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retired Template  Specimen Microscopic Observation

Template 2.16.840.1.113883. - SpecimenMicroscopicObservation
Id 2.16.840.1.113883.
Classificatie CDA entry level template
Context Parent nodes van template element met id 2.16.840.1.113883.
Versie geldig vanaf 2012‑04‑10 status Obsoleet

Er zijn versies van templates met dit id:
  • SpecimenMicroscopicObservation van 2014‑01‑11
  • SpecimenMicroscopicObservation van 2012‑04‑10
Open/gesloten Open (ook andere dan gedefinieerde elementen zijn toegestaan)
Omschrijving en-US The Microscopic Observation section contains optionally the histopathologic findings of the case and many laboratories use this section to record the results of histochemical and immunohistochemical stains.
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Gebruikt door / Gebruikt 17 templates
Gebruikt Template-id als Naam Versie
2.16.840.1.113883. Inclusie SpecimenReference DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Dysplasia DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Diametermaterial DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Primaireafwijking DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Histopathologyinterpretation DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Macroscopicspecimenobservable DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Histologicalgrade DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Tumorextentofinvasion DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Haggittlevel DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Kikuchilevel DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Statusofvascularinvasionbytumor DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Tumormarginstatus DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Distanceoftumorfrommargin DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Histologictype DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Rapidlyproliferatingcellmarker DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment Numberofmitoticfigurespersquaremillimeter DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883. Containment TNMcolonandrectumneuroendocrinetumorstaging DYNAMISCH
Voorbeeld <organizer classCode="CLUSTER" moodCode="EVN">
  <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
  <code code="22635-7" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" displayName="Microscopie"/>
  <statusCode code="completed"/>
  <specimen typeCode="SPC">
    <specimenRole classCode="SPEC">
      <id extension="sp-674321221-21328-1" root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
  <component typeCode="COMP">
    <organizer classCode="BATTERY" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root=""/>
      <statusCode code="completed"/>
      <component typeCode="COMP"/>
Item DT Card Conf Omschrijving Label
treetree @classCode
1 .. 1 F CLUSTER
treetree @moodCode
1 .. 1 F EVN
treetree hl7:templateId
II 1 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treetree @root
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.
treetree hl7:code
CE 1 .. 1 M (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treetree @code
1 .. 1 F 22635-7
treeblank treetree @codeSystem
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 (LOINC)
treetree hl7:statusCode
CS 1 .. 1 M (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treetree @code
1 .. 1 F completed
Ingevoegd van 2.16.840.1.113883. Specimen Reference (DYNAMISCH) ..1
treetree hl7:specimen
 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F SPC
treeblank treetree hl7:specimenRole
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
1 .. 1 F SPEC
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
1 .. 1 M monster identificatie (uniek potje nummer), alleen referentie (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treetree hl7:component
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Voorbeeld <organizer classCode="BATTERY" moodCode="EVN">
  <templateId root=""/>
  <statusCode code="completed"/>
treeblank treetree hl7:organizer
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
1 .. 1 F CLUSTER
treeblank treeblank treetree @moodCode
1 .. 1 F EVN
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
II 1 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @root
1 .. 1 F
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
CS 1 .. 1 M (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @code
1 .. 1 F completed
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Dysplasia (DYNAMISCH)
  Variabele let Naam lepcode
  Waarde //hl7:observation[hl7:code[@code='371441004']]/hl7:value/@code
  Variabele let Naam displcode
  Waarde //hl7:observation[hl7:code[@code='399391008']]/hl7:value/@code
  Schematron assert role red error
  test string-length($lepcode)=0 or $lepcode!='72495009' or string-length($displcode)=0
  Melding SpecimenMicroscopicObservation: Displaysiegraad n.v.t. als vastgestelde laesie poliep = mucineus adenocarcinoom
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Diameter materiaal (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Primaire afwijking (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Histopathology interpretation (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Macroscopic specimen observable (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Histological grade (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Tumor extent of invasion (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Haggitt level (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Kikuchi level (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Status of vascular invasion by tumor (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Tumor margin status (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Distance of tumor from margin (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Histologic type (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Rapidly proliferating cell marker (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. Number of mitotic figures per square millimeter (DYNAMISCH)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:observation [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
0 .. 1 (SpecimenMicroscopicObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F COMP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @contextConductionInd
1 .. 1 F true
  Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883. TNM colon and rectum neuroendocrine tumor staging (DYNAMISCH)