479000 Sympathomimetic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267106000 Symptom of head and neck region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271804005 Symptom of skin and integumentary tissue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193246009 Symptomatic inflammatory myopathy associated with another disorder (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 55776008 Symptomatic torsion dystonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102497008 Symptoms of stress (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271594007 Syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309585006 Syncope and collapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 432524006 Syncope due to orthostatic hypotension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373413006 Syndactyly (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34048007 Syndactyly of fingers (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2560006 Syndactyly of fingers with fusion of bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32113001 Syndactyly of toes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38859008 Syndactyly of toes with fusion of bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111548007 Syndrome of diencephalo-hypophyseal origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55004003 Syndrome of inappropriate vasopressin secretion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13262009 Synechia vulvae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54685005 Synkinesis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240205003 Synovial cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427518000 Synovial cyst of lumbar spine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82675004 Synovial cyst of popliteal space (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427681009 Synovial cyst of sacrum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202574006 Synovial osteochondromatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240171001 Synovial plica of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302851001 Synovial sarcoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416209007 Synovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202900007 Synovitis and tenosynovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 287022006 Synovitis and/or tenosynovitis - ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239817004 Synovitis of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76272004 Syphilis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34242002 Syphilis in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61612001 Syphilitic aortic incompetence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82355002 Syphilitic aortic stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312934004 Syphilitic chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278480000 Syphilitic endocarditis of aortic valve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26594006 Syringobulbia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302828001 Syringoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111496009 Syringomyelia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91302008 Systemic infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238149007 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55464009 Systemic lupus erythematosus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68815009 Systemic lupus erythematosus glomerulonephritis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397016004 Systemic mast cell disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399314004 Systemic mycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201796004 Systemic onset juvenile chronic arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89155008 Systemic sclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46956008 Systemic vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371037005 Systolic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429457004 Systolic essential hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417996009 Systolic heart failure (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56218007 Systolic hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20623006 T & A liquid diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 316841006 Tabes dorsalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3424008 Tachycardia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74615001 Tachycardia-bradycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271823003 Tachypnea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66609003 Tactile hallucinations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7951001 Tailor's bunion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359789008 Takayasu's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398309008 Talipes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31668003 Talipes calcaneovalgus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30449003 Talipes calcaneovarus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397932003 Talipes equinovarus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79807003 Talipes valgus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83077003 Tall for age (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248328003 Tall stature (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248898004 Tampon in vagina (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58544000 Tanapox (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102449007 Tardive dyskinesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58497009 Tardy ulnar nerve palsy (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27173008 Tarsal coalitions (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47374004 Tarsal tunnel syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271801002 Taste sense altered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76226003 Tattoo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111385000 Tay-Sachs disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277575008 T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427642009 T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109978004 T-cell lymphoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46152009 Tear film insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302933001 Tear of lateral meniscus of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302932006 Tear of medial meniscus of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307139007 Tear of talofibular ligament (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8004003 Teething syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276328002 Telangiectasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247479008 Telangiectasia disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8214000 Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39479004 Telogen effluvium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225654005 Temperamental (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 400130008 Temporal arteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193000002 Temporal lobe epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10651001 Temporal lobectomy behavior syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426829004 Temporomandibular joint capsulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109660007 Temporomandibular joint disc displacement (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41888000 Temporomandibular joint disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298184008 Temporomandibular joint hypermobility (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298375002 Temporomandibular joint tender (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 109659002 Temporomandibular joint tenderness on palpation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386207004 Temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278998008 Tender scar (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301406006 Tenderness of central region (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301403003 Tenderness of epigastrium (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301405005 Tenderness of left hypochondrium (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301404009 Tenderness of right hypochondrium (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301410009 Tenderness of right iliac fossa (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34840004 Tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302938005 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the ankle region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239965002 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the elbow region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302939002 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the foot region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240000001 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the knee region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239973006 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the wrist AND/OR hand (disorder) (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 423226005 Tendinitis of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426218005 Tendinitis of flexor hallucis longus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423093000 Tendinitis of flexor tendon of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425772008 Tendinitis of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423417009 Tendinitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424010006 Tendinitis of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429360005 Tendinitis of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423810002 Tendinitis of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262971000 Tendon injury - hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274175005 Tendon injury - lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301453009 Tendon laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288217001 Tendon rupture - hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288216005 Tendon rupture - shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8976003 Tenonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67801009 Tenosynovitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423778009 Tenosynovitis of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398057008 Tension-type headache (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236817003 Teratozoospermia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66889002 Terminal esophageal web (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235709008 Terminal ileitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300936002 Terminal illness (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27971006 Terrien's marginal degeneration of cornea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312946000 Terson's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78200003 Tertiary hyperparathyroidism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52832001 Testicular feminization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29206004 Testicular hyperfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111551000 Testicular hypofunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68216000 Tetanic cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76902006 Tetanus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10629009 Tetany (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293056002 Tetracycline adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86299006 Tetralogy of Fallot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253513005 Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253512000 Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427296003 Thalamic infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277285005 Thalamic pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40108008 Thalassemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 441377000 Thallium stress test abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226077000 Therapeutic diets (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399357009 Thiamin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293454008 Thiazide diuretic adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 226213003 Thickened fluids diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17417006 Thickening of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240149006 Thigh - chronic osteomyelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78514002 Thigh pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236418003 Thin basement membrane disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 388980004 Third cranial nerve weakness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403192003 Third degree burn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44807006 Third degree burn of back of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36830004 Third degree burn of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 61455009 Third degree burn of face head AND/OR neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30044002 Third degree burn of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80271009 Third degree burn of forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9590000 Third degree burn of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10416004 Third degree burn of lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55473001 Third degree burn of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40261006 Third degree burn of neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49862000 Third degree burn of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74842002 Third degree burn of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59448007 Third degree burn of two OR more fingers including thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76867002 Third degree burn of upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26729007 Third degree burn of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6280008 Third degree burn of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4310000 Third degree burn of wrist AND/OR hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83366000 Third degree burns of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10217006 Third degree perineal laceration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199930000 Third degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63871009 Third degree uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47236005 Third stage hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427139004 Third trimester bleeding (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200016002 Third-stage postpartum hemorrhage with postnatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202796002 Thoracic and lumbosacral neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195258006 Thoracic aortic aneurysm which has ruptured (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74883004 Thoracic aortic aneurysm without rupture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1033009 Thoracic arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274162005 Thoracic back sprain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202734002 Thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298254008 Thoracic facet joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58856009 Thoracic neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128210009 Thoracic outlet syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2169001 Thoracic radiculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42452002 Thoracic radiculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417455002 Thoracic somatic dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203935000 Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202823006 Thoracic spine instability (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 387802007 Thoracic spondylosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10948005 Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267971005 Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233984007 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195265003 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm ruptured (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72992003 Thoracogenic scoliosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86917003 Thought broadcast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54048003 Threatened abortion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37486004 Threatened labor without delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4946002 Threatened premature labor (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199240009 Throid dysfunction in the puerperium - baby delivered during previous episode of care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52403007 Thromboangiitis obliterans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191322006 Thrombocytopenia due to drugs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30182008 Thrombocytopenia due to extracorporal circulation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307342006 Thrombocytopenia due to massive blood transfusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302215000 Thrombocytopenic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6631009 Thrombocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60989005 Thromboembolism of renal arteries (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 390910005 Thrombolysis contraindicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234467004 Thrombophilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64156001 Thrombophlebitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82388009 Thrombophlebitis following infusion perfusion AND/OR transfusion (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 31268005 Thrombophlebitis migrans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438646004 Thrombophlebitis of axillary vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69954004 Thrombophlebitis of breast (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192770001 Thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1748006 Thrombophlebitis of deep femoral vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95452006 Thrombophlebitis of deep veins of upper extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42861008 Thrombophlebitis of iliac vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46253008 Thrombophlebitis of lower extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438483005 Thrombophlebitis of subclavian vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40283005 Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95451004 Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of upper extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95450003 Thrombophlebitis of upper extremities (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26373009 Thrombosed external hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75955007 Thrombosed hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52931009 Thrombosed internal hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84272007 Thrombosis of abdominal aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90958004 Thrombosis of arteries of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31529002 Thrombosis of arteries of upper extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89980009 Thrombosis of cavernous venous sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44437005 Thrombosis of corpus cavernosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82453008 Thrombosis of iliac artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425420004 Thrombosis of internal carotid artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95446005 Thrombosis of mesenteric vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95448006 Thrombosis of pelvic vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76598006 Thrombosis of penile vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44902004 Thrombosis of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425932008 Thrombosis of posterior communicating artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15842009 Thrombosis of renal vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57692007 Thrombosis of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36826002 Thrombosis of seminal vesicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43108009 Thrombosis of spermatic cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438647008 Thrombosis of subclavian vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429434005 Thrombosis of superficial vein of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70607008 Thrombosis of superior sagittal sinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67962003 Thrombosis of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427776007 Thrombosis of the popliteal vein (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42878004 Thrombosis of thoracic aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43663004 Thrombosis of tunica vaginalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427184002 Thrombosis of ulnar artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54466000 Thrombosis of vas deferens (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309735004 Thrombosis of vein of lower limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312584000 Thrombosis of vein of trunk (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83938003 Thrombosis of vena cava (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77255002 Thrombotic infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126729006 Thrombotic microangiopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371040005 Thrombotic stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78129009 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24346005 Thrombus due to any device implant AND/OR graft (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299199000 Thumb joint painful on movement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55644006 Thumb sucking (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39462005 Thyroglossal duct cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293264001 Thyroid agent adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59136001 Thyroid disease in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274120003 Thyroid disease in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199237009 Thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199239007 Thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 276177000 Thyroid eye disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255034006 Thyroid follicular adenoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312399001 Thyroid function tests abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190305000 Thyroid hemorrhage and infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237495005 Thyroid nodule (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190308003 Thyroid-binding globulin abnormality (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237544006 Thyroid-binding globulin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82119001 Thyroiditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29028009 Thyrotoxic crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19885005 Thyrotoxic exophthalmos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90739004 Thyrotoxicosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89719007 Thyrotoxicosis without goiter OR other cause (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79353000 Tibia vara (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210883008 Tibial blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399076001 Tibial neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249785006 Tibial torsion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50127006 Tibialis tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386783003 Tic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 568005 Tic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95898004 Tick bite (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10301003 Tick-borne relapsing fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62012004 Tick-borne rickettsiosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30128009 Tietze's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23924001 Tight chest (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198006006 Tight foreskin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63765009 Tight hymenal ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399329002 Tinea barbae (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5441008 Tinea capitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 84849002 Tinea corporis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399029005 Tinea cruris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240699006 Tinea imbricata (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48971001 Tinea manus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186289000 Tinea nigra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6020002 Tinea pedis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 214600002 Tinea profunda (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274676007 Tingling of skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60862001 Tinnitus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191889006 Tobacco dependence in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89765005 Tobacco dependence syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191887008 Tobacco dependence continuous (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 110483000 Tobacco user (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66264000 Todd's paresis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277890004 Toe swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250018006 Toe-walking gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95794005 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421262002 Tongue swelling (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423575005 Tongue thrusting when swallowing abnormal persistence beyond early childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67787004 Tongue tie (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24225004 Tonic pupillary reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 352818000 Tonic-clonic epilepsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 306962003 Tonsil asymmetry (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424327005 Tonsillar actinomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90176007 Tonsillitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266413002 Tooth development and eruption disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234947003 Tooth disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234949000 Tooth eruption disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27355003 Toothache (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417895009 Topical agent adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403824007 Torr?-Muir syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427783000 Torsion of appendix of epididymis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198047009 Torsion of appendix of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69282001 Torsion of epididymis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46946009 Torsion of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13595002 Torsion of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49198006 Torsion of spermatic cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81996005 Torsion of testis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198308002 Torsion of the ovary ovarian pedicle or fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70070008 Torticollis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 390986009 Torus fracture of radius (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11625007 Torus mandibularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46752004 Torus palatinus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204130004 Total and subtotal congenital cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111323005 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392049002 Total central choroidal atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59753003 Total circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86266009 Total internal ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78097002 Total ophthalmoplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85522003 Total third nerve palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8656007 Total traumatic cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129853007 Total urinary incontinence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415734002 Toxic conjunctivitis due to drug (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267374005 Toxic diffuse goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190241003 Toxic diffuse goiter with no crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60216004 Toxic diffuse goiter with thyrotoxic crisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36465006 Toxic effect from eating berries AND/OR other plants (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67987005 Toxic effect from eating fish (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86505009 Toxic effect from eating mushrooms (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39451005 Toxic effect of acid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67426006 Toxic effect of alcohol (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50337007 Toxic effect of benzene AND/OR homologue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425873005 Toxic effect of benzine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25030001 Toxic effect of bite of venomous lizard (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17383000 Toxic effect of carbon monoxide (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71841008 Toxic effect of caustic substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78814009 Toxic effect of chiefly nonmedicinal substance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82782008 Toxic effect of ethyl alcohol (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63139000 Toxic effect of freon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57335002 Toxic effect of gas fumes AND/OR vapors (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111776002 Toxic effect of hydrocarbon gas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72446009 Toxic effect of inorganic lead compound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38342005 Toxic effect of lead compound (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41921008 Toxic effect of liquefied petroleum gas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67181005 Toxic effect of metal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53153002 Toxic effect of paraffin wax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86473001 Toxic effect of petroleum ether (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86772005 Toxic effect of petroleum product (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44400004 Toxic effect of venom (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192730008 Toxic encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28394000 Toxic encephalopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197018000 Toxic enterocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58767000 Toxic erythema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237498007 Toxic goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44115007 Toxic maculopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26389007 Toxic multinodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31993003 Toxic myocarditis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66952001 Toxic myopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236514003 Toxic nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17940001 Toxic neuromuscular junction disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57777000 Toxic nodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30985009 Toxic nodular goiter with thyrotoxic storm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26125006 Toxic optic neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45600000 Toxic polyneuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 217671006 Toxic reaction to hornets wasps and bees (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 217673009 Toxic reaction to wasp sting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18504008 Toxic shock syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73869005 Toxic uninodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187192000 Toxoplasmosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187194004 Toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10041001 Tracheal stenosis following tracheostomy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 13617004 Tracheobronchitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95435007 Tracheoesophageal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55448001 Tracheoesophageal fistula following tracheostomy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95434006 Tracheomalacia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68033004 Tracheostomy complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82872004 Tracheostomy hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25042006 Tracheostomy sepsis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2576002 Trachoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52812002 Trachoma active stage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34711008 Traction detachment of retina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7219007 Traction detachment with vitreoretinal organization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427419006 Transformed migraine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69281008 Transfusion hemosiderosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72284000 Transfusion reaction due to serum protein reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17796002 Transient acantholytic dermatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 433082007 Transient altered mental status (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87224000 Transient arterial retinal occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66191007 Transient arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201993002 Transient arthropathy of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83785004 Transient blindness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426814001 Transient cerebral ischemia due to atrial fibrillation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191990001 Transient childhood tic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234375006 Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230736007 Transient global amnesia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12979003 Transient heat fatigue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198965005 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198966006 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198967002 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - not delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237279007 Transient hypertension of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88714009 Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268652009 Transient insomnia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266257000 Transient ischemic attack (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194387002 Transient ischemic deafness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274662006 Transient limb paralysis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428703001 Transient organic mental disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81519008 Transient refractive change (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 255109008 Transitional cell carcinoma of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408642003 Transitional cell carcinoma of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300988009 Transitional cell carcinoma of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 370481004 Transitional vertebra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82368005 Transitory ileus of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111472004 Transitory neonatal endocrine AND/OR metabolic disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7550008 Transitory tachypnea of newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371045000 Translocation Down syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4296008 Transsexualism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7278005 Transsexualism previously heterosexual (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191785009 Transsexuality with heterosexual history (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191784008 Transsexuality with homosexual history (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 360428006 Transsphincteric anal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427151002 Transsphincteric anal horseshoe fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281517008 Transstyloid-scaphoid-perilunate fracture dislocation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3699000 Transverse deficiency of upper limb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73161006 Transverse lie (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199363002 Transverse lie with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16631009 Transverse myelopathy syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11914001 Transverse OR oblique presentation of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191780004 Transvestism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 266370006 Trauma and postoperative pulmonary insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267268007 Trauma to perineum and/or vulva during delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95857006 Traumatic amputation of arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95855003 Traumatic amputation of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43555005 Traumatic amputation of finger with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50248002 Traumatic amputation of finger without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262596005 Traumatic amputation of fingertip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95856002 Traumatic amputation of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210611002 Traumatic amputation of thumb (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35166005 Traumatic amputation of thumb AND/OR fingers of one hand with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78988004 Traumatic amputation of thumb AND/OR fingers of one hand without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87464004 Traumatic amputation of thumb with fingers of either hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37399000 Traumatic amputation of thumb with fingers of either hand without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20252004 Traumatic amputation of toe OR toes with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60004004 Traumatic amputation of toe OR toes without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210650003 Traumatic amputation above elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210642007 Traumatic amputation below elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417163006 Traumatic AND/OR non-traumatic injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41783004 Traumatic anosmia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32144005 Traumatic anuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234012008 Traumatic arteriovenous fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58188004 Traumatic arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201954006 Traumatic arthropathy of ankle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201944007 Traumatic arthropathy of elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201950002 Traumatic arthropathy of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201952005 Traumatic arthropathy of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201940003 Traumatic arthropathy of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201941004 Traumatic arthropathy of shoulder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201938008 Traumatic arthropathy of the ankle and/or foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201934005 Traumatic arthropathy of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201935006 Traumatic arthropathy of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201937003 Traumatic arthropathy of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201936007 Traumatic arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201933004 Traumatic arthropathy of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201946009 Traumatic arthropathy of wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283126006 Traumatic blister of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271188007 Traumatic blister of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271153007 Traumatic blister of shoulder and upper arm infected (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127295002 Traumatic brain injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127299008 Traumatic brain injury with brief loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127298000 Traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127300000 Traumatic brain injury with moderate loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127302008 Traumatic brain injury with no loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 127301001 Traumatic brain injury with prolonged loss of consciousness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2835000 Traumatic cardiac hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34361001 Traumatic cataract (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8135006 Traumatic closed dislocation of temporomandibular joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25940001 Traumatic cyst of jaw (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125622002 Traumatic dislocation of ankle joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125616006 Traumatic dislocation of clavicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125617002 Traumatic dislocation of elbow joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125621009 Traumatic dislocation of hip joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125619004 Traumatic dislocation of joint of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 125615005 Traumatic dislocation of shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41658006 Traumatic enucleation of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95567008 Traumatic hematuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44599007 Traumatic hemothorax without open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 231954005 Traumatic hyphema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 439022003 Traumatic injury due to assault (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419945001 Traumatic injury due to event (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1852004 Traumatic injury of abducens nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25604001 Traumatic injury of common peroneal nerve (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80499003 Traumatic injury of visual pathways (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64229006 Traumatic lesion during delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70917000 Traumatic myositis ossificans (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19241004 Traumatic open dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48233004 Traumatic optic nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50008003 Traumatic perforation of large intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64834002 Traumatic perforation of small intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262765004 Traumatic perilymph fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42434002 Traumatic pneumohemothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73477001 Traumatic pneumohemothorax with open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59190009 Traumatic pneumohemothorax without open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90070003 Traumatic pneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22897006 Traumatic pneumothorax with open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3903005 Traumatic pneumothorax without open wound into thorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262979003 Traumatic rupture of biceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428189005 Traumatic rupture of extensor tendon of finger (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415748002 Traumatic rupture of patellar tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428228008 Traumatic rupture of quadriceps tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43756009 Traumatic rupture of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415749005 Traumatic rupture of tendon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64169002 Traumatic shock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111232005 Traumatic spondylopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262954001 Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54288002 Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262951009 Traumatic subdural hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428220001 Traumatic tear of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238536008 Traumatic ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210750005 Traumatic unilateral amputation of foot with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210646005 Traumatic unilateral amputation below elbow with complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 86347007 Traumatic urethral stricture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11840006 Traveler's diarrhea (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82203000 Treacher Collins syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 183964008 Treatment not indicated (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26089000 Trematode infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26079004 Tremor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422383007 Tremor of palate (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234015005 Trench foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202333005 Triangular fibrocartilage tear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44427000 Trichiasis without entropion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254677004 Trichilemmal cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274898000 Trichoepithelioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276877003 Trichomonal vaginitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49894005 Trichomycosis axillaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17155009 Trichotillomania (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3752003 Trichuriasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20721001 Tricuspid valve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194989009 Tricuspid valve disorders non-rheumatic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253383003 Tricuspid valve prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111287006 Tricuspid valve regurgitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49915006 Tricuspid valve stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86014007 Trifascicular block (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253862000 Trifid kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59758007 Trifid pelvis of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64309007 Trigeminal nerve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31681005 Trigeminal neuralgia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239987006 Triggering of digit (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19604005 Triglyceride storage disease with ichthyosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74445007 Trigonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 123975002 Trimalleolar fracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237959005 Trimethylaminuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9753004 Triplegia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199321001 Triplet pregnancy - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64254006 Triplet pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199322008 Triplet pregnancy with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87866006 Trismus (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 270521004 Trisomy and partial trisomy of autosome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35111009 Trisomy X syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51886007 Tritan defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7674000 Trochanteric bursitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29210001 Trochanteric tendinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304838007 Trochlear nerve injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278484009 Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47384003 Tropical sprue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27696007 True knot of umbilical cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194802003 True posterior myocardial infarction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78940002 Trypanosomiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198621004 Tubal abortion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79586000 Tubal pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70143003 Tuberculoid leprosy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416265003 Tuberculoma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416903004 Tuberculoma of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56717001 Tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 185113005 Tuberculosis of adrenal glands (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 32268008 Tuberculosis of bladder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38279006 Tuberculosis of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17653001 Tuberculosis of bones AND/OR joints (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186178000 Tuberculosis of bronchus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10706006 Tuberculosis of central nervous system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186269001 Tuberculosis of ear (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83652003 Tuberculosis of epididymis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15284007 Tuberculosis of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49107007 Tuberculosis of eye (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74181004 Tuberculosis of female genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4445009 Tuberculosis of genitourinary system (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 14188007 Tuberculosis of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186225008 Tuberculosis of intestines peritoneum and mesenteric glands (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 78436002 Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 367488007 Tuberculosis of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44323002 Tuberculosis of kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17136009 Tuberculosis of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 203267007 Tuberculosis of limb bones (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186177005 Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186194007 Tuberculosis of lung confirmed by culture only (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186193001 Tuberculosis of lung confirmed by sputum microscopy with or without culture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186195008 Tuberculosis of lung confirmed histologically (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 240379005 Tuberculosis of male genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71375000 Tuberculosis of mastoid process (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58437007 Tuberculosis of meninges (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77038006 Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186182003 Tuberculosis of pleura (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28399005 Tuberculosis of spleen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8250007 Tuberculosis of subcutaneous cellular tissue (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26935004 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81359005 Tuberculosis of ureter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111830007 Tuberculosis of urinary organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35984006 Tuberculosis of vertebral column (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423997002 Tuberculosis extrapulmonary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186217006 Tuberculous abscess of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 417484006 Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 10893003 Tuberculous adenitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190710003 Tuberculous arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23022004 Tuberculous bronchiectasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62819009 Tuberculous cervicitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186220003 Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35585004 Tuberculous endometritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74610006 Tuberculous erythema nodosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90117007 Tuberculous fibrosis of lung (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70341005 Tuberculous laryngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186242002 Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44572005 Tuberculous peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186172004 Tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80003002 Tuberculous pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29731002 Tuberculous pneumothorax (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7199000 Tuberous sclerosis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238954002 Tuberous xanthoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58949002 Tubo-ovarian abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46536000 Tubo-ovarian inflammatory disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248814001 Tubular breast (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19265001 Tularemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 223003 Tumor of body of uterus affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22288000 Tumor of cervix affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254968009 Tumor of hypothalamus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235075007 Tumor of oral cavity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254464000 Tumor of submandibular gland (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267221002 Tumor of uterine body - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267222009 Tumor of uterine body - baby delivered with postpartum complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 267223004 Tumor of uterine body complicating antenatal care baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267219007 Tumor of uterine body in pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 198066009 Tunica vaginalis stricture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38804009 Turner syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 205688005 Turner's phenotype mosaicism 45 X; 46 XX or 45 X; 46 XY (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 90129003 Tussive syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199317008 Twin pregnancy - delivered (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 65147003 Twin pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199318003 Twin pregnancy with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169828005 Twins - both live born (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169830007 Twins - both stillborn (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169829002 Twins - one still and one live born (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194315002 Tympanic membrane attic perforation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23606001 Tympanosclerosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35100001 Tympanosclerosis involving tympanic membrane AND ear ossicles (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 35522004 Tympanosclerosis involving tympanic membrane only (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 401110002 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66071002 Type B viral hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190371008 Type I diabetes mellitus - poor control (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190369008 Type I diabetes mellitus with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314894004 Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190368000 Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 313435000 Type I diabetes mellitus without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233995001 Type I dissection of thoracic aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190392008 Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190390000 Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314904008 Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190389009 Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 233996000 Type II dissection of thoracic aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 4834000 Typhoid fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83838002 Typhus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 410056006 Tyrosinemia type I (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415764005 Tyrosinemia type III (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49325007 Ugly scar (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62469006 Ulcer of artery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301023008 Ulcer of calf (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198338008 Ulcer of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30811009 Ulcer of esophagus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95345008 Ulcer of foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427788009 Ulcer of genital labium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301022003 Ulcer of heel (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301024002 Ulcer of knee (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73375005 Ulcer of larynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95344007 Ulcer of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40752005 Ulcer of nasal septum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126666006 Ulcer of pharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54609002 Ulcer of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428194005 Ulcer of thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 301021005 Ulcer of toe (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55168004 Ulcerated external hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46516001 Ulcerated internal hemorrhoids (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85942002 Ulceration of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68640004 Ulceration of vulva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 91662004 Ulcerative blepharitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64766004 Ulcerative colitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 235714007 Ulcerative enterocolitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428193004 Ulcerative mucositis of cervix (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427786008 Ulcerative mucositis of vagina (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36669007 Ulcerative rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37722001 Ulceroglandular tularemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95589007 Ulcers of male genital organs (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 210839004 Ulnar blood vessel injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 277188003 Ulnar nerve entrapment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230631009 Ulnar nerve entrapment at elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193134004 Ulnar nerve entrapment at wrist (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95675005 Ulnar neuritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 359837005 Ulnar neuropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 169255008 Ultrasound scan abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48287005 Umbilical cord complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289311005 Umbilical cord tight around baby's neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200724002 Umbilical granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82986004 Umbilical hemorrhage after birth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 396347007 Umbilical hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67508005 Umbilical hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 330007004 Umbilical hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274758007 Umbilical mass (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424746008 Unable to communicate concern to community service provider (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225005002 Unable to control anger (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249873005 Unable to protrude tongue (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31648009 Unaggressive type unsocialized behavior disorder (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 423839002 Unavailable community resources (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249284009 Unaware of passing urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85561006 Uncomplicated alcohol withdrawal (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 418107008 Unconscious (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 305440000 Under care of bereavement counsellor (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236551009 Underdialysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237807003 Undervirilization (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248342006 Underweight (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204878001 Undescended testicle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 404168000 Undetermined cell histiocytosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422541001 Undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharynx (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254856004 Undifferentiated carcinoma of ovary (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239918008 Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 416956002 Undifferentiated inflammatory polyarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424954002 Undifferentiated large cell carcinomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111484002 Undifferentiated schizophrenia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39610001 Undifferentiated schizophrenia in remission (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18393005 Undifferentiated somatoform disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254020001 Unicoronal craniosynostosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204612005 Unilateral complete cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33543001 Unilateral congenital dislocation of hip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38897008 Unilateral femoral hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60016005 Unilateral femoral hernia without obstruction AND without gangrene (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 81585005 Unilateral hypoactive labyrinth (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204613000 Unilateral incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52278004 Unilateral inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31518001 Unilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55993003 Unilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425601005 Unilateral neural hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428105001 Unilateral obstruction of fallopian tube (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195842003 Unilateral partial vocal cord paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62232005 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90075008 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 1296007 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia without obstruction AND without gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62120000 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75584009 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18253009 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196839004 Unilateral recurrent irreducible femoral hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196811000 Unilateral recurrent irreducible inguinal hernia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424998002 Unilateral renal atrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 425980006 Unilateral sensory hearing loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7185004 Unilateral small kidney (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236450008 Unilateral small kidney without contralateral hypertrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20210009 Unilateral traumatic amputation at OR above elbow with complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 56330003 Unilateral traumatic amputation at OR above elbow without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51436006 Unilateral traumatic amputation below elbow without complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 7729001 Unilateral traumatic amputation of arm with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111690007 Unilateral traumatic amputation of arm without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86914005 Unilateral traumatic amputation of foot without complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 46508005 Unilateral traumatic amputation of leg at OR above knee with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88500006 Unilateral traumatic amputation of leg at OR above knee without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72375002 Unilateral traumatic amputation of leg below knee with complication (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 91559009 Unilateral traumatic amputation of leg below knee without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30459002 Unilateral traumatic amputation of leg with complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55618006 Unilateral traumatic amputation of leg without complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 429191006 Unilateral traumatic amputation of upper limb above elbow (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237569006 Uninodular goiter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2314005 Unprotected sexual intercourse (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422941005 Unsafe exercise area (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422766000 Unsafe play area (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 220000 Unspecified monoarthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 250102002 Unstable knee (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199344003 Unstable lie - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86356004 Unstable lie (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199345002 Unstable lie with antenatal problem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 394616008 Unsteady gait (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22631008 Unsteady when walking (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 408418009 Upper airway resistance syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48758008 Upper frequency deafness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37372002 Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 430349003 Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage associated with hypercoagulability state (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312375001 Upper limb arterial embolus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 297945000 Upper limb nerve lesion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54150009 Upper respiratory infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 196023007 Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemical fumes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 490008 Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422747000 Upper urinary tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 171258008 Up-to-date with immunizations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63567004 Uranostaphyloschisis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236495001 Urate nephropathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44730006 Uremia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17329003 Ureteric colic (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197816002 Ureteric fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31054009 Ureteric stone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1046004 Ureteritis glandularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12818004 Ureterocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37532005 Ureterovaginal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 204998005 Urethra and bladder neck atresia and stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 67277002 Urethral abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6929003 Urethral caruncle (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70795003 Urethral cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 9957009 Urethral discharge (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90531003 Urethral diverticulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74944002 Urethral false passage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249300001 Urethral finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 236698009 Urethral fistula to skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111412007 Urethral granuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 252026008 Urethral instability (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 76618002 Urethral stricture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 80375002 Urethral stricture due to infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31273004 Urethral syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426479005 Urethral wart (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31822004 Urethritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 179101003 Urethritis due to Chlamydia trachomatis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7350007 Urethrovesical fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87557004 Urge incontinence of urine (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75088002 Urgent desire to urinate (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 102865001 Uric acid crystalluria (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267441009 Uric acid urolithiasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70650003 Urinary bladder stone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49698005 Urinary complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 165232002 Urinary incontinence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42112009 Urinary incontinence of non-organic origin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 307534009 Urinary tract infection in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 68566005 Urinary tract infectious disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7163005 Urinary tract obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43633008 Urine peritonitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 167253007 Urine pregnancy test requested (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249294004 Urine stream interrupted (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35089004 Urogenital infection by Trichomonas vaginalis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 283879004 Urogenital injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371438008 Urolith (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371093006 Urosepsis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 126485001 Urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74774004 Urticaria due to cold (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 62211002 Urticaria due to heat (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89322006 Urticaria medicamentosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78745000 Urticaria pigmentosa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237213001 Uterine fibroid complicating antenatal care baby not yet delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 35746009 Uterine fibroids affecting pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 26158002 Uterine inertia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27215002 Uterine inversion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95315005 Uterine leiomyoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24976005 Uterine prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11597004 Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 18973006 Uterovaginal prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198268002 Uterovaginal prolapse incomplete (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41452004 Uterus acollis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38437003 Uterus arcuatus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 22504001 Uterus bilocularis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289618005 Uterus finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5364006 Uterus subseptus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1372004 Uterus unicornis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314033007 Uveitic glaucoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128473001 Uveitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392029006 Uveitis-hyphema-glaucoma syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86219005 Uveitis-rheumatoid arthritis syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 300932000 Uvulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 170536002 Vaccination required (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293104008 Vaccines adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111852003 Vaccinia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267240008 Vaginal abnormality - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267242000 Vaginal abnormality complicating antenatal care - baby not yet delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37956000 Vaginal adenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271939006 Vaginal discharge (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398061002 Vaginal enterocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271868006 Vaginal fluid abnormal (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53162000 Vaginal hematoma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 254894004 Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161816004 Vaginal irritation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289517005 Vaginal lesion (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38343000 Vaginal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 168358004 Vaginal swab culture positive (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 500000 Vaginal trichomoniasis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31066003 Vaginal ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237113009 Vaginal vault prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398022005 Vaginal wall prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30800001 Vaginitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79012001 Vaginospasm (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 42998008 Vagus nerve laryngeal paralysis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 310649002 Vancomycin resistant enterococcal septicemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12168009 Variation in hair color (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38907003 Varicella (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 314943007 Varicella contact (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371113008 Varicella immune (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230198004 Varicella transverse myelitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276504003 Varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51070004 Varicocele (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304026004 Varicose ulcer of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5626004 Varicose veins of legs complicating pregnancy AND/OR puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 200206000 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy and the puerperium - delivered (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 200208004 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy and the puerperium with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200209007 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy and the puerperium with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72866009 Varicose veins of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24366001 Varicose veins of lower extremity with inflammation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 304930004 Varicose veins of lower extremity with ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69352009 Varicose veins of lower extremity with ulcer AND inflammation (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 297713002 Varicose veins of lower extremity without ulcer AND without inflammation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90085009 Varicose veins of nasal septum with ulcer (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200215007 Varicose veins of perineum and vulva in pregnancy and the puerperium - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267282007 Varicose veins of perineum and vulva in pregnancy and the puerperium (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 200217004 Varicose veins of perineum and vulva in pregnancy and the puerperium with antenatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 200218009 Varicose veins of perineum and vulva in pregnancy and the puerperium with postnatal complication (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37139009 Varicose veins of vulva AND/OR perineum complicating pregnancy AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199895009 Vasa previa - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79668009 Vasa previa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74100001 Vascular abnormality of conjunctiva (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69973000 Vascular anomaly of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28104001 Vascular complication of medical care (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128052008 Vascular disease of abdomen (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11263005 Vascular disease of the skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 363340006 Vascular disorder of extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128321003 Vascular disorder of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 373408007 Vascular disorder of lower extremity (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 198029003 Vascular disorder of penis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371414009 Vascular disorder of scrotum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234195006 Vascular graft infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234194005 Vascular graft thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 69390003 Vascular hamartoma of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268284006 Vascular hamartomas (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128187005 Vascular headache (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 86341008 Vascular insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 82196007 Vascular insufficiency of intestine (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7870007 Vascular lesion of cord (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 29774004 Vascular myelopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 66403007 Vascular ring of aorta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128211008 Vascular thoracic outlet syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31996006 Vasculitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 293531002 Vasodilator adverse reaction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 77788005 Vasomotor acroparesthesia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8229003 Vasomotor rhinitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398665005 Vasovagal syncope (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 5940000 Vegetarian diet (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232416001 Velopharyngeal incompetence (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 431040002 Velopharyngeal incompetence due to cleft palate (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 278714002 Velopharyngeal insufficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27075004 Venereal disease in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 274118001 Venereal disease in pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 241930003 Venom-induced anaphylaxis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57718004 Venous complication in pregnancy AND/OR the puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234049002 Venous embolism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403968005 Venous hemangioma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428089008 Venous hemangioma of brain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234072000 Venous hypertension (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402843003 Venous lake (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234124003 Venous malformation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24596005 Venous retinal branch occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71897006 Venous stasis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111293003 Venous thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402863005 Venous ulcer of leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128060009 Venous varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 330982009 Ventral hernia with obstruction but no gangrene (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90539001 Ventricular aneurysm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44103008 Ventricular arrhythmia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 11157007 Ventricular bigeminy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43779005 Ventricular dysphonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 71908006 Ventricular fibrillation (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111288001 Ventricular flutter (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23276006 Ventricular hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428241007 Ventricular hemorrhage of fetus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17338001 Ventricular premature beats (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251175005 Ventricular premature complex (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30288003 Ventricular septal defect (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 253515003 Ventricular septal defect in Fallot's tetralogy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 25569003 Ventricular tachycardia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251158004 Ventricular tachycardia monomorphic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 251159007 Ventricular tachycardia polymorphic (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 371077002 Ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 318316003 Vernal conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39998009 Verner-Morrison syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63440008 Verruca plantaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 57019003 Verruca vulgaris (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27742002 Vertebral anomalies/dysgenesis anal atresia tracheo-esophageal fistula esophageal atresia renal anomalies radial dysplasia (VATER) association (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 230730001 Vertebral artery dissection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 43658003 Vertebral artery obstruction (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195182007 Vertebral artery occlusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90520006 Vertebral artery stenosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34781003 Vertebral artery syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64775002 Vertebral artery thrombosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195199008 Vertebrobasilar artery syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 232117003 Vertical dissociated gaze palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 20636006 Vertical heterophoria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87118001 Vertiginous syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399153001 Vertigo (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426788002 Vertigo as late effect of stroke (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 38403006 Vertigo of central origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 206180007 Very large baby - weight greater than 4500gm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237997005 Very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 268817004 Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28626004 Vesicocolic fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197811007 Vesicoureteric reflux (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89405008 Vesicovaginal fistula (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 402567004 Vesicular eczema of hands and/or feet (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79893008 Vesicular eruption (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422570005 Vesicular herpes simplex eyelid dermatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 264693006 Vestibular nerve disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 51247001 Vibratory urticaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 129675007 Victim in single vehicle accident (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 397940009 Victim of child abuse (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 419686005 Victim of infant/child neglect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95930005 Victim of neglect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225826001 Victim of sexual abuse (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202432004 Villonodular synovitis of multiple sites (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202430007 Villonodular synovitis of the ankle and foot (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202426009 Villonodular synovitis of the forearm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202427000 Villonodular synovitis of the hand (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202429002 Villonodular synovitis of the lower leg (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202428005 Villonodular synovitis of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202424007 Villonodular synovitis of the shoulder region (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202425008 Villonodular synovitis of the upper arm (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309084001 Villous adenoma of colon (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312823001 Villous adenoma of rectum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45261009 Viral conjunctivitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34014006 Viral disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31516002 Viral disease in mother complicating pregnancy childbirth AND/OR puerperium (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34476008 Viral encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415821008 Viral encephalitis transmitted by tick (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 78420004 Viral enteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 49882001 Viral exanthem (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 285344007 Viral gastritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111843007 Viral gastroenteritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24789006 Viral gastroenteritis due to Norwalk-like agents (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3738000 Viral hepatitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111879004 Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 424758008 Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma without hepatitis delta (disorder SNOMED-CT
0-L 26206000 Viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111891008 Viral hepatitis B without hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 50711007 Viral hepatitis C (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 186628001 Viral hepatitis C with coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40946000 Viral hepatitis with hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111896003 Viral hepatitis without hepatic coma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 40468003 Viral hepatitis type A (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 409711008 Viral labyrinthitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58170007 Viral meningitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 1532007 Viral pharyngitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 75570004 Viral pneumonia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 312133006 Viral respiratory infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 281794004 Viral upper respiratory tract infection (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 2528003 Viremia (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237749004 Virilization-adrenogenital syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 426898004 Virilized female due to gestational hyperandrogenism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17318002 Virilizing syndrome of adrenal origin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 438506002 Visceral abdominal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 87121004 Visceral larva migrans syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73645008 Visceral pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 187072009 Visceral paracoccidioidomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 73004004 Visceroptosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 271837007 Visible peristalsis (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 212142000 Visual cortex injury (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45339001 Visual deprivation nystagmus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 7751009 Visual discomfort (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63102001 Visual disturbance (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 12184005 Visual field defect (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23388006 Visual field scotoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64269007 Visual hallucinations (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 83551002 Visual halos (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193730000 Visual loss both eyes unqualified (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193754005 Visual loss one eye unqualified (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72000004 Vitamin A deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47903000 Vitamin B deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 386080007 Vitamin B6 deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 34713006 Vitamin D deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 85670002 Vitamin deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52675005 Vitamin K deficiency (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90036004 Vitelliform dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56727007 Vitiligo (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56347002 Vitiligo of pinta (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79556007 Vitreoretinal dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48142003 Vitreous abscess (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 60189009 Vitreous degeneration (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53772007 Vitreous detachment (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 15013002 Vitreous floaters (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 31341008 Vitreous hemorrhage (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427300002 Vitreous loss (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 45715008 Vitreous membranes (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3044008 Vitreous prolapse (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28167005 Vitreous strands (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 194156008 Vitreous syndrome following cataract surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95802009 Vitritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 27052006 Vivax malaria (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249444002 Vocal cord cyst (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 134290008 Vocal cord dysfunction (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302912005 Vocal cord palsy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 428240008 Vocal cord strain (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 193497004 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111247001 Volkmann's contracture (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 79812002 Volvulus of duodenum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 422400008 Vomiting (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 197130009 Vomiting after gastrointestinal tract surgery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48000002 Vomiting in newborn (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 90325002 Vomiting of pregnancy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 46659004 Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 128105004 von Willebrand disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 421040007 Vortex keratopathy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 72180004 Vossius' ring (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63835008 Voyeurism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 427333007 V-pattern esotropia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 415808001 V-pattern strabismus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267247006 Vulval abnormality - baby delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 199944006 Vulval and/or perineal hematoma during delivery - delivered (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 267269004 Vulval and/or perineal hematoma during delivery (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403480006 Vulval aphthosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276873004 Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276874005 Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 276875006 Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 161818003 Vulval irritation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 403948004 Vulval Paget's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 162145001 Vulval pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 48868008 Vulval varices (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 237109002 Vulval warts (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 30833006 Vulvar vestibulitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63144007 Vulvitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 238968009 Vulvodynia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 58635009 Vulvovaginal dryness (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 37488003 Vulvovaginal pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 53277000 Vulvovaginitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47434006 Waardenburg's syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 190818004 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111504002 Walker-Warburg congenital muscular dystrophy (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 228158008 Walking disability (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 3978000 Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 288517002 Wasting disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 95666008 Weakness of face muscles (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299471001 Weakness of foot (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299042006 Weakness of hand (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298248007 Weakness of joint movement (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 309774006 Weakness of limb (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 243175006 Weaning from mechanically assisted ventilation completed (situation) SNOMED-CT
0-L 24654003 Weber-Gubler syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 195353004 Wegener's granulomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 8943002 Weight gain finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89362005 Weight loss finding (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 64383006 Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 21007002 Wernicke's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 392662004 West Nile encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 28055006 West syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 47523006 Western equine encephalitis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 56018004 Wheezing (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 39848009 Whiplash injury to neck (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 41545003 Whipple's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 54097007 White blood cell disorder (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247564004 White forelock (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 35586003 White piedra (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 289552002 White vaginal discharge (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 405843009 Widespread metastatic malignant neoplastic disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160657003 Will donate cornea (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63247009 Williams syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88518009 Wilson's disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 17211005 Winged scapula (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 201025002 Winter itch (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 36070007 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 74390002 Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 160905000 Work maladjustment problem (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 192000006 Work shift change (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 81302005 Worried well (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 398530003 Wound botulism (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225553008 Wound dehiscence (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239164002 Wound discharge (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239165001 Wound granuloma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239160006 Wound hematoma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 225540005 Wound inflammation (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 111689003 Wound of ocular adnexa (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 262526004 Wound of skin (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 275461003 Wound of toenail (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239159001 Wound seroma (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 248194004 Wrinkled face (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 247434009 Wrinkled skin (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298945002 Wrist joint deformity (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202375006 Wrist joint effusion (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 298164009 Wrist joint inflamed (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 202482009 Wrist joint pain (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 299015005 Wrist joint unstable (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 239778009 Wrist pyogenic arthritis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 249916005 Wrist stiff (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59349003 Wristdrop (finding) SNOMED-CT
0-L 191744004 Writer's cramp neurosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 420688000 X pattern strabismus (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 189099001 Xanthogranuloma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 6400008 Xanthoma of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 63103006 Xanthomatosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 52475004 Xeroderma (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 55846006 Xeroderma of eyelid (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 44600005 Xeroderma pigmentosum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 89874002 Xiphoidalgia syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 234416002 X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 70647001 Yaws (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 33245007 Yaws of bone (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 19192002 Yaws of joint (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 302126000 Yellow atrophy of the liver (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 16541001 Yellow fever (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 88469006 Zellweger syndrome (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 399291005 Zenker's diverticulum (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 23002003 Zoonotic bacterial disease (disorder) SNOMED-CT
0-L 59277005 Zygomycosis (disorder) SNOMED-CT
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors komen in het attribuut @nullFlavor in plaats van in @code.
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