This entry allows for a comment to be supplied with each entry. For CDA this structure
is usually included in the target act using the <entryRelationship> element defined
in the CDA Schema, but can also be used in the <component> element when the comment
appears within an <organizer>. The example below shows recording a comment for an
<entry>, and is used as context for the following sections. For HL7 Version 3 Messages,
this relationship is represented with the element <sourceOf>, although the remainder
of the typecodes and semantics are unchanged.
Any condition or allergy may be the subject of a comment.
Changes in version 2022-03-30T00:00:00:
Updated: text/reference is now conditionally mandatory. You cannot reference anywhere
unless you are in a CDA
CDA entry level template
Open (ook andere dan gedefinieerde elementen zijn toegestaan)
not(ancestor::hl7:section) or hl7:reference[not(@nullFlavor)]
Als dit template onder een CDA section staat, dan MOET de inhoud van dit element in
section/text staan en MOET reference/@value de verwijzing naar deze inhoud zijn.