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ref Template  NTE - Notes and Comments

Id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.80
(van repository: ad4bbr-)
Geldigheid geldig vanaf 2013‑02‑10
Status active Actief Versielabel
Naam NTE_segment Weergavenaam NTE - Notes and Comments

The NTE segment is defined here for inclusion in messages defined in other chapters. It is commonly used for sending notes and comments.

The technical committees define the meaning of the NTE segments within the context of the messages in their chapters. For each NTE, the description in the message attribute table should include an indication of the segment associated with the NTE, for example "Notes and Comments for the PID".

Classificatie HL7v2 segment level template
Open/gesloten Open (ook andere dan gedefinieerde elementen zijn toegestaan)
Gebruikt door / Gebruikt
Gebruikt door 0 transacties en 0 templates, Gebruikt 4 templates
Gebruikt als Naam Versie
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.88 Containment active SI - Sequence ID DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.83 Containment active ID - Coded value for HL7 defined tables DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.27 Containment active FT - Formatted text DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.5 Containment active CE - Coded element DYNAMISCH
Item DT Card Conf Omschrijving Label
SI 0 … 1
en-US This field may be used where multiple NTE segments are included in a message. Their numbering must be described in the application message definition.

Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.88 SI - Sequence ID (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F 96
0 … 1 F SI
0 … 1 F Set ID - NTE
ID 0 … 1
en-US This field is used when source of comment must be identified. This table may be extended locally during implementation. Refer to HL7 Table 0105 - Source of comment for valid values.

Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.83 ID - Coded value for HL7 defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F 97
0 … 1 F ID
0 … 1 F HL70105
0 … 1 F Source of Comment
FT 0 … *

This field contains the comment contained in the segment.

Note: As of v2.2, this field uses the FT rather than a TX data type. Since there is no difference between an FT data type without any embedded formatting commands, and a TX data type, this change is compatible with the previous version

Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.27 FT - Formatted text (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F 98
0 … 1 F FT
0 … 1 F Comment
CE 0 … 1

This field contains a value to identify the type of comment text being sent in the specific comment record. Refer to User-Defined Table 0364 - Comment Type for suggested values.

Note: A field already exists on the NTE record that identifies the Sources of Comment (e.g., ancillary, placer, other). However some applications need to support other types of comment text (e.g., instructions, reason, remarks, etc.). A separate NTE segment can be used for each type of comment (e.g., instructions are on one NTE and remarks on another NTE).

Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.5 CE - Coded element (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F 1318
0 … 1 F CE
0 … 1 F HL70364
0 … 1 F Comment Type