DECOR-informatie voor project: Labuitwisseling (lu-)

Problemen en waarschuwingen die zijn gevonden bij het samenstellen van de runtimeomgeving

info Gebruikte waardelijsten die niet kunnen worden gevonden

info Info: Alle gerefereerde waardelijsten zijn gevonden.

info Aangeroepen templates welke niet zijn gevonden of welke leeg zijn

info Info: Alle ingevoegde templates hebben een bijbehorend niet-leeg template.

info Ontbrekende identificatie-omschrijvingen

info Info: Er zijn geen ontbrekende omschrijvingen in de aanduidingen.

info Lijst met wijzigingsvoorstellen binnen templatedefinities

info Info: Er zijn geen problemen gedocumenteerd in de templates.

info Duplicaat-key id's in dataconcepten

info Info: Er zijn geen duplicaat-id's binnen de dataconcepten.

info Gebruikte datatypes en datatypevarianten

Datatype / variant gedefinieerd gebruikt
AD ja 23x
  AD.NL ja 3x
ADXP ja 3x
ANY ja 2x
AUI ja 2x
BL ja 5x
CCD ja 1x
CD ja 21x
CE ja 374x
CNE ja 6x
CNN ja 1x
CP ja 14x
CQ ja 22x
CR ja 3x
CS ja 23x
CV ja 7x
CWE ja 95x
CX ja 43x
DDI ja 1x
DLD ja 3x
DLN ja 3x
DR ja 8x
DT ja 48x
DTM ja 1x
DTN ja 1x
ED ja 1x
EI ja 66x
EIP ja 14x
ELD ja 1x
ENXP ja 12x
ERL ja 1x
FC ja 4x
FN ja 2x
FT ja 3x
GTS ja 1x
HD ja 26x
ICD ja 1x
ID ja 243x
II ja 84x
  II.NL.AGB ja 2x
  II.NL.BIG ja 1x
  II.NL.BSN ja 2x
  II.NL.URA ja 4x
  II.NL.UZI ja 4x
INT ja 3x
IS ja 248x
IVL_PQ ja 2x
IVL_TS ja 23x
JCC ja 3x
MO ja 3x
MOC ja 4x
MOP ja 3x
MSG ja 3x
NA ja 2x
NDL ja 16x
NM ja 139x
ON ja 4x
OSD ja 1x
PL ja 22x
PLN ja 1x
PN ja 10x
  PN.NL ja 2x
PQ ja 3x
PRL ja 4x
PT ja 3x
PTA ja 1x
RI ja 1x
RMC ja 1x
RPT ja 2x
RTO ja 2x
SAD ja 2x
SC ja 7x
  SD.TEXT ja 2x
SI ja 55x
SN ja 6x
SPS ja 5x
ST ja 289x
TEL ja 22x
TM ja 2x
TQ ja 9x
TS ja 208x
TX ja 11x
VID ja 3x
XAD ja 22x
XCN ja 82x
XON ja 19x
XPN ja 28x
XTN ja 36x
cs ja 142x
set_cs ja 10x
st ja 4x
uid ja 40x
url ja 2x
varies ja 12x

info Referentie naar id's zonder overeenkomstige id

info Info: Er zijn geen referenties naar id's zonder overeenkomstige id-omschrijving.

info Conceptverwijzingen in scenariotransacties waarvoor geen overeenkomstig datasetconcept in de brondataset bestaat

info Info: Alle conceptverwijzingen in aan transacties gekoppelde templates zijn gevonden in de brondataset

info Gebruikte labels die niet kunnen worden gevonden

info Info: Alle gebruikte labels zijn gedefinieerd.

info Transformatieproces Info(s) 41 - Error(s) 5 - Warning(s) 8

INFO : *** Started 2019-02-20T12:00:19.699+01:00
INFO : *** Reading DECOR Parameter File
Parameter switchCreateSchematron: true
Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWrapperIncludes: false
Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWarningsOnOpen: true
Parameter switchCreateSchematronClosed: false
Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithExplicitIncludes: true
Parameter switchCreateDocHTML: true
Parameter switchCreateDocSVG: true
Parameter switchCreateDocDocbook: false
Parameter switchCreateDocPDF:
Parameter useLocalAssets: true
Parameter useLocalLogos: true
Parameter inDevelopment: false
Parameter defaultLanguage: nl-NL
Parameter switchCreateDatatypeChecks: true
Parameter useCustomLogo: true
Parameter useCustomLogoSRC:
Parameter useCustomLogoHREF:
Parameter createDefaultInstancesForRepresentingTemplates: true
Parameter artdecordeeplinkprefix:
Parameter bindingBehavior: valueSets freeze
Parameter logLevel: INFO
Parameter switchCreateTreeTableHtml: true
INFO : *** Creating Schematrons Based On Scenario Transaction Representing Templates
INFO : *** Overall Benchmarking Indicator: 2675
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883. 2017-12-31T00:00:00 in rule SpecimenCollectionHCIM: 2017-10-16T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:methodCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883. 2017-12-31T00:00:00 in rule SpecimenCollectionHCIM: 2017-10-16T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883. 2017-12-31T00:00:00 in rule SpecimenCollectionHCIM: 2017-10-16T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '118168003' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883. 2017-12-31T00:00:00 in rule SpecimenCollectionHCIM: 2017-10-16T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode = 'PRD'][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883. 2017-12-31T00:00:00 in rule SpecimenCollectionHCIM: 2017-10-16T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode = 'SBJ'][hl7:participantRole[@classCode = 'CONT']]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
INFO : *** Creating Terminology Files
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Notificatie resultaten': 3836 (recursions) 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Verzenden aanvraaguitbesteding': 11236 (recursions) 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Technische bevestiging aanvraaguitbesteding': 164 (recursions) 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Verzenden aanvraagbevestiging': 2483 (recursions) 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Technische bevestiging aanvraagbevestiging': 164 (recursions) 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Verzenden resultaat uitbesteding': 6459 (recursions) 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Technisch bevestiging laboratoriumresultaten': 164 (recursions) 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Lab2zorg laboratoriumresultaten': 0
INFO : Included templates: 0
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Lab2zorg laboratoriumresultaten': 395
INFO : Included templates: 27
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-11-30T10:00:13' name 'ACK_Lab' displayName 'Lab ACK - Acknowledgement Message'.
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-11-30T10:00:13' name 'ACK_Lab' displayName 'Lab ACK - Acknowledgement Message'.
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-11-30T10:00:13' name 'ACK_Lab' displayName 'Lab ACK - Acknowledgement Message'.
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-12-03T09:17:01' name 'ORL_O22_Lab2Lab' displayName 'Lab2Lab Aanvraagbevestigingbericht (ORL^O22)'.
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-11-30T10:00:13' name 'ACK_Lab' displayName 'Lab ACK - Acknowledgement Message'.
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-12-03T09:17:01' name 'ORL_O22_Lab2Lab' displayName 'Lab2Lab Aanvraagbevestigingbericht (ORL^O22)'.
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-11-30T10:00:13' name 'ACK_Lab' displayName 'Lab ACK - Acknowledgement Message'.
WARN : +++ Encountered a representingTemplate that we could not determine the root element for. This leads to an incomplete instance2schematron.xml. This in turn may lead to validation problems. TEMPLATE id='2.16.840.1.113883.' effectiveDate '2018-11-30T10:00:13' name 'ACK_Lab' displayName 'Lab ACK - Acknowledgement Message'.
INFO : *** Creating Schematron mapping file
INFO : *** Creating Documentation html + svg
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Front Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Project Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Data Sets Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Scenarios Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Identifiers Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Terminology Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Rules/Templates Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Issues Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Compilation Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Legal Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For V2 Implementation Guides (2 scenarios) + svg
*** WARNING Missing value set(s) for concept "Eenheid" with id "2.16.840.1.113883." and value domain of type code
*** WARNING Missing value set(s) for concept "Eenheid" with id "2.16.840.1.113883." and value domain of type code
*** WARNING Missing value set(s) for concept "Eenheid" with id "2.16.840.1.113883." and value domain of type code
*** WARNING Missing value set(s) for concept "Eenheid" with id "2.16.840.1.113883." and value domain of type code
*** WARNING Missing value set(s) for concept "Eenheid" with id "2.16.840.1.113883." and value domain of type code
INFO : *** Creating V2 Conformance Profiles and Tables for 2 scenarios
INFO : *** Creating default instances for representing templates
INFO : *** Finished
INFO : *** Total Processing Time 365562ms - 0h 6m 5s

Datasets, codes, OID's en Regels: deze informatie wordt gebruikt voor weergave- en validatiedoeleinden.