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deprecated Waardelijst vs_procedureindication Procedure Indication 2014‑02‑02

Waardelijst-naam Waardelijst-id Versie / ingangsdatum Status
vs_procedureindication 2.16.840.1.113883. 2014‑02‑02 Verouderd
Bron codesysteem:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 Snomed CT
Niveau/ Type Code Weergavenaam Codesysteem Omschrijving
0-L 444783004:246513007=884001 Screening colonoscopy (procedure) - Revision status (attribute) = Initial (qualifier value) Snomed CT
0-L 444783004:246513007=134433005 Screening colonoscopy (procedure) - Revision status (attribute) = Subsequent revision (qualifier value) Snomed CT
0-L 43364001 Abdominal discomfort (finding) Snomed CT
0-L 12063002 Rectal hemorrhage (disorder) Snomed CT
0-L 35240004 Iron deficiency (disorder) Snomed CT
0-L 167669009 Fecal occult blood: positive (finding) Snomed CT
0-L 236071009 Chronic diarrhea (disorder) Snomed CT
0-L 88111009 Altered bowel function (finding) Snomed CT
0-L 225419007:408730004=429047008 Surveillance - Procedure context (attribute) = History of adenomatous polyp of colon (situation) Snomed CT
0-L 225419007:408730004=429699009 Surveillance - Procedure context (attribute) = History of malignant neoplasm of colon (situation) Snomed CT
0-L 225419007:408730004=608844008 Surveillance - Procedure context (attribute) = History of inflammatory bowel disease (situation) Snomed CT
0-L 24526004 Inflammatory bowel disease (disorder) Snomed CT
0-L 429969003 Family history of polyp of colon (situation) Snomed CT
0-L 1421000119104 Family history of colorectal cancer (situation) Snomed CT
0-L 160381001:246090004=315058005 Family history: Gastrointestinal disease (situation) - Associated finding (attribute) = Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (disorder) Snomed CT
0-L 160381001 Family history: Gastrointestinal disease (situation) Snomed CT
0-L 119523007 Disorder of large intestine (disorder) Snomed CT
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors komen in het attribuut @nullFlavor in plaats van in @code.
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Andere versies van deze waardelijst
  • vs_procedureindication 2015‑03‑27
  • vs_procedureindication 2015‑03‑24
  • vs_procedureindication 2014‑04‑25
  • vs_procedureindication 2014‑02‑21
  • vs_procedureindication 2013‑10‑20
  • vs_procedureindication 2013‑10‑16