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active Template  RI - Repeat interval

Id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.54
Ingangsdatum 2013‑02‑10
Status active Actief Versielabel
Naam RI_datatype Weergavenaam RI - Repeat interval

Bevat het interval tussen herhalende services.

NB: De lezer wordt verwezen naar het datatype RPT, dat een uitgebreider framework voor het definiëren van herhalende tijdintervallen bevat.

Classificatie HL7v2/v3 datatype level template
Open/gesloten Open (ook andere dan gedefinieerde elementen zijn toegestaan)
Gebruikt door / Gebruikt
Gebruikt door 0 transacties en 12 templates, Gebruikt 2 templates
Gebruikt door als Naam Versie
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.63 Containment active TQ - Timing/quantity 2013‑02‑10
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab OBR segment (resultaat) 2015‑07‑21 17:18:50
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab Resultaatbericht (OUL^R22) 2016‑05‑31
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2PublicHealth OBR segment 2015‑07‑21 17:18:50
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2PublicHealth Resultaatbericht (OUL^R22) 2016‑05‑31
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab OBR segment (aanvraag) 2015‑07‑21 17:18:50
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab Aanvraagbericht (OML^O21) 2015‑07‑21 11:35:02
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab2Lab Aanvraagbevestigingbericht (ORL^O22) 2018‑12‑03 09:17:01
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Lab ORC segment (algemeen) 2015‑07‑21 17:20:57
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.59 link active INV - Inventory Detail 2013‑02‑10
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.81 link active OBR - Observation Request 2013‑02‑10
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.13.92 link active ORC - Common Order 2013‑02‑10
Gebruikt als Naam Versie
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 Containment active IS - Coded value for user-defined tables DYNAMISCH
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.89 Containment active ST - String DYNAMISCH
2nd component of quantity/timing field
Item DT Card Conf Omschrijving Label
IS 0 … 1 en-US

The repeating frequency with which the treatment is to be administered. It is similar to the frequency and SIG code tables used in order entry systems.

Refer to User-defined Table 0335 - Repeat pattern for suggested values.

The first component may repeat, with repeat values separated by a space. The repeats are interpreted as connected by logical ANDs.


Twice per day, every other day: BID QOD

Three times per day, Monday Wednesday and Friday: TID QJ135

Because of this syntax, repeat values should never contain blanks.

Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.84 IS - Coded value for user-defined tables (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F IS
0 … 1 F HL70335
0 … 1 F Repeat Pattern
ST 0 … 1 en-US This component explicitly lists the actual times referenced by the code in the first component, in the following format: HHMM,HHMM,HHMM,.… This second component will be used to clarify the first component in cases where the actual times vary within an institution. If the time of the order spans more than a single day, this new component is only practical if the same times of administration occur for each day of the order. If the actual start time of the order (as given by the fourth component of the quantity/timing field) is after the first explicit time, the first administration is taken to be the first explicit time after the start time. In the case where the patient moves to a location having a different set of explicit times, the existing order may be updated with a new quantity/timing field showing the changed explicit times.
Bevat 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.15.89 ST - String (DYNAMISCH)
0 … 1 F ST
0 … 1 F Explicit Time Interval